Reevaluating Our Ideas about Freedom, Love and Money
While the Julian calendar posits that January 1st is the New Year, more ancient and nature based societies would rely on the solstices and seasons. Astrologically, the new year is when the Sun moves into Aries, this year on March 23rd.
Other coterminous astrology this month also heralds the beginning of a new chapter of growth and fertility, even whilst working against the grain of some larger completing cycles. (i.e. Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces, both of which are teetering on the edge of the next signs).
Venus has been in Aries since Feb and this month she will retrograde along with Mercury in Aries through mid April.
The fact that both personal planets are starting cycles (and retrograding) is giving us time to decide how this new era of independence and courage will develop. Aries is impatient but these few weeks she will have to "hold her horses" and consider the wider view.
Yet, we don't want to suppress this energy of vitality and optimism which is so needed in these depressive times. Depressive only because we feel stuck in the quagmire of our own karmic behaviors and actions and so does the nation - and the world for that matter - so we will have to protect her bright flames against more retrogressive forces.
Because even if she is alone in pushing forth a new agenda and life, she WILL triumph as the old guard, ancients fears and patterns fade away ignominiously.
We will also experience a lunar eclipse on March 14th that bookends not only a lunar eclipse from last September 2024 but also relates to one in Sept of 2016. This is not to say the same things will happen, but this area of life is highlighted and up for necessary change. We will know for sure how to proceed, if not before, by the third of this series in Virgo/Pisces on Sept 29th, 2025.
Neptune and the nodes are conjoined from January 2025 - March 2025, while Neptune and Saturn are loosely conjunct April 2025 through Feb 2026. This suggests that many situations are now fated and must be let go of so that new dreams can be created.
Where we are reluctant to change, we will face some "death" or longing instead because this is a long overdue transition.
The second eclipse of the month and year will occur on March 29th in Aries and this will trigger the degree of the earlier Venus retrograde. Whatever shows up at this time is an indicator of future progress.
Lastly, Neptune will dip into Aries as well, starting to wrap up the 14 years tour through Pisces. Neptune will retrograde again back into Pisces in the fall but will permanently move into Aries in February 2026 through May 2038.
Venus retrograde in Aries 10 degrees March 2nd - April 13th
firing on all cylinders
After the last two months of chaotic or regressive/depressive energy, Venus in Aries gives us the oomph we need to move forward in our lives. Even if she will be retrograding for the next six weeks. This is a period where we can reexamine our passions and love nature, our desire for independence and adventure, our need for novelty and innovation.
While Venus is the planet connected to love, as you can imagine, in the sign of Aries, such an independent spirit can bring chaos and shakeups to relationships. If they are inherently strong, the retrograde will simply be a period of airing some differences. If said partnerships no longer share goals for the future, it may be a time to part ways.
Yes, we could encounter more obstinacy and conflict, but alternatively feel more courageous and adventurous. Aries is the life force energy of the zodiac and Venus will be previewing what we will be feeling later in the year when Neptune and then Saturn also enter the sign of new beginnings.
As with all retrogrades, the Venus retrograde has the potential for returning exes, collaborators, female friends back into one's life to clarify or revive the connection.
If projects have been on hold, they can now be reignited. Collaborations and hirings will be in full swing. You will likely find yourself feeling more confident and "ballsy" and encounter others who are looking to win and slay. Reach out to former or potential clients to jump start your business.
While Venus retrogrades happen fairly regularly, as a point of reference, we experienced a similar retrograde of Venus in Aries and Pisces in 2017. Now, every cycle is different but there is a possible focus on similar issues to those you encountered 8 years ago.
And this Venus cycle is even more important as the degree of the retrograde will be triggered at the end of the month with a solar eclipse at 10 Aries. A very important theme present with this eclipse and the attendant energy is one of moving past old obstacles and entanglements (inner and outer) that prevent us from growing. We are being encouraged to evolve past these old patterns and weaknesses and may have to confront old ego wounds. Aries energy can provide the velocity to overcome inertia and stride forward.
So in addition to all the excitement and chaos and possible breakage, we can hopefully have some compassion because this is definitely a volatile but clean energy that allows us to reconstruct a new life.
