November 2023 HOROSCOPES


Sobriety and restraint - these are Saturn words.  And they are needed more than ever as the powers that be are attempting to manipulate us all into WW3.  If we have unsustainable debt around the world, why not ramp up GDP through disaster capitalist means?  Destroying then rebuilding infrastructure, starving and then sending people food, water and shelter. Yes, a cynical take but possibly the truth is even darker.

Certainly as we approached the Pluto station last month - the near ending of a 17 - year cycle and more importantly a 250 yr cycle of American imperialism (yes, murdering indigenous people would be part of an imperialist agenda) - we are seeing the ugly ragged vestiges of empire on its last but very powerfully destructive legs. Why?  Because we are inserting ourselves in a (second) conflict that has no good end in sight. Once again, can we believe the stories we are being told? 

That low tech terrorists could breach the walls of the most sophisticated surveillance system on earth?  If so, how and why was this allowed to happen?  Does self defense, even after such a horrendous tragedy, equate with decimation of an entirely undefended population? 

If there is any truth here, it is that the governments of both entities do not care about their own people. The dying citizens on either side are simply collateral damage to the power brokers who are using national struggles to destroy sovereignty and usher in a global technocratic order.

Of course the complexities of the Middle East defy understanding of the most western educated because it is possible our modern way of thinking cannot countenance the emotional rage, pain and trauma of thousands of years of conflict.  Yet, the astrology of Oct 7th was quite brutal and in this instance literal (Mars square Pluto - a violent underdog fight) leading to the Pluto station on Oct. 10th.  And much of this is the force of wetiko, the dark shadow underbelly of the human psyche.  But rest assured, the emotional foment that is being stirred up is serving some greater heartless agenda.

The only moral high ground is demanding peace otherwise we remain in an old testament world of eye for an eye, keeping us blind with rage.  And yes, if we call one side barbarians how is the more enlightened side supposed to act? In highly traumatized populations, the victim/victimizer, aggressor/oppressed cycle is endless without conscious intervention.

Meanwhile, ongoing chaos with a dysfunctional congress, Trump's trials, Biden's jingoistic speech keep us distracted from more insidious forms of decline such as diminished buying power, the contrived reduction of food and energy production and destruction of natural weather and hydrological cycles. It is a sobering time where we might want to begin to focus on the most essential aspects of being alive and healthy and determine success on our own terms.   

And instead of a linear trajectory of "achievement", let us seek out a more circular natural cycle of interdependence and right work as our contribution to the evolution of mankind and the web of life.

Saturn direct in Pisces Nov 4th
there are no saviors

Saturn entered the sign of Pisces in March 2023 and since then it may have contributed to feelings of disillusionment, depression, helplessness in the face of current personal or world events.

It is true that many authority figures - particularly in the realm of spiritual or medical leaders, represented by Pisces, have misused their power or failed to act with integrity.

And in the realm of more superficial influencers like celebrities, can we now take any of them seriously in relation to their either lockstep adherence to covid narrative or their automatic mindless opinions on Ukraine or Israel/Palestine?

In the face of these failures, we are being called upon to become our own authority figures and spend the requisite time and energy to understand complex issues.

Likewise, we need to consider or support new leaders who not only have the mental and moral capacity to make nuanced decisions, but also the courage to defy entrenched interests.

On a more mundane level, Saturn relates to time , responsibilities and commitments - either beginning or ending ones.  So you may look back to decisions you made in 1993 - 1995 (particularly if you have important planets or angles in Sag, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces) and notice if the situation in front of you is similar in any way.

Even more granularly, you may also notice efforts or difficulties appearing about seven years ago and can determine if they need adjustment now.

Lastly, Saturn in Pisces IS about victimization, scapegoating, karma and religion and with the unfortunate devastation now occurring in the Middle East, there are civilian victims on both sides.  The madness of religious (or secular) fanaticism only leads to destruction and a vicious cycle of violence. Can we get off the wheel of this low vibrational frequency of human agency?

Where in our personal lives are we contending with Saturn?  Where might we be feeling frustrated or saddened or alternatively motivated by mature consideration of what needs to be done now?

ARIES - addressing long-standing fears and irrational rescue fantasies

TAURUS  - noticing our social circle is narrowing or becoming more hardline

GEMINI  - understanding the necessity to consider a different career path

CANCER - recognizing that your former beliefs may not provide enough context for the meta issues happening in the world right now

LEO - considering your financial situation, retirement and or resources within partnership

VIRGO - getting serious about a relationship or realizing it has run its course

LIBRA - feeling overburdened by daily life, ill health or a boring day job

SCORPIO - mourning the temporary loss of magic in your love life or deciding it is time to commit to your creative projects more fully

SAGITTARIUS - realizing you can't go home again and or considering a residential move

CAPRICORN - feeling depressed or unable to help to someone closer to you, a sibling or close friend is flailing

AQUARIUS - worries about money, having to consider new talents to promote  

PISCES - sensing that it is time to shed your old persona, which may include close relationships, in service to a new path

While Saturn is a planet that most of us dread, he, in fact, can help us materialize what we want in life.  There is always a need to get serious and face the music when Saturn contacts a personal planet or angle and if we look at the main events of our lives, they are oftentimes the result of Saturn  forcing us to make a decision.  As we get older, Saturn is our friend who allows us to do the necessary work to bring our personal gifts into form.

