January will not disappoint in regards to volatility and quick changes.  As we begin the month, Mars is still retrograde in Leo and will move backwards into Cancer on the 7th for another month and 1/2.

The first few days will see the North Node at 0 Aries on the World Axis which points to history shattering events.  The nodes will then move into Pisces/Virgo on the 12th changing the nature of our spiritual work as we wrap up the last year and a half of Neptune in Pisces.

Points in early Aquarius will also be active as personal planets conjoin or aspect Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, here to stay for the next 20 years.  Whatever we hear or ascertain gives us an inkling into how we will be engaging with this planet and its technocratic urgings.

Looking back to last month, when Mars turned retrograde on the 6th, we witnessed the killing of an insurance CEO followed by the fall of the Assad regime in Syria.  Mars is violence, war, aggression and anger.  The outpouring of gallows humor online at the murder of Brian Thompson, makes clear that many people have experienced traumatizing experiences when dealing with our sickcare system replete with denied coverage for necessary treatments.

The rise of rebels in Syria in a matter of months suggests manipulation by outside forces, chief among them our own military.

And yes, this month we have the inauguration of Donald Trump to a second term. The animus is high in certain circles and slight hope/trepidation in others.  For those who supported him, they are questioning whether he can be trusted to follow thru on promises. Likewise, the opposition is worried he will follow through on what they deem horrible threats.  The reality is likely to be somewhere in between with the good not being great and the bad not being catastrophic.

Node at 0 degrees Aries Jan 1st - 11th
independence reigns

While the Mars retrograde has a regressive affect, the first week in January is worthy of new beginnings and turning points.  The nodes (which move backward in the zodiac) will be transitioning into Virgo/Pisces mid month. But first, they will travel slowly over the first degree of Aries which has an initiatory, warrior-like or aggressive edge to it.  This degree and noticing what occurs in these first two weeks will give us an indication of future trends and issues arriving when both Saturn and Neptune move into Aries later this year and more permanently in 2026.

Nodes on the world axis have a fated quality to them and in Aries, the old must be swept away so the new can begin.  Rapid changes can take place in the area of life ruled by Mars and where the Aries energy holds reign.  If nothing material happens, note what thoughts/beliefs are arriving for consideration.  

Where will you feel excited and even trepidatious, but also ready to take a risk?

ARIES - on proclaiming who you are, now free from past conditioning

TAURUS - battling your inner demons, don't let the need for surety and security hold you back

GEMINI - taking a stand online or in your tribe, discovering new people and causes to support

CANCER - taking charge at work, asking for more responsibility and independence

LEO - in challenging your entrenched ideologies, in connecting to people and ideas abroad

VIRGO  - in tackling your finances or your love life

LIBRA - in addressing relationship imbalances, you need more space and agency

SCORPIO - in adopting a new healthcare or lifestyle regime

SAGITTARIUS - in opening your heart or endeavoring to begin your masterpiece

CAPRICORN - in demanding to be king of your own castle, laying down the law

AQUARIUS - in seeking out new friendships or reading material

PISCES - in promoting yourself and your talents

Mars in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius Jan 3rd - 5th
david and goliath, humans vs. machines (of war)

In this dramatic and conflict-ridden month, there are likely to be old and new military flareups around the world.  I fear for yet more innocent lives to be extinguished by power mad and insane agendas.  What is murder except for a type of insanity?

And perhaps, peace starts at home and none of us are truly innocent in regards to maintaining equinamity in our personal or professional relationships.

Where are we likely to encounter some form of anger, pressure or feeling of abuse?