Where will you experience the impetus to regenerate your values and desires?
ARIES - expressing your personal vision
TAURUS - escaping the karma of the past
GEMINI - discovering new goals and alliances
CANCER - getting ahead at work
LEO - indulging your need to travel to take a course
VIRGO - cleaning up your joint finances
LIBRA - putting more energy into your primary relationship 0r seeking one out
SCORPIO - improving your health and exercise routine
SAGITTARIUS - finally starting a new project
CAPRICORN - the need to remake your home
AQUARIUS - discovering new friendships
PISCES - increasing your income
Mercury into Aries March 4th and then retrograde at 9 degrees
on March 15th (through April 7th)
the courage to tell the truth
Concurrent with the Venus retrograde, Mercury will also retrograde in Aries on the 15th (at the same degree of the Venus retro) through April 17th.
Mercury in the sign of the impatient warrior guarantees that diplomacy may not be exercised very readily. Everyone has an opinion and we will have to agree to disagree. The impetus most likely is authentic while the delivery may be clumsy or offensive.
But if we are to escape the inertia of the lagging outerplanetary degrees of Neptune, Uranus and Saturn, we may have to 'break a few eggs".
Both retrogrades are important as they herald energy we will all be dealing with more profoundly in the next 2/1/2 to 15 years when Saturn moves into Aries this July while Neptune will slide into Aries at the end of this month.
There will be lots of fires and storms but they will clear quickly and easily if we realize they are just attempts at making life better and more individuated.
Similar to Venus, where might we find that we can't hold it in anymore and will speak truth to power?
ARIES - you will not hide who you are
TAURUS - you will not give into fears and family weaknesses
GEMINI - you may find yourself advocating for a group
CANCER - you require more independence and challenge at work
LEO - you may be prone to political outbursts
VIRGO - you would like to have a say in joint financial matters
LIBRA - your partner may be very opinionated at this time
SCORPIO - you may push for greater reforms at work
SAGITTARIUS - you are willing to promote yourself
CAPRICORN - someone has to lay down the law at home, it might as well be you
AQUARIUS - you want to address your childhood
PISCES - you for once don't mind touting your horn about your abilities
Lunar Eclipse Virgo/Pisces March 14th
the second part of the story
Last September 2024,we experienced a lunar eclipse in Virgo/Pisces that had an antecedent in Sept 2016. Did you find yourself reviewing or questioning choices made 8 years prior? Similarly, you may now decide you are ready to take new action in the areas effected.
Don't worry if you feel you are not ready for a change, you will have greater universal impetus end of September 2025 which will be when you know what you really want.
Pisces deals with dreams and fantasies and Virgo provides the container to make them true. What would you like to change in your life if you had your druthers and what steps do you need to achieve those goals?
This spring, with all of the Aries energy, you may be more energized to leave the past behind (even if it has been successful, it may be time for a new adventure).
Events this month will start to have you questioning your next move here:
ARIES - if you want to be healthier, must you address your family karma?
TAURUS - if you were to embark on a new project, would you also use social media to your advantage?
GEMINI - if you would like to move, what does your work life have to look like?
CANCER - you're craving greater mental security, do you need to expand your spiritual vision?
LEO - if you embark on a new job/income stream, how with that affect you and your partner's finances?
VIRGO - will the changes you would like to make in your own life affect your partner positively or negatively?
LIBRA - how does familial thinking affect your ability to go after what you want?
SCORPIO - if you find a group who holds you accountable for your goals, will that help you to concretize them?
SAGITTARIUS - how can you focus you career goals to allow for creating a new home life
CAPRICORN - you can heal mental torment by strengthening your spiritual muscles
AQUARIUS - if you and your partner have a serious conversation about finances, you can find ways to explore your next career move
PISCES - how can your partner help to ground you in order for your work to shine?
Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees March 28th along with Nodes
wish upon a star
In her retrograde motion, Venus will move from Aries into Pisces on March 28th for the remainder of her retrograde cycle. On that day, she will link up with Neptune in Pisces at the anoretic degree of 29. This is basically the last degree of the zodiac and we can feel like we are poised between worlds.
