Accepting the Changing of the Tides

Well the election and results were pretty straightforward and while there are heartrending reactions in many quarters, the country is in a pivot mode into a new chapter.  This new epoch will not totally arrive until 2026, but the potential changes are underfoot.  These would relate to the realignment of the global world order, the reckoning on our country's spending and militarism abroad and well as the rejection of certain social engineering outcomes.

While Trump should enter the White House unscathed in January, the advance of the Mars retrograde (Dec 6th - Feb 23rd) could throw some cranks in the wheel.  I initially thought the Mars in Leo would  delay the results of the election. Instead, the backstabbing and accusations may come from within the respective parties and even in Trump's case, the jostling for cabinet positions and influences will be chaotic.  And with Mars in his twelfth house, the possibilities for something more nefarious are still there.

For the rest of us, we will be waking up from a slumber or nightmare. Neptune turns direct on Dec 7th in Pisces and the scales fall from our eyes. Generally, we are more willing to look at our own mistaken perceptions or become more aware that we have been hoodwinked.  Now, in relation to the election, I think both sides feel this way with the Dems worrying about the death of democracy and the GOP recognizing that Trump is still a swamp creature despite words to the contrary.

Trump is simply a projection vessel for all of us in that he is either positioned as an angel or a demon, depending on whatever side of the aisle you reside. But these extremes are not correct and we might decide to look within at our wounding of the father (the left) and the lies of the patriarchy (the right). Once we own our projections we don't have to be so hysterical in our responses as this phrase holds true "hysteria is historical".

Two of the feminine archetypes, Venus and Ceres move into Aquarius on the 8th and they are strong emblems of the feminist.  In this instance, they will be met by resistance from what is perceived as the patriarchal power monger, Pluto.  Yet, in this case, Pluto is not a person or political party, but social media and the media landscape at large.  How to stand up for oppressed within becoming victimized oneself?  A new type of feminism will eventually arise from this process.

Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius on Dec 15th after having travelled through the sign of political and religious opinions over the Thanksgiving weekend. No doubt, conversations were heated provided  that families even got together this year. Understand that whatever your political stripe, it is likely that you have much more in common with your family or neighbor than you are told you have.  Regardless of your position, you still must put gas in the car, buy groceries and pay your utilities which are all severely overpriced.  So consider that unless you are the oligarchic class, your "enemy" is struggling or trying to get by in just the same way as you.

The winter solstice arrives on the 22nd and the Sun in Capricorn meets up in an uncomfortable angle with Pluto in Aquarius.  The power centers are shifting and in many ways, they are impersonal and invisible.  How to be the boss of your own life while living in a sea of internet surveillance and data mining?  What jobs will be eliminated in the next few years and where can you put your energy toward earning money and being in charge of your own life?  It will not be a corporation per se, or even if part of one, you will not be made aware of the larger intentions of the impersonal machine.

Jupiter squares Saturn on Christmas Eve and this can be a feeling of a tiny bit of optimism mixed with some depression and sadness.  The illusion has been pricked and now is the time to consider new associations (Gemini) while letting go of the unrealistic dreams (Saturn).

So we enter the New Year in a more sober and grown up mindset.  Not the worst considering a new world wants to come into existence in 2026 and we have just one short year to eliminate the old patterns and accommodate the ever closer future.

Mars retrograde Dec 6th at 6 degrees Leo
who should be king?

Mars, the planet of action and vitality, will retrograde in the sign of Leo starting Dec 6th and continuing through February 24, 2025.  This period will encompass the holidays and the inauguration of Donald Trump, all against the background drumbeats of war.

In Trump's case, Mars will be traversing backwards through his 12th house of karma and undoing.  This transit could manifest in a number of ways including  the unearthing of new or old scandals, a third assassination attempt or infighting within his transition team for their personal agendas. Events from 2018 could resurface such as the now -denounced Russia gate hoax and while those charges were debunked, they still hold a place in the collective mindset.

