As this dramatic year comes to an end, Americans are faced with the prospects of a permanently fractured nation. Both political parties could point to the other as the source of this problem.
Much of the upheaval is due to the fact that the United states is experiencing its first Pluto return (last exact hit on Dec 28th). Most empires last two Pluto cycles or 500 years. That is not likely to be the case for our country (and probably most western nations). We are in a period of change or die.
Our empire of "democracy building" or capitalist hegemony has lost its way and we have become the tyrants on the world stage. Forget propaganda that insists we are the good guys as we have invaded innumerable nations in the last 50 years. And Americans, instead of fighting against governmental overreach, are falling into compliance and even support of totalitarian measures here and abroad.
Part of the problem is that we are no longer a functioning democracy but rather an oligarchy - strong terms but Mussolini's definition of fascism is the collusion of corporations and government. And these are the Plutonian abusers behind the scenes, poisoning the well of enlightenment thinking.
Politics serves to keep us divided and focused on our neighbor rather than those pulling the strings.
Who does it benefit to have a country at war with itself? Some easy answers come to mind - globalists, multinationals and transnationals who already operate outside of sovereign borders. The military-medical-agri-business-industrial-media-political-academic complex is steering this ship off a cliff.
And getting back to the narrative, for sure, Trump so disemboweled the Republican party that it is a rancid shell of its former self. This has pushed people into the party of functional fascism, the Democrats. (Perhaps Trump is a Russian/Chinese/globalist asset after all?)
I am being facetious, but why do I say this? As a life-long liberal, I am horrified by the depths to which the Democratic party has sunk in terms of defying their own traditional ideals. Once the party of the working man, it is now the party of the corporate elites. While lip service is given to equal rights and economic issues, the actions are similar to the old school Republican party - pro-war, pro-development, pro-big industry, pro government censorship, anti-labor (the current railroad strike is a case in point).
And, sure, when red bait issues of abortion and gun rights are on the ballot as opposed to accountability for mandates and lockdowns, the "my body my choice" crowd comes out, not realizing they are supporting the party that took away their medical and sometimes financial freedom.
And, of course, if practiced with true intention and purity of heart, the original progressive leftist agenda of equality, sustainability, fairness, and acceptance is a laudable one. Those in power knew the tides were turning toward more socially conscious ethics, so they hijacked the naive aspirations of the younger more impressionable populace.
But the truth is probably far darker than that as the wolf (of fascism, transhumanism, domination, slavery) is dressed in compassionate sheep's clothing.
So, where to go from here? The U.S, Pluto return speaks to a new story of courage and freedom, one that incorporates the need for individualism with rational social responsibilities. We cannot be one man for himself but we also cannot be a faceless dot in the Borg.
The freedoms the GOP are touting - right to own guns, and the freedom the left is spouting - identity politics - are both out of date and out of tune or totally irrelevant to the crises at hand- environmental, medical, technological, spiritual.
We must unite and wake up to the fact that the only battle is that of the corporatists/globalist/transhumanist agenda versus a human one.
We must raise our consciousness and vision to include the paradox of individuality within a shared (and widely and openly discussed) collective identity.
And some of the golden rules - loyalty, personal discipline, love of family, respect for others- that would have been the foundation of healthy conservatism - still apply.
More local governance, more honest accountability (not political scapegoating), less intervention in global affairs. Let's be honest - we're only fighting for the military, surveillance, biotech or fossil fuel contractors), not for anyone's freedom.
One's Pluto transits may decimate any and all structures in one's life that are out of integrity or corrupted. The same should/could hold true for a nation's Pluto return.
What will rise out of the ashes of the current dysfunctional system? Right now, there seems to be only two avenues that are being presented to us, both of them abhorrent. One, the technocratic, "chip in every brain" AI world or the decimated climate catastrophized globe.
For now, the crafting of a potentially new narrative for the U.S. Pluto in Capricorn would incorporate the original intention of individual liberty, responsibility to future generations, tolerance (this applies to both sides who are woefully hypocritical in this regard) and updated to include new challenges (surveillance, biosecurity, bodily integrity, environmental) that our forefathers never even considered.
