Compared to April and May, June should be a relatively tranquil month - at least when it comes to emotional upheaval. With many of the personal planets and Jupiter in Gemini, this could be a highly sociable month of gatherings, picnics, hiking, dining.
Gemini energy encourages community and conversation, including gossip. The news that we view online or in newspapers is Gemini information - usually entertaining but not particularly deep.
Later in the month, the vibe is more Cancerian, the time of spending vacation with family, visiting relatives, cookouts etc. In modern times, we may chose to create Cancerian families of our own with friends or partners or develop sibling relationships with close friends (Gemini). This summer we may be especially motivated to develop or strengthen these bonds.
Saturn retrogrades on the 29th in Pisces and we get to review what our beliefs and dreams look like. Do we want to continue forward on this path or relationship?
All month long, Uranus still hovers over the degrees of the materially powerful Jupiter/Uranus conjunction so it could ignite further progress on your goals of manifestation.
Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius 1 degree
May 31 - June 3rd
powerful ideas
The planets Jupiter and Pluto in combination are generative in nature - a powerful transformation of societal patterns. Since Pluto has just moved into Aquarius, we may not yet know the personal or cultural contours of this transit. But along with Jupiter in Gemini, we may discover an exaggerated support of technological breakthroughs and products.
We could also notice how to affect change through our words and communities and aggressive marketing campaigns can be part of the equation.
Certainly as we approach election season, the airwaves will be filled with slogans and propaganda, especially as this is, once again, "the most important election of our lifetime". And whatever your opinion of the Trump verdict, it is clearly significant and triggering news to many people and sets America on a new trajectory.
For now, let us notice where we are inspired to connect to others or the world at large and plant seeds of new ideas for our future.
Your brainstorms will lead to some bright ideas in this area of life:
ARIES - you find that you can speak in a neighborly way to almost anyone, even strangers online
TAURUS - you discover a way to market your talents so that superiors take note
GEMINI - it's no problem ever for a Gemini to speak their mind - now you can go deeper, if interested
CANCER - your intuition is buzzing and you can communicate your romantic or financial needs with ease
LEO - you're able to articulate your future goals aptly to your partner
VIRGO - understanding the long-term picture of you career gives you an edge in everyday life
LIBRA - you may impress partners or collaborators with your newfound spiritual discoveries
SCORPIO - your knowledge of finances helps in keeping the value of your home
SAGITTARIUS - you can convince others to join your cause and reach a larger cohort of people
CAPRICORN - your lighter, more congenial approach to coworkers brings favor and an eventual pay raise
AQUARIUS - you can easily describe and promote your work and that is new for you
PISCES - a better understanding of your childhood allows you to relinquish old fears and shame
Uranus close to Jupiter/Uranus conjunction all month at 24 + 25 degrees
flickers of luck
Thankfully, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, exact April 20th, will continue to reverberate all year. Uranus moves very slowly so it is still in direct contact with the conjunction and allows us to quickly move forward with our new opportunities.
It's exciting to know you can start afresh and also that the new manifestation has long-term potential.
Keep your eyes open to any new or interesting people or ideas that can advance your project forward here:
ARIES - making more money
TAURUS - reinvigorating your identity
GEMINI - freeing yourself from worry
CANCER - finding a new tribe
LEO - moving forward on career opportunities
VIRGO - "foreign" individuals who can help you
LIBRA - unexpected financial support
SCORPIO - partners with resources
SAGITTARIUS - better health or work conditions
CAPRICORN - brainstorming ideas
AQUARIUS - more security at home
PISCES - more confidence in your writing
Mars into Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius June 11th
David and Goliath
Mars and Pluto aspects, unlike the above Jupiter connection, are much more difficult and volatile. Generally, we are dealing with a power struggle where if you are the "freedom fighter", you will be crushed by Pluto. This can happen in real life or in algorithms.
You may not be able to win now, but notice how the "enemy" operates. Taurus does have patience, until it doesn't. But slow and steady will eventually win the race assuming you may even want to stay in it.
Where might it feel you are battling above your weight class?
ARIES - you feel that you deserve to be paid more for the work you've done for the project
TAURUS - you feel at odds with management, you may have to step back and regroup
GEMINI - there is a certain resistance to current politics, you may be more grounded than the current ideology
CANCER - you'd like a bit more freedom but are constrained by financial limitations
LEO - you feel reinvigorated in your career but there are still long-term obligations with partner
VIRGO - you have high-minded ideals but they may not mesh with technocratic reality
LIBRA - you are drawn to a mysterious person but they are playing it cool
SCORPIO - your partner is rambunctious but everyone must still stick to the long-term routine
SAGITTARIUS - there may be aggravation at work due to restrictive policies
CAPRICORN - some creative interest detracts from your financial base
AQUARIUS - the household is in an uproar and you have to put everybody in line
PISCES - you'd like to say what you feel but are afraid of reprisal from "the powers that be"
In most cases, it is true that you will not necessarily get your way. But no need to destroy a working situation. Just let it simmer down and you may find a better moment to advance your cause.
