Last month could have stressed and pressured us to make significant life decisions thanks to a series of outerplanetary stations. Now as we travel through the time of Scorpio we are impelled to process the various events, losses, awakenings that have rocked the foundations of our inner or outer worlds.

Pluto turning direct in Capricorn on Oct 5th on the degree of last January's Saturn/Pluto conjunction, (deconstruction of the current paradigm) was a powerful reminder that we will never return to normal again. As we were also experiencing a Mercury retro squaring the same degrees, October would reveal to us the necessary changes and destruction the pandemic narrative wrought in societies around the world. We have all been affected either directly or indirectly and last month's astrology would have highlighted where the necessary reevaluation of our lives and psyches would need to be conducted.

As Pluto in Capricorn deals with finance, governments, infrastructure, corporations, etc we see the continuing destruction of small businesses and the consolidation of large scale corporations. The Pandora papers detailed what most of knew to be true - that the wealthy hide their money in shady ways. Congress has remained dead in the water, or rather pantomiming action, with no important legislation making clear that our system doesn't need resuscitation but total transformation.

We must question where we give our power away and in the current narrative who, if anyone is telling the truth?

Most mainstream news outlets speak of a mass exodus from the workforce and speak of low pay and inequitable circumstances - but never about vax mandates which may account for many refusing to go back to work.  Should we give our power away to financially motivated big pharma companies, unelected bureaucrats, corporate captured agencies while being denied full accountability and even proper data?

I have spoken before of the Second American Revolution, coming in 2022 - 2024. Will we manage to save ourselves as a nation or will we die like previous empires? Left and right will fail to look in the mirror and accuse the other side of killing democracy. Both ARE guilty but both are also complicit in the same oligarchic game. There is no good father coming to save us. One of the necessities for maneuvering through abusive power dynamics is for us to retain our mental, emotional and physical autonomy.

This month we will thankfully be free of significant outerplanetary activity and it will be a time of integration or acceptance of the changes that occurred last month and/or development of new strategies to deal with the good and bad potentialities in store for us.

Next month, December, we will experience a grand reveal of the discrepancies in the narrative and hopefully a few more people will see the light in relation to their role and/or victimization in the proceedings.

Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 24 degrees 11/2 + 3/21
how to balance power more effectively or diplomatically

After the dramatic impasses and miscommunications of last month, we may have learned how to improve power dynamics, particularly through understanding our earliest conditioning around authority. If we have recouped our sense of inner essence, we can now go back and approach those who hold sway over us in a more balanced manner. The recent experience may have been negligible but the feelings or remembrance of earlier distortions hopefully became more clear.

In what way can you now speak to those in power without losing your inner sense of self?

ARIES - by seeing others as equals rather than superiors, you can ask for what you want with confidence

TAURUS - by realizing that we all have been programmed, you can now readjust how you think about yourself and your abilities, how your health
was affected

GEMINI - if one can assess that one is now a grownup rather than a dependent child, you will manage business finances with greater aplomb and daring

CANCER - in becoming aware of familial dynamics, one can speak to significant others as a grownup rather than a child

LEO - in understanding that no one really knows how things work, you can add your two cents with assurance

VIRGO - you are a worthwhile human being and no one, not even your lover can determine your self worth

LIBRA - rather than submit to a cold and judgement authority figure, you will address others with civility and compassion

SCORPIO - while we can dream of universal kindness, we must address people at the place they are at

SAGITTARIUS - regaining your inner confidence allows you to return to social media without anger or resentment

CAPRICORN - just because authority figures were cold and mean does not force you to be that same cookie cutter of a boss

AQUARIUS - you gather that your projections may supercede your clear understanding of a person's philosophy, you can clean the lens

PISCES - not everyone plays fair but if you can forgive people their programming you can open to greater intimacy in personal affairs

Venus and Juno into Capricorn most of month
in love or hate with structure

The Capricorn archetype has been undergoing a renovation for quite some time. Since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, the sign related to authority, structures, consensus reality and success has been devolving or deconstructing. This is because it is time for a new way of building and organizing society. Now, on the horizon are the glimmerings of Aquarius, which if power brokers have their way, will become yet another form of subservience, this time differently cloaked in the techno arena. But oppression is still oppression so we must discover our personal worth so we do not fall prey to this potential destructive scenario.

