2024 is a bridge year that will lead into an entirely different reality construct in 2025.  We will finally be finishing up with Pluto in Capricorn (where it's been since 2008) and hopefully hold our own against oppressive institutions and internalized (abusive) authority figures.  As Pluto will be hovering around the last degree of 29 Capricorn throughout the year, we may be witness to the last vestiges of hierarchical tyranny and overexertion of empire.  (The tyranny will not end when Pluto moves into Aquarius, but its expression will be less obvious and old-school totalitarian and will probably take on the form of impersonal technocratic oversight).  So as Pluto exits Capricorn, we may be plagued with more extreme versions of currency manipulation, resources, borders, land grabs, homes, investments and destruction of the traditional family and religion.

None of the old institutions in and of themselves are evil but they have been corrupted and they will need to be reformed or reconstituted to serve their function as useful structures rather than destructive entities.

Saturn will remain in Pisces through 2025 and its movement through the sign of faith, victimization, spirituality, visioning, healing and the arts will hopefully realign the priorities of these particular concepts in our lives.  (Saturn will definitely reveal to us where they fail).

Uranus will also continue to progress in Taurus and will move into Gemini in 2025 so the focus of change will move from material entities (Taurus - land, environment, farming, gems) into conceptual ones.  New thought leaders may emerge as well as novel ways to manage information, communicate ideas and move into a student peer based reality instead of a survival/security based one.

Neptune will remain in Pisces as well until 2025 at which point it will link up with Saturn in Aries (world axis) in late spring of 2025 - a merging of visions and dying off of old pieties. Neptune won't permanently move into Aries until 2026 but by then, we will be disgusted with victim consciousness and be drawn to strength and independence (and even belligerence) as a goal rather than weakness, trauma, naivete and weaponized compassion.

Mercury direct in Sag Jan 2nd
fired up and ready to go

Mercury turned retrograde last month (Dec 13th) in Capricorn and then inched its way into Sagittarius.  We have experienced a number of Mercury or Venus retrogrades in Capricorn in previous years around this time - including Dec 2022, 2021, 2016, 2013 and 2003.

Capricorn is the establishment and when the sign of the mind trudges through it, our thinking can become fearful, cynical, conservative and depressed.  This would especially be the case if one has not lived a conventional or societally-approved existence.  Yet, even the most independent minded among us can fall into the trap of thinking they should have done things differently, especially in regards to playing by the rules.

(Now, since Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, we realize many of the rules are unfair or have been twisted to suit those in power). We all, no matter our backgrounds, have been imprinted with the template that nudges us or scares us into being obedient pegs in what may be an unfair game of life.

Hence, Mercury retrograding in Capricorn may discipline us into thinking that we should have done things the "normal" way and if we didn't, that perhaps this is why we are unhappy or unfulfilled. (Never mind that in mundane life, most businesses - Capricorn - fail multiple times before reaching any level of success).  And if we've tried our hand at financial or institutional independence and found it hard going, rather than being applauded for stepping out of the matrix, one is "punished" with social or monetary ostracization.

This is a long-winded way of saying that around the holidays, the inner parental voice may have chided us for taking a different and more authentic path.  And for a moment, we may contemplate going back to school, getting a 9 to 5 job or consider marrying the acceptable person. Thankfully, this will not last long as Mercury will backtrack into Sag, the sign of independence and adventure, reminding us that we were choosing the path that was right for us all along and that we have gained wisdom regardless of the outcome of our endeavors.

Mercury direct in Sag will continue to give us the impetus to forge our own way in the world with fierceness and optimism:

Where do we know we were right all along in choosing our personal path?

ARIES - in our spiritual understanding of the world

TAURUS -  in our interest in international or multi-cultural affairs

GEMINI - in our attraction to someone different than oneself

CANCER - in our selection of personally satisfying work

LEO - in our romantic or parenting choices

VIRGO - in our choosing our home (generally away from family of origin)

LIBRA - in feeling our words matter

SCORPIO - in pursuing multi-faceted financial opportunities

SAGITTARIUS - in being yourself and speaking your mind

CAPRICORN - in acknowledging that you are more than just the physical form

AQUARIUS -  in choosing to align with people of all kinds, to find friends the world over

PISCES - in choosing a more spiritually-oriented  or independent career

Jupiter in early Taurus sextile Saturn in early Pisces beg of month - this continues through March
materializing your dreams with ease

The two adult planets, Jupiter and Saturn will be agreeing with each other this month through early March.  Jupiter is the optimistic and supportive adult while Saturn is more cautious and realistic.  When they are at odds, just like within a family system, there will be impasses and hard feelings where nothing will be resolved.  Fortunately, throughout the next few months, both figures will work together to potentially make your dreams come true.

