Understand and Transforming Power Dynamics

October will be a momentous and fated month with many outer planets turning direct. Direct motion sets things in action that were already bubbling underneath the surface.

The main energy is Pluto direct in Capricorn, which has been an annual autumn phenomenon for the past few decades. It is super important this year as it correlates and lights up the energy of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Jan 2020. This marked the official beginning of the pandemic with the first documented case in Wuhan.

Saturn/Pluto conjunctions relate to dramatic events that may start out small but lead to massive changes in society, good or ill. They also tend to be "false flags" in that the narrative we are being told covers up a more dire or nefarious intention. Consider that WWI (and the Spanish Flu), the storming of the Reichstag, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 all coincided with Saturn/Pluto aspects. And we should not conflate false flags with hoaxes. False flags do not mean the event did not happen, like moon walking deniers may suggest. It is simply that the story we are being told masks a darker and more manipulative agenda.

What is the nature of this recent conjunction? As I have pointed out ad nauseum, it is about deconstruction of the patriarchy, of the current world order. Capricorn relates to the powers that be, the institutions that govern our lives such as banking, politics, education, religion, the military and corporations, including health corporations. Pluto is the corruption of these institutions. Capricorn is also the top of the bureaucratic heap and this includes CIA, FDA, EPA, CDC and WHO. The pandemic and the subsequent fallout has been a boon for some of these organizations where they have taken on greater power or assumed larger roles in handling\manipulating this human tragedy.

To think that this was not all orchestrated in some way - and there is ample documentation if one is willing to look - is naive and places us in the role of victim/child. This is the essence of Pluto in Capricorn, revealing the perpetrator and/or reliving an abusive situation in adult form. Many of us have given our power away to organizations that really don't care about us, and this first and foremost includes the medical industrial complex and regulatory agencies. Barring covid, why is it that we have such an unhealthy population? We have some of the most sophisticated medical technology but also a massive amount of sick or chronically ill citizens. Our denatured food, poisoned air and water, over prescribing of dangerous medications all contribute to a population that is not living its best life.

Pluto in Capricorn is also important for the United States and the era of nation states. This country is approaching it's first Pluto return in 2022 -2023 and the current scenario is stretching us to the limit. Not only in terms of institutional failure, but also in terms of freedom and human rights. The left has become especially hypocritical as they shout for free choice when it comes to abortions while also mandating medical interventions.

What is the meta purpose of all of this? As sovereign human beings, we are being forced to take back our power, to be the adults, to say no to the abusers and to out them. Rather than fall asleep or give way to apathy or despair, we must work to decolonize our bodies, minds and souls. Most in congress and corporate captured agencies, media, big tech, will eventually fall but this may only happen when we are willing to stand up for ourselves and demand accountability.

Be your own person, listen to your gut. There are big choices here to make and they are hard. By choosing oneself and one's sovereignty, one may lose much in terms of friendship, work, financial security and social approval. But are these artificially constructed paradigms worth your inner soul?

This month we will see the fallout of what the covid crisis has wrought and there may be more heavy-handedness, death, loss and struggle.

In addition to the Revolutionary War period, we are also reliving the 1930's. Most of us in liberal America, when we think of fascism, our heads turn toward right wing extremists. Yes, they are the 19th century version of fascism, but we have already experienced a corporate coup d'etat in the 20th century. Fascism is the now ever present reality of corporations ruling the government which has made true democratic law making impossible.

And now, if the powerful have their way, we are headed toward a 21st century technocracy. Do not get caught up in the theatrics and be clear eyed about who the tyrants really are. They are more likely wearing a lab coat or a business casual outfit than some lurid American flag costume.

Will you be on the right side of history? By wrestling with your old demons and dethroning them, you will likewise set yourself free to see the present and future with a clear and uncompromising gaze. In this way, you will be firmly in your power and along with your fellow humans, bring forth a more promising future that extricates us from 2,000 years of domination. It's about time.

Psyche on Regulus 10/2 - 4/21 and into Virgo 10/5
healing the god complex

Psyche deals with our psychological wounding and in many cases, the damage to our ego development. For those with a weak inner core, the exterior personality must cartoonishly expand. We are reaching a time where the hubris will destroy the organism as not being in alignment with nature is deadly. Yet, we also possess a touch of the divine within our cells and if we can discover and embody that truth, all of the bruises and missteps will be worth it.

Humankind is poised at the edge of evolution or de-evolution. The distorted ego is poisonous to us all as anyone dealing with a narcissist can attest. They snuff out all the air and life in a room and leave everyone else feeling voided and empty.

Psyche in Regulus is also hovering over the degrees of 2 eclipses, one from July of 2017 and Feb of 2018. Yes, Trump was in office at that time and we dealt with not only Russian collusion but also parkland. Seems we are still dealing with these issues - the belief in foreign interference, whether true or not and the problem with gun control. There is also the issue of the self vs. the collective and we seem to have lost our way in this regard (to be ironically interpreted one way or the other depending on what "team" you are on).

Alternatively what may have happened to us those few years back that may be resolved now once and for all?

Where might we be able to transform out of control ego into the energy of service?

ARIES - realizing how our unique vision can be actualized to help others

TAURUS - detaching from mom's story to create your own

GEMINI - realizing a siblings' arrogance was due to insecurity, you are grounded in your own center, leaving home has helped you to be your own person

CANCER - perhaps you've overreached in terms of what you think you deserve, step back and focus on what you have to offer

LEO - it's okay to be the king or queen, but nowadays it's become a toxic archetype so focus on what talents serve the world

VIRGO - maybe your insecurity comes from false sense of your importance (or more likely the inverse), just do the work and you will be loved

LIBRA - the need to trumpet one's importance to the world is exhausting, now time to focus within

SCORPIO - yes, now that you've conquered the world, consider helping others instead

SAGITTARIUS - it is true that you are a natural born orator, but make sure your speech assists in waking up mankind

CAPRICORN - you can mingle with the elites but that has gotten boring, saving your soul is more important

AQUARIUS - your partner's demands may be childish so see where you can both be adults and peers in your financial endeavors

PISCES - you may work with drama queens so you'd like to attract a significant other who is humble

Pluto direct in Capricorn 10/6
who's the abuser?

