It will be a volatile month, one where literal or figurative earthquakes will erupt, seemingly out of nowhere. I say seemingly because tensions have been brewing for some time and now we are at a breaking point concerning important issues that have been denied or held at bay.

Additionally, ongoing financial, resource and supply chain issues could intensify. This is due to the exact conjunction of Mars (activation), Uranus (chaos) and the North Node (destiny) in Taurus (the sign of earth and values). While none of this may be welcome, it is necessary. For too long an outdated and ineffective system (predatory capitalism) has been in place and short term expedient decisions on the part of lawmakers and financial institutions have led to untenable long term consequences. We must now reset the table, but not in the manner the elite would want.

There are ways to improve food distribution, primarily through regenerative and local markets. Similarly, the monetary system could be decentralized, which is the intention of crypto currencies, but as long as powerful institutions want to block its potential, it may not bring the positive changes bitcoin fanatics proselytize about.

Taurus is our values and we have become so disconnected from true wealth - nature and our connection to source - that we have traded it for the sham substitutes of consumerism, status, greed.

And mother earth is crying out for us to stop this madness. Climate change is barreling down on us and one of the manifestations of the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction may be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and more scorched earth phenomena.

But as one system/reality collapses, another can be brought into existence through conscious visioning. Taurus is also beauty, the divine feminine, the quiet knowing of our marriage with earth and sky. Perhaps and hopefully the disruptions coming down the pike and accelerating as the year ensues, will prompt us to take a different course away from inhumane systems of value toward ones of divine commingling.

Mars Uranus and North Node in Taurus Aug 1st + 2nd
explosive encounters

Where might we experience a sudden change in circumstances or ideology?

ARIES - our finances and understanding of our abilities

TAURUS - our perception of our worth

GEMINI - our inner connection to god or lack thereof

CANCER - our future goals may no longer be feasible or desired

LEO - our professional status

VIRGO - our sense of possibility or ability to gain knowledge

LIBRA - our intimate or financial partnerships

SCORPIO - the nature of our significant relationships

SAGITTARIUS - our health or lifestyle practices

CAPRICORN - our creative sensibilities

AQUARIUS - the stability of our home or residence

PISCES - the nature of our thoughts

The next few weeks will be a period of surprises, both positive and negative. And even if our personalities are not comfortable with change, our souls are craving this disruption and opportunity for liberation. As we live in a world of impermanence, let us welcome the opportunity to extricate ourselves from the constricted past. As we reconnect with what truly has value we may usher in a world where beauty and connection take center stage.

Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius Aug 8th
frustration of desires

The masculine energies struggle with dominance while the feminine energies are soothing and nurturing. Stubborn and enduring Mars in Taurus will be battling with authoritarian Saturn in Aquarius on August 8th whereby "the people" may continue to rise up against the various governments. Concurrently, Venus in Cancer will trining Neptune in Pisces suggesting that the receptive nurturing principle is birthing a new dream for humanity.

Each of us will experience these divergent energies in different ways.

When it comes to David vs. Goliath struggles, this may be the area of focus for you:

ARIES - your new ideas may be struck down by social media critics

TAURUS - your need for new challenges is met with resistance by a restrictive boss

GEMINI - you may have difficulties expressing your anger as it goes against your spiritual teachings

CANCER - future goals butt up against the expectations of your lover

LEO - you would like to pursue a different career option but your partner is obstinate about maintaining the status quo

VIRGO - a desire to travel may be hampered by work obligations

LIBRA - financial risk taking upsets a lover

SCORPIO - it could be that your partner needs some space but the current home situation (or parental figure) prevents it

SAGITTARIUS - you'd like to attempt a new routine but your own doubts intervene

CAPRICORN - you've discovered a new creative outlet but financial considerations blunt its undertaking

AQUARIUS - could you actually move or do you stop yourself?

PISCES - you might want to rage in public but guilt fear of reprisal prevents it

Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Aug 8th
dreams of unity and caring

Harmonious aspects counterbalance (slightly with awareness) the negative clashing ones. While the men are fighting, the women are imagining a different future into existence. We may have to tear down the establishment, but without a vision for a better world, all that results is chaos and destruction. While the break down forces will be stronger all month long (and for the foreseeable future), we can still revitalize ourselves with loving tender kindness and a sense of our spiritual and human potential.

What beatific vision can carry you through these treacherous times?

ARIES - the realization that your true home is with god

TAURUS - the belief in the sanctity of community

GEMINI - the understanding that we all have unique skills to contribute to humanity

CANCER - the awareness that you and your spirituality are one

LEO - the sense that god has your back no matter what and he is oftentimes represented in the face of the other

VIRGO - the knowledge that you will find your tribe

LIBRA - that as long as your work is of service, you will be fulfilled (and compensated)

SCORPIO - the reality that creativity is spirituality

SAGITTARIUS - the acceptance that all relationships can heal

CAPRICORN - the relinquishment of control leads you to emotional happiness

AQUARIUS - the understanding that right work is the key to life

PISCES - the grasping that I am another you - we are all aspects of each other

ego and selflessness

At this time of year, the sky presents us with many different archetypes, particularly represented through the personal planets.

