February tends to be an astrologically minor month in comparison to other times of year. We've just come out of the retrograde station of Uranus turning direct Jan 27th, which coincided with escalation of conflict in the Middle East as well as a potential domestic standoff in Texas re: unchecked immigration. Just as we need personal boundaries in order to function well in society, some form of reasonable limits are necessary for a nation to operate in a healthy manner. But this and the volatile situation abroad will most likely be ongoing stories until the election in November.
As of now until early April when Mercury turns retrograde, all the planets are in forward motion and we can focus on advancing new ideas and projects, even as we wrestle with old wounds and disappointments.
For the most part, where the action takes place is with the personal planets interacting with Pluto throughout the month, giving us a preview of what issues will be experienced during the 20 year long Pluto in Aquarius cycle.
Additionally, Chiron in Aries will be travelling with the North Node most of the month bringing focus to emotional healing (or release of painful emotional expression). Perhaps we can recoup a younger version of ourselves, particularly that of the age of 19, and bring the vitality and optimism forward without the old baggage.
Mercury, Mars and Venus into Aquarius contacting Pluto
tiny encounters with the devil
We are going to have to get used to Pluto remaining in Aquarius for the next 20 years. Our understanding of what this transit means for us will evolve over time. Meanwhile, whenever a personal planet links up to Pluto, we receive tiny inklings of information. Dates of minor significance this month include February 6th, February 14th and Feb 17th, when first Mercury, then Mars and lastly Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury contacts Pluto on Feb 6th so we may hear some important news, while Mars and Pluto connect on the 14th - Valentine's day. This is not a great aspect for romance as power struggles will abound so you may choose to celebrate the holiday on a different day. Venus will conjoin Pluto on the 17th and perhaps more fireworks, positive or negative will prevail but at least these will be more passionate and expressive.
In all cases, you are beginning to get a taste of the changing landscape that brings more technology and intrusion to bear on our lives. Or we will notice the preponderance of dating that happens or is captured online.
Venus Pluto may be jealousy or triangulation and a sense that one didn't get one what thought they deserved.
And while I am delineating these minor aspects. they are just that - a day or two of frisson. The personal planets do not have much affect on the thunderous energy of Pluto. And this is very different than Pluto touching Your Mars or Venus which will activate major intrigue and emotional drama for a period of several years.
How will you encounter Pluto messages this month?
ARIES - noticing intrigue in your social media circles
TAURUS - issues at work, secrets revealed
GEMINI - encounters abroad or in legal affairs
CANCER - intimate relationships
LEO - in dealings with your significant other, they may be the heavy
VIRGO - in the working environment
LIBRA - in dealing with children or lovers
SCORPIO - at home or with your mother
SAGITTARIUS - through messages from friends
CAPRICORN - in financial matters
AQUARIUS - you are learning to express power differently, partly through how people react to you
PISCES - awakening some karmic signatures
Nodes in Aries at 17 and 16 degrees conjoining Chiron
deal with rage and resentment
The Chiron in Aries journey of healing the essential self is halfway complete. Chiron in Aries is the need to be truly oneself and the fallout that happens when one is suppressed or prevented from being authentic.
Chiron in Aries will express as rage or self-destruction if one's reality is not acknowledged or allowed.
Unfortunately, in current society, many personal truths are not allowed to be voiced, even and especially in political situations. This will create a powder keg at one point because the "will to be" is very strong in healthy individuals.
This month some personal and social conflicts could come to a head and it would behoove us to listen to those whose voices have been negated. In our personal lives, we can seek guidance and opportunities for self-expression and action and one particular individual may provide a turning point in our journey to self-actualization. Mercury retro will retrace these degrees once again in April so we will be able to note how things have improved.
Where can there be a significant turning point on our road to awakening and independence?
ARIES - we inspire others and heal ourselves
TAURUS - we allow ourselves to actually get angry and clear the air
GEMINI - you may decide to speak your truth online and in social groups
CANCER - you are willing to stand up for yourself against a superior
LEO - you may discover a teacher or spiritual counselor who opens your mind
VIRGO - a sexual partner may unlock repressed feelings
LIBRA - a one on one relationship triggers you in such a way that you express yourself without self-imposed barriers
SCORPIO - you may discover a healing modality or body work that moves emotional energy
SAGITTARIUS - a creative project reminds you that life is worth living
CAPRICORN - you speak up to a parental figure
AQUARIUS - you decide to tell your friend what you really think
PISCES - you may ask for a raise or feel seen for your unique skill set
Uranus very slowly moving forward at 19 degrees Taurus
we're teenagers again
Uranus is moving consistently through Taurus since 2018 until 2026 and we are changing our values and goals in rapid fashion. We may have made a vibrant decision end of January or broke free from a repressive, stagnant situation. We can feel like teenagers again and as if our lives are in front of us.
Over the next year we will be loosely tracing the ages of 19 - 26 and noticing how our views of the world have changed. Yet, we can also access the exuberance many of us felt in early adulthood when we were graduating college and moving into the work force or a grownup relationship.
What new beginnings are we interested in pursuing now?
ARIES - new ways to make money
TAURUS - trying on a new identity
GEMINI - breaking free from old emotional patterns
CANCER - finding a new tribe
LEO - contemplating and attempting a new career path
VIRGO - seeing the world through newly informed eyes
LIBRA - involvement in deeper intimacy
SCORPIO - rekindling or beginning a new relationship
SAGITTARIUS - integrating a new health routine
CAPRICORN - embarking on an unusual romance
AQUARIUS - creating a new home life
PISCES - using your voice differently
Sun enters Pisces Feb 20th and then conjoins Saturn at months end
Feb 29th at 9 degrees
alone and starting over
After a tempestuous mid-month courtesy of Pluto and the personal planets, the latter half of February is more sober and contemplative. On the last day, the Sun in Pisces links to Saturn and it can feel like a shoe dropped and you are starting over, even or especially if alone.
We may need to spend some downtime figuring out our spiritual path and how it will unfold against the background of new tyrannies, opportunities, alliances.
Like Pluto and the personal planets, this is not the most significant aspect (the Sun connects to Saturn once every year) but coming at the end of a challenging romantic period, it may feel like a dream or fantasy has died.
Be a grownup, let bygones be bygones and start fresh on the path of a responsible seeking individual.
Where do you feel like you must proceed alone right now?
ARIES - on your spiritual journey, your karmic past
TAURUS - in your relation to social media
GEMINI - on your career path
CANCER - in revising your views of how the world works
LEO - in financial matters
VIRGO - in steering the path of your relationship
LIBRA - in organizing your life to be fully functional
SCORPIO - in romantic dreams
SAGITTARIUS - in looking for a new home
CAPRICORN - in relating to your family
AQUARIUS - in shoring up your money
PISCES - in trusting yourself and creating boundaries
Saturn is now in new terrain outside of its retrograde and will cover fresh ground in the realm of spiritual and medical understandings. Old creative styles and trends may longer be relevant and new forms of art and worship may develop.
For those with significant planets or points in mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius - you may be revisiting and moving forward from issues in 1994. Sometimes a similar theme may appear such as the end or beginning of a relationship, residential move or career change. I oftentimes say that "astrology returns us to the scene of the crime" and Saturn is one likely player in this visit down memory lane. But thankfully, Saturn also makes us aware that something has died and it is time to move on. It is a "buck up" and be a grownup moment so if we heed Saturn's promptings, we can add form and structure to our lives in definitive ways.