Whistling in the Dark Hoping for Light up Ahead

While not generally acknowledged or recognized, historical periods are actually astrological cycles.  Civilizations rise and fall and there is an arc to their ascendency and decline.

Unfortunately, we are in one such cycle now in regards to the United States. Having already experienced our Pluto return in 2022 - 2023, the way forward for this country is to transform or die.  Our Pluto in Capricorn return reprises and course corrects the 250 yrs of our existence which was founded on escaping the tyranny of Great Britain.  The young nation was built on individual liberty, freedom of speech and assembly and a stern warning to forgo involvement in foreign affairs/conflicts abroad.  

The metastasizing of government, corporations and the military medical industrial complex, particularly in the last 30 years, and the assault on free speech, economic opportunity and physical and mental health , not to mention our inglorious forays of "bringing democracy" to  nations we've undermined or destroyed, reveal that we have strayed far from our roots.

With Pluto, something must die but it does NOT have to be the entity itself but rather the misguided beliefs, traumas, corrosive actions taken by a sick individual, company or nation.

Both political parties point to the fascism on the other side.  This is simply a matter of interpretation and projection.  While the GOP may "own" the goosestep fascism of the 20th century, the Democratic party is enthusiastically embracing the technofascism of the 21st century.  

Both appear to support the graveyard of empire, colonialism, economic hitmen and corporate malfeasance.

And yes, a nation is made up of individuals but if the citizenry is medicated and zombified, it is hard to contest that we are going willingly into the darkness.

It's time to process and bury the sins of the past and discover a path that unites us in our humanity and our better selves.

When it comes to the election, I would note which candidate/s support the current system and which are willing to improve or reduce the corrupted machine that is threatening to engulf us all in a homicidal and suicidal  spiral of war, debt, death and destruction.

This month is a very active/reactive one with many possibilities for October surprises. Because of the ever seasonal Pluto station direct, we may be subject or witness to lurches toward WWIII, financial collapse, political upheaval and an anniversary response to Oct 7th (which occurred on last year's Pluto direct station).

We've just experienced a full moon eclipse on Sept 18th which is now followed this month by a solar eclipse in Libra.  There can be new ways to partner with others and it would be ideal if this sentiment could be embraced in the geopolitical sphere where compromise and  negotiation could lead to beneficial results.  Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the agenda of the current administration (who is truly running things)? where we are goaded into greater division and conflict both domestically and abroad.

Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini on the 9th and perhaps the memes and misinformation can take a rest, although unlikely in this vamped up election season.  Pluto will station direct at the last degree of Capricorn on the 12th, the final pass for 250 years.  We are truly at the end of an era of western hegemony and rather than psychotic leaders pushing for greater control overseas, we should be finding paths toward a complimentary and functioning multipolar world.

Forced democracy on the barrel of a gun (or drone or bomb) only leads to greater destruction abroad and less freedom at home.  This mindset must come to an end.

Most of the action personally and politically will take place in the first two weeks of the month and the remainder will be a time to move forward on highlighted initiatives or necessary endings.

Solar eclipse in Libra 10 degrees Oct 2nd
let fairness reign

Peace and unity are desired qualities for most healthy and sane people and nations. Those that sow chaos are either ill or insane by the definition of what it is to be a civilized human.

There are many competing entities who want us to remain separate and angry.  We, of course, see this most clearly during election season where each side perceives the other as dangerous and deluded.  

Libra as an air sign is connected to rationality and the law.  (I would say that the legal system is biased toward the power structure, but that natural law is a more worthy construct).

Yet, since we live in an ostensible "rule of law" society, we have avenues for determining right and wrong.  Perhaps now is a time to return to earlier moral tenets and operate with greater integrity in our personal and professional lives.

The solar eclipse can bring about a greater sense of equality and partnership in this area of life:

ARIES -  in your personal or business relationships

TAURUS - in your work environment

GEMINI - in your creative projects

CANCER -  in your home life

LEO - with your friendships

VIRGO - in your pay grade

LIBRA -  within yourself

SCORPIO - in handling your demons

SAGITTARIUS - in your larger world social interactions

CAPRICORN - with office management

AQUARIUS - in legal or spiritual pursuits

PISCES -  in your intimate relations

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini Oct 9th
who's telling the truth?

Jupiter in any sign ramps up the expression or energy of that sign.  In Gemini, we are looking at supercharged communications.  There are two sides (or more) to every story and yet the narrative makers want us to only see one perspective.

Alas, or positively, the internet provides a multiplicity of views, even if there are greater attempts at censorship.

Jupiter in Gemini also represents the desire for cliques and fellowships (Gemini being the twins or siblings) and we may be seeking out more social interaction.  Certainly, this holiday season, it will be very beneficial to circulate and socialize.

Jupiter turning retrograde on the 9th may tone down the rhetoric a bit, even at this crucial time.  Most people have made up their minds regarding whom they will be voting for (in fact, early voting has already begun in several states).