ARIES - perhaps our creative projects are not accepted by the masses or we receive pushback/negativity online

TAURUS - home sweet home may not be the mantra this week as work obligations override family needs

GEMINI - our personal "selfish" interests may be at odds with so-called spiritual teachings (which can be abusive in their own right)

CANCER - you'd like to spend some money on yourself but your partner is controlling about the household spending

LEO - you feel you need some appreciation from your significant other and all you receive is criticism instead

VIRGO - you are desiring some form of appreciation at work and it is not forthcoming, in fact, you may be ignored or bad-mouthed instead

LIBRA - you've finally gotten up the nerve to promote yourself online or in a group setting and your lover or children do not appreciate your outer focus

SCORPIO - your boss wants you to work more but your family are demanding even greater attention at home

SAGITTARIUS - you feel you've reached some new understandings about the ways of the world but nobody really wants to hear your epiphanies

CAPRICORN - everybody is demanding something of you but you are shutting them down

AQUARIUS - for once, it's going to be "your way or the highway"

PISCES - there is a lot of chaos happening around you but you are more concerned about deeper existential topics that cannot be solved

Mars retro into Cancer Jan 7th
fighting for home or the homeland

We are only part way through the 2 1/2 month long Mars retrograde which began in Leo on Dec 6th and will not transition back into Cancer for the remainder of the retrograde period.

What Leo and Cancer share are love of family and children but how they relate to them or develop meaning around them is different.  Leo may take pride in their children or family as a reflection of their own magnificence (whether earned or not).  Alternatively, Cancer has a more traditional approach of kinship and carrying on the lineage.  

Leo is more ego-driven, Cancer more security conscious and now that Mars has returned to Cancer, the focus or concerns/arguments deal with comfort and nurturing.

Where will you experience increased anxiety or neediness around long-term security?  (This can include housing)

ARIES - where you live, can you afford or maintain your situation?  anger may be directed at family of origin or mother in particular

TAURUS - in making certain who your friends are.  Alternatively, siblings or childhood friends may be more needy
and fail to see who you are now

GEMINI - concern around salary or long-term ability to make a living, the fight may involve your wages

CANCER - worry about whether you have what it takes, may need more assurance from others that you are worthy

LEO - can you trust in god?  Or, do you have enemies behind the scenes?

VIRGO - you'd like to feel more at home in a group, are these your people?  There can be more competition or infighting your circle of friends

LIBRA - it's hard to feel secure in your job or profession, the competition seems personal at times but is really unearthing old issues around father

SCORPIO - can you trust your intuition?  has your cultural upbringing not prepared you for instability?

SAGITTARIUS - while you're okay with your free-wheeling lifestyle, your partner or others worry you don't have the proper financial foundation

CAPRICORN - you wonder if you will ever meet someone who will feel like "your person".  Alternatively, you could be barraged by people needing something from you and are repelled.

AQUARIUS - there's a moment where you wonder if you should take a "day job" for financial security.

PISCES - when it comes to relationships, right now you are more motivated by emotional safety than excitement or exploration

Mercury into Capricorn Jan 9th
the voice of reason

While not the most significant transit, Mercury moving into Capricorn, particularly in light of what may be happening early in the month, brings a voice of reason to the proceedings.  This is a time to face reality and act responsibly, even if it means some temporary sacrifice.

Of course, this can relate to our out of control budget and whatever one things of Doge, the sentiment is an appropriate one.  In our personal or professional lives, start thinking like a grownup and act with precision and integrity.  Much can get done in this short period of time with the right attitude.

Where ought you be acting more like an adult rather than a frightened or overly emotional child?

ARIES - in your professional decision

TAURUS - in vetting through propaganda

GEMINI - in assessing your investments

CANCER - in managing your relationship

LEO - in handling work projects

VIRGO - in taking control of a creative project or creating boundaries with your children or lover

LIBRA - in making your home work more efficiently

SCORPIO - in conversations with friends or siblings

SAGITTARIUS - in looking at the bottom line and your salary intake

CAPRICORN - in accepting that you are the boss

AQUARIUS - in recognizing that there are historical precedents
PISCES - in realizing the limitations of social media or superficial friendships

Nodes into Pisces/Virgo Jan 12th
victim consciousness or surrender

The Nodes, fated points in the zodiac, moving from Aries/Libra into Pisces/Virgo on Jan 12th will signal an energetic shift and focus to greater spirituality and healing.  But we will first have to acknowledge the wounding and self-deception that we have sustained, and mourn the disillusionment if necessary.

We have been swimming in the emotional and sometimes debilitating waters of Neptune in Pisces since 2011 where we've all become more literate about childhood and family trauma, and how we are being polluted in a variety of ways from our air and water, to our food supply and medication.

