Getting Clear of Misconceptions and Forging a Different Path

As the month begins we are betwixt and between two planetary stations in Pisces. Saturn just retrograded on June 29th and Neptune is also retrograding in Pisces on July 2nd.  So if you've felt tired, dreamy or confused,  this is emblematic of Pisces energy. It is also a time to surrender and let nature/god/spirit takes its course as we are clearly Not in charge.

Of course, we are now in the midst of election season and that is also a confusing or dispiriting affair no matter what side of the equation you are on.  The first (and likely only) presidential debate had all the hallmarks of Neptune/Pisces.  Secrecy, broadcast delay, isolation of "contestants", the manipulation by the media - and also drugs, dementia, lying and infirmity.  Is this what our country has come to?  A real-life Truman show? The answer is yes and we need to wake up from the slumber and/or nightmare.

Transiting Jupiter in Gemini is also opposing the U.S. Uranus in Gemini so there will be an amplification of fractured thinking and dissemination of mis/dis/mal information.

After Thursday night's sad debacle of a debate, the obvious question we should be asking is "who is really running the country"?  The event was a humiliation and demoralization ritual - for Biden and the American people. And it is guaranteed that the individual who will be inserted as a candidate will not be their own person.

Saturn (the station was 6/29) shows us what cannot continue as is while Neptune reveals what has been hidden behind the scenes.  In this instance, the total capture of our institutions - including the media - by inside/outside controllers of the narrative.

Do we have agency or are we just narcotized enablers/consumers of corruption and the financial, moral and spiritual bankrupting of our nation?

Whomever is allowed to win will most likely preside over a very tumultuous period, especially starting in 2026.  It will be a time of revolution and decentralization, even with the firm grip of a globalist one world narrative.

So fasten your seatbelts.  Get clear on what's important to you so you are a builder of a new and more honest dream for yourself, your family and this country's future.

But, first we have the summer to enjoy!  With lots of personal planet energy in first Cancer and then Leo, it is time to play and socialize.  If we are living from our hearts, there are subtle messages to receive around how to move forward in life and who will accompany you along the way.

We can all notice how our needs for comfort and safety clash with the desire for independence and equality when the sun in Cancer squares the nodes the first few days of the month as well.  

A lot of the personal planets will move into Leo as July progresses and, in this instance, the focus is on joy and creativity - and even romance.  Along with Jupiter in Gemini, it speaks to light and airy fun, even in the midst of this life-altering experience.  It's fine to spend time on easy gatherings and breezy non-serious conversations as the fall will be a period of intense drama and competing narratives. 

Neptune retrograde at 29 degrees July 2nd
unravelling the larger mystery

There are many grand changes happening in our Pisces house with first Saturn retrograding on June 29th and now spiritual heavyweight Neptune turning retrograde on July 2nd.

Neptune energy is slow-moving and oftentimes confusing as it is meant to detach us from Saturn reality in order to make contact with the divine or otherworldly energies.

Neptune can be the dream or the nightmare or a little bit of both.

We have all been living with Neptune in Pisces since 2011 and this summer through next year, the planet of fantasy and illusion will be hovering over the degree of 29 Pisces, the last degree of the entire zodiac.

This is significant as it points to a wrapping up of an entire cycle of 164 years. 

The last time Neptune was in Pisces was 1847 to 1862 with a lead up to the civil War, which began under Neptune in Pisces and continued during Neptune in Aries (this cycle will begin next year).

Saturn in Pisces encourages us to strength our spiritual practice or release concepts or behaviors that do not serve us.  It is a time to face reality.

Similarly, Neptune in Pisces retrograde will bring light to where we have been deceived or where we deceive ourselves, particularly in understanding the nature of reality.

Where might you realize that you have been misguided in a situation?    

ARIES - the nature or origin of your fears

TAURUS - the honesty of a group

GEMINI - what is going on with your career or profession

CANCER - your inherited spiritual or religious practice is not up to the task of helping you deal with the world

LEO - the truth of your partner's financial situation

VIRGO - recognizing the problems in a relationship

LIBRA - the nature or cause of your illness or dissatisfaction with work

SCORPIO - in regard to a love match

SAGITTARIUS - deciding where to live, is this right for you any longer?

