September 2023 Horoscopes

A Sense of Greater Agency and Conviction

So it can certainly feel like we are in new terrain following the Uranus retrograde station late last month. The first week of September will continue to have a lot of interpersonal planetary volatility.

Uranus retrograding on Aug 29th while Venus is beginning to turn direct after six weeks suggests upsets or accelerations in relationships of all kinds. Mercury is also retrograde at this time in Virgo so we may be arguing about minor details that bely larger issues regarding freedom of expression, appreciation, ability to create, advance goals etc.

Uranus stations also accompany crises which can be environmental, financial or military in nature.

Our values have been changing (or been pressured to change) since 2018 when Uranus went into Taurus.  We have  a few more years left of this radical shift in money, creativity, relationship, land, food and the arts.

The Venus retrograde period made it evident that we have probably changed or found that we no longer value or view situations/people in the same way.

Hence the Venus station direct on the 4th will reveal what we really think about a person, place, situation or goal.

Jupiter, also in Taurus, retrogrades on the 4th on the World Axis.  Could we see financial machinations or delays, changes in how we accumulate resources or financial security? While this year-long transit (May 17, 2023 - May 25, 2024) IS a time to make money or concretize acquisitions, the retrograde may slow accumulation down so we can rethink the investment in the current moment.

If solid, we will be able to forge ahead once Jupiter turns direct on December 31st. (Next year we will experience a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that could either result in a windfall or a loss of resources based on your investments and their true viability for YOUR growth).

Until the 23rd, the Sun will be travelling through vVrgo and at the end of his stay encountering the withering or spiritualizing effects of Neptune and the grinding transformation of Pluto.

Venus direct in Leo 12 degrees Sept 4th
discovering and recovering our personal needs

The Venus retrograde, while almost invariably reconnecting us with people from or recent or far past, served to bring clarity to what we need now in order to feel appreciated or seen.  The good reencounters could have affirmed a time in our lives where we felt loved and accepted while the negative remembrances remind us of where or how we were mistreated (or allowed ourselves to be mistreated).  

In the cases of burgeoning relationships, we may be considering individuals that we never thought were our type or held the potential to be an intimate partner.

Venus turning direct will either permanently cut the cord from dysfunctional partnerships (should we desire) or accelerate the formation of new more appropriate relationships. As our relationships with the outer world mirror our inner self perception, we can also see that the more consciously and lovingly we treat ourselves, the more likely we will see it reflected in people who like us for who we truly are.

Where would you have experienced a change of heart?

ARIES  - in your creative projects or collaborative partners

TAURUS - in regards to your mother

GEMINI - in your perception of your friends or siblings

CANCER - in the quality of your skills

LEO - in your sense of self, hopefully you are more in touch with your brilliance

VIRGO - in your dread of the future or guilt from the past

LIBRA  - in your social organizations

SCORPIO - in your career pursuits

SAGITTARIUS  - in your spiritual beliefs or educational experiences

CAPRICORN - in your investments or business alliances 

AQUARIUS - in your most personal relationships

PISCES - in your lifestyle choices or perception of health

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus 15 degrees Sept 4th
consolidating your gains

Jupiter, the planet representing abundance and opportunity, turns retrograde in Taurus on Sept 4th.  Whether in forward or retrograde motion, Jupiter still offers benefits and insights.  The only difference is that when retrograde, as it will be until  December 31st,  the growth may be slower and/or more deliberate.  Retrogrades also offer opportunities to reconnect and revision our larger aspirations.

Jupiter in the earth sign of Taurus also indicates material or financial growth. Those lucky enough to have this birth chart placement are oftentimes born into great wealth or landownership.  For the rest of us, the transit si the time to more easily accumulate resources.   This is especially true if it is passing your money, residential or career houses.   And while it certainly still pertains to money in the traditional sense, we may also look at others gifts we either possess or can obtain in this moment.

Uranus, the awakener and chaos maker, has been travelling in Taurus since 2018 and so our ideas of what is important or valuable may have been changing.  There will be a spectacular conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus next April 2024 which can bring long-shot lucky breaks to those who are in alignment with their true life's purpose.

For the next few months, consider what "luck" has already appeared in your Taurus house and either fine-tune or adjust to make the final dream even more solid and grounded.