I've already ranted about the Pluto in Capricorn station in the opening. The main theme is abuse of power. Who are the abusers in front of or behind the camera?

In the world, we may get a better idea of who is behind the horrors of the pandemic. Who has orchestrated it and to what end? Be certain it is NOT accidental as we are made to believe, but very well coordinated ahead of time.

In our personal lives, we have been dealing with long-standing power struggles in the Capricorn house in our charts. Most likely whomever we are dealing with now is simply a ghost imprint of the earliest abuser - our parent/s. If we have failed to integrate our hurt inner child, he/she is still responding to unfair situations with fear and conversely, with weird "love" for our abuser, the infamous Stockholm Syndrome.

Where have you been resurrecting and/or overcoming ancient stories of parental abuse? Can you see the linkage now and disable the program?

ARIES - in your work alliances, especially w corporations, dethroning your father

TAURUS - in your political or religious conversations, has someone proved themselves a false leader

GEMINI - in business or sexual partnerships, are you being strong-armed financially?

CANCER - in your personal one on one relationships, are you reliving parental abuse or dependency in your marriage

LEO - in everyday work situations, how you deal with health

VIRGO - in your creative endeavors or with children, can you approach these areas without judgement or fear

LIBRA - addressing the original abuser in your family of origin

SCORPIO - trying to resolve early childhood issues and where you lost your voice or trust

SAGITTARIUS - in financial areas, charging what you are worth, overcoming low self-esteem

CAPRICORN - realizing you are not your parents, you can set your own goals

AQUARIUS - acknowledging that you do have a conservative or judgmental inner critic, kick them to the curb

PISCES - fears or acceptance or rejection by the larger world

Saturn direct Aquarius 6 degrees 10/10/21
settling into your vision

Along with Pluto going direct, Saturn, the planet correlated with business and structure, turns direct on Oct 10th.

Since May, when Saturn retrograded in the sign of "the future, science, technology, humanitarianism", we may have had to backtrack or rework budding commitments and projects. We would have had to revisit our alliances, our concepts and coordination of our respective plans.

We may also notice the limits or hypocrisies in the science that we hear on the news or in the media. (This may take the entire Saturn in Aquarius cycle 2020 - 2023 to sort out, but cracks are beginning to show in the narrative).

Now, if we've worked out the kinks, we can plow forward with resolve to make these ideas a reality.

If we demolish decaying structures, we can set the stage for where the work/renovation will happen in your life starting in 2023.

Where can you put nose to the grindstone regarding your vision for the future?

ARIES - developing or reestablishing social media connections, television

TAURUS - determining company leadership and long-term goals

GEMINI - consolidating overseas connections

CANCER - determining your financing partners

LEO - strengthening your relationship and its new direction

VIRGO - pushing ahead on daily operations, improving technological efficiency at work

LIBRA - resuming work on a creative project that had been delayed all summer

SCORPIO - getting serious about your living situation

SAGITTARIUS - spending more focus on your writing and communications now that you've sorted out your thoughts

CAPRICORN - putting the time into a long-term project even if it means limited finances now

AQUARIUS - you're in a new chapter of your life

PISCES - addressing the bogeymen in collective "isms"

Mercury direct in Libra 10/18/21
facing the news

Our communication planet Mercury in the sign of Libra (fairness and the law) perhaps has revealed some unattractive business or speculative practices. This is especially true if your finances were affected by covid last year. In some cases we saw millionaires become billionaires while the rest of the population has taken a hit to their bank accounts.

If you have been uncertain as to what the future has in store for you, the Mercury direct brings more clarity on how you can move forward out of the detritus of the Pluto station.

Of course, on a smaller scale, you may have reconnected with old friends, colleagues, clients and siblings and found out who may be on the same page. If in opposition to each other, can you find common ground.

Who did you feel it was necessary to speak to during this retrograde period?

ARIES - those posing as potential mates

TAURUS - interested co-workers

GEMINI - a romantic or artistic connection

CANCER - real estate agents, parents, family home

LEO - your childhood friends or siblings

VIRGO - clients or prospective investors

LIBRA - a look at your own pr

SCORPIO - people who have "ghosted" you

SAGITTARIUS - social media followers

CAPRICORN - bosses or corporate heads

AQUARIUS - foreign or spiritual connections

PISCES - former sexual partners

Jupiter direct in Aquarius same day 10/18/21
a future that is fair

Jupiter is also in Aquarius this year and along with Saturn is helping us to finetune our future plans. Saturn has just told us what is possible in the new normal and now Jupiter can adjust or accommodate the way forward under these limiting conditions.

And with Jupiter, we oftentimes are looking at the far future so even with current obstacles, we can still allow for fresh perspectives that may be possible in the coming decade.

Where can you imagine expansion in your life in the coming years?

ARIES - the growth of your idea in the media world, collective success

TAURUS - a company focused on future needs

GEMINI - an international cooperation

CANCER - unusual business partners

LEO - setting new horizons for your personal relationship

VIRGO - how can you live a more fulfilling life

LIBRA - where can your creative vision soar

SCORPIO - your ideal living arrangement

SAGITTARIUS - the proliferation of your spoken or written words

CAPRICORN - financial abundance in keeping with the needs of the future

AQUARIUS - becoming more of your true self

PISCES - greater access to your endless imagination

Pluto (and Capricorn) is about repression, oppression, suppression. Who is being allowed to talk and who is being censored? This should tell you that the narrative must not be questioned at any cost. If we look back in history, what can we discern?

