We begin the month with the accommodating energy of Libra but quickly are on the runway to the Pluto direct station on Oct 10th. Pluto is straddling the line between end of Capricorn and early Aquarius for two years (2023-2024) driving home the changing nature of entrenched power. Capricorn would be what we think of as the old guard power structures - government, church, business, nation states. On the other hand, Aquarius is about more anonymously centralized power such as media companies, multinationals, tech surveillance operators, military contractors and NGO's One former ascendant dominator/predator is being replaced by a new set of abusive systems, perhaps not as obviously deleterious because they can take on the collectivist mantle of "for the greater good".
We might hate the old guard because they were brutal and materialistically abusive but the new guard may be even worse as they have control over our thinking, consuming, communicating and organizing via access to private online information
Sun and Mercury in Libra
a bit of finesse
While not the strongest energy in relation to Pluto, Saturn or eclipses, the Sun's movement through a sign is a refresher for its archetype. In this case, Libra reflects the desire for positive social interactions, refinement and willingness to listen to others. Yes, negatively Libra can be codependent and not raise concerns or opinions for fear of rocking the boat.
A solar eclipse in Libra (detailed below) will allow us to retool our relationship dynamics, particularly in light of the fact that the Aries archetype is also changing its direction to new and different adventures. As we become more aware of what we truly desire (Aries), of necessity, we will either change, update or walk away from relationships that are stuck in the past.
This energy will be more highlighted midmonth so as we begin October, we can enjoy the positive (and sometimes, simply pleasant and superficial) exchanges that Libra is known for.
Where can you add or experience a bit of diplomacy and beauty into your life?
ARIES - in your exchanges with others
TAURUS - in updating your office or wardrobe
GEMINI- in engaging in flirtation or fun activities
CANCER - in focusing on making your home more beautiful
LEO - in developing new and easy friendships
VIRGO - in diplomatically asking for a raise
LIBRA - in allowing yourself to be the center of attention
SCORPIO - in opening up to your romantic side
SAGITTARIUS - in attending social functions or in online exchanges
CAPRICORN - in upgrading your office
AQUARIUS - in contact with foreigners or philosophical discussions
PISCES - in the refined pleasures of romance
Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 27 degrees Oct 8th and 9th
civil David and onerous Goliath
As the month ramps up, life feels more serious and we may sense that we are in the fight of our lives. Some of this is the impending Pluto station, late in Capricorn which itself is preceded by Mars and Pluto squaring off in the cardinal (take action) signs of Libra and Capricorn.
These few days may be a preview of what we will have to face more fully when Pluto turns direct on Oct 10th. This moment is more impatient and possibly not so well thought out, but it is important for you to cognize where things do not feel fair. (And they very well may NOT be). But you will probably have to deal with the long-term changes in a more determined and plodding way.
Nevertheless, what are the obstacles that you feel you might have to face in the coming months:
ARIES - even if you speak nicely to others, the "law" will still come down on you, appeasement is not possible
TAURUS - some minor attempts at reconciliation at work will be stymied by a prevailing orthodoxy
GEMINI - money and the power of it seems to outweigh new ideas
CANCER - even if you crave more independence at home, your partner may not be on board
LEO - rebelling against some tasks or beliefs wont' necessarily change the power dynamics at work
VIRGO - there are no simple "amenable" solutions to deep-seated problems
LIBRA - even in asserting yourself, you will not overthrow the queen (mother's voice)
SCORPIO - you're looking for love but years of abusive communication seems to forgo any peace
SAGITTARIUS - will what you say online negatively affect your bottom line?
CAPRICORN - if questioned at work, will you have to be the heavy?
AQUARIUS - you may try on a different more acceptable new spiritual views, but it will not diminish deep-seated fears, that requires therapy not new age slogans
PISCES - sweet talking a partner will not change the fact that your long terms goals are at odds
Attempts at appeasement will not work in these individual situations. And making light of abuse will not dissolve it's hold. You can talk of peaceful solutions but if they only skim the surface, they will not change the more entrenched problems which are staring you in the face.
This is like the politicians talking about minor cultural issues while ignoring completely the utter rot in the system. You will need firmer convictions and an ability to steel yourself for a much deeper confrontation, some of which will be possible when Mars moves into Scorpio later this month.