Jupiter retrograding will offer the opportunity to contemplate your manifestation goals here:

ARIES  - regarding a higher salary and appreciation of your gifts

TAURUS  - the question of what new self is being formed

GEMINI -the development of greater trust and faith

CANCER - the building of a solid social network

LEO - the next stage of professional success

VIRGO  - the catalyzing of a new world view, opportunities abroad or in education

LIBRA - long term financial partnerships, investments

SCORPIO - a solid committed relationship

SAGITTARIUS - improved health outcomes

CAPRICORN - the ability to turn ideas into reality, growing your family

AQUARIUS  - finding your permanent home

PISCES - strengthening your voice and community ties

If for some reason your projects have slowed down, do not be alarmed. This is simply a resting and/or adjustment period and the expansion will continue in the New Year.

And unless you are an addict or a gambler, you can't go wrong with Jupiter because he helps increase your efforts dramatically and oftentimes with great ease.

Lean into the direction your heart wants to take you and it is possible for you to reach your desired goals in the coming year. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus 

Mercury direct in Virgo Sept 15th
fixing the pieces

Mercury retrogrades are relatively common occurrences, happening three or four times a year.  And while they always bring some minor form of chaos, in the sign of Virgo, the perfectionist/critic, we can be upended over small details.  Of course, tiny miscommunications may obscure deeper resentments and these may revolve around issues of service or being taken advantage of.  Virgo can be picky because they are looking for the perfect solution to an issue but fail to see the larger implications or necessity of stepping back.

Nevertheless, if projects, relationships, situations only require some small practical fix, this can be attended to during the Mercury retrograde period which began Aug 23rd and ends on Sept 15th.

Contracts, practicums, procedures, manuals, company directives can all come under scrutiny or improvement and it is hopeful that the rejiggering will aid in greater communication and teamwork.

In our personal lives, have we determined if there is one minor pattern (of thinking, behaving, relating) that if adjusted, could lead to greater satisfaction and "efficiency"?

Lastly, the improvements should ideally be health-oriented, whether from a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual perspective.

What opportunities arose to "fix" things in your life:

ARIES  - noticing and improving food and lifestyle habits

TAURUS - tweaking a creative project

GEMINI - managing your home in a more efficient manner

CANCER - clearing up miscommunications with siblings and friends

LEO - discerning a more marketable skill

VIRGO - seeing yourself through new eyes, greater self-acceptance

LIBRA - squashing paranoid thinking

SCORPIO - connecting with like-minded people

SAGITTARIUS - re-invigorating and old career ambition

CAPRICORN - considering some form of higher education

AQUARIUS  - paying attention to joint finances

PISCES - giving your partner a bit more concentrated attention

Venus in Leo square Jupiter retro in Taurus Sept 17th - 18th
overdoing it

The same day that Venus turns direct, Jupiter retrogrades and they move in a square aspect much fo the month.

Now that you are seeing yourself differently (or finally acknowledging the truth of a situation) you may decide to pause or slow down on certain goals. Alternatively, if love is taking a greater role in your life, you may take a break from your career ambitions.

Additionally, with Leo focusing on self-expression, Taurus is concerned with security and we may note where these two needs collide or intersect.

Where might there be a clash between personal desires and material necessities? How can we find ways to balance or honor these different needs?

ARIES - you feel like having fun but don't want to break the bank

TAURUS - should you spend money on your home or on your self education?

GEMINI  - friends want a good time but you are focused more on spiritual gains

CANCER - you may want to show off and this may please or dismay your social group/ideology

LEO - self interest may not meet with approval when discussing career goals, you would like to be independent and a star but the boss says to put your head down and work

VIRGO   - there is a part of you which needs praise but perhaps your religious upbringing looks down on self promotion

LIBRA - who are you impressing or investing in now - your friends or your lover?

SCORPIO - you may get to be a star at work but your partner sees the same old you, don't get too big for your britches

SAGITTARIUS - even if you possess lofty goals, you still must do the everyday work

CAPRICORN - your partner may demand attention that you feel should be directed to your children instead

AQUARIUS - your partner wants attention but you feel it may be more important to focus on family

PISCES  - even if you get praise at work, your friends will still hold you to old standards

The personal desire are real and should try to be integrated into your larger goals of self-sufficiency and financial security.  A small treat here or there won't hurt but don't override your long-term goals.

