Determining Where We Have Agency and Where Collective History Takes Over
Election season in the U.S. seems to take forever - this despite the very recent switch on the democratic ticket - and election day will be equally extended. Both sides assume the other will cheat and therefore it is likely that election results will take days or weeks to tabulate.
But the cries of fascism seem to fall on deaf ears in equal measure with left and right claiming the other is the devil. Our country (and much of the Western world) has already been struck a deadly blow with covid in 2020, which was actually the cover narrative for a global financial demolition. We are yet to fully cognize the extent of the long- term damage to our economy, our health and our psyches.
Neither candidate has addressed the disaster that was covid response policy - basically because each was guilty in their own way. And our country changed in fundamental and destructive ways. Until we acknowledge the hysterical and fascistic response, the devastation it has caused to our long-term viability and freedoms, we will continue to fight about nonsensical and irrelevant issues.
Why I bring up covid rather than the election is that the astrology was much stronger and far-reaching in Jan 2020 than it is at this moment in time, despite the hysteria. The destruction actually began then, courtesy of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and we are just starting to deal with the fallout and failure of our agencies, media and medical institutions.
We are approaching another very significant transit in Feb 2026 and this will be preceded by multiple outer planetary changes beginning middle of 2025.
So we are certainly at the end of an era but the damage has already been done. Neither candidate forced upon us is truly their own person with a strong moral foundation and their weakness and the system that props them up will lead to our national demise, slowly and steadily like the Roman and British empires before them.
Elections may matter symbolically (who's running the country now, we may ask?) but more importantly, what is the permanent state that exists behind the scenes? Can that be challenged and transformed? Unlikely until we become more aware of our shadow and how we give power away or project our darker selves into outer vessels, such as Trump. More significant is our individual and collective level of consciousness as that will determine the quality of leadership. Our best bet for a enlightened future is to work on our selves and our communities. Then we would be less affected by what is happening in the circus of political theatre.
Saturn in Pisces will reveal the sad state of our nation and where we have been living in illusion and delusion. For the people who hate Trump, they will find that he is likely to win the election because the call of dictator has fallen on deaf (and weary) ears - he was in office already and we lived through it, if just barely. But I contend that what is taking place with the choking metastasizing of ngo's and unelected bureaucracies is more deleterious than any puppet president, which is what we will get regardless of who ends up in office.
Take charge of your own life and stand in your integrity. Courage and individuality will replace weakness and victimization in the coming years so strengthen your resolve and inner guidance system and we can help build the country and world that we desire. Next stop on the major planetary train is Saturn/Neptune in Aries February 2026 and that will be when a new dream for America will come into form.
Mars into Leo Nov 5th
the king arrives
Mars, the planet of action and vitality, had been travelling slowly through Cancer these last few months, bringing up issues regarding home, nurturing, family. Unfortunately, Mars (violence) wrecked havoc with numerous counties' homes through disastrous and weaponized weather events in Florida and North Carolina.
Entering the sign of Leo in November, the need for prominence and acclaim will be strong and, due to a two month long retrograde starting in December, this feeling will continue all the way through March of 2025.
Mars will move into Leo on election day, and while not the only indicator of success, suggests that Donald Trump will win the race. With Mars retrograde though, starting in December, there could be threats against him, including another assassination attempt against the supposed king (or tyrant), depending on your viewpoint.
Trump may exhibit a lot of false pride (his rising sign is the last degree of Leo), but this quality, if expressed in a healthy manner, is one that supports leadership and open-heartedness. The true Leo realizes they are conduit for source and can be generous with their ideas, money and love.
Mars in Leo in everyday life may show up as spending sprees, jousting for top spot in a company or team or a desire for attention and applause. We all have a special gift and this may be the time of year to develop it further by believing it to be true.
As Mars relates to men, we may encounter more dominant or charismatic men in key areas of our lives or once again, reveal that quality within.
Where will the desire for center stage appear in your life:
ARIES - in the form of a princely lover or creative breakthrough
TAURUS - a family member may be on the warpath or demanding attention
GEMINI - your siblings or best friends may demand more of your time
CANCER - you have the rare opportunity to ask for more money as you feel you deserve it (the time is not rare as much as your general propensity to downplay your talents, now you won't)
LEO - you naturally attract a crowd or people give you deference, you may also be more moody or angry
VIRGO - your past is bubbling up into view or your own desire to be special, a man could be undermining you in some way
LIBRA - if dating, you will be receiving a lot of attention online
SCORPIO - there's a competition on at work for the top spot
SAGITTARIUS - you're questioning your spiritual views and wonder if humility is all that is it cracked up to be
CAPRICORN - can be an impulse to take financial or romantic risks
AQUARIUS -your partner may be demanding a lot more attention
PISCES - health problems may appear and/or the solutions to them
Venus into Capricorn Nov 12th
a class act
Venus moves into the serious sign of Capricorn on the 12th, right before Saturn turns direct. It's a face reality time but also one where we can put sustained effort into achieving results.
The person with Venus in Capricorn in their natal chart is oftentimes quite ambitious and knows the rules of the game. She is generally serious, a grownup and quite sophisticated style-wise.