As with the Venus retrograde degree, this degree of 29 Pisces will also have many visitors over the next year with Neptune there now, Saturn coming and both passing oer the placement several times.
This is truly a moment (of the next year) to say goodbye to the past and trust in a new and different path forward, signaled by planets in early Aries.
Where must we surrender our fears and trust in a new beginning?
ARIES - in the dissolution of family karma
TAURUS - the belief that we will discover a new set of life goals
GEMINI - that we will find our rightful purpose in life
CANCER - that we will eventually understand the workings of the universe
LEO - our ability to be truly intimate with someone
VIRGO - that we will attract the perfect partner
LIBRA - that our service will be revealed
SCORPIO - that we can be open to love
SAGITTARIUS - that we will find our true home
CAPRICORN - that we will be understood
AQUARIUS - that we will be able to take care of ourselves
PISCES -that we can recreate ourselves for the times
Solar eclipse 9 Aries March 29th (same degree as Venus retro)
the courage to start anew
This highly stimulating month ends with a solar eclipse on the sensitive degree of 9 Aries. Sensitive because it is the same location as the Venus and Mercury retrograde stations.
The universe is emphasizing the need to individuate and find your personal truth. If we fall backward in the swamp of fears and delusions, we may be lost forever. (Don't worry, we will have quite a few promptings before the door closes in Feb 2026).
But if it's a matter of following a new impulse vs staying put, it is highly suggested that you take the risk.
Where will the next adventure of your life take place?
ARIES - you show the world who you truly are
TAURUS - you walk away from stagnation
GEMINI - you have much knowledge or learning to impart
CANCER - what is your true work?
LEO - there are new ways to interpret life events
VIRGO - discover new forms of intimacy
LIBRA - approach your partnerships from a non-codependent place
SCORPIO - consider helping others without fanfare
SAGITTARIUS - yes, write that book, paint that picture
CAPRICORN - create the family system you desire
AQUARIUS - your words have value, speak up
PISCES - learn a new skill or start promoting unacknowledged talents
Neptune into Aries March 31st (end of an era, beginning of another)
what is the new dream?
A few days earlier, Venus and Neptune met at the last degree of the zodiac to provide an elegy for the previous 14 years of your life.
Now begins the next adventure, dream and challenge. While Neptune will hover over the last and first degrees of the zodiac through next spring, we will feel the inklings of the clouds parting and a new vista up ahead.
Sense the difference in energy from despair and discouragement to hope and elation. Ride this feeling even when there will be some turbulence in the fall as this is the new course you must take in the coming years.
The ongoing theme is an Aries one which is initiatory, individuating, ballsy, full of vim and vigor.
Where will the incendiary fire of new beginnings occur for you?
ARIES - by revealing your warrior nature
TAURUS - while releasing anger and suppressed emotions
GEMINI - when taking on new causes
CANCER - while becoming the innovator at work
LEO - when seeking out new truths and adventures
VIRGO - in discovering more exciting partnerships
LIBRA - while attracting more fiery people into your life
SCORPIO - in revamping your everyday habits
SAGITTARIUS - when embarking in new art or romance
CAPRICORN - in remaking the family
AQUARIUS - when expressing your feelings
PISCES - while pursuing wealth
And I know a lot of people are freaking out about Trump and Musk. One must understand they are simply symbols to execute what is happening in historical terms. Not saying that their actions are not disruptive - they are - but we are in a time of dramatic change and if the current national and global regimes were not going to take steps to unlock the stagnancy and downward spiral, it would take other players to do so.
Pluto in Capricorn and the U.S. Pluto return 2024 revealed that the country must regenerate itself or die. Whoever comprised the walls of entrenched power were not likely going to endanger own status and enrichment. It was inevitable that the tides would turn.
Yes, unfortunately the oligarchs have replaced the corporatists and in this last stage of empire, will dismantle the remains for their own benefit. A new reality may build on the other side of this destruction.
The inklings of that will come as early as this month and will tantalize in the summer months. But truthfully, the new era starts in early 2026 when Saturn and Neptune conjoin at the first degree of the zodiac - 0 Aries - to begin a new historical chapter for the entire world.