The nodes will, over the next 18 months, along with Neptune and Saturn in Pisces bring this period of enervation and subterfuge to a culmination  This could mean that more people finally wake up to the deceptive practices of the pharmaceutical industry (Neptune/Pisces is drugs/intoxication) to religious figures aligning themselves with power rather than spirit to an awareness that the media and entertainment industries have been producing propaganda for years.

Additionally, we may realize that we have been lying to ourselves and others as to the state of the world and our place in it.

It's a necessary passage that may bring great despair and disappointment but also one, which like a storm which rages, is followed by clarity and light.

For the next year and 1/2, where will we be faced with acknowledging our victimhood (Pisces) and while learning to create greater boundaries (Virgo):

ARIES - we sometimes let our fears overtake us and do not know how to moderate our emotions, there may also be victim karma in the lineage

TAURUS - if we would like to build a new dream, we need to take concrete steps so that is does not stay intangible forever

GEMINI - dad was the weaker parent and our mother may have compensated by being overly controlling, take daily steps to make your life better

CANCER - suffering may be part of your religious conditioning, take the time to accept this and start taking responsibility for your own life

LEO - you feel at the mercy of other financially, instead take matters into your own hands

VIRGO - you may have a pattern of attracting weak or damaged people, create better boundaries going forward

LIBRA - you can flail about when it comes to work or taking care of yourself, there's no perfection, just trust and take baby steps

SCORPIO - you can live in fantasy land regarding a creative project, start to make it concrete by detailing your progress to others

SAGITTARIUS - you didn't have a strong family foundation growing up, you can mourn that but keep moving steadily forward in your professional goals

CAPRICORN - you sometimes feel like an automaton who has no feelings or sense of spirituality, allow little thoughts of magic and synchronicity to enter your life

AQUARIUS - you can have a nebulous sense of your worth and may depend on a partner to give you self esteem, start trusting in your intuition and creativity more

PISCES - you are the dreamer or the victim and you may now need to have people in your life make you accountable so that you can produce 

And in some cases, we may encounter or experience situations where we are a true victim as opposed to a socially designated one.  Victims of war and violence, financial and political destruction, health care disasters, unnecessary or unlawful incarceration, slavery and trafficking are part of a collective cycle where dark energy and abuse have exploded.  In these instances, it is likely that surrender and forgiveness are brought to bear in order to heal oneSELF, not the perpetrator.  As long as we carry the trauma around within us, the victimizer is still hurting us.  Our mental and physical health depends on emotional "hygiene" so do this for your own sanity rather than accepting the distorted projection of the perpetrator.

Saturn in Pisces inconjunct Pluto in Aquarius Jan 27th
reluctantly acquiescing  to the new order

It's never easy to admit defeat, particularly in a world of ego and competition.  But at some point, we must admit that we are licked.   Or we can stay in delusion and denial. These latter responses will be very prevalent as we float our way out of Neptune in Pisces.

Some people will never wake up to the new reality or the old one that was revealed.  But these individuals will also not be able to successfully cope or thrive in the coming years.

How can you master the changing of the tides by letting go of the old ways and "welcoming" the new?  Where will the discomfort lie?

ARIES - you've got to let go of the idea of victimhood in order to find your place in the new order

TAURUS - your former cohorts may no longer fit into your new goals

GEMINI - let go of your father issues and seek out different associations, particularly abroad

CANCER - the family religion cannot explain the new reality so you must consider new philosophies and relationships

LEO - your partner may disappoint with their finances and you must seek a more equitable money arrangement

VIRGO  - if you let go of draining relationships, your mental and physical health will improve

LIBRA - instead of thinking you must be a slave to a conventional job, discover your own unique voice and talent (particularly attuned to the digital world)

SCORPIO - don't let a sorrowful romance impact your desire for your own kind of family

SAGITTARIUS - if you continue to think like a victim, you will be stuck in the past, make new friends and family members

CAPRICORN - strong emotional response from others (and victim consciousness) bedevil you, you can focus on your work instead.  the world is going to need solid and reserved people to survive.

