Navigating a Changed Landscape
It is likely that many of us are still dealing with the fallout or acceleration that occurred last month in our Taurus house, courtesy not only of Uranus retro but even more so due to the triple conjunction of Mars/Uranus/North Node in Taurus. Whatever happened, please understand that underneath it all is the need for more freedom and liberation from old patterns, relationships, situations and behaviors. The divorce or, alternatively, the ignition of something profound will lead us to an entirely new chapter in our lives.
We're approaching a blockbuster month in October with multiple back to business stationary directions, most importantly the structural planets of Saturn and Pluto.
This also follows the incendiary month of August which was rife with Uranian destabilization energy. So, if we have a moment to catch our breathe, all the better.
Yet, mother nature has not been able to rest, what with man made climate change and more deadly climate engineering disrupting the earth's natural hydrological cycle. Extreme heatwaves through the Pacific Northwest, Europe and the rest of the world will ultimately lead to diminished harvests in an already food scarcity time. The western world will not suffer as profoundly as those in impoverished and drought-stricken regions. And yet, Death Valley experienced a one in 1200 year flood - again, my bets are on climate engineering to the level of trolling - and CNN is fear-mongering about an upcoming (potentially scheduled) massive flood in California. Extreme rainfall and heavy flooding have devastated locales from Pakistan to Mississippi.
None of us are truly aware of the extent that mad scientists and engineers are directing the slow destruction of the natural world (and humans) in order to usher in a dystopian Human 2.0 future - the merging of biological life with machines. Eventually, all of our other concerns will dim in comparison to the fight for authentic unadulterated human life. This will be the ongoing tragedy and battle of the Pluto in Aquarius cycle 2023 - 2044 and this column will speak to this more extensively in the years and months ahead.
In the meantime, we are still under the timeline of Pluto in Capricorn and much of the activity in September will be of an interpersonal nature rather than transpersonal in scope. Communication and self-expression will be highlighted with possibilities of misunderstandings very likely. That is because we will all be dealing with bruised egos and/or feelings of inferiority. The Leo Virgo archetypes speak to issues of self-perception and, on the extreme ends, we are dealing with the narcissistic Leo versus the totally subservient Virgo. Neither of these self images is correct, of course, and if we haven't found our center, much of our conflicts will arise around issues of respect, adoration or dismissal.
The antidote is some level of detachment and a deeper grounding in the spiritual dimension of life, one where we are in touch with the divine essence of everything and where all of life is equally beautiful and equally important. Patriarchal society is one that creates hierarchy and separation and we have all been dealing with the downside fallout of this overarching ideology for millennia, which much of it coming to a head in the last decade and 1/2 courtesy of Pluto (deconstruction) in Capricorn (status quo).
The healthy side of Leo is a generosity and an open heart while the worthy expression of Virgo is service to a higher cause. Imbalances of those energies cause many interpersonal problems which we may encounter en masse this month.
We're coming off the Uranus retrograde station of Aug 25th whereby one aspect of our lives may have been upended in order to release us from stagnation or perceived imprisonment. Whatever shook out could have created an emotional or financial mess. But it was necessary for our liberation so that we could live more authentically.
Our third Mercury retro of the year begins on Sept 9th in Libra and reverses back into Virgo on the 24th suggesting a review of "the right way of doing things". Virgo is very particular and while we may want to address things civilly, if the fine points aren't attended to, it's all just fluff. We can arrive at greater functionality by Oct 2nd when Mercury turns direct and the real implementation occurs on the Pluto station Oct 8th.
If there are last minute compromises before a final decision, they can also be arrived at during this Mercury retrograde period.
Uranus will be slowly retrograding at 18 degrees all month long so will continue to burn away at the entrapments that were relinquished at the end of August. It will take a while to pick up the pieces so be patient with yourself and others. The results of the separations/epiphanies of August will reverberate for years to come.
And the main epiphanies surround what we think has value in our lives and in the world - and the old rules or attachments no longer work or are valid. The beautiful designer clothes, while once cherished, don't really bring as much pleasure or excitement while consumption has lost its glow. Expensive dining out may be replaced with simple home-cooking and time spent outdoors is more enjoyable than a night on the town. The infinite consumption model is not viable and we are seeing the consequences of extracting resources from a finite planet in terms of increased poverty, environmental disasters and social unrest.
Those in charge have a plan for us, but it is not one that will serve the majority of humankind. As we turn away from a destructive mode of living and put our focus on simple and beautiful human interactions and sharing, the coldness and emptiness of the technological future becomes gut-wrenchingly apparent.
seeking justice and civility
We always have a chance to revisit or rework issues during Mercury retrograde periods and in Libra we may be focusing on contractual arrangements and personal affairs. We don't particularly want to torch everything to the ground, particularly as the volatility from August is still subsiding. Yet, it's important to set the record straight or seek better terms.