So get busy being the author of your own life!

Jupiter in Taurus inconjunct Neptune in Pisces Nov 5th
material or spiritual benefits

The main planetary transit of the month of November is Saturn turning direct in Pisces. Astrological connections are always happening, however, even if they do not carry the weight of the outer-planetary stations.

One such small nudge is Jupiter in Taurus in a slightly uncomfortable angle to Neptune in Pisces.  Such awkward connections as the inconjunct require some kind of adjustment.  In this instance, we are considering whether our material aspirations are at odds with our spiritual growth.

Jupiter in Taurus IS focused on the three-dimensional concrete plane and the benefits it infers are usually tangible as in money or things.  Neptune in Pisces is the long range inquiry into spiritual dreams, nightmares and illusions.  We certainly don't have to live like paupers or hermits so asceticism is not necessary.  But the concrete growth we are pursuing will still help to hopefully further our purer goals of self-evolution.

Where might we have to work out inconsistencies?

ARIES  - between our desire to make money while still learning to surrender to the universe

TAURUS - in what ways can improving oneself also improve the future for mankind

GEMINI - can the interior work I am doing still also replenish or inspire my career path?

CANCER - while gaining new friends and followers, are they able to help me on my spiritual path

LEO - can my career success help in my partner's evolution and advancement

VIRGO  - how will getting a new degree or credential help my relationship

LIBRA - if my partner is improving their finances, can that impact my own health and well-being

SCORPIO - my partner is feeling more confident, can that impact our creativity, children or intimacy?

SAGITTARIUS - improvements in health may have one question the toxicity of one's home (or mother wound)

CAPRICORN - does focusing on my children's welfare assist or deter from my own inner searching

AQUARIUS - even if lucky to invest in my home, will my creative aspirations have to go by the wayside

PISCES - if my friends are making more money, will they still have time for me?

Venus in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces Nov 9th
Mercury square Saturn 0 degrees Sag Nov 11th
measured responses

Mercury and Venus are personal planets who when left on their own, can operate pretty superficially or without a moral compass.  Their contact with Saturn tends to cause them to become more serious, committed or alternatively depressed and saddened.  Venus and Mercury will interact with all the outer planets during the year, so once again, this is not to most important transit to worry about, but just to notice or allow pause if feeling somewhat defeated.

Venus in Libra is quite social while Saturn in Pisces might want to be left alone. Mercury in Sag is very verbose and boastful while Saturn is likely to squash desires and big plans.  The better use of Saturn is to notice if one is off course and to take the temperature before moving forward.

Where might the personal party hit a tiny snag mid-month?

ARIES  - there may be big plans to travel and enjoy romantic encounters, but old fears of rejection or poverty may enter the picture
TAURUS - its enjoyable to indulge in food and sex, but how does this help your future?
GEMINI - you'd really like to enjoy yourself and this includes dating, but will your work suffer?
CANCER - it's nice to focus on home and office, but what does it really mean when the world is coming to an end?
LEO - you're in a social mood with friends and collaborators but how does this impact the bottom line?
VIRGO - if you feel a bit more flush with cash, is it okay to spend on the home even if your partner disapproves?
LIBRA - there is a desire for a little pizzazz in life to take away the dullness of everyday responsibilities
SCORPIO - romantic and financial dreams may hit a snag when you think about what you're missing
SAGITTARIUS - you do want to indulge a bit even if you worry about long-term expenses or where you live
CAPRICORN - you're getting some praise and work and dreaming of some positive changes, don't let a friend or sibling rain on your parade
AQUARIUS - it's okay to future trip now and then about travels and new friends, don't let fear of money get in the way
PISCES   - people may be helping you out right now with money or praise, accept gracefully but don't expect it to continue indefinitely

Quite honestly, Saturn in Pisces is a bit of a Eeyore character so when you hear the "no" in most of the above cases, there is no need to take it too seriously unless you are being super irresponsible or superfluous.  We all need some lightness in these apocalyptic days so don't let the downer voice quell the momentary fun.

Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus 21 degrees Nov 12th and 13th
sexy fireworks or chaotic encounters

When Mars contacts Uranus, situations can accelerate or blow up, depending on what needs to happen.  Certainly, one can attract a tall, dark stranger in this time of Scorpio but his or her entrance may be bookended by an equally abrupt exit.  

If we are involved in a relationship that has been having problems, this type of aspect can signal an "out of the blue" breakup.  While it can seem unexpected, it's more likely that one or both parties have been dragging their feet about making a necessary change.

Mars and Uranus aspects also unfortunately, point to war or violence and as the world is a tinderbox now, it does not bode well for some extreme global conflict.

The good side of this aspect is being open to a person, place or situation that is different from your normal type or pattern.  We are turned on by a magnetic new person or idea and we will pretty much go for it rather than holding back.

Where might the stimulating and liberatory energy of the Mars/Uranus opposition play out for you?

