While this month we encounter several planetary stations, compared to March and April, June will be a more tranquil and less intense time. I would say that most of the difficult astrology of the year has already happened and we will be dealing with the fallout/consequences/opportunities for the rest of 2023.
And June will take a more intimate turn with the personal planets in Gemini/Cancer/Leo which are more concerned with relationships and family.
As we enter June, Mars is already in Leo followed by Venus' entrance into the sign on June 6th. At that moment, Venus also opposes Pluto in Aquarius so issues of money, resources, loyalty, jealousy could be revealed. In this instance, one's sense of individuality butts up against the impersonal needs of the collective.
While Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years, it will retrograde back into Capricorn on June 12th to wrap up the last 16 years of institutional and financial drama. While these issues may not disappear altogether, they will have a different flavor and instead of railing at big banks, we may be feeling repressed by big tech, surveillance, political agendas and collectivist ideologies. How will we retain our individuality while still contributing to a larger vision?
Saturn retrogrades in the early degrees of Pisces on June 17th and we have time to process our changing beliefs and allegiances. Neptune's retrograde on the last day of the month will bring to light previously hidden information.
Leave time this month for relaxing activities and pleasurable times in nature or with loved ones. It's been a challenging year and this upcoming respite is well-deserved.
Mars/Venus in Leo opposing Pluto June 6th
desires sizzle and intensify
Part of our journey here on earth is to determine how to best utilize our human vessel to do the work of creation. Our sense of self is channeled through the sign of Leo, our solar identity, which connects to our desire for greatness. Now, of course, based on consciousness, we may witness the negative version of this in the stereotypical idea of the narcissist.
But ideally, Leo can and should be about the ability to be a channel for divine expression and creativity.
Mars (sex and ambition) and Venus (love and values) will be travelling through the sign of Leo most of the month of June. On the 6th, Venus will collide with Pluto in Aquarius, potentially leading to a battle of wills. (We may have already experienced this when Mars opposed Pluto last month).
Leo is the self while Aquarius is the collective. Our personal interests are heightened when in the sign of ego gratification while Pluto in Aquarius may reveal the tyrannical or overbearing side of being part of a group. Can we find ways to navigate our need for specialness while still operating within the matrix of consensus reality?
Mars and Venus in the sign of pride can demand attention and center stage. This is as it should be until the planets of love and sex come up against the controlling side of Pluto. If our desires are solely coming from an ego place, they may find opposition. Jealousy and triangulation are other manifestations of this energy.
Alternatively, if one is in alignment, there is the potential for a very intense and passionate love connection or enhanced creative expression.
If you'd like to experience this minor aspect in the most enjoyable manner, make sure that you are coming from a place of true heart power rather than simply ego.
Where might fireworks alight in your life:
ARIES - you may feel highly romantic and creative yet find opposition from your tribe
TAURUS - there is a strong pull to home life but the career sector may be demanding more of you
GEMINI - there's a lot of romantic opportunity in your local circle but this may miff those with a different viewpoint on life
CANCER - you are in a highly creative period, but will you be able to earn the money your desire
LEO - you are finally feeling good about yourself (and this will ext3nd to the Venus retrograde later this summer ) but your partner may try to squelch your confidence
VIRGO - something is brewing in the arena of self-knowledge, calling for more meditation and downtime, but work and daily life may interfere
LIBRA - you feel called to spend more time with new friends which may make your current paramour a bit jealous
SCORPIO - you are on fire at work but your partner wants you to spend more time at home
SAGITTARIUS - a summer fling beckons but your friends may not approve
CAPRICORN - you are presented with some interesting business opportunities but you worry it will take away from your current income stream
AQUARIUS - a siren may beckon you to have some fun and you may actually put it on hold
PISCES - the demands of work may intrude on your private time
As always, an aspect which involves personal planets contacting a transpersonal planet like Pluto is that the political becomes personal and we find that we can be either in the path of resistance or submission. This does not mean that every situation must involve politics, but rather you may notice a mismatch between goals and objectives based on a belief system.
And while this is a temporary experience to test the boundaries of self vs other, we will be dealing with the possibilities of an overbearing collective narrative for years to come as Pluto will be in Aquarius until the year 2044.
So find ways to connect to your authentic self and then regardless of social currents, you will be on the path of your personal destiny.
Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn June 12th
empire imploding
We've all been living with the effects of Pluto in Capricorn over the last 16 years where such movements as Times Up, Me Too, BLM have become ostensible emblems against patriarchal corruption. While in essence admirable, such organizations can likewise be appropriated for political gain. Additionally, we are now confronted with the push for DEI, ESG and other theories of equitable distribution of resources. When does the revolutionary idea become the tyrannical one?