The best use of the Mercury retrograde energy is to find the fairest solution and then to implement it:
ARIES - in order to relationships to work, we both must take practical everyday steps
TAURUS - if I want to be more productive at work, I must find and use my personal spark of genius
GEMINI - in order to be present for relationships, I must feel secure in my home
CANCER - my home life will be better if my communication skills improve
LEO - your communication abilities are based on your self-esteem so understand your value before negotiating
VIRGO - the natural artist is there if acknowledge him or her
LIBRA - you'll feel better about yourself if you put your inner critic in check
SCORPIO - dreams of romance require taking steps to achieve, get on a dating site
SAGITTARIUS - a group endeavor is improved if you take the lead with your skill set
CAPRICORN - you can be fairer as a boss once you incorporate more spiritual principles
AQUARIUS - acknowledging and doing the work in a relationship brings greater spiritual satisfaction
PISCES - that dream of a better union is possible with correct and pointed communication
This may be the best moment to seek out an amicable solution before the heavy arm-twisting of Pluto station early October and the argumentative and double-talking Mars retrograde in Gemini 10/31 - 1/19/23. The notion of civility seems almost passe but it could work wonders in actually achieving your desired goals at this moment in time.
dharmic changes
When the nodes of karma/dharma are on the world axis, significant changes can happen and are usually reflected in world events. The midpoint of Taurus speaks to our evolving relationship and understanding of money, nature, security and the environment. Perhaps in the early of days of September, there will be notable actions taken regarding these real life concepts.
Individually, we are likewise morphing into a new version of ourselves and reconsidering our previous values and attachments.
As you change course in at least one major area of life, what is worth putting effort in long term?
ARIES - solidifying your finances
TAURUS - developing your self image
GEMINI - working on your addictions
CANCER - creating or joining a community
LEO - your professional expertise
VIRGO - your spiritual world view
LIBRA - your intimate partnerships
SCORPIO - your significant relationship
SAGITTARIUS - your health and lifestyle
CAPRICORN - your children or creativity
AQUARIUS - your home and family
PISCES - your friendships
Eros at Regulus Sept 1st
Ceres at Regulus Sept 27 -29th
egos flair
The beginning and the end of the month are periods when we may encounter ours or another's ego out of check. Eros (erotic lover energy) reaches a peak of self-regard end of August into Sept 1st while Ceres, the mother or caretaker, is asking for her due (or undue) appreciation at the end of the month.
How to deal with these out of control ego energies which more than likely will appear in personal relationships? You can acknowledge their specialness while also maintaining that we all deserve love and attention. In both cases, the diva energies immediately tamp down once they move into Virgo where they likewise must be encouraged to surrender along side with everyone else who is serving.
And really, compassion is key because all of us have a wounded inner child (Leo) who is craving attention as well as a desire to help others or find right work (Virgo). So where can we be amusedly detached when encountering the overblown King Star energy?
ARIES - when our children act up (grownup friends included)
TAURUS - when Mom is demanding appreciation
GEMINI - with our childhood friends or siblings
CANCER - when we demand praise for our accomplishments
LEO - when we want to be the center of attention
VIRGO - when we project drama onto others
LIBRA - when social media friends boast too much
SCORPIO - when our boss touts his horn
SAGITTARIUS - when our political leaders talk nonsense
CAPRICORN - when our lover acts imperious and demanding
AQUARIUS - when our partner needs stroking
PISCES - when are co-workers are seeking attention
Of course, if we are requiring or demanding praise to feel good about ourselves, we are not free at all. So ideally we realize and detach from the need for outward approval and that is the most balanced place of all.
Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius Sept 28 - 30th
motivated to take action
All of that smallish drama can lead to taking actions that lead to actual results. At end of month, you may be motivate to follow through on plans and communications here:
ARIES - you may choose to engage with social media in a new way
TAURUS - you sense greater financial and professional opportunities
GEMINI - you feel more energized to speak your personal truth
CANCER - there is a greater understanding of how subconscious or karmic patterns affect your current relationships
LEO - some new goals light up your personal relationship
VIRGO - you are more anxious to get a work project off the ground
LIBRA - as your world view expands, your creativity does as well
SCORPIO - a more fulfilling sex life makes settling down more appealing
SAGITTARIUS - new partners excite new writing and community endeavors
CAPRICORN - discovering a more stimulating past time fires your self esteem
AQUARIUS - words of love or your child's growth are reflect well on you
PISCES - understanding your home life allows you to let go of old fears and complexes
Now is the time to be compassionate toward ourselves and others, but to also be courageous in standing up for what is spiritually and morally right. Natural law should take precedence or disingenuous or corrupted manmade regulations. If we are centered, we will feel the difference and know what action to take. As we wrap up the Pluto in Capricorn energy next year, we will hopefully have replaced outer tyrants with an inner and responsible authority figure who is aligned with Source. This self mastery will unlock us from the toxic and increasingly mad world of synthetic reality so that we protect our natural world from those would would make it a transhumanist nightmare.