Much of the chaos surrounding this polarizing figure will not subside until February so if you don't care to ride the rollercoaster of media outrage, you may decide to focus on your own life and artistry instead. The need for prominence and acclaim will be strong and everyone is seeking more attention, oftentimes in a childish or dramatic way.

Leo does represent creativity and the ability to channel ideas into reality. The next two 1/2months may be the time to dust off old projects or begin work on a long-desired personal goal.

And, as Leo is the romantic, Mars in Leo will, in many cases, bring the return of exes and lovers, sometimes in real life and other times in social media or your imagination.

And because Mars relates to men, when it turns retrograde, oftentimes men turn "crazy" with the gentle hearted soul turning ornery while the nefarious character appears to have developed a conscience.  This is all a mirage (or minor shadow projection) as said parties will return to the normal behavior and character once Mars turns direct end of February.

Where is there going to be more excitement, drama or unnecessary ego displays in your life:

ARIES - regarding a lover or creative project, an ex can return or a potential new partner may arrive

TAURUS - within your home environment, family or mother can demand more attention than normal

GEMINI -  in relation to your siblings or close friends, you may be counseling a distraught friend

CANCER - potentially regarding a paycheck or a project may return

LEO - you may be either the life of the party or everyone's greatest nightmare

VIRGO - a lot of subconscious material may be coming up now, especially in relation to ex lovers

LIBRA - you will experience a lot more attention, positive or negative, online

SCORPIO - there may be competition or returning opportunities at work  or a boss may be on the warpath

SAGITTARIUS - you take an extra interest in politics and religion right now, perhaps to a fanatical degree

CAPRICORN - a former lover or business partner may return

AQUARIUS - your partner may be acting more dramatically this holiday season

PISCES - despite the holiday timeline, more work may be coming your way or you may be dealing with old health issues

Neptune direct in Pisces Dec 7th
a major or minor reveal

We are nearing the end of the Neptune in Pisces cycle which began in 2010 and is completing early 2026.  There will be a temporary entrance of Neptune into Aries next summer and we will get a taste of where the energy is moving going forward for another 16 years.

Throughout this period we have been subjected to the pleasures and distortions of social media, morphing political takes, weather events, particularly involving storms and floods, and biggest psyop of all, the covid pandemic operation.

Neptune wears away at seemingly impenetrable ideas and institutions and in this latter case, we will see the falling away of the medical industrial complex in the coming decade.  There is more to healing that surgery and pharmaceuticals and Americans are waking up to the nightmare that is the healthcare system.

Whatever your views on covid, you might admit that we were kept in the dark or purposely pressured and duped into behaviors that did not serve us in the end - our children lost valuable school time, businesses closed and shuttered for good, hospital protocols were deadly in many cases and we are sicker than ever as a a nation.  This model is not working and there will be continued outcries and a restitution of the sick care model as early as next summer.

In other areas, Neptune in Pisces relates to victim consciousness and while it is absolutely necessary for us to recognize former trauma and abuse, we do not have to stay in a permanent state of stress.  And when it comes to social institutions, the excessive politics of victimhood and race and gender politics has run its course.  The election of Trump showcased that people are sick of wokeism.

While the philosophy of woke may have begun with the best intentions, it has now become an industry and one where identity trumps merit.  A natural rebalancing can occur - and will - in the decade ahead.

In our personal lives, if we have been holding onto an outdated dream or relationship or been confused about a situation, the truth (or at least a portion of it) will come out at this time.

Where might we be able to clear the clouds and see the light on a particular matter?

ARIES - that many of our worst fears are not based on reality, there is a path forward

TAURUS - that who you thought your friends and supporters were may surprise you

GEMINI - you are clearer about how to proceed with your job 

CANCER - you realize that the old religious ideas or remaining naive about the world are no longer viable 

LEO - you have greater understanding of your long-term financial situation

VIRGO - your partner seems to "snap out of it"

LIBRA - you discover the cause of some health issues

SCORPIO - you get a breakthrough on your art project

SAGITTARIUS - you decide where you want to live

CAPRICORN - you understand your childhood better

AQUARIUS - you realize you have talents that can make money

PISCES - you feel "back from the grave" and ready to move forward in your life

Venus/Ceres in Aquarius conjunct Pluto Dec 8th
real vs. fake oppression, cries against injustice

In a time and space where most Americans, even the poorest among us, live better than the richest of kings, we have the luxury to obsess about boutique issues. This happens on both sides of the aisle where the outrage is centered on peripheral issues that have little relevance outside of a narrow inner circle.

