Understand and Transforming Power Dynamics
October will be a momentous and fated month with many outer planets turning direct. Direct motion sets things in action that were already bubbling underneath the surface.
The main energy is Pluto direct in Capricorn, which has been an annual autumn phenomenon for the past few decades. It is super important this year as it correlates and lights up the energy of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Jan 2020. This marked the official beginning of the pandemic with the first documented case in Wuhan.
Saturn/Pluto conjunctions relate to dramatic events that may start out small but lead to massive changes in society, good or ill. They also tend to be "false flags" in that the narrative we are being told covers up a more dire or nefarious intention. Consider that WWI (and the Spanish Flu), the storming of the Reichstag, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 all coincided with Saturn/Pluto aspects. And we should not conflate false flags with hoaxes. False flags do not mean the event did not happen, like moon walking deniers may suggest. It is simply that the story we are being told masks a darker and more manipulative agenda.
What is the nature of this recent conjunction? As I have pointed out ad nauseum, it is about deconstruction of the patriarchy, of the current world order. Capricorn relates to the powers that be, the institutions that govern our lives such as banking, politics, education, religion, the military and corporations, including health corporations. Pluto is the corruption of these institutions. Capricorn is also the top of the bureaucratic heap and this includes CIA, FDA, EPA, CDC and WHO. The pandemic and the subsequent fallout has been a boon for some of these organizations where they have taken on greater power or assumed larger roles in handling\manipulating this human tragedy.
To think that this was not all orchestrated in some way - and there is ample documentation if one is willing to look - is naive and places us in the role of victim/child. This is the essence of Pluto in Capricorn, revealing the perpetrator and/or reliving an abusive situation in adult form. Many of us have given our power away to organizations that really don't care about us, and this first and foremost includes the medical industrial complex and regulatory agencies. Barring covid, why is it that we have such an unhealthy population? We have some of the most sophisticated medical technology but also a massive amount of sick or chronically ill citizens. Our denatured food, poisoned air and water, over prescribing of dangerous medications all contribute to a population that is not living its best life.
Pluto in Capricorn is also important for the United States and the era of nation states. This country is approaching it's first Pluto return in 2022 -2023 and the current scenario is stretching us to the limit. Not only in terms of institutional failure, but also in terms of freedom and human rights. The left has become especially hypocritical as they shout for free choice when it comes to abortions while also mandating medical interventions.
What is the meta purpose of all of this? As sovereign human beings, we are being forced to take back our power, to be the adults, to say no to the abusers and to out them. Rather than fall asleep or give way to apathy or despair, we must work to decolonize our bodies, minds and souls. Most in congress and corporate captured agencies, media, big tech, will eventually fall but this may only happen when we are willing to stand up for ourselves and demand accountability.
Be your own person, listen to your gut. There are big choices here to make and they are hard. By choosing oneself and one's sovereignty, one may lose much in terms of friendship, work, financial security and social approval. But are these artificially constructed paradigms worth your inner soul?
This month we will see the fallout of what the covid crisis has wrought and there may be more heavy-handedness, death, loss and struggle.
In addition to the Revolutionary War period, we are also reliving the 1930's. Most of us in liberal America, when we think of fascism, our heads turn toward right wing extremists. Yes, they are the 19th century version of fascism, but we have already experienced a corporate coup d'etat in the 20th century. Fascism is the now ever present reality of corporations ruling the government which has made true democratic law making impossible.
And now, if the powerful have their way, we are headed toward a 21st century technocracy. Do not get caught up in the theatrics and be clear eyed about who the tyrants really are. They are more likely wearing a lab coat or a business casual outfit than some lurid American flag costume.
Will you be on the right side of history? By wrestling with your old demons and dethroning them, you will likewise set yourself free to see the present and future with a clear and uncompromising gaze. In this way, you will be firmly in your power and along with your fellow humans, bring forth a more promising future that extricates us from 2,000 years of domination. It's about time.
Psyche on Regulus 10/2 - 4/21 and into Virgo 10/5
healing the god complex
Psyche deals with our psychological wounding and in many cases, the damage to our ego development. For those with a weak inner core, the exterior personality must cartoonishly expand. We are reaching a time where the hubris will destroy the organism as not being in alignment with nature is deadly. Yet, we also possess a touch of the divine within our cells and if we can discover and embody that truth, all of the bruises and missteps will be worth it.