We will notice the overreach of these ultimately political ideologies as Pluto moves more deeply into Aquarius. But, for the meantime, we can recollect the internal and external changes that Pluto in Capricorn (deconstruction of consensus reality) has made in our lives.
Can we clean up our institutions enough to bring out country back to its principles?
As a nation, we are witnessing the demise of the United States empire, one that has become a bloated military cudgel and bully to the rest of the world. Our Pluto return in 2021 also showed decline in our handling of covid, supply change issues, environmental disaster and ongoing financial problems.
Personally, we have dealt with issues of power and control in a specific area or areas in our lives as designated below.
We can and probably did identify those people or situations that were abusive and overpowering. Secondly, we may have rebelled or overthrown said abuser. Thirdly, we may have empowered ourselves in the process.
What does power now mean to you? What parts of the former hierarchical structure still appeal to you and which have been dismantled in your own mind?
The ultimate goal is to get us to regain our inner authority and not outsource it to others.
It's one thing to acknowledge one's victimhood, but yet another to develop a strategy that disables this pattern in our lives once and for all. And on the cosmic level, it is about owning our own shadow rather than projecting it outward on to parents, bosses, corporations, governments.
How has Pluto in Capricorn assisted you in your embrace of self-mastery?
ARIES - through the evolution of your authentic career path
TAURUS - through the revising and reestablishing of your world view
GEMINI - through the destruction and/or development of business or financial partnerships
CANCER - through the elimination of parent/child relationships
LEO - through a revolution in health or lifestyle
VIRGO - through a purging of blocks to love and creativity, the elimination of judgment in these areas
LIBRA - through a reconfiguration of the family system
SCORPIO - through a renewal of your childhood experiences and/or mental constructs
SAGITTARIUS - through a reappraisal of your marketable skills, your relation to money in general
CAPRICORN - through the acceptance of your own inner authority
AQUARIUS - through an awareness of your conspiratorial shadow
PISCES - through the establishment of new goals and political or cultural affiliations
Saturn retrograding into Pisces June 17th
changing beliefs
Saturn, the planet of boundaries, limitations, lessons, regularly retrogrades in the late spring/early summer. This iteration is marked by a distinct disillusionment/disappointment in those we looked up to - particularly in the spiritual, cultural or medical realm.
More practically, Saturn also repeats previous cycles, this last Saturn in Pisces one being in 1993-1995. If you are over the age of 30, you would have experienced this as changes in the home, relationships, school at that time. This is not to say you will repeat the same story, but the sense of a pivot away from the known to an uncertain future could be happening for you now. And, as you survived the past cycle, you will inevitably get through this one too.
For now, the pressure is off to make any permanent decisions until the fall when Saturn turns direct on
In the meantime, what realizations came up for you these past few months in terms of faith, beliefs, dreams?
ARIES - despite outward success, you still deal with worries of failure or meaning
TAURUS - you may be feeling alienated from old friends and former business associates
GEMINI - you're questioning your job or work situation
CANCER - it's hard to feel hopeful about the future, your inner faith has been shaken
LEO - partners may be dealing with money issues
VIRGO - you are feeling anxious about a relationship, whether to end it or commit to it further
LIBRA - does your work satisfy you anymore? are you living your best life?
SCORPIO - you may fail to be isnpired or feel emotional needs are not being met
SAGITTARIUS - you are questioning decisions around home and family, mother
CAPRICORN - you may find it is hard to talk to old friends and family members
AQUARIUS - you are questioning your skill set and salary
PISCES - you are tired of the old you and not yet sure who are you to become next
Saturn does prompt us to consider the progress or lack thereof in a certain area of life. While it can seem depressing, it is a time to assess inputs and subsequent outputs. Is it worth putting any more time and energy into this old situation? If not, what new goals can I set up in its place?
There may be a period of unknowing and stagnation but simply allow the feelings and have patience, a Saturn word, that a new reality is forming behind the old and it will come into view in the next few years.
And if you've become disillusioned by a person, place or thing, you may want to focus on how or why your projected the dream onto this person. It may have been valid 7, 14 or 21 years ago, but now has simply run its course.
Lastly, because of the retrograde you can stop worrying about it for the summer and focus on other areas of pleasure and growth as the fall will bring the opportunity to settle the issue once and for all.
Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces June 19th
tangible opportunities for improvement or epiphanies
Even in the midst of heavy, life changing transits, the universe provides an opportunity to make our new dreams a reality. courtesy of Jupiter in Taurus (material manifestation) sextile Saturn in Pisces (focused creativity). In some cases, we may hearken back to ideas that were birthed or seeded in April of 2022 when Jupiter/Neptune conjoined in Pisces.
