Exploring your Road to Independence

While I expected some potential disruptions at the Democratic convention, it came off smoothly like a well scripted television series pre - 2008.  The surprise instead arrived in the form of RFK, Jr suspending his campaign and joining forces with Trump.  Both red and blue teams are highly solidified and sufficiently propagandized.  Yet, the expanding middle will determine (if fairly) the presidential win.

September (and October) are usually memorable as they host several large planetary movements.

Those months with intense planetary stations evolve into times of fated life-altering events, both on the world stage and in our individual lives.

September will not disappoint in this regard and this begins on the 1st with Uranus retrograding at 27 degrees, 

Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for the last time in 16 years on September 3rd and we will all be alchemizing all of the events we experienced personally and societally from 2008.  We either get better or we get sicker and so the outcome hinges significantly on our financial status and that of the domestic and global economy.  How well have we as a country internalized or corrected the systems that led to the financial crisis of 2008? With debt hovering upwards of 30% of GDP, the answer suggests that we have denied the problem and are headed to even greater financial destitution.

(And note that neither of the two candidates are addressing this in any significant way with Harris proposing yet greater expenditures at a necessary time of constriction).

We will experience a lunar eclipse on Sept 18th that will not only bring up ghosts of fall 2016, but possibly even issues that we dealt with in some capacity back in the late 90's through 2000's, when Pluto was farther back in Sagittarius.  Multiculturalism and globalism are on the menu.

Chiron will be retrograde on the World Axis at 23 Aries all month through October revealing the wound of not being heard or appreciated for one's true self.  It can be a battle cry for more independence and agency and the response by the powers that be will be telling.  (Or not, as everything that separates from the controlled narrative is censored).

We get the system that we tolerate and while this election does not provide any real choice - on economic and foreign policy the two candidates are aligned - we can rage endlessly about the fascism of the other side.

So what is the solution?  Take back your own projections, focus on what is meaningful in your own life, support your loved ones into becoming conscious individuals and you are doing more for the world than arguing about the small Overton window of acceptable topics that social media and the mainstream allow.

Uranus retro in Taurus 27 degrees Sept 1st
the freedom to decide for yourself

Uranus stations are always exciting, dynamic and or anxiety-producing, depending on what energy is need to move you forward.  Even when the planet of shock and awe reverses as it does every summer/fall, it can still dramatize any situation.

From a practical viewpoint, oftentimes whatever was disrupted or initiated in January may also be back on the table at this time.

All of the outer planets are wrapping up their respective transits in a sign and Uranus is no exception.  If a fixed sign, you would have dealt with sudden exits and entrances beginning in 2018 and culminating next year 2025.   Uranus in Taurus has had us question our previous values, interests or preferences and, particularly if a fixed sign i.e Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio, may have prompted us to take an about face and choose a different set of values.

All of us have experienced rapid change in our Taurus house since 2018 and depending on your sign, this is where the action - and ultimately liberation - has been happening:

ARIES - your sense of worth as well as your money beliefs

TAURUS - your personal identity and desire to become unstuck

GEMINI - release from old fears and family karma

CANCER -  the nature of your social group and future goals

LEO - professional aspirations or job changes

VIRGO - your spiritual or political beliefs

LIBRA - your financial planning

SCORPIO - your primary relationship

SAGITTARIUS - your health and lifestyle

CAPRICORN - your romantic or creative interests

AQUARIUS - the nature of your home life

PISCES - the array of friendships

Pluto retrograde last time into Capricorn Sept 3rd 29 degrees 
face to face with karma

The heavy in the zodiac is the planet Pluto and he has been residing in the sign of Capricorn since 2008.  Pluto in Capricorn is the deconstruction of the patriarchy which includes government, corporations, financial markets, religious institutions, family authority figures.  Depending on how important it was for you to heal, transform, kill off or integrate the father figure archetype, your experience would have ranged from a sense of anger and injustice all the way up to utter devastation and despair.

The cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn were most affected by this transit that once again, depending on your chart and how many planets in these signs, would have potentially begun in 2008 and for the last degrees, is finishing up this year and next.

As Pluto deals with mundane astrology, i.e. world events, we have seen these issues of the overthrow of authority or consensus reality throughout the last 16 years with Times Up, Me Too, economic instability, geopolitical maneuverings and the slow destruction of the United States, which experienced its Pluto return in the last couple of years.

As I've repeated many times, a Pluto cycle is 250 and historical empires like the British and Roman empires lasted 500 years or 2 Pluto cycles.  It is not likely that the U.S. will stay intact or in ascendency as we enter the next Pluto cycle of 250 years.

How does one deal with power?  Can power be exercised in an honorable way?  Does the abused become the abuser or the healer?

These are questions on the table now and in most cases, the decision or outcome has already revealed itself.  If not to our liking, we must consider other areas that can allow for an inner transformation and acceptance of the authority figure.

Pluto has a real world component where if one is operating in integrity or in alignment with the purpose, they may experience a period of great success and acclaim.

What has altered dramatically in your life over the last 16 years?

ARIES - your profession

TAURUS - your spiritual or political orientation

GEMINI - your financial goals

CANCER - your relationship status

LEO - your health and lifestyle

VIRGO - your creative focus

LIBRA - your home life

SCORPIO - your relationship with siblings

SAGITTARIUS - your finances

CAPRICORN - your personal sense of self

AQUARIUS - your inner demons 

PISCES - your politics and social circles

Mars into Cancer Sept 5th
seeking home and nurturance

On the heels of two major planetary stations, Mars, the planet of ambition and motivation, moves into the feminized and caring sign of Cancer.  How different from the aggressively masculine expression of Uranus and Pluto, even if they are in ostensibly feminine signs.