Capricorn is the wise adult, the wise woman, the medicine woman. Can we turn this nation around to move away from infantile and destructive behaviors/pleasures and toward building a fair and resilient future?
And most of all, Capricorn is grounded, not virtual. If we can find our way back to simple exercises and connection with nature and our bodies, we could feel our way to a better future. The dissociation that happens with technology, entertainment, video games, pharmaceuticals, GMOs takes us away from our true selves as biological and spiritual beings.
Commitment to and appreciation of our existence as divinity cloaked in biology can help us bridge the artificial divides of politics and ideologies and lead to a more unified whole.
Venus in Sagittarius opposing Mars in Gemini
whose idea will win out?
At the beginning of the month, Venus is Sag opposes Mars in Gemini leading to some disputes regarding love and desire. It's all in what people say and unfortunately, much of it may not be true.
We already dealt with Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces mid November when confusion, gossip, nefariousness reigned.
It's not because anyone is lying intentionally, but what they want may be out of reach in the current moment. And we may battle with ourselves over movement or stasis.
Where might you want to advance ahead only to talk yourself out of doing so?
ARIES - you'd love to travel but family is worried for you
TAURUS - you're interested in expanding your business but question about your abilities to make more money
GEMINI - there is a person interested in you but you may be second-guessing their intention
CANCER - there's an opportunity to make lifestyle changes but you are wavering out of fear or despondency
LEO - there is interest in a new creative endeavor but friends may talk you out of it
VIRGO - could you buy a home or move abroad - what will your boss or parents say
LIBRA- you are exploring new ideas but feel restrained by previous education
SCORPIO - there's a willingness to develop a new skill set but your partner (as your projection) doubts your commitment
SAGITTARIUS - you are ready to expand your knowledge base and identity but partners or others seem to disapprove or want you to stay the same
CAPRICORN - there's a inner knowing and desire for a new quest but you are allowing current busywork to derail this sense of potential
AQUARIUS - should you seek out a new tribe, your current paramour may want to talk you out of changing
PISCES - a new career path is calling but it seems like family obligations can get in the way
Neptune direct in Pisces Dec 4th
waking up to reality
Neptune, the planet correlated with dreams and illusions, turns direct on December 4th. While this is a regular annual occurrence, its influence is more pronounced by being in the sign of its rulership, Pisces, for the last 10 years. We have three more years to go in discerning its effects on our consciousness and society at large.
As a mundane and generally lower consciousness representation, planets will more likely represent the negative archetype of the sign and with Pisces - deception, disillusionment, poisoning and enervation are the main expressions.
We are swimming in a sea of lies and propaganda, - and these are primarily propagated through social media and legacy corporate media. False dichotomies are presented to us so that we remain confused as to what is happening in reality.
Even the word "reality" has now been fragmented to include a multitude of personal feelings and truth at the expense of a defining common vision of morality.
When nothing matters, truth is up for grabs and the rampant levels of depression, addiction, despair and retreat into fantasies result from a lack of boundaries and centeredness.
Yet, at the same time, controlled narratives abound that include massive amounts of fear, titillation, catastrophizing or conversely infantile and false utopian ideas.
The last time Neptune was in Pisces was during the Civil War and our country was fractured and required a course correction. Now, along with Pluto in Capricorn, our country must reestablish its center and universal ideals.
And we have moments of clarity in the midst of confusion and Neptune turning direct in Pisces on December 4th, provides some light on the shadows.
In our personal lives, many old concepts have dissolved or been revealed to have been corrupted or simply a distraction.