CAPRICORN - not understanding what you peers have to say

AQUARIUS - what you can charge people for your services 

PISCES - how people perceive you

You have the next six months to sort out how to walk away/transmute the misconception and move forward with greater humility and/or faith.

Sun in Cancer square nodes in Aries/Libra July 1st -3rd
your emotional needs vs others

We tend to feel more insular or family-oriented during Cancer season and early on this desire for comfort clashes with our need for independence and/or the requirements of relationship.

Cancer may be sentimental or look to the past for answers.  Yet we do still need nurturance but it may look different from what we were taught it should look like.

The "conflict" simply asks us to find healthy ways to integrate or balance out these needs, particularly in this area of life:

ARIES - how does one balance time with family with that of self-actualization?

TAURUS - are you clinging to old ideas about how the world works?  

GEMINI - you do need acknowledgement beyond simply getting paid

CANCER - where can you find time for self when everyone needs you?

LEO  - you're expected to be able to join every social or political discussion but you'd rather hide out

VIRGO - do social needs or demands take time away from earning a living?

LIBRA - work demands your focus which is always less important than your personal life

SCORPIO - how can your big ideas actually work in real life?  is there a place for grace?

SAGITTARIUS - it seems you have to look toward saving for a rainy day when you would much rather focus on the now 

CAPRICORN - your partner is feeling neglected even if you're trying to provide and make boss happy too

AQUARIUS - you have to attend to some daily tasks which take away from your social life or philosophical musing

PISCES - can you balance pleasure with earning a living?

Mars in Taurus world axis July 1st, contacting Uranus in Taurus 7/16 24 at 26 degrees

Mars in Taurus is slow and steady and focused on long-term manifestation and survival. Very useful energy but not able to alter course readily.  When Mars contacts Uranus, it is inevitable that plans and actions change.  In this instance, the disruption can be helpful as it activates this year's benevolent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of unusual financial growth.

So, rather than become flustered, see the surprise as positive and lean into the chance to do things differently here:

ARIES - a different way to make money

TAURUS - a chance to redefine your public image

GEMINI - an opportunity to break free from unconscious patterns

CANCER - the fortuitousness of a new group or social project

LEO - handle your work responsibilities differently, an unexpected professional break

VIRGO - a chance to see the world differently, perhaps to travel

LIBRA - maybe this out of the blue investment is actually lucky

SCORPIO - your partner acts out of character and it brings fresh air into the relationship

SAGITTARIUS - this unconventional health technique may actually work

CAPRICORN - your project is infused with new ideas

AQUARIUS - household tasks are improved

PISCES  - you've got a brainstorm around writing

Mercury into Leo July 3rd, Venus into Leo July 12th, Sun into Leo July 23rd all opposed by Pluto momentarily
caustic words or breakthroughs

With the exception of the Neptune station early in the month, most of the energy in July is focused on personal pleasures and interests due to the preponderance of planets in Cancer and Leo.

And even in the midst of play, some important work or ideas can take form thanks to an opposition of Mercury to Pluto on July 3rd (lightbulb moment) and Venus trine Pluto on July 23rd (a financial opportunity).

With Leo, you are hopefully operating out of joy and from the heart, rather than the ego.

A positive expression of Leo is relating to the world as a channel for creativity.  There is generosity and confidence and an unlimited supply of life force energy.  And while with an opposition to Pluto there can be antagonism, if operating purely, the results may still pleasantly surprise one.

Where may this sun king energy light up your life?

