The very volatile energy of Mars opposing Pluto early in January led to the worst fires in LA history.  The fact that the nodes were on the world axis brought this story to the world's attention.  While there are varying storylines and vectors of blame, the underlying nihilism and sense of inevitability (even though mitigation forces could have been employed) leads to a sense of disempowerment or victimhood. The obvious players were unbelievably inept in such a manner as to consider malice and sabotage over pure incompetence.  Like covid, this will take months and years to untangle the real truth.

The personal planets - Sun and Mercury will be travelling through Pisces as they always do this time of year and they will meet up with this last degree of Pisces over the ensuing months.  These tiny connections along with Saturn in Pisces trying to bring concretization to the lies, will reveal missing pieces to the plotline and force courageous people to wake up to what is happening to us and our planet.

While the chatter or diatribes about the LA fires are focusing on dereliction of duties and rightly so, there is beginning a swelling up of recognition that this was not accidental, but intentional as has also been enacted in Maui, Florida, North Carolina as it previously was in Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan (destruction of foliage with Agent Orange or created drought). 

Whether exchanged in online musings or hushed private conversations, many people understand that these were not simply mother nature or "climate change" but rather a weaponized weather event intended to cause economic destruction. Yes, some issues are mechanical (for plausible deniability) like inadequate forest management, diversion or shutting off of the water supply, fire resources sent elsewhere.  But similar to Lahaina, Paradise, Florida, North Carolina - and soon to a county near you - these events are engineered to cause the fear, trauma, displacement and economic ruin. 

On another note, there is also greater anti-Muslim sentiment returning a la 9/11, and in some horrendous cases, it is justifiable.  General anti-immigration sentiment is more related to Mars in Cancer, security and kinship. Assimilation is key for a country to maintain it's integrity.  We're all from immigrant stock and while we may retain some customs, we would all say we are Americans first, nationality or religious identity second.  We don't need a war in the Middle East (the goal of manufactured consent here) but rather a more rational and functional immigration policy.

In a related vein, while those affected by natural disasters endure the worst when it comes to housing loss, many many people now are experiencing housing precarity, if not outright homelessness. Mars in Cancer retro may increase the feeling of insecurity and the need for some stability.  And while there are current events, we may in many cases, relive childhood experiences where love, safety or comfort were lacking.  The U.S. is a Cancer nation and we have the ability to house and feed every citizen but we chose not to.  

Lastly, Trump's inauguration and subsequent executive orders point to a decimation of the woke agenda - with the exception of one area where liberals applaud - science - and conservatives condemn - lack of medical freedom.  The biggest terrifying to all development is the speech by Larry Ellison where he gleefully talks about AI surveillance and mrna cancer vaccines.  If we haven't learned from the covid agenda how dark and dangerous this is, then we are sheep willingly walking to our execution. Pluto in Aquarius is the madness of technology and this is one such example that should chill us to the bone as it will decimate our biology and hence our future as natural human beings.

Mars  still retro in Cancer direct Feb 24th at 17 degrees
Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces first two weeks in Feb
attacks on our personal security

The catastrophic Los Angeles fires, the uncharacteristic snow and ice storms in the southeast, people displaced and still living in tents in South Carolina and motels in Florida, all point to the need for adequate and affordable housing.   In Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, shelter is a foremost one and without it,  it is hard for a person to function, never mind evolve in a healthy way.

We may all be feeling more sentimental and security conscious these remaining weeks of the Mars retrograde.  Others may be mourning what has been and no longer is.  We all carry memories of childhood or towns/cities/countries that impacted us in positive and powerful ways and in many cases, see that those locations (or time periods0 no longer carry that energy or charm.  We are becoming a third world country where, even if not officially homeless, many people are living with great housing precarity.

Can we find it within ourselves to build stronger communities starting with necessary housing and access to resources?

Cancer also speaks to our food and nourishment and with the rise of MAHA, a disparate coalition including health food advocates, alternative practitioners and farmers, there is greater awareness concerning our dysfunctional and harmful medical incentives, our poisoned food system and polluted air, water and soil.

With Saturn in a trine aspect to Mars in Cancer the first two weeks of the month and Mars turning direct on the 24th,  perhaps some solid real world solutions can be proposed and eventually enacted.

Where do you feel the need to ground your need for safety, security and home? What are the most important elements of home now activated in you at this time?