Has censorship ever in all of history been practiced by the righteous and honorable?
Has censorship ever NOT been about hiding truths and facts?
Has tyrannical control of the people ever been done for the good of the people?
Has coerced or forced medical experimentation ever NOT been done by those that are pure evil?

I, like you, was relieved when Trump was silenced after his capitol attempt. But that served only a temporary emotional need. We must be more resilient than that. In truth, such "cancelling" was very undemocratic, in fact authoritarian, as it was determined by private media and technology companies. The tides could just as easily turn in another direction if what your "side" said was out of alignment with the true power brokers.

We're going to have to decide if we want to be adults operating in this messy melting pot or be regressed into children who hope that big daddy will save us from the bad people.

Much of society has been menticided through propaganda, but many cracks are showing and it is my hope that some of the lunacy can stop. Yet, as Pluto does still deal with abuses of power, there may be one more attempt at crackdowns to cover the blinding lies, inconsistencies and corruption that is poisoning populations literally and figuratively. The bottom line is to remove the yokes of oppression and the best we can do is wake up and inspire the people around us to do the same.



I have been saying for some time that we are in a pivotal moment for this country and for humanity. The IPCC report released last month clarified the omnicidal track we are on. Yet, world leaders are talking about talking about it. Many of the converging events of this era involve recognizing the destruction that the political and financial classes have hoisted onto world populations. And likewise, we are beginning to comprehend that current leaders have no intention of fixing the destruction that they have allowed and/or were responsible for. We must face the fact that leaders in every category have a sociopathic bent and rather than laud them, we should be holding them to account.

But after five years of political and emotional drama with Trump, many feel defeated. Covid, of course, put the nail in the coffin and many have just gone along with what "Good Daddy Biden" is saying perhaps only for the reason that he is not "Bad Daddy Trump". But really, when it comes to oligarchy, corporatism, militarism, financial chicanery (well, Trump's cabinet was pretty filthy), the country is bumping along on the same downward trajectory. And, as covid was exploited for financial and political power, so will the climate change issue be used to divide and conquer even further.

I know several readers have been dismayed that I have not been able to portend "good news". I am only a messenger of the trends - historical, cultural and psychological, that are on the horizon. Does one believe that I am happy to be talking about rampant abuses of power, technological overreach, psychological and biological warfare? Yet, these scenarios are being played out as we speak. The purpose is to awaken us from our stupor and our lazy relinquishment of personal power for safety and "security". There will be no security on a dying planet and without abrupt action, our best days may be behind us - provided we chose to stay stuck in the old paradigm.

As a counterbalance to much of the old world dying, a new world can come into being. But this is likely to demand much of us - emotional, moral, spiritual and mental resilience - and that means detaching from the paradigm that keeps us infantilized and addicted. Most people do not know their real power nor their magnificence as a spiritual being. Religious and political leaders would love to keep us subservient and therefore not likely to support us in personal or societal evolution.

Lack is another issue that shows us divorced from the creative source. Of course, I recognize that we live in the 3 dimensional world and require sustenance, but that is not our full spectrum self. Tapping into the ethereal and energetic realms allows us to grow in strength and brilliance with the ability to solve previously unachievable goals (like ending world hunger, climate change, inequality, etc). We are being poised on the edge of evolution and this is an exciting if terrifying thought.

And as clients, you know that I do not steer clear of the heavy stuff in your personal readings. I trained as a Plutonian astrologer, where it is about going into the darkness, excavating the pain and bringing us back into wholeness. In the same way that I might address abuse and horror stories in relationships, I must likewise be a truthteller when it comes to what is happening on the planet.

So my intention writing these horoscopes is not to comfort you - sorry, there are plenty of columns that will gladly do so - but to alert or challenge you into looking at the consensus reality world differently. Astrology is a tool that can allow one to recognize and cognize intersecting cycles while allowing plasticity in the interpretation. The energy is always happening, but as in our personal lives when things aren't working out, it is because the energy is manifesting in a default or lower vibrational frequency. With more consciousness, we can use the energy differently and develop a story/history for humanity.

Astrology has been bastardized and defanged in recent centuries and science has replaced religion or spiritual practices as our god. But any "ism" that doesn't allow for questions or repositioning, is simply dogma. Nowadays "follow the science" is simply a theocratic statement with nothing to back it up - or corrupted data to support an agenda. And what is that agenda? A transhumanist one of destroying our natural human biological selves in service to an insane power hungry grab at all life.

Of course, as someone who looks into long-term trends and analyzes the psychic temperature, the future does not look bright - if we stay on this dimensional frequency. But more light dispels the darkness and fear and if there is any reason to encourage you to be healthy, it is to let go of fear. Our bodies are miracles of healing and the external inputs that the medical industrial complex wants us to undergo/undertake disrupt the natural process of handling disease.

The scapegoating that is happening on all sides is a divide and conquer strategy. No matter what your take on the covid scenario, I will repeat that NONE of us regular folk know the real truth. We are being lied to in ways large and small and we would do best to unite to point fingers at the real culprit - the medical and surveillance industrial complex who are doing the bidding of the 1%. Our needs and desires are not part of this equation and this is our dire opportunity to destroy the false construct of hierarchy and power over/power under.

And has been said before, we are living not only a repeat of the Revolutionary and Civil War periods in American history, but also the 1930's - this from a global perspective. One doesn't need to look very far to notice a very ugly trend of fascism and scapegoating that has engulfed our nation.