We can talk about pronouns and gender issues 'til the cows come home but do we actually center our conversations on real tragedy and oppression, particularly in relation to women (Venus and Ceres)?  How much energy or focus is placed on ending child marriage, genital mutilation, religious suppression, sex trafficking and the genocide of mothers and children?  

Perhaps for a moment when Venus and Ceres in Aquarius slam into Pluto in Aquarius will we understand what true suffering and oppression look like in the current times. There could be some rising up of women and children in war torn areas, a suppressive moment that receives global attention online or an attempt to bring rectitude in deeply egregious situations.  (Case in point is the ICC declaring that Netanyahu is a war criminal).  Will anything come of these viral or cultural moments?

Perhaps not immediately but as we have been dealing with the internal corruption and implosion of governments, institutions, religious organizations, at one point the tables will turn.

In the meantime, external circumstances - war, financial collapse, environmental destruction, biological poisoning will be capturing our attention more and more, pushing the woke issues into oblivion.

What is real and what is simply online noise or peer-based outrage?  (And this is not to deny historical oppression, but Aquarius relates to the future and where we are going as a human race).

Where can real change (and healthy feminism) occur in your life?

ARIES - through social media interactions, engagement with the alien or outcast

TAURUS - in the work arena, office culture changing

GEMINI - in foreign affairs, a readjustment of your spiritual or political beliefs to be more accurate rather than sentimental or ill thought thru

CANCER - perhaps spending money on a worthy woman/child cause

LEO -  treating people in your life in a more respectful manner

VIRGO - supporting new ways of health and healing

LIBRA - encouraging the artistic participation of marginalized groups, or simply helping girls with their education 

SCORPIO - living life on your own terms rather than those of family

SAGITTARIUS - here you can be an advocate with your words and media posts

CAPRICORN - put your money where you mouth is, help those in need, particularly disenfranchised women and children

AQUARIUS - spreading your understanding of acceptance of diversity and true freedom

PISCES - unlocking from your own inner hang ups and privileges

Mercury direct Sagittarius Dec 15th
who has the truth?

Sagittarians are generally people who think they know it all.  They are confident in their opinions, and while many are worldly and educated, they may still possess a dogmatic streak and be unwilling to listen to others.

This Mercury retrograde could have revealed these qualities in high definition as everyone may have been spouting their opinions on the election and the state of the world.

Instead of being rigidly partisan, it might be best to try to listen to the other side.  We can gain wisdom from seeing events/experiences from a new set of eyes and then this adds and contours our knowledge in new ways.

Even if we spouted off to family and friends, hopefully a bit of understanding and compassion eventually entered the conversation.

What did we learn could contain paradox in the last few weeks?

ARIES - different faiths all have similar basic tenets

TAURUS -  there are many different types of investment strategies

GEMINI - we can agree to disagree with our partner and still love each other

CANCER - everybody has a right to live life their own way

LEO - there are many different approaches to creativity and/or to child-rearing, all have some merit

VIRGO - you and family have different memories of childhood, nobodies is better or worse

LIBRA - we all communicate differently, let's try to hear each other out

SCORPIO - one has multiple talents and chances to ply their trade and skill sets

SAGITTARIUS - you are a multi-faceted person who can change your opinion

CAPRICORN - one can look at the past through a variety of lenses

AQUARIUS - everybody's goals may be slightly different but they are all worthwhile as long as decency and truth prevail

PISCES - how you are perceived in your professional life is based on each individual's perspective

Sun into Capricorn inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius Dec 22nd
the past must give way to the future

We have finally left Pluto in Capricorn behind for good after 16 years of challenging the status quo.  Now with Pluto in Aquarius new challenges and opportunities will arise.  We may still be mentally living in the past and must face the new chapter up ahead.