ARIES - your actual housing situation, where do you belong?  can you take care of yourself?

TAURUS - who is your tribe?  are you nurtured by your friendships?

GEMINI - are you making enough money, can you advance in your career

CANCER - do you feel confident to ask for what you want?  can you take care of your own emotional needs?

LEO - do your fears overtake or paralyze you?  in your case, can be more a residue of childhood or the past

VIRGO - do you feel your goals line up with your peers?  do your friendships feels solid and safe?

LIBRA - despite the economy, do you feel that you will always have a job or can work?

SCORPIO - do you think the grass is greener somewhere else?  what thinking has you seeking somewhere else?

SAGITTARIUS - can you trust your partners financially?

CAPRICORN - do you feel as if your partner has your back or are they always depending on you alone to handle things?

AQUARIUS - are you overly concerned or alternatively dismissive about your health? what are you doing to take care of you?

PISCES - what kind of art and beauty do you need around you to survive spiritually or emotionally?

And while the outer circumstances of home and family are crucially necessary, the first home we encounter (outside of our mother) is our own body.  Do we feel at home with ourselves, in our own skins or are we at war (Mars) with ourselves?  Do we "nurture" ourselves with unhealthy or dysfunction behaviors, and specifically in the case of Cancer, food issues of all sorts?

And Cancer is also the mother with a small or capital M.  What is our relationship with our biological mother and what is our relationship with Mother Earth?  Our modern way of life does not seem to respect or replenish the gifts of nature and our insane fixation on technology divorced from material concerns has made us all sick in some way.  Perhaps we can begin the road back to health and deep satisfaction by merging back with nature. If not, the transhumanist agenda of mechanized man will destroy not only ourselves but the remainder of biological life on earth.

Jupiter direct in Gemini Feb 4th at 11 degrees
let's look into this further

Jupiter in Gemini is a chatterbox but when retrograde less likely to be spitting out words and spilling thoughts on to the page.

Yet, once the planet turns direct, the spigot is turned back on and there will be a cacophony of voices and opinions and in commercial arenas, tons of sales pitches.

Jupiter in Gemini can also negatively talk out of both sides of their mouth so we should be suspect of people who are too slick in their offerings and advances.

But for those who are less predatory, Jupiter in Gemini brings us greater confidence and energy to forge connections and make our voices heard.  It's a great time for writing and networking and teaching and learning.

Where can we utilize the positive nature of Jupiter in Gemini to best effect?

ARIES - in writing proposals, connecting to friends and neighbors

TAURUS - to rewriting your resume, develop the confidence to ask for the salary or payment you deserve

GEMINI - your quick wit and nimbleness now is useful in
moving energy and ideas around

CANCER - you can clear the air (and psyche) or negative regressive thought patterns

LEO - this is a great time to use social media for your professional exposure

VIRGO - now might be the time to ask for a promotion or raise

LIBRA - if you'd like to go back to school or take a course, this is a great time

SCORPIO - a good period to clear up your finances, research new investments

SAGITTARIUS - you have more opportunities to meet romantic or professional interests

CAPRICORN - a good time to instigate new protocols at work (or in your lifestyle), consider trying new modalities all around

AQUARIUS - you probably have a million new artistic ideas (or your child does) so worthwhile testing them out

PISCES - if you're looking to move house - or buy or sell, region dependent) - this is generally a great time for you

Venus into Aries Feb 5th
(we will experience a retrograde here in March and April)
let's get the ball rolling

With many of the planets in water (Mars, Neptune and soon all the personal planets), a healthy counterbalance is the entrance of Venus into fiery Aries on Feb 5th.  She will become even more important this cycle as she will retrograde from March to April, alongside a Mercury retro in Aries.

So once Mars turns direct in Cancer, the energy will explode with new ideas, desires, courage and drive.

Venus in Aries is the initiator, the warrioress, the woman with chutzpah.  She wants to clear the air and make things happen, even if impetuously or erratically.  She is also represented as a pioneering young woman, entrepreneur, activist, trailblazer.

Where will you feel a strong desire to make rapid change?