If we want to use the transit wisely, we might want to revisit previous statements or opinions to distill the actual truth.  Secrets or information can be revealed that would have been previously hidden.

If we've been in the process of writing or creating, the retrograde may bring the opportunity for revisions and editing.

Where might you chose to back up and revise an opinion or theory?

ARIES - how you relate to siblings

TAURUS - your method of earning a living

GEMINI - your self presentation

CANCER - how you address the past

LEO -  your engagement on social media

VIRGO - \how you view your career

LIBRA - \your political views

SCORPIO - your financial arrangements

SAGITTARIUS - what you're looking for in a partner

CAPRICORN - health or lifestyle habits

AQUARIUS - what is worth pursuing creatively?

PISCES - where is home for you?

Pluto direct in Capricorn Oct 12th
leave the old world behind

The past 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn have been a lesson plan in how power works and how it may be corrupted.  During this time, we have witnessed institutions falling, banks failing, universities losing prestige, geopolitical disasters unravelling and the expert class being discredited.

This is all due to a misuse of power and responsibility, most oftentimes negatively influenced by the presence of money.

As Pluto is a 250 year cycle, it correlates with the rise and fall of empires.  In the past, empires lasted 2 Pluto cycles or 500 years.  In current times, the U.S. is likely finishing its time in the sun.  Western civilization is also loosing its global power and ascendency and must adapt to a multipolar world.

What can solve this degenerative decline?  A return to the original values of the enlightenment that inspired the U.S. Constitution and later, democracies around the world.

Capricorn in its higher form is maturity, respect, patience and adherence to the rule of law.  But since our legal system has likewise been corrupted, we need to support an honorable use of the legal system, perhaps even returning to natural law as the basic foundation of moral values.

And just as outwardly the imposed hierarchy has been upended, where in our personal lives have we "killed off" the abusive authority figure who may have appeared as a ruthless boss, nightmare partner, oppressive colleague?

Any place that you experienced a "death" - of a career, relationship, relative, home, dream - is likely where Pluto traversed your chart.  Please know that this is a once in a lifetime transit and these experiences will never be repeated again as Pluto brings an end to the matter.

Where have you experienced the greatest challenges to your power and character? Have you left situations that compromised your integrity?  Are you still driven to "make it" in the same way?  Who determines your self worth and your idea of success?

And where can you now stand in more self-respect and a solid sense of self?

Depending on your sign, this is the area of life that has been most impacted this last decade and a half:

ARIES - in your professional aspirations

TAURUS - in your spiritual or political beliefs

GEMINI - in your intimate or financial ties

CANCER - in your significant relationship

LEO - with your work

VIRGO - in your journey to self expression

LIBRA - in your definition of home

SCORPIO - with your friends or siblings

SAGITTARIUS - with your marketable talents

CAPRICORN - in your personal identity

AQUARIUS - in your management of anxiety

PISCES - in your role in the world

I've written endlessly about how Pluto has affected the global society and economies and as we reach the end of the transit, the institutions, nations and narratives that must fall, will do so.   These entities do not have to die but must be transformed into better, more authentic versions of themselves. The corruption must be outed or the entire edifice will fall.

And in the long run, rather than projecting our power outwards towards experts and authority figures, let us reclaim our inner knowledge and common sense and take responsibility for our own lives.  In that way, we are no longer a subject, but master of our destiny.

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces 
Mars in Cancer trine Venus in Scorpio 
Mars in Cancer opposes Ceres in Capricorn  
will my needs be met?

Mars has been active in Cancer since early September and aspects several planets on its journey. The planet of action and desire has been trine to Saturn in Pisces (Sept 30th - Oct 5th) which provides opportunities to create a container/structure for one's emotional life.  He then aspects Venus in Scorpio for potentially more steamy encounters (Oct 8th and 9th). Throughout this time, Mars is opposing Ceres in Capricorn which can feel like someone in authority says you can't have what you want.

These are all temporary connections but they may bring up childhood stories or trauma around abandonment, lack of connection, suppression of creativity and spirit.  It may be more about the past than the present but worthwhile to notice the triggers.

If we get past the doubts and limitations, we CAN get what we want when Mars trines Scorpio on the 8th and 9th.

Where can you expect a reward assuming you've gotten past the inner censors/judges of your desires?