Neptune in Pisces oppose sun in Virgo Sept 20th 26 degrees
Pluto in Capricorn trine Sun in Virgo Sept 21st 

The perfectionist doer Virgo Sun has several encounters late in the month with two outer planets that can adjust or impel action.  On the 20th, Neptune in Pisces opposes the Virgo Sun, tending to slow down the OCD nature of Virgo energy.  We may not like the temporary fogginess but it helps to accept the transpersonal strength of Pluto in Capricorn trining Vigo the following day.

We are not solitary rational beings as the science mind world would has us believe.  We are connected to higher forces and on these days when the outer planets impact the personal ones, we become very aware of our impotence to change things on will alone.

While these are not the most important transits in the world, they help to connect us to a larger field of influence and perhaps humble us in the face of universal forces.

Neptune may soften the harshness of everyday worker mentality while Pluto will get us in touch with the zeitgeist of history.

Where will this impact you?

ARIES  -  minor reverie or confusion followed by renewed commitment to work
TAURUS -  potentially overwhelmed by others' goals and perceptions and realizing that the only thing that matters is discovering the truth
GEMINI -    worries about family may be tempered by awareness of the strength of your intimate connections
CANCER -  you can sometimes question your childhood - did this really happen?  and Thankfully your partner can provide some context and support
LEO - you may be worried about money but in the end realize that if you attend to the work of everyday, you will reach your goal
VIRGO - you sometimes feel invisible and then you realize that as long as you are being creative, you are doing the right work
LIBRA - you wonder if all the "work on yourself" is worth it but then you realize, if you finally feel at home with yourself, that is the best result
SCORPIO -  you may dream of a love relationship and feel lonely but then realize that finding like-minded friends is soul satisfying
SAGITTARIUS - it's hard to sometimes know what work to pursue but the best choice is to follow your natural passions and the money will come
CAPRICORN - you may feel like your old friends are gone and where are the new ones but then cognize that belonging begins with accepting and loving oneself
AQUARIUS - the money issues comes up again, but rather than worry, trust that you will find the way by creating new structures, not following old ones
PISCES - should you focus on your relationship?  perhaps not so much on the one person, but rather your relationships with your peers

Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo Sept 30th

The recent Mercury retrograde in Virgo may have had us develop new strategies or approaches around our work.  By implementing minor changes, you may create more beneficial results.

At end of month, you might have a breakthrough around how a change in thinking has improved your life here:

ARIES - feeling better about yourself, you can organize your team more easily

TAURUS -  new sense of self motivates you to get started on a project you may have been intransigent about

GEMINI - when you realize your true home is with god, you stop fussing over your security

CANCER - some new associations may allow you to soften sibling issues

LEO - changing professional goals lead to greater financial rewards and/or using your skills with greater efficiency 

VIRGO - if you realize there is a greater universal force behind everything, you may be less hard on yourself

LIBRA -  lessening codependent behavior brings you more confidence

SCORPIO - changes in relationship may have your alter your time on social media

SAGITTARIUS - focusing on your health and work practices may improve your professional outcomes

CAPRICORN - acknowledging your creative impulses may inspire you to take a new course

AQUARIUS - as your home life undergoes changes, you along with partner find ways to make things more efficient

PISCES - by communicating differently, you reach partners more effectively

What I'm discussing above is simply a small tweak based on new perceptions or values that may take the drudgery out of normally boring tasks.  A slight change of heart and mind can bring newness to any situation.  And, in practical terms, even if it means delegating work differently, a small change will yield tangible appreciable results.

So this month will start to get the wheels rolling again in your life.  October brings the Pluto station direct at the last degree of Capricorn and we are being compelled to create a new life out of the ashes of old assumptions and paradigms.  We are entering new terrain with Pluto's eventual long-term stay in Aquarius (2023 - 2044), but this fall and next year complete a very arduous cycle regarding power, authority and the changing social structure.

A new world awaits us but we must consciously decouple from the old constructs and bury the remains of our old misconceptions and addictions to power, fame, material success at the expense of true self-knowing.  As we move toward a new form of selfhood, let it be one where we honor the divinity in each of us and the web of life that most generously and interactively supports our existence.