Meanwhile, in matter of love, money and art, we can discern a new sense of values. What are the emerging status symbols or who is the new boss? What type of person are we now looking to as a prospective partner in love and business?

There will be a Venus retrograde at end of December through Jan 2022 which will test and encourage us to shed the last remaining hopes of an old reality construct.

For the next several months, what is your new definition or developing idea of a solid romance or business?

ARIES - belief in your worthiness to attract a successful significant other

TAURUS - since 2008, have your ideas of spirituality and philosophy undergone a transformation? What feeds your soul in a sustainable way?

GEMINI - no doubt, what you're looking for in a sexual partner has changed, who are you drawn to now?

CANCER - there have been innumerable upheavals in your major relationship/s, who is still standing or whom is your idea of the best partner?

LEO - work and health habits have undergone major changes - what is your ideal lifestyle and how can you build on that with another?

VIRGO - as the world has changed, so has your creative output, no doubt your subject matter has been altered to accommodate a new reality

LIBRA - where do you want to live? and whom do you want to live with?

SCORPIO - how can you approach your friendships with a more respectful mutual understanding?

SAGITTARIUS - which alliances can you develop to support your work?

CAPRICORN - you are a very different person now and that means that your "requirements" for a partner are now based on real heart connections, not establishment ideals

AQUARIUS - as the world has been slowing falling apart, it also allows you to detach from old fears and conditionings of not being enough, you are
ready for the current moment and don't need to drag those stale old ideas forward

PISCES - your entire peer group has revised itself over the last decade, who is now firmly in your circle to move forward with?

Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius Nov 11th
heat vs. cool detachment

Mars (men, sexuality and ambition) clashes with Saturn (father, the rules, repression) mid-month. Both are masculine archetypes that operate in different fashions. Mars in Scorpio is emotionally driven while Saturn in Aquarius is very cerebral and detached. Who will hold greater sway in your life? Or can you integrate the powerful instinctual drive with a more strategic mindset? Based on your personal chart, you will probably find one way easier than the other, but even the tiniest bit of accomodation or melding would be beneficial at this time.

the clash between primal energy vs. technical coolness can happen here:

ARIES - a conflict between your deep emotional desires vs your long-term goals

TAURUS - your desire for a relationship vs your focus on career

GEMINI - everyday issues may get in the way of seeing the bigger picture

CANCER - you may be drawn to spontaneous play and love making while your partner wants to dispassionately focus on your financial future

LEO - there may be a rebellious streak happening in the home that can derail you from your normally rational view of relationships

VIRGO - you feel inspired or hot under the collar to speak your mind but everyday tasks can blunt that enthusiasm

LIBRA - should you pursue the art you love, even if uncertain vs. producing commercial acceptable work?

SCORPIO - you want to break out and have some fun but family obligations may keep you under lock and key

SAGITTARIUS - there is a spirit of innovation revolution lurking in the background, but you may still communicate in a unfeeling way

CAPRICORN - your are motivated to meet some daring people but still must keep your cool to maintain your job/salary

AQUARIUS - some competitors or professional peers are pushing you in a new direction but you may feel you must remain unmoved

PISCES - you are turned on by some radical new ideas but may feel loyal to some familiar strict dogma

Eros Pluto conjunction in Capricorn Nov 19th - 22nd
volcanic eruption

Eros may be considered a higher octave of Mars in that it speaks of artistic or soul heat. When this planet of deep desire meets up with Pluto (the abuser/transformer) we can expect some major explosions in our personal or public life or even in the environmental and political realms. And while this is a temporary few short days transit, the energy continues to manifest around the degrees of last year's profound Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.