The man who possesses Venus in Capricorn is drawn to a partner who is worldly, cosmopolitan and oftentimes is a bit older.
When on the world axis entering the sign, an older female may make the news cycle and hopefully she exemplifies wisdom and a measured long view of a situation.
Venus in Capricorn transiting our personal charts may simply have us consider more long-term investments. And when it comes to superficial things like beauty or fashion, we decide one expensive outfit is worth more than 10 throwaway ones. Alternatively, a Venus in Capricorn type female may influence our lives at this time.
Where might you upgrade your style and sophistication?
ARIES - a female of influence may help you in your work
TAURUS - a woman abroad may open your mind in a variety of ways
GEMINI - you may be drawn to a more mature lover
CANCER -you feel that a mature partner is a solid investment
LEO - there may be a gig with a traditional company or you may return to tried and true methods of healthy living
VIRGO - you may be influenced by a woman of status
LIBRA - your efforts to create a home may have a traditional bent
SCORPIO - one of your older female friends may help you to understand and express yourself better
SAGITTARIUS - a mature or successful woman (or corporation) may choose to enlist your services
CAPRICORN - your style and manner is gaining attraction
AQUARIUS - despite your outward iconoclasm, you have a conservative streak within
PISCES - you may gain the attention of a prominent female or company via your postings online
Saturn direct in Pisces 12 degrees 11/15
chickens coming home to roost
During Saturn cycles (and Saturn has to be somewhere at all times) we are asked to contemplate whether something is working out or not. Generally, if it is aspecting one of our planets, it is a time of endings. At other times, but less frequently, it can point to initiating long term commitments. But there is a reason that Saturn was considered a malefic in ancient astrology as the lord of karma forced us to face previous decisions and actions.
Interestingly, Saturn is squaring the ascendant of the United States and we are aware that the trajectory we are on is no longer sustainable. This, of course, was even more strongly attested to by the disintegrating quality of our first Pluto return during 2021 - 2022. The choices made during a national crisis - covid - will reverberate with us for decades.
The repressive measures, the closing of schools and workplaces, the ballooning of the debt, the explosion of media controls, not to mention vaccine mandates and worst - injuries and deaths - can almost take on the face of war - a war against our citizens, our freedoms (remember movement was restricted early on) and our right to bodily autonomy.
Surprisingly, neither candidate has brought up the failures of covid policies as both are equally culpable of upending our lives.
With Saturn direct, a week after the presidential election, we are on a different yet more sober path. As mentioned elsewhere, 50 percent of the country is going to be unhappy with the results. Can we move forward and work together regardless of who wins?
Saturn says open your eyes and look at harsh reality. How do we proceed forward as responsible adults, possibly having to delay gratification for more important long-term outcomes?
Saturn would certainly have us look at our debt, our border policies (the American dream may be dying), our entrenched bureaucracies and military operations.
In our personal lives, Saturn asks us to straighten up and deal with the fruits of our decisions. In some cases, it's simply a matter of realizing time's up in this area of life. Look back to where you were 7, 14, 21 years ago when it comes to the issue most prominently at hand.
Get sober and clear-eyed about what is required for you to move forward.
Depending on your chart, the call for a mature response will happen here:
ARIES - in addressing family and generational issues
TAURUS - in determining what your long-term future goals are
GEMINI - in deciding your professional life going forward
CANCER - in weighing out the strengths and weaknesses of your spiritual or political views
LEO - in reviewing long-term finances, not a time to take out loans or file for bankruptcy
VIRGO - the future of your relationship
LIBRA - addressing work or health issues
SCORPIO - considering your romantic or creative output, challenges with children or getting pregnant
SAGITTARIUS - where do you belong location-wise?
CAPRICORN - updating your communication style
AQUARIUS - taking a clear look at how to make money
PISCES - who do you want to be? who are you no longer?
Saturn transits are regular occurrences and we have one direct and one retrograde station each year. However, the area of life affected is based on the sign Saturn is travelling in so in this moment, because Saturn is in Pisces, it is time to wake up from our paranoia and delusions/fantasies.
This is the time both personally and collectively to face the music and act like grownups in getting back to work building the life and country you desire.
Pluto back into Aquarius 11/20/24 for 20 years
the next evolutionary journey
As of the 20th, Pluto will officially move into Aquarius for the long haul - i.e. the next 20 years. (On election day, it will still be in Capricorn so there will be a referendum on our nation's history and support or rejection of the future proposed by each party).
But for the next two decades, our focus will be on the future and the hazards of a transhumanist agenda. Science now seems to have overtaken spirituality as the approved faith. We are more prone to "trust the experts" in numerous fields rather than our instincts or a moral compass. This false belief in a limited materialistic world view has brought its perils and these will become more pronounced as we move into the immediate future.
Spoiler alert - when this period is over, we will return to a more spiritually based zeitgeist (Pluto in Pisces in 2045) but there will be many crises and wakeup calls before then to shake us out of our complacency regarding technology and the outsourcing of our own intuition and guidance.
We've already had a taste of Pluto in Aquarius as it entered the sign last April and danced back and forth over the first degree since then. But as this is such a long transit, it may take awhile to understand its contours and significance.