Toward the end of the month, we enter the Pluto station phase along with Mercury retrograde. This timeline of 9/27/ - 10/17/21 will be quite volatile and reveal the true nature of what the covid agenda has been. We will also feel the fallout in the economic, social and healthcare arenas. Understand that this timeline continues the downward descent of patriarchal institutional overreach. Can this new totalitarianism be stopped? Yes, only if we wake up to the true nature of the crisis rather than the created narrative which at this point is the only one we are allowed to hear.

Sappho opposes Psyche 9/1/21 Leo/Aquarius
psychological manipulation

Our individual growth can assist in collective healing. At this time, we must work on ourselves, but not solely at the expense of engaging in the world around us. We may all be limping and stuttering, but we still have information and energy to impart. How can personal development/artistic expression assist in or is hampered by psychological brainwashing/doublespeak?

ARIES - you would like to have some romantic fun, but your tribe frowns down on it

TAURUS - you desire a mental health holiday, but bosses/clients want you back in the game

GEMINI - it seems that you're discovering that childhood imprints that came from religion have down their damage, you must find your own voice

CANCER - you feel like expressing a new side of yourself, especially when it comes to making money, but partners think it's too risky

LEO - you've got some new creative ideas, but partner may feel its selfish for you to pursue them

VIRGO - you don't have to be a drudge for life, there is a creative spirit within, yet it disrupts your daily grind

LIBRA - you may want to share you awakening with your friends, but those close to you caution against it

SCORPIO - if you decided to be more assertive with work, would it make family more nervous

SAGITTARIUS - you are someone who could develop an entirely new philosophy, but close friends worry you may be ostracized

CAPRICORN - doing some sexual clearing may take away from focusing on making money for others

AQUARIUS - if your partner has fun on their own, will you feel left out?

PISCES - can new daily habits help relieve you of past life trauma?

Vesta in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 9/9 +10/21
standing for justice against tyranny

If we have not been totally unnecessarily influenced, humans have a deep desire for balance and justice. It is only if hatred and prejudice and dogma have been inserted that we fall prey to darker and more destructive thoughts and measures. A flare up of liberty and civil rights marches could occur surrounding the dates of the Vesta/Pluto square.

Do individuals have power or has our agency been totally stolen? That is up to us. We are battling formidable forces of propaganda on all fronts and the illusion of American supremacy is starting to crumble. Those in power want to maintain their stance and hence would rather clamp down on "dissent" than give an inch. However, some public recognition of this abuse of power may be more evident in these few days in Sept. and there is a chance for a David and Goliath showdown.

In our personal lives, we do we feel called to speak up for the truth and actual justice against unfair or abusive circumstances?

ARIES - you feel the need to support your tribe against overbearing corporate interests

TAURUS - you would like to "disable" religious or cultural programming from your everyday encounters

GEMINI - do you feel like you need to stand up to abusive personal or financial partners?

CANCER - you know how you would like to live and if your partner is not on the same page, at least state your case at this time

LEO - how can greater support in your community help your heavy work environment?

VIRGO - you feel impelled to charge what you really think your worth is, especially for creative work, don't let others talk you down

LIBRA - even if the old family programs (particularly mom's) rear their ugly heads, you know what is true and fair to you

SCORPIO - you're aware of your innate sensitivity, yes, you Scorpio, but may feel challenged to speak up to older authority figures

SAGITTARIUS - there is a cause you are invested in, but it may affect your bottom line negatively

CAPRICORN - you're feeling the pressure to be the hard ass, but perhaps listen to your team for once

AQUARIUS - seek out some new philosophies to replace the old ones that are judgmental

PISCES - there is a burgeoning interest in a new type of intimacy, but your peer group thinks you should follow the old rules

Jupiter in Aquarius inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn 24 degrees on 9/11
injecting some future vision into the current paradigm

September is a month to come up against pressure to conform, but concurrently the need to at least express one's real thoughts and promptings. Even if you fail against the establishment narrative, it is important that you try. As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Jupiter in Aquarius (expansion of universal rights) hits a snag with Pluto in Capricorn (continuing hierarchical domination). Because of the horrendous, suspiciously synchronistic fall in Afghanistan, is it a setup for more conflict, lockdowns and censorship?

As with the pandemic, none of us really know the truth about this war and the motivations of the power structure. Of course, we can gather that the lust for drugs (both illegal and "legal" pharmaceuticals) and rare minerals has some role to play and the window dressing of bringing democracy or helping women is a facade for more profit-driven or craven ambitions.

Yet, people are waking up to the endless wars and questioning the narrative of American hegemony and realizing that we are no longer an ascendant nation but a failing military state.

Hence, even a nudge in the right direction is important as once we move out of Capricorn in 2024, we can actually begin to create the new world that we are visioning right now.

Personally, we're just trying on new ideas that veer from the conventional narrative. This is just a test run and it is unlikely that you will get far, but see how your new notions are different and create discomfort with the old guard.

ARIES - you are seeking a new kind of social network, but there is resistance from your corporate sponsors to leave the tried and true metrics behind

TAURUS - you've got some new ideas for your business, but may run into obstacles from traditional suppliers and international partners

GEMINI - you're mind is expanding and you see a different future for yourself but it may be at odds with what a traditional partner wants

CANCER - you may want to open up your relationship but a rigid partner does not want to give you that space

LEO - perceiving that your relationships are changing, it seems that daily life is still on an old slog so there's an undertow to change

VIRGO - you foresee a new lifestyle change but romantic partners are still attached to an old script

LIBRA - in order to reinvent your creative self, you may need to leave the constraints of home

SCORPIO - you are considering a new type of residence, but the old friends and family are holding you back

SAGITTARIUS - you have developed a more universal voice, but it may be impeded or limit your financial opportunities

CAPRICORN - even you want to do things differently, make money in new ways, but your own old self image gets in the way

AQUARIUS - you know you're on the right track of future change, but old fears and judgements may hold you back

PISCES - you are undergoing a novel spiritual awakening, but it is hard to share with the old friends and cohorts who are stuck in the old paradigm

In all the situations above, it is not likely that you can fully overcome the inertia of the past (considering it is the past 2,000 years of conditioning)! Yet, even seemingly impenetrable structures eventually fall under the weight of their own intransigence and what will ultimately fill the void ARE the new Aquarian ideals. So hold tight, change is coming even if it feels impossible under the current mindset.