AQUARIUS - stop wavering about your talents, focus on one and you will see your future unfold in positive ways

PISCES - you've done your share of crying, now focus on larger collective issues that need your wisdom to interpret

Mercury in Aquarius conjoin Pluto in Aquarius Jan 29th
deep revelations or shocking news

Again, this is a small transit but as the early degrees of Aquarius are active for a couple of years, any little bit of insight or information can be helpful in working with the unprecedented changes happening in the world.

Mercury in Aquarius meets up with Pluto in Aquarius on the 29th (right before Uranus turns direct) to bring some unexpected news or awareness.

What kind of epiphany or news might you hear at this time?

ARIES - an interesting media contact (someone coming or going unexpectedly)

TAURUS - how to approach your boss, perhaps insight into a company issue

GEMINI - a friend may contact you from overseas

CANCER - a glitch perhaps in your financial software

LEO - your partner says something out of left field, or if in media or entertainment, may have an opportunity to be seen or heard

VIRGO - a co-worker has interesting or surprising information to deliver

LIBRA - your child (or lover) may say something quite brilliant

SCORPIO - you can address a "crisis" at home in a different way (this can be electrical in nature)

SAGITTARIUS - strange or unexpected from or about a sibling

CAPRICORN - an idea about how to make money with technology

AQUARIUS - you have a breakthrough about yourself and your particular form of genius

PISCES  -you may receive or download some metaphysical data

Uranus direct Jan 30th 23 degrees
how to break free from the past

Uranus is yet another outer planet that will be changing signs this year into next.  So we are between worlds and new inventions, ideas and associations.

Since 2018, the planet of dramatic change has been residing in the sign of Taurus, one known for its stubbornness and resistance to change. Fortunately or dharmically, Uranus has "forced" upon one new ideas, value systems, interests with money likely being the area of needed change.

At the last degrees, this necessity of letting go of old ideas and behaviors is more urgent.  Practically speaking, if there were issues and separations that you were dealing with end of August/beginning of Sept in 2024, they may return now for recalibration.  If a divorce is required, now (or when Mars turns direct end of February) may be when this is set in motion.

Where will you finally be irrevocably done with a situation or person?

ARIES - your financial instability

TAURUS - your holding back your true self

GEMINI - you're sick of being afraid or of replaying old stories in your head

CANCER - you may break free from your social media engagement and contacts, your goals and tribe have changed

LEO - with your job and your boss, you or they may make the break

VIRGO - perhaps your political affiliation no longer serves you

LIBRA - you would like a more healthy financial situation with your significant other

SCORPIO - you'd like your partner to snap out of it and value themselves more highly

SAGITTARIUS - you are sick of being sick or tired with work drudgery

CAPRICORN - you may decide that your child or lover must start to focus and get to work

AQUARIUS - you are over being the slave in the household

PISCES - you're sick of your poverty mentality

Now, sometimes with Uranus you receive a lucky break and things more forward quite rapidly.  So if you are waiting on a new proposal or situation to begin, this may be the time if you are in alignment with your true self and authentic life goals.

Of course, it is the New Year but Julian calendar dates do not necessarily line up with astrology when it comes to cycles.  Because of the extended Mars retrograde cramping our style until Feb 24th, we may still be dealing with long-standing issues regarding self worth, self-expression, relationships and the notion of home.  a home life.

As mentioned, 2025 will feature three large outerplanetary ingresses which begin the transition into a new cultural, political and economic cycle.  

Saturn will move into Aries temporarily in May which heralds a more militaristic or independent streak while Uranus will travel sporadically into Gemini next summer, suggesting ever new forms of communication and technology.  By this time, we may be more aware of what the orbs/ufo's are, what technology our military possesses and there may be an acknowledgement of free energy.

The third ingress (on top of Pluto also recently in Aquarius) will be Neptune entering Aries in March for a few months before retrograding one more time into the end of Pisces.  Neptune will meet up with Saturn in Aries in Feb 2026 and this will be when an institution or entity that seems impenetrable, finally implodes.  The last historical experience of this type of aspect (Saturn/Neptune) was the fall of the Berlin wall in 1991.

So, because these major outer planets will be shifting back and forth, we will feel the burgeonings of a new world that will manifest more fully over the decade ahead.

Happy New Year and may 2025 bring you greater clarity and fulfillment!