Those will planets or angles in the earliest degrees of the fixed signs - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio - will be most affected this year through next and the rest of us will unwillingly follow suit.
You can't bargain or fake it with Pluto. If you are out of integrity in the area of life it is encountering, things will blow up in order to be arranged/recreated anew.
Some public topics of concern would include digital currencies, digital ID, surveillance methods, chemical and electrical toxicities, radiation and emf poisoning, AI, robotics, automation, social anxiety, the changing nature of the airline industry, the merging of the biological with the technological - the singularity.
While this will be the first of many different tirades on this transit, note where most of the transformative focus will be for you:
ARIES - in your digital communities
TAURUS - in your workplace, career
GEMINI - in your philosophical understanding of the world
CANCER - in your financial life
LEO - with your partnerships
VIRGO - at your job, with your health
LIBRA - in your creative endeavors
SCORPIO - regarding your home life
SAGITTARIUS - in your local environment or communications
CAPRICORN - in your earning power
AQUARIUS - within your self identity
PISCES - in awakening old or generational trauma
Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus 25 degrees Nov 17th
up the ante
Uranus has been wildly active in Taurus this year with the most prominent aspect being the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction April 20th. The aspect of a "lucky financial break" has continued to be active all year round. When this degree is triggered by meeting up with other planets, this time the Sun, the energy continues to reverberate or reveal the next leg of the story.
How does your need for control positively or negatively affect the way you look at money? This aspect (while actually a yearly one) can provide insight or action around your financial entanglements. Are they clean and not muddied by personal or psychological maneuvering?
We all have some semblance of fear or concern around security and the past few years have demonstrated that nothing holds value consistently. So if we are holding on too tightly to finances or murky partnerships, this will be confronted now.
If we are open to viewing money through a different and more detached lens, then this aspect will provide the necessary quickness and opportunity to create a new relationship with money and creativity.
Where might you encounter some level of excitement or chaos concerning resources:
ARIES - the types of people who may support you may surprise you, they are not you normally would expect
TAURUS - you are attracting a different type of relationship where money is not the sole metric of value
GEMINI - you realize your physical health can be affected by your fears or removal there of
CANCER - who you love may not receive the approval from friends, it doesn't matter there are new peers coming into your life
LEO - your role in the home is changing as well as your professional identity
VIRGO - you tend to clasp tightly to your values but realize you may need to open up your perspective, too much secrecy kills possibilities
LIBRA -2nd H/8th H - as you are growing in your personal worth and values, you may decide to invest your time and money differently
SCORPIO - if you are too rigid in your control in a relationship, your partner may begin to rebel
SAGITTARIUS - you recognize that attending to mental/spiritual health brings great rewards
CAPRICORN - you are very sensitive to approval from highers up but it may matter more what your intimate partner or family thinks of you
AQUARIUS - how you are developing internally will have a greater affect on career than anything else
PISCES - you, like Sag, can be somewhat dogmatic about your view or keep your head in the clouds, this is a return to reality moment to decide where your security lies
Now, as always, with Uranus transits (and this is admittedly a smallish one), if you are willing to change "on a dime" you will weather and actually enjoy the impetus for a new life/person/belief system. If you are too Scorpionic, whatever your sign, you may find that the universe has to "break you open" to become more flexible and transparent.
Mercury retro 11/26 at 22 Sag
the veracity of our beliefs
The last Mercury retrograde of the season occurs on Nov 26th, merging with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Within families there are usually disagreements about life, politics, religion, finance, etc. And since Since Mercury is in Sagittarius, and it will be past the election these themes may be amplified with at least 50 % of the population unhappy with the results.
A good version of Sagittarius is open - mindedness, a willingness to examine and see the bigger picture. The lower case version is dogmatism and a "know it all" attitude. You may encounter this in others or exemplify that within yourself.
In all instances, not worth getting too heated over it as once the planet goes direct on Dec 15th, much of the tension will have dissipated on its own.
Because it's a family time of year, we can notice how our religious or cultural upbringing affected our sense of self and helped or hurt (usually the latter) our attempts at gaining inner wisdom and/or outer experiences.
In what area of life will you find the possibility of the greatest amount of disagreements this season?
ARIES - your religious or spiritual views
TAURUS - in regard to finance and investing
GEMINI - in your choice of partner
CANCER - in your approach to health
LEO - in your raising of children
VIRGO - in your idea of home
LIBRA - in your choice of friends and reading material
SCORPIO - in the way you make money
SAGITTARIUS - in how you've lived your life
CAPRICORN - in the negation of any family issues
AQUARIUS - in your goals for the future
PISCES - in your choice of career
So I contend that by the end of this month, the election results may still not be clear. And if Trump is the actual winner, he may not be given a chance to enter the office again, with lots of underhanded attempts preventing his ascension to the presidency.
It'll be a rocky couple of months, unnecessarily so, as the current power structure battles to stay in charge.
So focus on cleaning up your own life of unnecessary drama and precarity. Regardless of who is inaugurated in January 2025, we will have lots of work to do to resurrect or reconstruct a more viable representation of the American Dream.