Vesta into Scorpio
spiritual deep diving

As a preview to Scorpio season later this fall, we experience the passage of Vesta (our spiritual alignment, our "sisterhood") into Scorpio (the emotional depths). This allows us to locate the subterranean currents that are unconsciously influencing our lives. Scorpio energy gives us the courage to probe the darker side and unflinchingly kill off that which no longer serves us.

While it may be uncomfortable for many of us to delve into our trauma, it would behoove us to do so personally and collectively. And quite frankly, it is the only choice we have it we are going to change the world and move it in a more healthy direction. The poison must be excavated and the wound cauterized. There are many different ways and astrological transits that can accomplish this, but Scorpio is still probably the best as it accompanies the season of nature's death and sleep into the underground (to return in the spring).

This is the Persephone journey and those who attempt it will gain great strength and perspective. How can Vesta in Scorpio unearth the hidden buried emotions that are still poisoning the well of your psyche? What can be accomplished with this underworld journey?

ARIES - by exploring how emotional manipulation affected your choice of romantic partners

TAURUS - understanding that your relationships always include a questionable financial component

GEMINI - noticing how your emotional or sexual trauma affects your physical health

CANCER - noticing your addiction to romance and how you may sell your soul for a lover

LEO - sensing the weird oedipal undercurrent with one or both of your parents, one of your parent's acted like a child

VIRGO - realizing that you don't really trust even your closest friends, will they treat you like your siblings did

LIBRA - money may have an unusual seductive pull to it that doesn't always feel good, making money is somehow dirty

SCORPIO - admitting that you don't always trust yourself to do the right thing

SAGITTARIUS - as bright side as you are, you can be very taken in and taken down by addiction to darkness

CAPRICORN - you may notice that you don't really think anyone operates without a negative motive

AQUARIUS - you may think you are a sellout if you make a lot of money

PISCES - you can be bewitched by esoteric philosophies which may not be grounded in truth

In all cases, whatever you discover or acknowledge (and we all have some darkness or mistrust within), is actually "cured" by seeing the light. There IS power in the darkness and the secrets, but it tends to be a power over us. And the suspicions that you hold may be rooted in real past experiences but they do not have to color every encounter in the present tense. Decide where perspicacity is needed and where, otherwise, it is an anchor around your neck and a self-protective mechanism that is actually self-sabotaging. It's all good if we can transform the shit into gold.

Mercury, Mars, Sun into Libra
add some refinement to the proceedings

And while we are no doubt in chaotic and uncertain times, the balancing energy of Libra can be a welcome balm. Libra is a civilizing energy and focused on developing and maintaining relationships. We have re-discovered how important it is to be able to find like-minded souls as well as those people that we can depend upon in case of an emergency.

But this is not solely about survival. We also desire the solace and balancing effect that a beautiful environment provides. It can help our mental and emotional health to be in surroundings that are pleasing and designed according to our needs. We can always make small attempts in our lives to encourage harmony, equality and acceptance. A bit of civility can go a long way, as long as it is not complicity.

Where can you attract or create more equanimity in your life?

ARIES - in your personal relationships, strive to hear each other out before automatically responding

TAURUS - by creating a clean and elegant working space

GEMINI - spending time with art or music that soothes your soul

CANCER - focusing on house improvements that make it easier to interact as a family

LEO - be considerate with your words

VIRGO - take a realistic look at finances and notice how a balanced checkbook brings peace of mind

LIBRA - by spending a little extra attention to your dress attire

SCORPIO - by giving yourself some down time to dream

SAGITTARIUS - choosing to approach social media from a more diplomatic perspective

CAPRICORN - attempting to bring a sense of calm to the workplace

AQUARIUS - discovering a spiritual or writing practice to aid in the creation of new ideas

PISCES - agreeing to disagree with partner, retain kindness as a value

Mercury retrograde in Libra aspecting Saturn/Pluto conjunction of Jan 2020
the true nature and fallout of the pandemic

Toward the end of the month, we enter the Pluto station phase along with Mercury retrograde. To repeat, this timeline of 9/27/ - 10/17/21 will be quite volatile and may begin to reveal the true nature the covid crisis. We will also feel the fallout in the economic, social and healthcare arenas.

How badly have we failed to understand the origins of the virus and the intentions of governmental overreach? What will we find out next? How can we improve things going forward?

While Mercury retrograde is a recurring transit, in this instance, the news we hear may be more global, serious or profound. It will give us a greater sense of how we must conduct ourselves to handle the new global terrain. Do not be surprised if the narrative your were told is no longer viable or was ever real to begin with.

Of course, in our personal interactions, Mercury retro brings news, encounters, recollections of previous relationship stories and we may perhaps better understand why a person or situation evolved as it had. This is a time to reconstitute it should we desire, or decide that this situation must remain in the past.

Some issues that could arise have to do the with essential Pluto in Capricorn theme - abuse of power and how we react to it. Most of our concepts about relationships were forged in the crucible of patriarchy and hence some of our personal issues may also be archetypal or collective in nature. This may be the time to make that correlation that the personal is political or has been affected by your lifetime conditioning in a certain type of culture.