ARIES - of all the signs, except for Taurus/Scorpio, it is likely the arrival or departure of a sexual partner that is precipitated by you feeling differently about yourself

TAURUS  - like Aries, this aspect is most likely to be experienced  by the appearance or disappearance of an important romantic figure

GEMINI - there could be quick changes at work or an improvement/accident that forces you to consider a new way of life

CANCER - your interests are changing and hence there may be new people/followers entering or exiting your life

LEO - there can be changes in your living situation based on work obligations

VIRGO - a reevaluation of your childhood programming has you exploring an entirely new philosophy or spiritual practice

LIBRA  - like your opposite sign of Aries, it is likely that a change in your self-esteem will have you considering new and different partners

SCORPIO  - your partner is changing, will you adapt?

SAGITTARIUS  - hidden forces may be at play, potentially repressed anger or sexual feelings, that affect your health

CAPRICORN - you may attract a lover or collaborator who is responding to your new professional image

AQUARIUS - there is new interest in your work, will it disrupt your home life routine?

PISCES - you are inspired by new spiritual or political viewpoints and want to meet people who share these new views

Mars in Sag square Saturn in Pisces Nov 25th
whose truth?  who cares?

In keeping with the general tone of the month - seriousness - Mars, the planet of action and activism squares Saturn in Pisces (dissolving illusions). Mars and Saturn were considered malefics in traditional astrology, meaning they were both bad guys who only caused difficulties and heartbreak.

In our modern days, we are probably looking more at ideological divisions and religious or political differences. Mars in Sag would potentially be the religious fanatic while Saturn in Pisces would be the disapproving hand of god requiring sacrifice and penance.

We can see how in these very volatile times that such a clash of energies could lead to great frustration and diplomatic impasses.  This will probably not be a successful time for peace negotiations or legal battles as both sides think they have a monopoly on the truth.

Since this energy will be present through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, consider that bringing up controversial topics at the dinner table may only lead to misunderstandings and hard feelings.

In less overt ways, we are looking at a desire to "speak truth to power" bumping up against a missing or ineffective authority figure.

With patience, both sides can eventually come to some truce.

Where might the impulse to speak up meet with a limited or dismissive response?

ARIES - one the one hand, you think you know it all, but are afraid that you are not strong enough

TAURUS - you're interested in an investment, but friends tend to throw a wet blanket on your idea

GEMINI - you'd love to join the picket line but worry about what your boss will say

CANCER - you may be motivated to change things at work but somehow have little faith in the outcome

LEO - there is a desire for more fun and adventure but financial fears get in the way

VIRGO - you'd love a trip or home redesign but your partner is not on board

LIBRA - you're bursting with new ideas that no one seems to want to listen to, especially at work

SCORPIO - you've got some new money-making concepts but no one believes in your creativity

SAGITTARIUS - you're aching for some new adventure but home responsibilities keep you in place

CAPRICORN - you're developing a more optimistic viewpoint but your friends don't seem to care or believe you

AQUARIUS - should you get more involved in social causes, will your bottom line be affected

PISCES - you've got big ideas to share with the world and then you wonder, are you capable?

This, like most of November's transits, is relatively minor in the long range scheme of things. But in the moment, Saturn aspects can be frustrating.  Even if you encounter an obstacle, you can stop momentarily and resume your activity in a few weeks when the aspect breaks. Contemplation of the issues can lead to a more effective resolution.

Venus in Libra on South Node Nov 30th
karmic endings or beginnings

Any connection of a planet to the nodes will represent a meeting with destiny. Venus represents love, women, sisters, daughters, art and money.

Should a situation or relationship have run its course, the connection to the south node would instigate a leaving or ending.

If one is single or in the timeline of a new romance or collaborative venture, Venus touching the south node might bring in a karmic connection, someone from your near or far past.

If a person or thing are not involved, we may be seeing a release of older superficial desires and dreams.

Inevitably, one chapter of your life is ending and another is beginning.

Where might you experience this light touch with destiny?

ARIES - in your relationship house

TAURUS - in your work environment

GEMINI - regarding a creative or romantic situation

CANCER - regarding your home life, residence

LEO  - in relation to friends or relatives

VIRGO -regarding making money

LIBRA  - in one's sense of self

SCORPIO - in allowing one to access or remove a fantasy

SAGITTARIUS - in your social circles, a new friendship

CAPRICORN - regarding a work colleague

AQUARIUS - with a relationship abroad

PISCES - in your intimate desires or regarding inheritance

Just like the decline of the British and Roman empires, The American Century of unipolar dominance (particularly through currency) is coming to an end. In order to retain dominance instead of fostering cooperation, we consistently invent more enemies to defend against.  Who does this benefit?  Not the average American.  No doubt Russia and China have their own agendas, but a generous diplomacy would be to extend multipolarity rather than forced western hegemony.  The enlargement of BRICS and the burgeoning distrust with the US around the world will eventually bring our downfall and belie the fiction of American exceptionalism.

We must withdraw our consent to endless wars and the corporate interests who stripmine the resources of the American people and leave us struggling on so many fronts.    Like the punch drunk aging fighter, it would be best to retire with honors rather than be humiliated in an ignominious and crippling defeat.