Pluto direct in Capricorn 27 degrees Oct 10th
forced and fated change
The major events of our lives oftentimes take place during intense Pluto transits. These are generally not the happy ones, but rather involve significant loss, change or transformation. A job or career termination, a divorce, a health scare, major move are all the outgrowths of Pluto contacting significant points or planets in your chart. And, while in general, we can track the difficult moments in life to Pluto, there are occasional times when we will experience more positive life-changing situations like a marriage, pregnancy or important career opportunity.
Whether positive or negative, we are forced to take a reckoning of our lives and consider what is most important.
The same is true for societal shifts which also trend along with Pluto. Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 17 years, beginning with the financial crash in 2008. And while Pluto has tipped into Aquarius earlier this year, it will not fully enter the sign until end of 2024.
Hence we are still reaping the rewards or punishments for choices made (or not considered) in the last decade or so.
How have powerful structures constellated? Who actually has power in our society? While on the surface there is greater acknowledgement of the DEI and sustainability agendas, how permanently have their entered our daily lives? In many ways, the bigs got bigger and in real life terms, most people are struggling to have a voice or a sense of financial security.
Perhaps the main realization is that counting on success on the material plane is not going to make us feel any more powerful or secure. If we still give our power away to authority figures - (in this day and age) scientists and other thought leaders - we are no freer than when we were enslaved by many rigid religious and social codes.
And because here in the US, we've already experienced our country's Pluto return, we are probably moving into a level of decline as we have not upheld our original tenets of equality and individual rights. As Pluto descends more into Aquarius - social media and high tech - we will find our freedoms becoming more and more limited in the name of safety.
So before we fully enter into dystopia, we must question where power lies and if we've lost it, how do we regain agency in our lives?
Whatever needs to go, will do so while what is authentic and core deep for us, will remain.
Our ongoing struggle for self actualization and inner authority happens here:
ARIES - embracing and manifesting our true life work purpose
TAURUS - deepening your understanding of the ways of the world
GEMINI - how to manage our financial and sexual lives without giving away too much power
CANCER - the manner in which we deal with significant others
LEO - how we master our health and everyday life
VIRGO - a willingness to mine your deep creativity and open your heart
LIBRA - the search for emotional fulfillment and a sense of home
SCORPIO - discipline with our thinking and our words
SAGITTARIUS - honoring your natural skills and abilities and receiving appropriate compensation
CAPRICORN - becoming the boss on your own terms
AQUARIUS - learning to trust the universe no matter the outer events
PISCES - discovering our voice on the world stage
Libra solar eclipse Oct 14th
synergistic relationships
The second solar eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis takes place on Oct 14th. The first one occured on April 20th, in Aries and initiated a cycle around exciting new projects and endeavors. We will continue to experience rapid change in the Aries/Libra houses of our charts for the next 12 months.
The Aries/Libra polarity revolves around the parameters of relationships and self-hood. Libra is motivated to develop partnerships of all kinds while Aries struggles to maintain their independence. Codependence is a Libra theme while domination maybe more characteristic of Aries.
Yet, solar eclipses provide opportunities to find new balance and synergy to this equation. How can I forge successful relationships while still retaining my need for personal development and exploration?
The most successful partnerships do allow for movement and growth while still providing a container for emotional security and exchange.
Libra also involves social customs, manners, civilization. Traditional relationships involved hierarchy and encouraged cooperation/submission at the expense of individuation. Our modern world no longer ascribes to those rules and so we must develop a new form of cooperation and balance.
And we will be motivated to do so as Libra can be skilled in negotiation and healthy compromise. This may be the best time of the year to move forward on important personal or business dealings, particularly as Pluto, the business planet, will also be in forward motion.
Where will the desire for healthy and interdependent connections play out for you?