We all get a shot of adrenaline in this area of life:

ARIES - you forge ahead with a new self-directive

TAURUS - you decide you're no longer feeling sorry for yourself

GEMINI - you may chose to serve as an activist or ambassador for a cause

CANCER - you make waves at work, attempt to implement a new project, even if alone in your certainty of it's outcome

LEO -  if possible, you'd love to travel or take a course

VIRGO - you want to implement new financial investments or spice up your love life

LIBRA - an enterprising woman comes into your life, possibly a new business partner

SCORPIO - you may choose to try some unconventional job or health modality

SAGITTARIUS - you're struck with creative inspiration

CAPRICORN - you may pay more attention to home matters

AQUARIUS - you feel more confident sharing novel ideas with friends

PISCES - you brainstorm ways to make more money

Sun, Mercury and Ceres into Pisces through the month
swimming in a sea of lies and possibilities

As we begin the wrap up of Neptune in Pisces (2011 - 2026), we will notice every increasing confusion, depression, fantasy, illusion, deception and escapism. Conversely, out of this muddle will arise a new vision, dream, inspiration for the coming years.

We will have ample opportunity to continue to awaken from our own lies and delusions as the world falls into deeper realms of (temporary) despair.  

While mild in comparison, the personal planets traveling through Pisces provide opportunities to wake up and recognize where we are not grounded in our thinking and behavior.

We will all have to "snap out of it" by next year when we leave the victimy watery realm of Neptune in Pisces for good.

Where are we most likely to fall under the spell of the transiting Pisces planets?

ARIES - in our subconscious realm, in dreamtime

TAURUS - in attempting to engage with social media

GEMINI - in our work encounters, particularly with boss or supervisor

CANCER -  in questioning our religious ideology

LEO - in fantasizing about a romantic partner

VIRGO - in seeking the dream partner or dealing with the false one

LIBRA - in trying to manage our everyday life

SCORPIO - in expressing our creativity

SAGITTARIUS - in trying to figure out where to live

CAPRICORN - in attempting to understand friends or siblings

AQUARIUS - in uncertainty about money or skills

PISCES - in seeing yourself clearly

In returning to our main topic, California has always had wildfires and heat and limited rain.  In fact, the last two years saw unusual increases in precipitation but no system for effective water catchment.  The political will has not been there and unbeknownst to citizens, has focused on re-wilding.  Basically, returning the city back to its pre-civilization roots.  This most likely has a transhumanist or nihilist bent to it, all in keeping with the next 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius.

Meanwhile, one of the greatest threats to humanity - in the form of food shortages, habitat, serviceable housing and physical health - is the omnipresent deployment of geoengineering tactics.  We seem to accept that Saudi Arabia and China utilize this to manage their weather but do not want to believe that our own government would rain  this down on their own citizens.  But a cursory look at the once in 1000 year fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, deep freezes and the cavalcade of new weather terms like bomb cyclone, atmospheric river, bombogenesis, snownado suggest that the old terminology doesn't suffice or convey the dramatic increase in the power of these weather events.  And while yes there is human caused climate change, the largest purveyor or causative factor is climate engineering.

As Neptune reaches the end of Pisces this year through next, perhaps we will gain greater understanding or revelation around these practices as we have begun to see that we are systematically poisoned in other areas - our food, our medicine, our water and our soil.  Yes, Neptune and Pisces relate to poisoning as well as denial, obfuscation, deception and defeat.

And regards to Pluto in Aquarius, a telling sign was the presence of a plethora of tech billionaires at Trump's inauguration ceremonies. Industry and politics have always been in bed with each other but when economic growth may be at the expense of humankind -i.e. AI and the internet of everything, this is a very ominous sign that natural biology will be threatened by mad science in the coming years.

Beyond the delusion cancer mrna vaccines, I haven't focused a lot on Trump and his agenda yet as we will have the next four (or possibly 8 years w Vance) for which to contemplate and criticize these policies.  In some ways, he may operate as an old school democrat on working class issues (if at all) while playing to traditional Republican issues of economic progress.  The problem here is that progress is only seen through the lens of AI and technocratic overreach.

While the beginning of any year many be significant, the fact that the Nodes were on the world axis and Mars was triggering Pluto make these events particularly resonant with what we will be dealing with in the future.

And with Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries this summer and meeting at world axis degree February 2026, a new dream will be born and it will dismiss the previous decades of fantasy, illusion and delusion.

In 2025 - 2026, Saturn and Neptune in Aries will bring a return to  "revolutionary" founding fathers fervor and this could be a welcome change from amoral dissatisfaction and global consumerism or the reconfiguring of a deceitful dream of unchecked economic growth.