Sun into Cancer June 21st, Mercury/Venus in Cancer June 18th
revel in nature and family
The summer officially begins with the solstice on the 21st and is emphasized by the entrance of Mercury and Venus in Cancer as well. There is much sentimentality and nostalgia present in Cancer and perhaps in our less workaholic state, we can share and enjoy memories and family.
Mother nature is at her most lush and we can all be reminded of the endless summer feeling that we experienced as school children.
If we were in touch with nature, we would slow down too and perhaps, as many of us are now work from home, we can sneak in a few moments of leisure or a nap.
Where will we find it most easy to nurture and "baby" ourselves in the next few weeks:
ARIES - spending time doing nothing at home or entertaining friends
TAURUS - taking walks in the neighborhood without a planned destination
GEMINI - be comfortable with propping up your talents
CANCER - pamper yourself, learn to receive from others
LEO - in your dreams and sleep
VIRGO - hanging out with friends
LIBRA - take a proper vacation from work
SCORPIO - exploring a foreign country or indulge in a class
SAGITTARIUS - laze around with a lover
CAPRICORN - allow your partner to take care of you
AQUARIUS - ease off on work, leisurely physical activity
PISCES - receive the attentions of a lover
Saturn retrograde in Pisces 19 degrees June 29th
reality check
We're a little more than halfway through the Saturn in Pisces transit whereby we may be reluctantly walking away from a person, place or thing. Depending on your chart, the final change may not be until next year but it is clear to us that whatever we have been involved with for the last 7, 14, 21 or even 30 years has come to an end.
The main feeling connected to Saturn in Pisces is that of disillusionment. Neptune/Pisces energy can be negatively described by many D words - drugs, drinking, dreams, dependency, delusion, disillusionment. With Saturn in this sign, it might be time to clean up our acts and face reality.
Oftentimes, someone will appear that can take on the role of our archetype surrounding love, art, salvation and we project all our dreams onto this entity. This can include public figures such as entertainers, politicians and scientific experts.
We have slowly arrived at the awareness that a certain person, place or thing cannot provide us with what we desire. Additionally, the faith we offered to this entity was likely illusory or misguided.
Unlike other retrogrades where the energy recedes, with Saturn retrograde we are more aware of the karmic necessity of ending situations that no longer work for us.
And as Saturn is travelling with Neptune in Pisces more closely in 2025, we are dealing with the dissolution of grand dreams and structures that were or became false over time.
Neptune/Pisces are also involved in illness, infection, a weakened immune system. When Saturn and Neptune conjoin next year, it is likely there will be some karmic retribution and completion concerning the covid narrative.
While Saturn in Pisces is about disillusionment with a spiritual, artistic or medical leader, it is also simply a timing device to move forward from a dream/illusion that has run it course.
You are probably pretty clear on what has to happen going forward, and over the next six months you will begin to extricate yourself from a dead or dying situation.
Where have you decided that you will not be able to continue as is:
ARIES - you can't live in fear any longer
TAURUS - you're not in alignment with your old goals or crew
GEMINI - the job no longer satisfies
CANCER - you're disappointed in authority figures
LEO - your joint finances/partner's money is tied up
VIRGO - you may realize your relationship is dying
LIBRA - work or health is cumbersome
SCORPIO - you have writer's creators block
SAGITTARIUS - you understand it is time to move
CAPRICORN - the neighborhood/community has lost it's appeal
AQUARIUS - you realize you have to make more money
PISCES - you want a new goal or desire to pursue
Now some of what I've relayed can seem disappointing and depressing - both Saturn words. But once we've faced the necessary endings, also a Saturn word, we will be free to commit to new journeys and undertakings as endings are always followed by new beginnings.
Next month, on July 1st, Neptune will also retrograde in Pisces so you may receive hidden information (could simply be spiritual awareness) that will bring clarity to your situation. Neptune is on the last degree of Pisces on and off this year into next and so we are wrapping up the entire Neptune in Pisces transit that began in 2011. How has your life changed? What dreams/illusions have now gone by the wayside? What new visions will appear in their stead?
Saturn and Neptune are holding space in the realm of spiritual life, karma/dharma, seat of consciousness so I think surrendering to the path is perhaps your most important approach to take. Pluto decimates the past and the inauthentic, Neptune dissolves all that is false (even if it appeared as beautiful Maya).
But one thing that is not false is that we are all family when it comes to our connection to Source. The intended divisions and separations are ultimately shadows in our minds, projections of our inner thoughts which detract from the ultimate unity of us all.
2025 and especially 2026 will usher in entirely new dreams for civilization and consciousness so discard the dross in your emotional life so that you will have the energy to move forward with the times.