ARIES - in a renewal of your most significant partnership, this starts with being authentically you
TAURUS - in finding cooperative alliances at work, knowing your worth now allows you an equal voice
GEMINI - in developing more artistic and "civilized" pursuits that are more in alignment with your new social goals
CANCER - in improving the relationship with your mother as you are more empowered
LEO - in finding friends in your local community that match your changing political views
VIRGO - in developing clients where you have a sense of greater financial worth
LIBRA - allowing your needs to be met rather than solely focusing on others
SCORPIO - in softening your approach to life and trusting in providence
SAGITTARIUS - in new professional or political groups that match your moral standards
CAPRICORN - in relating to your boss or superiors, old family dynamics are no longer in play
AQUARIUS - in reestablishing or beginning a new relationship with god, you are not alone in the universe
PISCES - in seeking more equal or compatible partners so there is reciprocal exchange
The Aries solar eclipse earlier in the year, provided the cosmic impetus to take the most exciting and expansive path forward. So as we continue on that course, we will reevaluate our relationships now during Libra season to include those that support our personal destiny while moving away from ties that unnecessarily bind.
North Node hovering at 24 degrees Aries all month
the energy of youth
And as much as the solar libra eclipse focuses on new dynamics in relationships, that is only really possible if we have upgraded our relationship with ourselves and our needs. The North Node will be remaining in the vicinity of 24 degrees all month long and it's imperative is to get us to retrieve or revive dreams that we held in our 20's. Not foolish impossible ones but ones where we felt truly alive and ourselves.
In the same vein, we had a sense of what we craved in terms of independence and adventure at the time of the first Aries solar eclipse 4/20/23. This was a super Aries eclipse which hopefully inspired us to go after what we truly wanted.
Perhaps this month, along with Pluto going retrograde, we can start to implement some of the tasks that will allow us to arrive at our new goals.
Where is destiny on call for us this month?
ARIES - standing for your truth, even if a voice of one
TAURUS - bringing forth your inner strength. knowing it's connected to larger forces
GEMINI - using your voice on social media
CANCER - speaking with higher ups, new professional opportunities
LEO - through your words or travel
VIRGO - in aligning with like-minded courageous folk
LIBRA - in welcoming the adventurous types into your life
SCORPIO - improved health and work situations
SAGITTARIUS - in romance or artistic pursuits
CAPRICORN - in reinvigorating your home life
AQUARIUS - in discovering new friends and playmates
PISCES - in designing new ways to make money
As Aries is closely associated with life force energy, where do you feel most alive and empowered? That is what you should pursue.
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio Oct 28th
shades of the last five years
While we are just getting started with eclipses in Aries/Libra, we are finishing up the cycle of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses which began in 2021. And even before these eclipses regarding emotional and financial security occurred, we were already dealing with massive change in our Taurus house, courtesy of Uranus since 2018.
So this final wrapup of the story of merging vs. self-sufficiency can be realized at the end of the month.
As opposed to a solar eclipse, where the energy is focused in one sign and purpose, a lunar eclipse reveals ways we can find balance or let go of dysfunctional unbalanced situations. The negative side of this equation is in Scorpio in this cycle as the South Node in Scorpio indicates what energy must be released or transformed.
If any situation in our life is not "clean", i.e. shady codependent, manipulative - it has probably already blown up and/or become more painful to endure. The thrust is to be more singular and stable and trusting in a straightforward plan. Slow and steady is the way to go rather than tricky shortcuts that lack integrity.
Hence this last focus on Taurus/Scorpio energy will make clear if we've successfully found ways to build mutually beneficial relationships or better yet, able to go it alone.
Where have you learned that it is better to take care of yourself rather than count on or corral others to lend emotional or financial assistance with strings attached?
ARIES - in the area of determining your own self worth, once you are clear on your values, others will support you
TAURUS - in the area of self-development whereby what matter is how you feel about yourself rather than what others think
GEMINI - in trusting your own instincts rather than listening and being tossed about by a variety of opinions
CANCER - in deciding your own future without having to kowtow to other people's emotional manipulation
LEO - setting forth on your own career path that does not carry the weight of failure or success from the past or your parents
VIRGO - in searching for your own answers to life rather than falling back on childhood imprints
LIBRA - the more your look out for your own needs in relationship the less you are bothered by other people's perceptions and moods
SCORPIO - allowing other people to be themselves rather than trying to control them
SAGITTARIUS - taking care of your health and managing your life rather than leaving things to fate
CAPRICORN - making sure your intimate or creative needs are met before you run off to impress strangers (or social media followers)
AQUARIUS - if you are secure in your home life, the applause or criticism in professional circles is irrelevant
PISCES - it's better to know your own mind and be a party of one rather than chasing the latest spiritual or cultural trend