ARIES - there are chances that your new ideas find a greater following and positive pr

TAURUS - your in home hobby may become a professional job

GEMINI - you inspire a local team who advance your goal to a widen audience

CANCER - your ideas may attract an investor

LEO - your loving spirit cements a relationship more permanently

VIRGO  - your intuition is right on and can be applied to everyday solutions

LIBRA  - your posts online may attract a lover or colleague

SCORPIO - the work your do in the world has a positive effect on your home life

SAGITTARIUS - some of your biggest ideas can actually be successfully applied locally

CAPRICORN - a creative partnership enhances your net worth

AQUARIUS - your partner's enthusiasm strengthens your resolve

PISCES  - some new practices dislodge old emotional karma

If our ideas are strong enough, they can withstand the scrutiny of Pluto.  If not, there will be other moments to move forward when there is less outside pressure to succumb to the impersonal "powers that be".

Mercury in Leo trine North Node in Aries on July 9th
Venus in Leo trine North Node July 19th and 20th

And, in the same vein of Leo positivity, if operating in heart-felt integrity, there are some very fortuitous connections/actions one can take toward their future when Mercury and then Venus in Leo trine the North Node on July 9th and July 19th - 20th respectively.

This is easier than the Pluto opposition and the synchronicity can be seamless so don't let ostensibly "small" connections go unnoticed.  They will lead you on your rightful path.

How does the trine benefit you?

ARIES - showing your true creative and romantic colors brings you greater recognition and confidence in your talents

TAURUS - acknowledging your specialness to family releases generations of karma and unexpected support behind the scenes

GEMINI - your words and ideas will be noticed by the larger world.  Social media is your friend this month

CANCER  - it's okay to tout your horn and now you will be noticed by highers up

LEO - just being yourself and not hiding may attract interest from high places

VIRGO - in your case, this is a more intimate transit with self respect and love leading to a more satisfying love life

LIBRA - your work in groups brings attention from one special person

SCORPIO - how you express your ideas brings positive changes to the workplace, or a new coworker, colleague or assistant

SAGITTARIUS - you may attract a co-conspirator in love or art based on your unique viewpoint

CAPRICORN - some positive investments may allow you to splurge on home

AQUARIUS - it seems the ideas of others inspire new work in you

PISCES - some healthy practices improve your bottom line

Mars into Gemini July 21st in general vicinity of Jupiter in Gemini
cacophony of voices

Later in the month, Mars moves into Gemini and then later connects to Jupiter in the same sign. This can amplify words and arguments and tensions in the area of life they are transiting.

Since, negatively, Gemini can reference duality or lying, with fighting Mars in the sign of the twins, words become weapons and much that is said can be hurtful.  It would be wise to keep your sword sheathed.  Alternatively, if you are on the receiving end of a rapier tongue, try not to take it totally seriously as the perpetrator is likely only temporarily fired up.

When Mercury retrogrades in August, perhaps we can revisit what was said, particularly if of a hurtful nature.

Mars with Jupiter in Gemini might be best used in fighting for righteous causes, but this too is based on eye of the beholder.  But since this energy will be present, protesting for equality or justice or education might be the most positive use of this volatile combination.

Where are you likely to get into arguments or fiery exchanges?

ARIES - with your neighbors or siblings

TAURUS - over money matters, self-esteem

GEMINI - you're angry with yourself

CANCER  - you sense the world is about to explode, old trauma wounds surface

LEO - online or in any group situation

VIRGO - at work with a superior

LIBRA  - over policy or religious statements

SCORPIO - with your partner over shared money

SAGITTARIUS - with people in general or a significant other

CAPRICORN - on the job or at the gym

AQUARIUS - in gatherings, nightclubs

PISCES  - at home or with mother

The next five months will be chaotic and a test of our ability to discern the truth in a sea of lies.  And while Biden is now out of the picture, I also think Trump may not prevail either, leaving open the possibility of an unexpected election outcome.

The long term conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries in 2025 - 2026 will witness the demise of many false ideologies and governing systems including organized religion, Hollywood and the medical establishment, all who have failed to protect or advocate for a healthy society.

The tsunami of revelations that will come at us between now and then will be overwhelming but will sweep us into a new historical cycle where strength and independence and courage will hold high value, an antidote to years now of catering to our insecurities and wounds and false ego constructs.

History and our personal stories are on the move so do the work (Saturn) to complete the karma between you and others and clear the slate for the next initiatory chapter of your life.