We can become a bit more centered and re-energize to our true mission in the days ahead. And in ordinary terms, we may wake up from our false perceptions here:
ARIES - noticing your fears are oftentimes imaginary
TAURUS - realizing that social media is not reality
GEMINI -understanding the motives of a superior
CANCER - growing into a deeper and mature vision of the world
LEO - understanding your partner's financial situation
VIRGO - accepting that your partner is a bit lost right now
LIBRA - discovering what really ails you and how to feel better
SCORPIO - awakening from the illusion of a relationship
SAGITTARIUS - understanding the temporalness of home
CAPRICORN - seeing the world in more clear terms, snapping out of depression
AQUARIUS - realizing that you have very marketable skills
PISCES - coming to accept yourself and your natural intuition
And while this transit will still exist for the next few years, it is imperative upon us to not fall for false prophets, easy solutions and/or give up in the face of actual difficulties. We are here at this time in history to usher in a new society but it comes from discerning the truth of our situation rather than a false narrative of hope and/or constant victimization. Courage is needed to cut through the fog and faith in the larger destiny of man to bring awareness to all.
Jupiter back into Aries Dec 24th
renewed and inspired action
Our motivation may have been stymied when Jupiter moved back into Pisces. While a transcendent influence, it is also dematerialized and the benefits are more spiritual in nature. With Jupiter, the planet of growth, back into Aries, our fierceness and courage will return. While we are still working through Mars retro in Gemini, we can begin to recapture our sense of self and possible future which be released and can be acted upon once Mars turns direct Jan 12th.
You may find a renewed sense of purpose and opportunity here:
ARIES - your confidence in self returns
TAURUS - you are less likely to succumb to fears and have more faith in the universe
GEMINI - you may want to "get back into the game" when it comes to social media, also fun for the holidays is encouraged
CANCER - after a period of doubt and reflection, you feel ready to slay at work and take on projects which challenge you
LEO - when fire loses faith, its a depressing sight. Your trust in the benevolence of the universe returns, time to make travel plans
VIRGO - a desire to purpose relationships is evident once again, or you may also become an object of pursuit
LIBRA - things are looking up for your partner
SCORPIO - you feel encouraged to put energy into work after a period of feeling "what's the point"?
SAGITTARIUS - an interest in new creative projects returns
CAPRICORN - happiness returns at home
AQUARIUS - you feel more confident to let your voice be heard
PISCES - those money-making ideas once again seem feasible
Mercury retro in Capricorn 12/29/ - 1/18/23
a matrix redux
Last December 2021 into Jan 2022, we experienced a Venus retrograde in Capricorn which had us question old forms of status, values and tradition. Were we doing things from our authentic inner sense or were we chasing things that the matrix approved of?
More than likely it was a temporary questioning of one's previous choices and if one were honest with oneself, one realized that the consensus perks were not really relevant or desirable to their lives.
At the end of this month, Mercury will retrograde in a similar fashion in Capricorn, giving voice or one last review of whether we should have done what was expected or chosen our own path.
In some practical ways, an issue you were dealing with at this time last year may return for a final reevaluation. But note that most of the important energy will be moving in Aquarius - the future, the innovative, the revolutionary - and this is the direction which would serve us well, provided we include some form fo universal love or acceptance.
Where might we encounter one last review of the status quo and it's place in our lives?
ARIES - your career path or relation to authority
TAURUS - your spiritual life or view of global affairs
GEMINI - your financial or sexual arrangements
CANCER - your view of relationship dynamics
LEO - the nature of your work
VIRGO - your creative output
LIBRA - your relationship to home and mother
SCORPIO - your early childhood and how it shaped your mind
SAGITTARIUS - your money-making abilities
CAPRICORN - your inner sense of authorship
AQUARIUS - your connection to a larger purpose
PISCES - how you deal with political or social pressure
It has been stated endless times that we are all here for a reason and have incarnated at this chosen time in history. Surely our lives are not gifted to us to simply be wasted away on endless pursuit of personal pleasure or material accumulation or conversely, endless struggle.
The scary sense that the world is about to end is the underlying awareness that our existences cannot continue as is. We must face the oncoming train and figure out how to not only avoid catastrophe - environmental, financial, spiritual - but to also discover a new vision for ourselves and the world. Our hearts know the answer so find the time to listen.