Humankind is poised at the edge of evolution or de-evolution. The distorted ego is poisonous to us all as anyone dealing with a narcissist can attest. They snuff out all the air and life in a room and leave everyone else feeling voided and empty.
Psyche in Regulus is also hovering over the degrees of 2 eclipses, one from July of 2017 and Feb of 2018. Yes, Trump was in office at that time and we dealt with not only Russian collusion but also parkland. Seems we are still dealing with these issues - the belief in foreign interference, whether true or not and the problem with gun control. There is also the issue of the self vs. the collective and we seem to have lost our way in this regard (to be ironically interpreted one way or the other depending on what "team" you are on).
Alternatively what may have happened to us those few years back that may be resolved now once and for all?
Where might we be able to transform out of control ego into the energy of service?
ARIES - realizing how our unique vision can be actualized to help others
TAURUS - detaching from mom's story to create your own
GEMINI - realizing a siblings' arrogance was due to insecurity, you are grounded in your own center, leaving home has helped you to be your own person
CANCER - perhaps you've overreached in terms of what you think you deserve, step back and focus on what you have to offer
LEO - it's okay to be the king or queen, but nowadays it's become a toxic archetype so focus on what talents serve the world
VIRGO - maybe your insecurity comes from false sense of your importance (or more likely the inverse), just do the work and you will be loved
LIBRA - the need to trumpet one's importance to the world is exhausting, now time to focus within
SCORPIO - yes, now that you've conquered the world, consider helping others instead
SAGITTARIUS - it is true that you are a natural born orator, but make sure your speech assists in waking up mankind
CAPRICORN - you can mingle with the elites but that has gotten boring, saving your soul is more important
AQUARIUS - your partner's demands may be childish so see where you can both be adults and peers in your financial endeavors
PISCES - you may work with drama queens so you'd like to attract a significant other who is humble
Pluto direct in Capricorn 10/6
who's the abuser?
I've already ranted about the Pluto in Capricorn station in the opening. The main theme is abuse of power. Who are the abusers in front of or behind the camera?
In the world, we may get a better idea of who is behind the horrors of the pandemic. Who has orchestrated it and to what end? Be certain it is NOT accidental as we are made to believe, but very well coordinated ahead of time.
In our personal lives, we have been dealing with long-standing power struggles in the Capricorn house in our charts. Most likely whomever we are dealing with now is simply a ghost imprint of the earliest abuser - our parent/s. If we have failed to integrate our hurt inner child, he/she is still responding to unfair situations with fear and conversely, with weird "love" for our abuser, the infamous Stockholm Syndrome.
Where have you been resurrecting and/or overcoming ancient stories of parental abuse? Can you see the linkage now and disable the program?
ARIES - in your work alliances, especially w corporations, dethroning your father
TAURUS - in your political or religious conversations, has someone proved themselves a false leader
GEMINI - in business or sexual partnerships, are you being strong-armed financially?
CANCER - in your personal one on one relationships, are you reliving parental abuse or dependency in your marriage
LEO - in everyday work situations, how you deal with health
VIRGO - in your creative endeavors or with children, can you approach these areas without judgement or fear
LIBRA - addressing the original abuser in your family of origin
SCORPIO - trying to resolve early childhood issues and where you lost your voice or trust
SAGITTARIUS - in financial areas, charging what you are worth, overcoming low self-esteem
CAPRICORN - realizing you are not your parents, you can set your own goals
AQUARIUS - acknowledging that you do have a conservative or judgmental inner critic, kick them to the curb
PISCES - fears or acceptance or rejection by the larger world
Saturn direct Aquarius 6 degrees 10/10/21
settling into your vision
Along with Pluto going direct, Saturn, the planet correlated with business and structure, turns direct on Oct 10th.
Since May, when Saturn retrograded in the sign of "the future, science, technology, humanitarianism", we may have had to backtrack or rework budding commitments and projects. We would have had to revisit our alliances, our concepts and coordination of our respective plans.
We may also notice the limits or hypocrisies in the science that we hear on the news or in the media. (This may take the entire Saturn in Aquarius cycle 2020 - 2023 to sort out, but cracks are beginning to show in the narrative).
Now, if we've worked out the kinks, we can plow forward with resolve to make these ideas a reality.