Where might you receive information that was previously obscured?

ARIES - how relationship partners perceive you, their reasoning in a past episode

TAURUS - how to adjust your working day operations in the face of the current economic or political climate

GEMINI - the mindset of previous lovers or business partners

CANCER - considering where you might want to live or move to, if relevant

LEO - what your neighbors or a close friend thinks of you

VIRGO - how can you make money in the current climate, will you retain the same clients

LIBRA - how do you present yourself to the world now, is it differently from pre-covid times

SCORPIO - understanding your co-dependent nature

SAGITTARIUS - how you are perceived in the larger world, your status has changed

CAPRICORN - what to do with your business or previous plans

AQUARIUS - seeing the world through a larger lens, understanding the perspectives of the abusers

PISCES - discerning whether you are in bed with the right people or not

Clients come to me to provide a bigger perspective to their lives - to link together seemingly disparate events into a more organizing whole. Astrology is about seeing patterns in behaviors, actions and tendencies and once the individual becomes aware of the subconscious program, they are in greater control and agency in their lives.

In a similar fashion, when writing these monthly horoscopes, I am attempting to bring sometimes differing events into some critical meta-analysis. We can, and I have gone down some detailed rabbit holes, but if I were to sum up the past 12 years, it is about learning to overthrow the abuser in one's life - and this includes the boss, the father, the partner, the government, the church and the overarching "modern" narrative.

We can investigate every single disturbing event in this timeline, if not thousands of years, and find abuse of power and lack of integrity at the top of the heap of misdeeds and horrifying choices. All of imperialism, capitalism, corporatism, military adventurism, "evil" science goes back to individuals or companies who choose to manipulate the people and resources for their own benefit. So whether we are looking at BLM, Me Too, environmental destruction, medical malpractice, opioid addiction, gun violence, domestic violence - it all goes back to a spiritual disabled being/organization pushing their illness onto others.

Colonization has been the name of the game for centuries and now that we have run out of lands and resources to plunder, mad scientists are trying to infiltrate and enslave our minds and bodies through chemicals, gmo's, unwarranted medical interventions, anti-depressants, pharmaceuticals, gaming, porn, vapid entertainment, junk food, sensationalist media - all to take us away from inner lives and install their nefarious or destructive programs and agendas. Religious leaders, the military, law enforcement, influencers, think tanks, media personalities all collude to keep us trapped in a false construct of weakness and despair.

This is a spiritual war we are fighting and if you are still giving your power away (as we all are to some degree) you must work hard to take it back. We must attempt to save the world before there is no world left to save!

An astrology reading is great guidance at any moment in time. But particularly in these years of great planetary shift, it can be very helpful in connecting you to your soul intended destiny.

If you'd like more perspective about your unfolding path in these dynamic times, please book a reading at:



A large percentage of astrologer are counselors, whether with actual accreditation or by virtue of their role with clients.  Yet, the number of therapists who integrate astrology into their practice is very small.

This is an unfortunate oversight in that astrology WAS the first psychology, theology, philosophy and medicine in human history.  And the forefather of modern psychology, Carl Jung, derived many of his theories from his observation of astrological symbolism.

Over the course of human history, there has been no greater system for knowing oneself than astrology.  It speaks to all the areas of life--i.e. the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms.  Yet astrology is generally not consulted in therapeutic practice when attempting to untangle a client's biography, motivations and underlying predisposition.

When dealing with the story of a person's life, the birth chart can unveil the who, what, when where, why and how of an individual's soul biography.

What are some of the benefits of using astrology in therapeutic practice?  How can this science help the therapist do his or her job with greater clarity and deeper insight?

1.  timing around client's issues

Based on the client's chart and the transits they are receiving (the current astrological weather), the practitioner can focus on the issues truly being raised at the time (as opposed to the apparent or surface problem).  The chart can indicate the acute situation (with transits) as well as the chronic underlying conditions (the birth chart itself).

The personal cycles of the patient will show the emotional readiness (or not) of the client to make progress on their issues.

Astrology can reveal whether the client is actually ready for a breakthrough or quantum leap or is more interested in recapturing/seeking out missing needs from the past.  For instance, one is more readily able to let go of the past during a Saturn transit, be open to accelerated change during a Uranus transit and deal with long-standing emotional issues (possibly generational) during a Pluto transit.  The latter is the most dynamic time for depth psychology whereas the Uranus transit may breed epiphanies and wakeup calls.

2.  As astrology returns us to the scene of the crime, certain cycles repeat in an individual's life and an astrologer can pinpoint where and when a certain symptom/complex began and discern when a repeating timeline will come up in which the symptoms can be relieved or possibly relived with awareness once and for all.  This will increase the effectiveness of truly healing and transforming the client's life.

3.  Assist in defining the type of therapy that would best maximize results.  The proper therapy can be applied when one is clear on what the seed issue is rather than simply applying a standard method in a period that will not work to best advantage or at all.

4.  Reveal hidden emotional or sexual predilections.  Abuse, trauma, incest, emotional enmeshment, isolation, these can all be seen in the astrological chart of the client.  Sexual identity issues, bi-sexuality, frigidity, impotence can also be indicated along with the original incident (in the case of sexual dysfunction) that set this pattern in motion (and the identity of the perpetrator or abuser).

5.  Mother/father issues, the basis of Freudian analysis can be unearthed by looking at the Sun (father) and the Moon (mother) and their respective connections.  Likewise, underlying sibling dynamics can also be discerned.

6.  The birth chart can indicate possible mental health disorders ranging from bi-polar disorder, depression, narcissism, psychosis, split or multiple personality disorder.  These can corroborate the original diagnosis of the therapist or psychiatrist.