To varying degrees, we will experience the energy of Leo and Virgo throughout this month and next. These two side by side signs are very different. However, they share one broad theme in common - that of ego. For Leo, there is the tendency to be overly invested in ego, hence the narcissistic label. For Virgo, there may be a underplay of ego to the exact that I am nobody.

Most people sharing these birth signs will also generally have some planets in the other neighboring sign so this imbalance will be evident in many different situations. This is not punishment from the universe, simply a chance to be in more alignment with self.

As the houses are progressive in development, we can notice that if we process the lessons in one area of life it will positively impact the succeeding houses. For all of us, the development of a healthy ego will allow us to better serve the world.

Based on your sun or rising sign, you may see these issues play out here: (feeling solid in the first leads to success in the second)

ARIES - how you feel about yourself will affect your work life

TAURUS - the more secure you are, the more creative you are (and vice versa)

GEMINI - learning how to express yourself properly will allow you to feel more grounded and secure

CANCER - in understanding your abilities, you will be able to share them with the world around you (or teach others)

LEO - being aware of one's divine essence, one can share their talents with others

VIRGO - knowing that god is our ultimate connection lessens the blow of feeling we are here on our own, with divine security we can just do the work

LIBRA - if you're clear about your goals, the universe will have your back

SCORPIO - some level of professional competence allows you to help inspire others

SAGITTARIUS - if one is secure in one's faith, they will move forward in changing the world

CAPRICORN - with the emotional support of others, you can tackle life's bigger issues

AQUARIUS - sharing your true self with others brings solid rewards and fruitful collaboration

PISCES - knowing what you are here to do attracts many other helpers

Mars into Gemini
who's telling the truth?

The universe is presenting us with a crash course in all the signs and one that will be a long review is Mars in Gemini. The planet of action moves into Gemini on and thanks to a 2 1/2 month retrograde starting end of October, will stay in the sign of binary thinking until Jan 12th. This will give us a long period to experience the highs and lows of dualistic thinking.

Mars in Gemini may give us the (potentially false) courage to speak our minds. It is up to us if our words will be weapons or will they be wands.

Gemini, the twins, can also show ambiguity, splitting of ego, mental chatter and the possibility of multiple options.

Where might we find that we are split in two over the coming months?

ARIES - changing ideas, what do I think about specific concepts?

TAURUS - how to make money?

GEMINI - who am I?

CANCER - do I have faith in the unseen world?

LEO - who is my friend?

VIRGO - what kind of work should I be doing?

LIBRA - which philosophy to adhere to?

SCORPIO - a choice between lovers

SAGITTARIUS - who to trust, communicating or fighting with young people?

CAPRICORN - do I like my job?

AQUARIUS - what do I really love?

PISCES - where is my rightful home?

Uranus retrograde in Taurus Aug 25th
unexpected reevaluations

Uranus stations always coincide with breakups, breakdowns, breakthroughs. One's level of flexibility will determine whether this is painful or not. If we are unwilling to let the changes happen, they will break us. But if we are open to the surprises the universe is sending our way, then we can manage the volatility with less stress.

And while yes, divorces - from people, jobs, projects - are common, it is only because the situation has gone on too long without evolution or has run its course. Additionally, we can divorce an old concept of self, rigid ideologies or outmoded goals.

So if you would like to experience this regularly occurring transit (with most events generally happening in Aug or January), be ready to "jump the shark" when the waves of liberation come your way here:

ARIES - financial matters

TAURUS - crystallized self image

GEMINI - fears of lack, addictions

CANCER - your reliance on others

LEO - your professional direction

VIRGO - your spiritual world view

LIBRA - your collaborative or financial partnerships

SCORPIO - the course of your significant relationship

SAGITTARIUS - your lifestyle and health

CAPRICORN - your creative projects, children

AQUARIUS - your residence

PISCES - your mental constructs, siblings

To reiterate, the shock and awe of the Uranus station brings to a head rapid and necessary change in at least one area of life. We are meant to grow and change and when we've been resistant or in denial, external forces must well up to "encourage" an acceleration or separation. In the end, it is liberatory and we will find that what we lost - person, worldview, situation - was no longer commensurate with our evolution.

This is true on the larger world stage as well. Uranus in Taurus is asking us to rethink the importance of money, the value of natural resources, the nature of stability, the quality of the environment. It is important that we break away from stagnant, deleterious or unproductive matters and set out on a new course. While crypto is presented as the answer to financial liberation, it may still be controlled by a predatory power system and may be turned into another type of surveillance prison where every interaction is logged (or potentially blocked) on the blockchain.

New systems must be born out of changing ideologies and evolving consciousness so like the internet that promised individual freedom and a leveling of the playing field, once in the hands of dominant forces, it simply became another tool of oppression/suppression. So the freedom we all need to encounter is that of liberation from the old system of dominance/submission and this includes our willingness to participate or support the abuser. When we are free to determine our own self-worth (Taurus), then we are less reliant on receiving praise or approval from others. Then we have our mental and emotional sovereignty and, in knowing our actual worth as creators, we can start to organize a system that is supportive of our individuality rather than suppressing our genius.