Mars' motivation in the sign of home and hearth is to create, pursue or demand emotional connectivity.  We are desperately and possibly aggressively pushing to find our tribe.

Since the world certainly needs more focus on health and healing, Mars in Cancer is a useful, albeit short-lived transit.  The focus on healthy food and shelter is a worthwhile use of energy that we see at least one candidate espousing.

Mars in Cancer negatively has a kith and kin, nationalist pride but as we ARE a Cancer nation, it might be best to find ways to reignite a sense of possibility for the American family without the xenophobic slant.

Where are you more determined to get your emotional needs met?

ARIES - in regards to your home

TAURUS - with like-minded friends

GEMINI - through making money

CANCER - supporting yourself first

LEO - through taking some time off for contemplation and dreaming

VIRGO - in group settings, in the social sphere

LIBRA - at work

SCORPIO - by travelling or meditating

SAGITTARIUS - through sexual intimacy

CAPRICORN - via your partner

AQUARIUS  - taking care of your physical needs

PISCES - expressing your creative or romantic nature

Virgo/Pisces lunar eclipse Sept 18th 25 Pisces
the pragmatic vs the inspired

This month begins a series of eclipses in the sign pair of Virgo/Pisces.  We will still experience several more in the Aries/Libra series, but the mutable axis will activate events from the 1990's as well as more recently in 2016.

This month's lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 25 Virgo/Pisces is a bookend to an eclipse we experienced back in Sept 2016.  What happened to you then? This could either portend a similar event or reveal how far you've come since that period in time.  This eclipse will set the tone and focus on the area of life which is seeking transformation.  And, regardless of how we perceive this first one, we will have two more opportunities to advance our goals next March 2025 and end of September in 2025.

Virgo/Pisces deals will issues that bridge the material with the spiritual, the practical with the esoteric, physical healing vs. emotional release.  There is a tone of sacrifice or letting go, courtesy of the Pisces signature while the Virgo element has us consider realistic and grounded solutions to our problems.

Virgos, Pisces, Sags and Geminis were all affected by the Pluto in Sagittarius cycle of 1995 - 2008 and their lives would have been turned upside in some way.  The underlying reason would be to question one's belief systems and philosophical world views.  In society, we were dealing with the realities of multiculturalism, religious fundamentalism and globalism.  We are now in a better position to understand the source and imperatives for believing certain ideologies and hopefully we are LESS dogmatic because of the imposed soul searching.

On the days surrounding Sept 18th, what areas of life are magnified for our consideration:

ARIES - health and lifestyle and how our beliefs affect our outcomes

TAURUS - personal creativity and how it may impact the larger world

GEMINI - our home and our careers, are we sacrificing one for the other?

CANCER - how does our education impact the way we communicate big and small ideas

LEO - the nature of our resources that we can garner through our talents or in partnership with others

VIRGO - one's self development vs supporting another person's growth

LIBRA - can we bring our spiritual beliefs into practical form and everyday life

SCORPIO - the collective vs. the individual, does one have to sacrifice one for the other?

SAGITTARIUS - your career vs your calling, where do you feel most at home?

CAPRICORN - can big ideas be translated into useful advice for everyday living and community

AQUARIUS - should you invest your time in other's goals or focus on your own

PISCES - the need to find proper balance in relationships, who sets the rules and why?

The lunar eclipse will generally highlight where things may be out of balance while also providing the path for a more functional and dynamic situation.  As mentioned, this month is the opening query into these issues and there will be ample opportunities next year to adjust your priorities or set out on another path altogether.

And the spiritual and the material need not be separated. In fact the material plane is simply the projection of the inner spiritual essence.  So trust in the larger plan and focus the "control" on managing small details while in service to the larger agenda.

North Node at 6 Aries all of September + October
(also Chiron retro in Aries world axis)
healing the Self

Your Aries house will be lit up this month and October and be the spear of focused energy, leading you toward greater freedom and independence.  This, as the entire world around you is crashing down, literally or metaphorically.

But first, we must express the rage and suppression that has been directed our way, through parents, institutions through ideally healthy means.

Where is the impetus for healing (possibly through expressing rage) likely going to occur?

ARIES - allowing the force of your true personality to come through

TAURUS - accessing the inner drive to create change

GEMINI - in your battles online, declaring your vision for the future

CANCER - in taking the reins at work

LEO -  in aligning with a belief system that speaks to your current reality

VIRGO -  seeking greater depth and intimacy in your relationships, "going there" emotionally

LIBRA -  by resolving to air differences and especially, make yourself heard in a significant relationship

SCORPIO -  through exercise, body work and somatic healing

SAGITTARIUS - through enthusiastically embracing a creative project or romantic opportunity

CAPRICORN -  in breaking down the emotional walls that were built up in childhood, likely with very strict or cold parenting

AQUARIUS - accessing your personal story and sharing it with trusted friends and family

PISCES - through endeavoring to make money with your unique skill set, "go for it"

Now through end of 2025 is a period of finalizing many different aspects of life - professional, relational, material, financial, spiritual.  Choosing to press forward rather than sink back into despair and ennui are essential for the building of a new society and nation.  Let go of pre-conceived ideologies and rote allegiances and honor the calling of your soul which seeks freedom and joy and the opportunity to contribute your gifts in a healthy and meaningful way.