7.  If applicable, the birth chart can reference possible past life traumas affecting current day reality, including insomnia, fear of heights, inexplicable phobias and fetishes.  This is particularly helpful in shamanic work.

8.  The personal horoscope can provide insight into client's communication style, desire nature, hidden compulsions, the nature of their shame, judgement and guilt in order to better assist in excavating and releasing hidden sabotaging behaviors.

9.  Astrology can provide more specific direction into the most beneficial therapy for the moment or overall healing of the individual.  The client's internal archetypal picture is evident in the chart and can articulate the soul needs that the client who is splintered or in denial may not be aware of.

What an astrologer CANNOT  do is the long-term therapeutic behavior modification, support, coaching or health counseling (unless one is the rare medical astrology). Likewise, the prescribing of medication, herbs, supplements is generally not the domain of the astrologer.  We are not there in the trenches for the day-to-day, week to week improvements/setbacks in the patient's journey.  Yet, once again, we can provide a timeline for when the situation might improve and what internal conditions might need to be addressed in the individual.

The beauty of astrology is that the birth chart offers both the disease/diagnosis and the cure.  The manner in which to resolve intransigent issues involves a reworking of the energetic patterns, behavior grooves in the manner in which homeopathy works.  Astrology can offer a more effective blueprint for living one's life using the assets and challenges of the chart.

I think astrology is an amazing tool to be utilized in tandem with classic psychology and other therapeutic methods.  One diagnostic reading can provide invaluable multi-layered information about a client.

I invite those in the healing and mental health professions to consider consulting with an astrologer to access information (with the client's permission, of course) that may be hidden but is available through careful analysis of the birth chart.  In that way, you can help accelerate the growth of the client and potentially alleviate their pain in a more effective and timely manner.

In the current moment when science and spirituality are merging, why not use utilize the most integrated system of thought (astrology) to heal the body, mind and soul of your clients!

Uranus square Pluto Cardinal Cross

A lot of you have asked me about this month's Cardinal Cross, due to become exact on 4/21/14.    Quite honestly, we have been living with this energy since 2012 (the time of the first square) and even as far back as 2008, when Pluto first went into Capricorn (the destruction of the status quo).  The thing that makes this square more powerfully perceived is that the energy has been building for a few years now and this time the
aspect connects directly to the charts of the USA and to that of NY.  Additionally, while it is happening in the world at large, it will only have a strong effect on your life if you have planets or personal points at 13 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.  Admittedly, many of us have at least one point or progressed planet on or around these degrees so that is where the energy will be most directed.

What is to be expected at the Cardinal Cross square on 4/21/14?

Structures, people, jobs or relationships that are on their last leg many finally crumble.  If there is a larger underlying problem to course correct in your life, it will show up at this time or near the Pluto station on 4/14/14.  Even if it feels like a surprise, if you are honest, you have known that this situation in your life was no longer tenable or resolvable in its current form.  It is time to let it go.

This is a fated time when if you have not been in integrity in certain areas of your life, you will have to pay the piper.  Legal affairs, divorce proceedings, health, tax or immigration issues will have to be dealt with, sometimes in a not very comfortable or easy way.  You may "lose" a lot in the process but that is only because you have not listened to the promptings that have been occuring for months if not years.  (A divorce or business failing does not happen overnight).

While it might not feel good, the ego personality does not like change or challenge, your soul will be applauding you if you let go and jump on the new wave that is being offered as an alternative.   

Resistance is futile and painful as the changes that will arrive are meant to move your life forward, even as you are still clinging to the past.

One negative arena where you may have no power includes the aforementioned governmental interventions or difficult, corrupt bosses, corporations, institutions that will wield their power harshly.  Dictators of all kinds can take over at this time and companies, countries, relationships flounder at their wake.

What is the purpose of all this "deconstruction"?  It is the soul desire to manifest a true and authentic life, relieve ourselves of all the things, thoughts, people, addictions that prevent us from becoming our true selves.  For those who have experienced a Pluto transit, you are beaten down, but once you rise, you are a more powerful, compassionate and authentic individual because some of your root causes have been eradicated.  This is now happening on a personal, professional, political and global level.

Likewise, unusual, unexpected, innovative opportunities and solutions may also show up in your life.  This is the time to move in the direction of the new rather than the tried and true.

How will this manifest in your life?  While there is greater specificity with a personal reading, in general you can expect to be challenged in this area to do something differently:

ARIES--career, role in family

TAURUS--belief systems, connection to spirituality

GEMINI--sexual and financial matters

CANCER--the significant other

LEO--your work habits

VIRGO--love affairs and children

LIBRA--your family or origin, actual home environment

SCORPIO--how you communicate to others

SAGITTARIUS--how you make your money, value your talents

CAPRICORN--who you really are

AQUARIUS--where you give way to rigidity and timidity

PISCES--who your peers are

In most cases, we are being prompted to discontinue our old patterns of engagement and consider taking on a renewed power in this arena of life.

Simultaneously, with the Uranus end of the equation, we can anticipate lightning changes, divorces, separations, liberations, breakthroughs in this area of life:

ARIES--we divorce our old understanding of ourself, break free from old constraints

TAURUS--we are no longer afraid to make changes,  we must open up our thinking and belief in God

GEMINI--new professional connections and goals

CANCER--our career

LEO--our spiritual views

VIRGO--sexual and financial relationships

LIBRA--our significant other

SCORPIO--how we do our work

SAGITTARIUS--personal creativity, inspired love affair

CAPRICORN--our relation to our family, time to move

AQUARIUS--our friendships, especially if they remind us of our siblings

PISCES--your money

Whatever comes up this month, you will have six months to resolve or complete it.  If you have begun to advance in your career or relationship and there is a delay due to external circumstances, all systems will be go in September.