ARIES - once you realize you can nurture yourself, you will be open to receiving from others

TAURUS - if you've figured out your childhood dramas, you can be present for a grownup relationship

GEMINI -  knowing your self worth gives you the impetus to find or upgrade your job

CANCER - the ability to speak up for yourself allows you access to greater creativity

LEO - when you realize that your fears are ungrounded (or from the past) you can create the home and family you want

VIRGO - getting past external (and impersonal triggers), allows you to find friends with whom you really click

LIBRA - realizing that you are essential to your boss allows you to ask for more money

SCORPIO - once you've gotten straight on your morals, you can feel confident in attracting what you need

SAGITTARIUS - realizing your previous relationships replayed your family dynamic allows you to break free from the past

CAPRICORN - letting go of control of or by a partner allows you to dream bigger and envision a better future

AQUARIUS - realizing you can sabotage yourself and stopping it brings greater career rewards

PISCES - recognizing that you overgive allows you to create boundaries and potentially meet the next partner

Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 29 degrees Oct 22nd
end of the old history

The final Sun/Pluto aspect in Capricorn will occur on Oct 22nd right before the Sun's ingress into Scorpio.  More importantly, the Libra sun, which seeks fairness, is confronted with the heavy-handedness of Pluto.  Biden has already claimed he cannot back or force a cease fire in Gaza.  What about Ukraine?  Could we see any (right now unannounced) attempts at diplomacy?  The current administration is in lockstep with the military industrial complex so negotiations don't seem to ever make it to the table.

What madness will be inflamed as empire holds desperately on to power?  The entire theme of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle (which had a mirror in the 1770's) is one of hegemony and dominance through economic or military abuse.  As America was fortunate to have escaped the worst devastation of the world wars, it was able to develop greater (unfair) economic strength than other nations.  That goodwill and head start advantage has now been destroyed by greedy corporate titans.

What are the acts of a dying empire?  Look to Rome, Great Britain and you will find overextension of colonization and resources in an attempt to rule the world.  This is America's fate.  Additionally, as we escaped the tyrants of Great Britain, we should have understood the perils of geopolitical machinations and overreach.

We MAY truly be on the road to WW3 and we will not win this - no one does except the financial and military power structures.

In our personal lives, where might be engage in one last battle for our own independence against a corrupt system, boss or individual:

ARIES - it may be you and a partner who attempts to fight the authority figure/corporate entity

TAURUS - your desire for equity in your work life may feel threatened by company rules

GEMINI - a desire for more balance in your relationship is compromised by your financial situation

CANCER - you'd like to address a more equitable home/work situation but your partner may be somewhat sexist and conservative in their ideas

LEO - a desire to create art is stymied by dayjob requirements

VIRGO - you'd like to make art, but conventional critics may not support it

LIBRA - you're ready to "leave home" but family obligations are digging into your freedom

SCORPIO - there are stirrings of romance yet your normal way of communicating is not prone to flowery language

SAGITTARIUS - you'd like to meet new people or express personal opinions but feel that your financial situation could be compromised if you speak up

CAPRICORN - there are new career opportunities but you may sabotage them because of what you think "work" should look like

AQUARIUS - can you explore new ideas without worrying about past critiques

PISCES - there is a desire for a new relationship but you wonder how your peer group would respond

Sun into Scorpio Oct 23rd joining Mercury in Scorpio (Oct 14th, Venus in Scorpio (Sept 25th
deepening one's psyche

While many changes are happening in the outer world, this time of year also has us focus inward or toward our intimate partnerships courtesy of the personal planets moving into Scorpio, the sign of depth psychology.  Venus already entered this sign on September 25th, followed by Mercury this month on the 14th and the annual sun ingress into Scorpio on the 23rd.

It is also election season and we may consider what costs or deficits will occur in our lives based on the candidate in question.  Scorpio will point out that we should be careful who we're in bed with, both personally and professionally and make wise choices that will benefit us long-term rather than quick "returns on investment".

We can also be more circumspect about the emotional appeals of those around us and the media.  While our feelings matter, with so much high level manipulation employed, we may not be totally in charge of our thoughts and beliefs. 

Do the deep dive and use the Scorpio sense to weed out superficial entreaties and false promises, both when it comes to our personal, professional and political decisions.

Where do you have a greater perspective regarding other peoples' motives?

ARIES - in clearly noting the financial component of any relationship

TAURUS - in recognizing that your security needs can be manipulated by others, count on yourself instead

GEMINI - in sensing how other's want to place you in their work scenario

CANCER - in understanding the power of emotion

LEO - in sensing what makes others feel at home with you

VIRGO - in realizing the power of words

LIBRA - discerning what people value and what they will pay for services

SCORPIO - in cognizing that you can even trick yourself sometimes

SAGITTARIUS - in understanding that many fears are irrational

CAPRICORN - in perceiving propaganda online

AQUARIUS - in recognizing when your boss is trying to destabilize you

PISCES - in realizing that you are susceptible to spiritual messaging

This time of year has a fated quality to it because it is the time for karma to be reaped and sown. This is amplified by the fact that many long-term planetary stations are culminating and we will be on new terrain beginning next summer 2025.  Hence, we must wrap up or disconnect from old attachments, relationships and issues that are not part of the next chapter of our lives.  Apropos of Halloween, Scorpio/Pluto is death time, but this does not have to be morbid in any way (unless you like that sort of thing).  It is about releasing that which no longer serves one and lightening one's load so that you can freely construct a new adventure for yourself.