Staying Centered in the Midst of Swirling Narratives

Well, this summer has not been short on drama.  The Mars/Uranus conjunction squaring Donald Trump's career angle took the form of a failed assassination attempt. (Mars/Uranus can be implicated in all forms of violence).  President Biden is disappearing as we speak whether of his choosing or not.  The dysfunction and manipulation in both political parties points to a national downfall whereby institutions cannot be trusted to do the right thing.  

The Democratic Convention should prove to be more disruptive than the lockstep GOP counterpart.  While right now, Harris is the presumptive nominee, there still could be chaos and installment of a new leader by the convention's end, due to Uranus square the Sun, the anointing of a new leader.

Mercury retro is in effect most of the month, and in Virgo, so details matter and tiny changes can lead to an entirely new trajectory.  

We will feel the Uranus station direct (exact on Sept 1st) in the waning days of the month that will follow a volatile political scenario.

Neptune in Pisces in the background is the undermining energy of misinformation, propaganda, the feeling of living in a dream or nightmare. Get your sea legs and don't listen to the crazy chatter and fear-mongering on either side.  What kind of future do you want?  What allegiances no longer serve you?  Who must you walk away from in order to have a better life?  You may take action on this as soon as September 1st, when Uranus turns direct.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo Aug 5th - 28th
how to build a better mousetrap

The second of three retrogrades this year occurs early in the month and continues the whole way through.  Mercury is annoyingly at home in Virgo, annoying in that it will focus and nitpick until you sort out an issue.  It is a chance to adjust what are usually minor details that can ultimately have far greater significance in the functionality of your life.

Mercury in Virgo is critical and discerning and, as long as it's x-rays are not aimed at self-destruction, can help one quickly figure out the flaws in a situation and find a simple remedy.

What might require a review and potential upgrade/fixing?

ARIES - your work or health habits

TAURUS - your romantic prospects

GEMINI - your home and residence

CANCER - your friendships

LEO - your method of making money

VIRGO - your self presentation

LIBRA - your sabotaging behaviors

SCORPIO - your social group and future prospects

SAGITTARIUS - your career

CAPRICORN - your politics

AQUARIUS - your financial security

PISCES - your work relationships

Mars in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in Gemini  Aug 14th + 15th
spinning out of control

Jupiter in the sign of communications this May through next is very facile in making connections and adjusting one's speech to the occasion.  This is helpful when we are socializing at a party or event, but less so when relaying (spinning) the news.  

August is going to be a high profile month regarding the media and the circus surrounding the upcoming election.  Gemini is particularly prone to half truths and when there is an aggressive and bombastic impetus to direct a story, has no problem lying straight to one's face.

This is what the media will be doing in full force this month, particularly in the days surrounding the Democratic National convention.

Try to understand that there is an agenda behind what you are hearing, both in political life and in your personal life.  There is likely to be at least an ounce of truth in a pound of lies so use your Virgo discernment (and Mercury retrograde) to hone in on what is really going on behind the scenes.

Where will you be likely to encounter your share of tall tales and overly optimistic/pessimistic forecasts?

ARIES - within your circle of friends

TAURUS - in regards to your bank statement

GEMINI - you will most likely be the one telling the exaggerated truths

CANCER - where do you lie to yourself

LEO - on the news, on social media

VIRGO - at your workplace, from the boss

LIBRA - in political or religious circles

SCORPIO - regarding your financial future

SAGITTARIUS - from relationship prospects

CAPRICORN - from your health care professional

AQUARIUS - in regards to the efficacy of a project

PISCES - at home, the marketability of your house

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces 17 degrees
Aug 17 - 23rd
optimism vs. doubt

Jupiter in Gemini just wants to move on while Saturn in Pisces is stuck in suffering from the past. It's not that Jupiter is wrong per se, but may not have all the facts.  And Saturn has reasons for being in doubt.  These few days are a good time to weigh the differences and perhaps take a pause to assure Saturn that this is not a wild goose chase. Eventually we will regain our optimism and some of the ideas that Jupiter is on to will serve us in the future.

