We are fast approaching the end of the 16 year Pluto in Capricorn cycle this year and next. As we move farther into the sign, the intensity and harshness of the messages increase. Pluto in Capricorn has been about unearthing the abuse of the patriarchy and our role in supporting or being burdened by hierarchy. For those will heavy cardinal sign placements in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the last decade and a half has brought tremendous upheaval and loss. And this has extended out into the world as Capricorn deals with "reality" and the systems that uphold society.

Capricorn is The Devil card in tarot. Amongst its many meanings, the one I feel is most relevant is the idea of "what owns me". What do I attach myself to willingly because I think it may help me pragmatically or allow me to achieve my (usually material) aims? This is the corporate job with the corner office and big title and salary but in a role or field that one hates. It is deciding to play the game even if it hurts others in your life. It is choosing the head and its machinations over the heart.

We can see how such corruption of decent values has been entombed in institutions, governments, religious organizations, finance, the military where "the ends justify the means". To heck with how many people are sacrificed or hurt in the process.

And even if we dance with the devil as we would within any mafia organization - think the military, the medical industrial complex, politics - we are bound to fall from grace at some moment in time and be kicked to the curb.

The multitude of world leaders of a neoliberal sort have now sold their souls to the WEF whose goal is to create a centralized unelected bureaucratic world government where democracy will take a back seat to corporate or political or military interests. This is the essence of fascism and it exists in all countries and states who bow down to multinationals while disregarding or overtly destroying the needs of the citizenry. And yes, cartoon dictators and oligarchs are no better but they make no pretense of being a "democracy" unlike the U.S., Canada, Australia, the UK who appear to morally care about human rights in their countries and abroad while committing atrocities in freedom's name.

But dictators are the outward abusers who have come into power through force and magnetism and while much occurs through subterfuge, in many instances the populace is a willing accomplice. This is especially true in Western nations where people cheered for crackdowns and lockdowns, their own imprisonment, in the last 2 years of covid hysteria.

Things are not what they seem and it behooves us to understand the dynamics of power and to withdraw our fascination with forcefulness and sham exceptionalism. While somewhat in the rear view mirror, the created trauma and fallout of January 2020's Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the guise of the covid pandemic will be here to stay. All the subsequent destruction was the result of a fearful narrative which served the goal of greater centralization of global power.

Many will not wake up from the nightmare of complicity and self-annihilation at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry while others will realize their sold their souls and their health for a false promise of biological and emotional security. Those who failed to get on board were punished with loss of job, money, title, community support and ostracization of all kinds. And the good germans in our midst cheered and berated from the sidelines.

Where does our power lie? How to deal with the abuser? How to incorporate the need for action and self expression in a healthy and positive way? That was and still is the journey of Pluto in Capricorn which for Americans will be experienced through the U.S. Pluto return. Will we bring back true democracy to this country or will we live in a facsimile with less and less agency and freedom? That is our choice to make and the two party duopoly does not want you to wake up to the Punch and Judy show of designated villains, whether they be Joe Manchin, Mitch McConnell, Vladimir Putin. Not that these particular men are not despicable, but they are playing a role and the handsome devils of Trudeau, Macron, Arden, Newsom are also revealing their true colors and they are not ones of liberty, but rather of fascism to a globalist world view.

So what owns you? With the exception of those we love, the answer lies in what you are most afraid of losing. So if it's money, a reputation, status, security, social approval, you may decide to get in bed with the devil.

To relinquish the goals of power and money through aligning with the abuser can seem like a lot to ask and most of us do not choose that willingly. But right not, it may possibly be the only way we can change the trajectory of self-annihilation that we are on.

The old world of masters and slaves is dying. What do we want to build instead that is worthy of our nature as divine beings?

Jupiter in Pisces inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius April 6th
yes and no

When Jupiter moves into Aries mid-March, there will be no doubt regarding what we want and we will have the balls to ask for it. In the meantime, with Jupiter in Pisces in a dance with Saturn in Aquarius, we might tentatively flow in one direction, only to feel blocked or restricted. In this instance, Saturn is asking us to get more clarity or find a more suitable path forward, i.e. be adaptable. So don't stop with the first no, even if frustrated as the beginnings you are dreaming up will blossom later.

Hold the sense of possibility even when there is slight resistance here:

ARIES - you sense divine help even when old friends say no

TAURUS - you can expect a different future even if work seems stymied at the moment

GEMINI - you can imagine a new job despite shade from those elsewhere

CANCER - an opening to a new relationship while still dealing with the consequences of the old one

LEO - you know things will get better with your partner even though they may be having a hard time

VIRGO - there is love around the corner even if drudgery now seems to be the name of the game

LIBRA - you can see a new path forward even if you're experiencing a creative block

SCORPIO - there are new creative opportunities even if
home life has been tiring

SAGITTARIUS - you feel lucky moving even if the current situation is a drag

CAPRICORN - you feel inspiration coming back after a period of limited opportunity

AQUARIUS - you can hope for more money even if you are somewhat depressed at the moment

PISCES - you know things always get better after a period of doubt and isolation

Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces April 12th
magic in the air

In the midst of destructive and transformative forces is a powerful experience of divine inspiration. The few weeks approaching and leaving the rare Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th portend long range changes in perception, creativity, spirituality, community and the arts.

The rarity of an aspect increases it's importance. The last time Jupiter and Neptune conjoined in any sign was 2009 and in Pisces, it was 1856. Many seminal figures were born that year including Sigmund Freud and Nikola Tesla. Similarly, great advances in spirituality, "urban design" i.e Central Park and the arts occurred. What can we create in this new iteration of expansion of consciousness?