Pisces is the inspiration, Aries is the motivation and Taurus is the actual materialization of an idea.
What can you now feel confident can come into form?
ARIES - a newly developed skill can lead to long-term influence
TAURUS - your new sense of self allows you to seek out new acquaintances
GEMINI - you decide to use your imagination to dream a new career into existence
CANCER - new social circles expand your mind and opportunities
LEO - you gain some approval status at work which improves your long-term financial situation
VIRGO - changing world views (and more confidence about the future) make you feel ready for partnership
LIBRA - a sexual relationship inspires you to change your life
SCORPIO - your partner's burgeoning success i enhances your romantic connection
SAGITTARIUS - as your health improves, you enjoy your homelife more
CAPRICORN - a creative or romantic encounter opesn up your communication style
AQUARIUS - a happy home life improves your self esteem
PISCES - a stronger connection to your real voice allows others to see you more clearly
Neptune retrograding in Pisces June 30th
dreams vs. reality, a truth-filled moment
the truth comes out
Neptune, the planet connected to dreams, aspirations and illusion/delusions retrogrades regularly in late spring. This year it stations on June 30th and as we are through 3/4 of this 12 year cycle, we are understanding the nature of this transit more clearly. Although the word clear does not generally describe Neptune, which can be cast it fog, obfuscation and sometimes outright lying.
We have noticed that the line between reality and fiction has been slowly eroded to the point that it is hard to discern what is really going on in any situation, particularly media and politics. The Orwellian truth disinformation probes of so-called conspiracy theorists and right wing fascists belie the abundance of left wing propaganda.
Sins of omission, commission, amplification and repetition of simplistic emotionally charged messages have made it hard for an undiscerning person to understand what is going on.
Psychology and marketing have been weaponized to such an extent that U.S. is becoming one of the most propagandized nations in the world. We think we are different than totalitarian nations like Russia and North Korea and for sure, we are not as heavy-handed as these players are. In fact, we are more in danger because the methods of brainwashing are so much more sophisticated and subtle.
And if we are not facing this confusion in terms of world news, we may also be having difficulties figuring out our life path, the trajectory of a relationship or situation. Ideally, we can use Neptune to step back and let go of ego control. Trust in the universe is key and this can be hard for those used to controlling their environment.
The mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces have been most affected by this ongoing transit which began in 2011 and will end in 2026.
What may come to light at this year's retrograde station?
ARIES - the many of your fears are unfounded
TAURUS - that some people are not your real friends and others appear that you would not expect to be your ally
GEMINI - the state of your job/boss
CANCER - a questioning of your beliefs and politics
LEO - the status of your partner's finances
VIRGO - the dreams or worries of your partner
LIBRA - clarification of health issues
SCORPIO - creative inspiration or release of a writer's block
SAGITTARIUS - your home or residential situation
CAPRICORN - the truth regarding a close friend or sibling
AQUARIUS - more clarity about your financial situation
PISCES - a renewed sense of the new you
In recent months, several readers have decried the disillusioning tone of these scopes. I will respond with the fact that I am simply the messenger/interpreter of certain astrological trends. And these trends reflect quite serious societal challenges along with the potential for striking evolutionary growth. Some criticisms have revolved around the political nature of what I've been writing about. (I have been political for awhile, particularly during the Trump years, with very little pushback). The more recent disapproval centers around my criticism of the pandemic management and authoritarian turn of governments around the world during the past three years.
This may appear to be my opinion, but Pluto will drill a hole through all hypocrisy and in recent years, it's about the corruption of paternalistic "for your own good" governments operating out of integrity, with their loyalty to global corporatism over their respective citizens. Power has consolidated so heavily into transnational entities that have no allegiance to a people or population. The tyranny of the collective will be wielded as a sledge hammer against individualism and independence - the cornerstones of liberal democracies.
Much of popular astrology resides in the ghettos of fashion, beauty trends and celebrity profiles. While admittedly entertaining and fun, they will not address the issues of the day nor our place in history. Instead, I write my horoscopes for adults. And I have skin in the game. As a parent and grandparent, I would like my progeny to experience a beautiful and conscious world inhabited by leaders and organizations that truly serve humankind, not their own pockets or twisted ideologies.
I am happy and honored to be walking and talking beside you as we play our part in resurrecting integrity, responsibility, maturity and humility to the commons while detaching from the self-destructing matrix that will implode under it's own mal-intentioned actions.