In the meantime, notice the contrast between how you see the world at present:

ARIES - you have new ideas about how to live life but may still have to deal with some family trauma first

TAURUS - you've got some new business ideas but may have to find a new social group or new way of presenting them as the old method is finished

GEMINI - you see a new path for yourself but may still have to handle old professional obligations

CANCER - oh, how great it would be to be free of doubt.  you may notice that much of your worldview has been shaped by religion

LEO - living a life online can seem freeing until you realize you have responsibilities to others 

VIRGO - you may want to quit your job and start your own business, but how does your partner feel?

LIBRA - you'd love to travel but may have to stay put for work

SCORPIO - there may be a desire for sexual exploration but you are responsible to others now

SAGITTARIUS -  some new people may enter your life right now but you are a bit of a stick in the mud and or depressed/not interested
CAPRICORN - if you handled your life differently would you still be able to keep the same friends/colleagues?

AQUARIUS - you've got a lot of new ideas but you have to face the limits of your financial situation

PISCES - you're thinking about a move but most likely not ready yet

And while Jupiter is a young and possibility inexperienced energy, Saturn is that of "having been there before".  Saturn will be Eeyore, possibly with some justifiable reason.  But that reason is likely to be based on past experiences, particularly those going back either 7, 14, 21 or 28 years ago so you may want to investigate what is stopping you from moving forward.

Uranus in Taurus square Sun in Leo Aug 20th
ouster of the king

A chaotic transit that actually happens four times a year, Uranus square the Sun may be even more impactful this August due to our current political climate.

And because this summer Uranus in Taurus is squaring the Sun in Leo, there are intimations of upsets and surprises regarding leadership.

Leo represents the leader /father/king and Uranus brings chaos, upsets and alternatively freedom from the known.  It will be a potentially explosive changing of the guard, here and possibly abroad.  A darker manifestation would be a successful or attempted assassination of a leader.  At the time of the assassination attempt of Donald Trump last month, the main aspect was a Mars/Uranus conjunction - violence, accident, aggressive disruption in negative aspect to his Midheaven (career/public standing).

Despite the praise of selflessness, Joe Biden was forced to leave the democratic ticket due to his abysmal debate performance which revealed the extent of his diminished cognitive abilities.

While Kamala Harris has been installed in his place, there is no guarantee that she will be the chosen candidate in the end as there is potential for an upset and contested convention in Chicago mid month.

In our personal lives, someone whom we may look to as a superior may be eclipsed or "liberated" from their position in a sudden seemingly "out of the blue" manner. Alternatively, a previous "underdog" is brought into prominence to take the place of a political, corporate or cultural leader.

Where  might you experience an abrupt changing of the guard in your life:

ARIES - finances may affect the viability of a project (the presence or absence thereof)

TAURUS - you feel like you must leave home or replace the titular head of the household

GEMINI - you can't relate to your friends or family in the same way, someone leaves or enters

CANCER - unplanned social media posts may help or hinder your bottom line

LEO - interest or disapproval from leadership can change your career trajectory, it is likely the old guard is dying off

VIRGO - you're seeing the world differently and can view past events through a new lens, breakthroughs around trauma

LIBRA - investment or disinvestment alter your career goals

SCORPIO - new partnerships for business or the exit of old alliances

SAGITTARIUS - your health issues either bring in a new healer or disengage you from your old providers

CAPRICORN - a desire for more enjoyment in life may have you change your investment strategy

AQUARIUS - changes in your home life affect the dynamics of your relationship for good or ill

PISCES - you may notice how your thinking process affects your health and make the necessary changes

In most cases, I am presenting a positive or negative example regarding how Uranus will affect you.  As always, if a situation is very stagnant, Uranus will likely strike out the old energy.   Hence, not great for legacy institutions and leadership.   Alternatively, if you are waiting for a break or unusual support, this is likely to occur instead.  This is great for startups and underdogs.  So out with the old, in with the new in whatever form needs to take place.