If we demolish decaying structures, we can set the stage for where the work/renovation will happen in your life starting in 2023.
Where can you put nose to the grindstone regarding your vision for the future?
ARIES - developing or reestablishing social media connections, television
TAURUS - determining company leadership and long-term goals
GEMINI - consolidating overseas connections
CANCER - determining your financing partners
LEO - strengthening your relationship and its new direction
VIRGO - pushing ahead on daily operations, improving technological efficiency at work
LIBRA - resuming work on a creative project that had been delayed all summer
SCORPIO - getting serious about your living situation
SAGITTARIUS - spending more focus on your writing and communications now that you've sorted out your thoughts
CAPRICORN - putting the time into a long-term project even if it means limited finances now
AQUARIUS - you're in a new chapter of your life
PISCES - addressing the bogeymen in collective "isms"
Mercury direct in Libra 10/18/21
facing the news
Our communication planet Mercury in the sign of Libra (fairness and the law) perhaps has revealed some unattractive business or speculative practices. This is especially true if your finances were affected by covid last year. In some cases we saw millionaires become billionaires while the rest of the population has taken a hit to their bank accounts.
If you have been uncertain as to what the future has in store for you, the Mercury direct brings more clarity on how you can move forward out of the detritus of the Pluto station.
Of course, on a smaller scale, you may have reconnected with old friends, colleagues, clients and siblings and found out who may be on the same page. If in opposition to each other, can you find common ground.
Who did you feel it was necessary to speak to during this retrograde period?
ARIES - those posing as potential mates
TAURUS - interested co-workers
GEMINI - a romantic or artistic connection
CANCER - real estate agents, parents, family home
LEO - your childhood friends or siblings
VIRGO - clients or prospective investors
LIBRA - a look at your own pr
SCORPIO - people who have "ghosted" you
SAGITTARIUS - social media followers
CAPRICORN - bosses or corporate heads
AQUARIUS - foreign or spiritual connections
PISCES - former sexual partners
Jupiter direct in Aquarius same day 10/18/21
a future that is fair
Jupiter is also in Aquarius this year and along with Saturn is helping us to finetune our future plans. Saturn has just told us what is possible in the new normal and now Jupiter can adjust or accommodate the way forward under these limiting conditions.
And with Jupiter, we oftentimes are looking at the far future so even with current obstacles, we can still allow for fresh perspectives that may be possible in the coming decade.
Where can you imagine expansion in your life in the coming years?
ARIES - the growth of your idea in the media world, collective success
TAURUS - a company focused on future needs
GEMINI - an international cooperation
CANCER - unusual business partners
LEO - setting new horizons for your personal relationship
VIRGO - how can you live a more fulfilling life
LIBRA - where can your creative vision soar
SCORPIO - your ideal living arrangement
SAGITTARIUS - the proliferation of your spoken or written words
CAPRICORN - financial abundance in keeping with the needs of the future
AQUARIUS - becoming more of your true self
PISCES - greater access to your endless imagination
Pluto (and Capricorn) is about repression, oppression, suppression. Who is being allowed to talk and who is being censored? This should tell you that the narrative must not be questioned at any cost. If we look back in history, what can we discern?
Has censorship ever in all of history been practiced by the righteous and honorable?
Has censorship ever NOT been about hiding truths and facts?
Has tyrannical control of the people ever been done for the good of the people?
Has coerced or forced medical experimentation ever NOT been done by those that are pure evil?
I, like you, was relieved when Trump was silenced after his capitol attempt. But that served only a temporary emotional need. We must be more resilient than that. In truth, such "cancelling" was very undemocratic, in fact authoritarian, as it was determined by private media and technology companies. The tides could just as easily turn in another direction if what your "side" said was out of alignment with the true power brokers.
We're going to have to decide if we want to be adults operating in this messy melting pot or be regressed into children who hope that big daddy will save us from the bad people.
Much of society has been menticided through propaganda, but many cracks are showing and it is my hope that some of the lunacy can stop. Yet, as Pluto does still deal with abuses of power, there may be one more attempt at crackdowns to cover the blinding lies, inconsistencies and corruption that is poisoning populations literally and figuratively. The bottom line is to remove the yokes of oppression and the best we can do is wake up and inspire the people around us to do the same.