Now all of this is only possible if we are in alignment with our rightful goals. What is worth investing one's time and energy into? Do these projects take into consideration the needs of others? Am I proceeding steadily toward a long-term objective?

If you are, then this aspect will be complimentary energy.  Otherwise, if not properly grounded or realistic, you will not benefit from the sextile as it is quite delicate and easy to miss.  So to use this energy positively, pay attention to the small "lucky breaks" that come your way (and nothing is too small) and move incrementally, but easily to the next stage of your dream.

Where might you gain assistance and steady support in your endeavors over the next few months?

ARIES -  there may be financial support to boost a long-term secret passion

TAURUS - you will be perceived as worth investing in by your social network group

GEMINI - you may appear to have luck behind the scenes when it comes to career advances

CANCER - those of like mind spiritually and or politically will be willing to throw in their verbal (marketing) support

LEO - your partner is your solid support as your moe forward with your career goals

VIRGO -  it seems that now your dreams (and beliefs) align easily with a significant other

LIBRA - once you've committed to your work, you will gain ample support (even financial)

SCORPIO - your creative ideas are either literally or figuratively given a boost by your partner

SAGITTARIUS - now that you're more settled re: home you will reap the rewards of your daily work

CAPRICORN - relations with children and or collaborators grow more solid and fulfilling

AQUARIUS - if you feel more secure at home you will find that your finances and self-esteem improve

PISCES - as you approach your life with more seriousness, your words are contemplated and received

As mentioned earlier, the sextile is an opportunity aspect but one that does not blast it's way into your life.  It is more likely to be subtle and easily missed if we are looking for a grand pronouncement or dramatic change of circumstances.  So if you are attuned to a minor lift and ease in your life, go with the flow as it will lead you to a more fulfilling result.

Mercury inconjunct Pluto 29 Sag to 29 Capricorn Jan 14th
testing our resolve

Once Mercury turned direct in Sag on the 2nd, we might have felt more confident and certain of what is right for ourselves.  We are tested of our resolve mid-month when Mercury inconjuncts Pluto in Capricorn at the last degree.  

29 degrees of any sign is called an anaretic degree and suggests extreme volatility and a sense of urgency as all matters must be completed before moving into the next sign and lesson plan.

Since the nature of Pluto is to suppress or oppress, it is likely that the truth could be drowned out by the powers that be.  We can certainly imagine that this "censorship" could occur over a variety of explosive topics including the Israel/Palestine war, geopolitics, Trump, governmental organizations, etc.

Now, unfortunately, Pluto is (temporarily) more powerful and can shut any uncomfortable dialogue or protest down.  You may have to take  a pause but eventually the truth will come out at a later date.

In our personal lives, we may find our beliefs and pronouncements butt up against an authority figure of any kind including a boss, a community leader, a spouse, a parent.  There is no reason to change your message, but you may have to alter your tactic or for the time being, assume that the party in question cannot veer from the "party line".

Where are you motivated to speak truth to power and where might you find it dismissed or attacked?

ARIES - you think you've got the world figured out now, but not everyone agrees, particularly authority figures

TAURUS - you have ideas of where to invest time or money yet institutions find your ideas too risky or out there

GEMINI - you are excited about changes in your relationship but your partner would kind of like things to stay the same

CANCER - you may be ready to introduce a lifestyle change3 that meets with skepticism from a partner

LEO - you have a new creative idea but unfortunately, your day job keeps you stuck and busy

VIRGO - you may have epiphanies about your family of origin, but lovers are not interested in hearing them

LIBRA - you may want to bring the family together but mom and old habits keep things in dysfunction

SCORPIO - you're interested in expanding your skill set but may also doubt you can do it

SAGITTARIUS - you're engaged in an enlivened form of communication but it may negatively impact your bottom line

CAPRICORN - you are undergoing a spiritual  transformation but may discover that everyone still wants you to be the standard boss

AQUARIUS - you'd love to share your newfound beliefs but have personal fears of being rejected

PISCES - you would like to express a different side of yourself professionally and are concerned that you will not be accepted by the mainstream

Now this aspect is relatively minor and short-lived so it's not something to get too worked up about.  Yet, it does illustrate the difficulties individuals and societies have in implementing change as we realize that passion and belief alone will not make it so.

Clock what's happening and recognize that the current reality construct is imploding and will self-destruct relatively soon.  Hold on to your ideals and cultivate them as they will be necessary for when the world is reconstructed anew.

Pluto moving into first degree of Aquarius again Jan 22nd
day after Sun moves into Aquarius Jan 21st   Sun/Pluto at 0 degrees
future heavy weights

And that new world, however impossible it may seem, is not far off in the scheme of things. But the reason to hold the inspired belief is as an antidote to what the powers that be have planned.