If we still hold traditional or outmoded or hierarchical ideas, they will crash into the new reality we must all face.

Sun on the World Axis on the winter solstice will prove that we have left Kansas behind.

What in world needs an updated view?

ARIES - that power now lies with social media and self promotion rather than the traditional world of gatekeepers

TAURUS - your sense that there is one specific pathway is decimated by the reality of multiple options

GEMINI - you actually like the restrictions of old, particularly in relationships while a new type of connection will become the norm

CANCER - even if you want a traditional relationship, your joint money situation will be different and more diffuse

LEO - you think if you work harder, your partner will notice, just work smarter these days

VIRGO - focusing on one job vs multiple projects is no longer viable

LIBRA - you may crave the traditional model of family but the world is pointing to different arrangements

SCORPIO - you are used to wearing the pants in your family, this will no longer be the case

SAGITTARIUS - making money the old way is not an option, you must diversify online

CAPRICORN - you can still be a boss, but subordinates will only respect you if you are cognizant of the "new rules" of engagement

AQUARIUS - despite your quirkiness, there is a very conventional attitude propping this up, let it go and be your freaky self

PISCES - if you think success comes from playing by the rules, you will discover that trusting the universe is a better option

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces Dec 24th
taking a pause to assess the landscape

Jupiter and Saturn are two diametrically opposed planets with the first encouraging abundance and excess and the latter pointing to limitation and lack.  Neither of these extreme expressions are ideal and from time to time we encounter a choice point in how to move forward - with exuberance or with caution.

Jupiter in Gemini is asking us to consider many different options in life and simply gather information and contacts.  Saturn in Pisces is Eeyore saying nothing is worth it and why bother?

If we're leaning toward one direction at the expense of the other, now we can make a course correction.

Positively, with Jupiter in Gemini we are trying to build community and with Saturn in Pisces, taking our creative or spiritual goals more seriously.

This planetary square takes place on New Year's Eve so it is likely that we will feel a tug toward the future while feeling melancholy about what might have been.

How will this energy of yes/no affect you?  What adjustments need to be made to move forward more confidently?

ARIES - focus more on new friendships rather than rehashing the (family or karmic) past

TAURUS - decide what You are good at rather than listening to the naysayers online

GEMINI - you have the ability to move beyond the weakness of the father imprint

CANCER - don't let spiritual or cultural views get in the way of your new ideas

LEO - consider future goals rather than focusing on current financial worries

VIRGO - you can take charge at work despite your partner's doubts

LIBRA - yes, there are opportunities abroad or elsewhere if the current work situation is limited and dreary

SCORPIO - it may be more important to focus on one new relationship rather than an old depressing one

SAGITTARIUS - a new romantic life awaits you if you leave the constraints of home

CAPRICORN - you are living life differently from your siblings and family, continue to try new things

AQUARIUS - your creativity (and children) will bring you greater satisfaction than worrying about money

PISCES - there's a future in a new community if you can get away from your tendency toward isolation

While not directly related, we did experience a beginning cycle around Jupiter/Saturn in December of 2020.  We were meant to consider new options and ways of building a life and if it meant the old life had to go, it was part of the process.  This month's Jupiter Saturn square can possibly point to how far you've come from that time period in 2020 and consider whether the changes/decisions wrought then are worth pursuing or dropping.  Go in the direction of the new and optimistic (even if seemingly superficial) and let go of the old voice that says life is hard and full of suffering.

When the New Year begins, we will still be in the midst of Mars retrograde so it is unlikely that we will be starting with a totally clean slate, but rather, vetting and clearing out the old attachments and dramas.  Not to worry as the future is arriving with a vengeance beginning next summer.  So use this holiday time to re-center your heart (Leo) to move in the direction that serves your soul rather than your ego.  If we all did more of this, the world would be a more harmonious and productive place.

Happy Holidays!