Things can come to a head around political decisions related to the pandemic and the economy. And unfortunately, Pluto is stronger and more oppressive so we could see military or police intervention in the case of protests, trials and enforced mandates. Something does have to break because the grip of the power brokers is becoming more and more abusive. At the very least, there is a bit of an heroic attempt at fighting against the authority figures but once again, until citizens realize they are being abused by a outwardly caring system, they may more readily submit even further than fight back against aggression and threats to freedom and individual rights.

Where might this intense confrontation take place for you?

ARIES - in regard to a corporate client or arrangement

TAURUS - with foreign partners

GEMINI - with lovers or concerning old stories of abuse

CANCER - with a significant other - or the public at large

LEO - in the area of health

VIRGO - issues concerning your children or childhood

LIBRA - with parents, in your residence (earthquake)

SCORPIO - in your school district, community board, siblings

SAGITTARIUS - a financial situation or intense sexual attraction

CAPRICORN - you can't take it anymore and may go on a tirade

AQUARIUS - every sense of the old world is dying, your head explodes with the realization that it was all a lie

PISCES - social media/television - witnessed or aimed toward you

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Nov 19th at 27 degrees
security vs. desire

The world has changed dramatically since 2017 and 2018 and the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on Nov 19th reveals how our personal or professional lives have been affected. Two previous eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis of self vs the collective, one in Aug 2017 and the other in February of 2018, were prompting us to find our proper role in the world. The upcoming Scorpio/Taurus lunar eclipse squares those degrees and asks us to contemplate if the choices made then still apply. With Taurus/Scorpio we are always looking at what we value. In the instance of Taurus, it may be money and material goods plain and simple. With Scorpio, what is really desired is deep emotional connection but as is the case with astrological polarities, if this option is not available or scary, the Scorpio energy will chose material security over the heart/soul connection.

As this November's eclipse awakens in us a deep need for security, we may review the people, circumstances and decisions we were dealing with 3 and 4 years ago and notice if the situation has improved or not. In many cases, we are no longer in communication or relationship with these individuals or projects. And if we have remained without questioning their efficacy, it is possible that now we realize that they no longer the same value to us.

This is all good as we will be able to craft entirely new stories and connections next spring as a result of releasing or mourning the loss or failure of these endeavors. Scorpio is always about letting go whether of an actual person, property, professional ambition or alternatively attitude, behavior pattern, illusion or perception.

Clear the lens now, see where you made a mistake and be open to receiving an whole new download of what is appropriate for you now.

Where might you seek and or find success or failure when it comes to security needs?

ARIES - in the typical realms of salary and finances, what is the cost involved in your relentless focus on money or lack thereof?

TAURUS - in either operating alone or noticing how easy/difficult it is to be in relationships, do you pick the right people

GEMINI - by focusing on the connection between your mental and physical health, does spirituality come into play

CANCER - do your friendships or lover provide a more secure foundation, notice if there is an imbalance

LEO - do you prefer career success over family life? what brings you greater self esteem

VIRGO - do your beliefs match up with your childhood conditioning? do you look to others to provide the answers?

LIBRA - are you more concerned about relationships to the development of self? How can you be less codependent?

SCORPIO - how does control make you feel? is it a booby prize? can you accept greater equality and vulnerability in relationships?

SAGITTARIUS - can you be in your head or future tripping so much that you fail to make things happen in the now? what is the fallout?

CAPRICORN - do you focus more on professional obligations rather than personal ones? At what expense?

AQUARIUS - has career disappointed you so much that you've retreated from public life? how has this affected your long term goals?

PISCES - do fantasies and big ideals prevent you from functioning in the real world? you bring can dreams into reality?

In any event, the integration or recalibration of these issues will lead to greater growth and true manifestation next year. In many cases, it WILL be about simplicity and solid humble achievements. After eclipses in fire/air - the spiritual and mental plane, now slowly moving into water/earth, we are looking to bring our ideas into actual tangible reality. Clear out the spiritual, mental and emotional cobwebs and distill the most important ideas that can be materially manifested next spring. As multidimensional beings, we have the power to work with the elements to create the masterpiece of our lives!