Depending on your sign, you can find inspiration here:

ARIES - your personal intersection with the collective unconscious

TAURUS - there's a new vision for your future, your new tribe

GEMINI - how to be the master creator in your own life

CANCER - literal or figurative travel calls your soul

LEO - an opportunity for deep intimacy with your partner

VIRGO - you can dream the perfect other into existence

LIBRA - insight into deeper healing

SCORPIO - an opening of the heart

SAGITTARIUS - the awareness of where home is

CAPRICORN - discovering a new line of communication

AQUARIUS - creative talents that will bring you money

PISCES - a true sense of connection to the all

Keep your inner lens clear as Neptune can confuse or delude us. But this will only happen if we are seeking to escape reality or evade responsibility. If centered, this trip to transcendence will allow us all the chance to bring heaven back to earth!

Mercury Uranus in Taurus April 18th
tangible breakthrough

We oftentimes think of Taurus energy as slow and deliberate and in many cases we are thankful for such consistency. However, we can over time feel locked into ways of thinking or behaving that no longer fit us. Since Uranus has been in Taurus, many fixed sign individuals (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) have been experiencing changes of heart and mind, if not entire lifestyles. And all of us can make sudden turnarounds in our Taurus house. This month, when Uranus wakes up Mercury in Taurus, you may receive a brainstorming idea here:

ARIES - in how you have been selling yourself

TAURUS - in the way you have been presenting yourself

GEMINI - in the way that low self esteem has affected your self image

CANCER - in the way you've communicated online

LEO - in how you've seen your career

VIRGO - in how you limited your vision

LIBRA - in your lack of faith in others

SCORPIO - in your control of relationships

SAGITTARIUS - in how you've taken care of your health

CAPRICORN - in how you've approached romance

AQUARIUS - in where you have felt or not felt at home

PISCES - in how your thinking has stood in the way of success

Pluto station retrograde in Capricorn 4/30/22
relinquishing the ego's hold

I've spoken above about the long-range changes being instigated by Pluto in Capricorn - deconstruction of hierarchy, patriarchy, corporatism, nationalism. At the regular Pluto stations in April and October, we are forced to address major changes/breakdowns in our lives. Yet, as Plutonian energies are highly charged and oftentimes emotionally devastating, we can find ourselves loathe to address what must die in our lives. (to be reborn into something new).

As Pluto represents the abuser (inner or outer), we tend to avoid confrontation with this darker force. However, in addressing power imbalances or abuses, we can grow into greater strength and integrity of character.

On cue, Pluto retrograding on the 30th (along with a double whammy solar eclipse) will bring us in contact with where your fears of punishing authority are holding you back.

ARIES - in becoming your own boss

TAURUS - in opening up your world view

GEMINI - in sustaining healthy partnerships

CANCER - in maintaining status quo unequal paternalistic relationships

LEO - in carving out your own work life

VIRGO - in chasing after what you desire

LIBRA - in standing up to your mother

SCORPIO - in speaking your truth

SAGITTARIUS - in earning what you deserve

CAPRICORN - in accepting your natural leadership abilities

AQUARIUS - in believing that you will be ostracized for being different

PISCES - in expecting to be rejected by your peers

Taurus solar eclipse 4/30/22
solid new beginnings

We will all be propelled into new terrain by end of month due to the powerful transits of a solar eclipse coupled with the intensity of the Pluto station. If we have properly dealt with our fears and distortions, we can seize the moment of opportunity under duress. Despite the possible wreckage that can occur (primarily only for those with late degrees in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra), we are also gifted the opportunity to build solid new foundations in this area of life:

ARIES - creation of wealth

TAURUS - a new you

GEMINI - release from fears and addictions, renewed faith in the universe

CANCER - finding your tribe

LEO- tangible career advances

VIRGO - expansion of your world

LIBRA - new sexual connections

SCORPIO- a serious partner

SAGITTARIUS - improved health

CAPRICORN - creative endeavors

AQUARIUS - in your family life/home

PISCES - in local community

The conjunction of Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces this month gives us a rare opportunity to envision a new story for our lives and our respective communities, nations and the world. But it's not all fairytales and unicorns as Neptune in Pisces has been active (since 2011) as a negative force as well, confusing if not outright propagating empire serving agendas. And because the world is in such disarray and trauma, we are likely to shrink away from confrontation and seek safety, even if it is bogus or tinged with compromise. For instance, UBI is a credible and desirable tool, but if it is only made available through the abandonment of personal freedoms and elimination of employment opportunities, it will be a diseased gift horse of totalitarian overreach.

Pluto in Capricorn in this last year if imploring us to look and see who the real villains are - and because of Neptunian illusions, they are not likely to be the ones that we are told to hate. Pluto is about projection so if you want to know who is in charge, find the source that cannot be questioned. One of the gifts of a sovereign being is the ability to judge for oneself and to note and question the consensus narrative.

And the center of knowing is the heart, not the mind. The mind, just like much of media, entertainment, pr is there to confuse, enervate, diffuse our life force energy. Psychologists have sold their souls to tech and media companies so that now we can be triggered and corralled at will - and we think that programmed thoughts are our own.

The dreams of the future are just that if they are not implemented and hence while we can capture the vision this month, we will have to take action in the months ahead. Disable your abuser (your internal and external authority figure), find your courage and step into the full flowering of your being. The time is nigh as the potential to become our full selves may be coopted by governmental and corporate actors who only have their profits and power in mind.

Many of us know we are swimming in a sea of lies (narrative control) and yet we can change the inner reaction anytime we want. It just takes discernment and healing of personal triggers.

If we can fly above the conventional noise and storyline, we can find a greater sense of connection with the divine and our own essence and this is when we become fully human and free of outside coercion.