In addition to the Uranus square Pluto aspect, we will also experience two eclipses.  The first on 4/15/14 will show the outcome to circumstances set off last Oct 2013, even going as far back as 2010-2012, generally concerning an issue of fairness and reciprocity.  The second eclipse on 4/29/14 brings the next chapter coming developments begun in November 2013.

It may feel uncomfortable to ride through this month, but we will be different people with a stronger sense of our priorities and commitments by month's end.

Go with the punches and allow your soul and the cosmos to guide you to a new life!

To read more about this month's astrology, you can check out my regular monthly column on Bellalife.com.


And to get a deeper understanding of the Uranus square Pluto cycle,


To understand Uranus in Aries:


And for a general overview of the 13 year cycle of Pluto in Capricorn:


If you need assistance or insight at this time, please contact me at:


"Rather than be a victim of fate, be a co-creator of your destiny!"

First printed on April 1, 2014


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Neptune in Pisces

While some planetary shifts come in with a bang, others are quite subtle, but equally powerful and life-changing.

Neptune in Pisces, arriving on April 4th and remaining in this sign until 2024,  brings another overlay to the current shifting of the astrological tides.

Like many of the larger transpersonal cycles, the last time Neptune was in Pisces was in 1847-1861, so this is a once-in-our lifetime transit.   Neptune is associated with spirituality, creativity and visualization, but also with fantasy, glamour, and illusion.

Likewise, Neptune is the main protagonist in all experiences involving D words:  dreams, drink, drugs, dementia, death, dissolution and disillusionment.

Water and the ocean are the domain of Pisces and with Neptune (ruling gas and oil!!!) environmental issues are here to stay. Yet, as is characteristic of the lower form of Neptune, there will be much lying and deception surrounding the health of our water systems and fishing supplies.  (Actually, when Chiron first dipped into Pisces last year, we experienced the BP oil spill and now some of the longterm consequences are being revealed as in baby dolphins washing up on the gulf coast.  And scientists are "not sure" if this is a direct result of last year's catastrophic environmental disaster!!!!!)    But, because Neptune dissolves properties and ideologies, we will eventually loosen our dependency on oil even though this may be preceded by more lies and coverups.

Neptune is associated with creativity, glamour and celebrity.  In Pisces, it is the sign of the storyteller.   Much of what is up for review now concerns our personal mythologies.  For the majority of people, there is a tendency to actually believe you are your story, which is illusion.  Maya is the domain of Neptune and we are all living a personal, familial, tribal, national, global and quite possibly even an intergalactic script.  Where does the dream end and "reality" begin?  Some of us will decide we want to create different dreams or recalibrate our current ones.  The polarity point of Virgo can allow us to finetune our inner thoughts and hence outpicture a different reality.
Many will NOT want to awaken from their respective dreams or nightmares, particularly in light of upcoming world events.  Escapism will continue to take all the familiar forms of addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex and romance.   And technology (the internet was born during the Neptune in Aquarius years) will continue to provide more opportunities to live in a world of one's own imagination.   Virtual reality and time travel will take on greater appeal.

The urge to loose oneself will be very compelling.  Suicide, rather directly or indirectly through substance or food choices, will be on the rise.  End of times scenarios will proliferate.  Whether it's another church or new age healing center, there will be no shortage of customers seeking redemption. 

And while many of these behaviors are foolish or destructive, there is a common albeit misguided underlying theme--the wish to return to Source.
Neptune has to do with the soul and spiritual longing.   All forms of Neptune, even the addictive expressions, are an unconscious desire to merge with God.  But as these are substitutes for the real thing, any person, thing, or concept will inevitably disappoint (another Neptune word) and the disillusionment turns one back on oneself.  And this is the dark side of glamour (false idols) with glamour meaning anything that causes us to not see the world as it really is.  So Neptune in Pisces these next 14 years may also be involved in the deconstruction of illusion and dissolving of the personal or collective dream. 

But in this 3-d world of polarity, there is also, thankfully, a good side to all of this energy.  A re-emergence of a more spiritual view of life, understanding of our ultimate unity, exploration of inner realms and dream states, deeper understanding of the collective unconsciousness are all possible manifestations of the higher form of Neptune in Pisces.

Film, poetry and the visual arts will also undergo a major renaissance.  Other eras with a strong Neptune influence included the Baroque period and the Age of Romanticism.   Photography and moving pictures were developed in previous Neptune cycles, so a new form of  visual art using yet to be invented technology (Uranus in Aries) will most likely emerge.  And I would even posit that we move beyond the three dimensional use of materials and consider energy manipulation a new form of art.  The magician David Blaine demonstrates this on a rather squeemishly sensationalistic level, but nevertheless he is his using the power of mind and energy to create a new form of performance art.

A rise in mysticism, return to esoteric practices, art as a means of transcendence are all possibilities when Neptune enters the sign of its rulership.  Many may finally connect with their beloved, soulmate or twin flame.  Rapture, ecstasy and ephiphanic experiences can occur, placing one in direct presence of the divine.

Neptune will be floating thought the sign of the collective unconscious and the dream world from now through 2024. 

Like with any planetary cycle, with awareness, we can choose how we would like it to appear in our lives.  We can recreate a new reality and follow the dreams of our soul--the dreams that brought us into incarnation.  We are the world will be more than just a song.  And redemption, an uber Neptunian word, is possible with us relinquishing our ignorance and awakening to our true identity as spirit in a material form.

One of the more positive manifestations of Neptune in Pisces could be the emergence of a unified planet and more highly evolved human consciousness. 


First aired on One World in Concert April 22, 2011