There are competing visions for the future and those with the power and persuasion will determine its outcome.  On the one hand, there is the transhumanist tribe which includes medical interventions, cyborg appendages, a carbon free future (which means no life), a massive reordering of society to force compliance.

On the other hand, we can envision a more ecumenical, compassionate future where we encourage creativity, independence, interdependence and a love and care for the environment and all biological life.

As I've stated previously, Pluto in Aquarius would uncover the flaws and tripwires of a technological autocratic world where we are all chipped and numbered and coerced or nudged into approved behavior.  The madness and hubris of the scientific revolution (a la Atlantis) has decoupled its purveyors from their humanity and the attempts to play god are creating destruction all around us.

It is possible that when Pluto ends its run through Aquarius that we do arrive at a more humanitarian future but we will have to endure hell and tyranny along the way.

So hold onto those beliefs of the betterment of mankind but realize that simple or political compassion is now weaponized and by our support of measures that make our lives less and more miserable, we are not helping anyone - ourselves or non-existent future generations.

No collective solution has ever worked for mankind whether it be communism, socialism, fascism, totalitarianism.  Humanity will improve with individual growth in consciousness not repressive moral or social measures.

Yet, the next 20 years will dance with the notions of communism or any other social/political construct and we must remain wise and vigilant to its poisonous infiltration of our societies.

Where will you be dealing with issues of personal interests versus pressure to conform to the larger group:

ARIES - in your interaction with actual social or political groups

TAURUS -  in your professional endeavors, in current parlance, potentially DEI issues

GEMINI - in formulating a personal philosophy that suits you

CANCER - in handing your financial affairs, what to invest in?

LEO - pressure from partners, business or personal who may want you to get on board with their views

VIRGO -  in the workplace, potential automation and loss of work

LIBRA - in developing your personal talents, even if outside the purview of what's currently acceptable

SCORPIO - in deciding how and where you want to live

SAGITTARIUS - in determining how to get your voice out there without censure

CAPRICORN - in determining your financial strategies and money-making potential

AQUARIUS - in finding your unique place in the world

PISCES -in handling collective karma

Uranus direct in Taurus Jan 27th
developing new values in the face of unrelenting change

The transit of Uranus through Taurus has been ongoing since 2018 and will complete in 2026. It has forced us to change our perspective on what we deem important or valuable whether through natural curiosity, need for freedom or through chaotic circumstances (if we've resisted the impulse to change).  None of what you are dealing with in the Taurus house is henceforth new unless your planets are toward the latter end of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

And this year, Uranus will make a spectacular conjunction with Jupiter in April which could move us in a very fortuitous direction if we have allowed old obstacles or attachments to dissolve.

So right now, pay attention to what needs liberating or swift upgrade or reversal and move in the direction of more independence and sense of adventure.

Pragmatically, this Uranus station is a bookend to potential changes/separations/upheavals/surprises that occurred end of August 2022. If you knew then that something needed to end (or begin) and you still haven't taken action, now would be the time to unlock your new potential.

Where have the ongoing and very lucky breaks (this could appear negative but ultimately positive if you need to leave an unhealthy situation) going to occur:

ARIES - regarding self-worth, financial considerations

TAURUS - the liberation of self, you are a different person than you were pre-2018

GEMINI - the ability to not identify with old fears and worries

CANCER - changing social groups - new ones and leaving old ones

LEO - professional advances

VIRGO - your views of the world, what meanings you attach to things

LIBRA - in your financial and/or sexual partnerships

SCORPIO - in your various relationships, especially your primary one

SAGITTARIUS -in regards to health and lifestyle habits

CAPRICORN - in your creative endeavors, with children

AQUARIUS - in your home life

PISCES - regarding your communication skills and community

2024 will be a pivotal and pivoting year into a new global consciousness.   World events could spark revolutions or continued conflicts and while these can be disturbing, they are possible growing pains into a new paradigm.  But we must be vigilant about what the cost of convenience and for many, somnambulance, especially here in the US where we really haven't struggled with survival and war the way other nations have.  Not that I think an actual military/civil war is in store, but rather a continued manipulated splitting of the tribes so that we don't point a finger at a common enemy - the powerful oligarchy that is our version of capitalism.

Yet, regardless of what is happening outside, the only real control we have is over our emotional response.  Inner mastery and healthy detachment will be necessary to hold our centers as the various narratives swirl around us.

Do your best to integrate your inner authority figure, own him or her, and likewise, link up to your individual divine essence.  As we dissolve the false structures and conditioned persona, the magnificent light that is our soul will shine through and that is how we will change the world - one bright spark at a time.