December 2021 Horoscopes

December will be a revelatory month in many ways. It will show us where we have been deceived, deluded, naive and trusting in situations, people or ideologies that did not deserve our blind faith. Neptune turning direct on the 1st may shock the world with hidden truths large and small, particularly in regard to the covid pandemic narrative. We've already been hearing tales of the origin of the virus, the misallocation of funding, the corruption of agencies and the venality or fear of politicians and leaders. Drugs and treatments that were suppressed, trials that were botched or outright fake, misrepresentation of efficacy, etc. All to force people to comply to a larger agenda in which we are unwitting participants or victims.

If you think it's about your health, unfortunately you are sadly mistaken. If the govts around the world truly cared about your wellbeing, why have they not forbidden the use of chemicals in our food, water, air and bodies? Why have they not mandated free housing, medical care, support of regenerative agriculture and instead are attempting to monetize mother nature in her totality?

The hysteria surrounding yet another variant tells us that the media want this story to be kept alive no matter what. Fear, confusion, obfuscation are Neptune words and maybe some of us will awaken from this created nightmare and find ways to move forward alongside the existence of covid.

Neptune and Pisces are also about storytelling and narratives or, in the case of politics, propaganda. Marketing is propaganda lite, but we know that governments have been engaged in mass psychological operations throughout modern history. What is really going on and what are the motives behind it? Do we know the real truth about the state of our economy, environment and energy systems, the most likely areas in disarray? What are governments, politicians and big media trying to hide? And while it is not likely to yield the full picture, the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell may provide a tiny window into the level of corruption occurring amongst the most powerful.

Neptune in Pisces is also about our ideologies and beliefs. I admit to being a pretty blue lefty, but more in the old school mold of concern for the poor and working class and not in the advocacy of big tech, big defense, big pharma and big media. Despite all their performative gestures, the Democrats have failed on the majority of their election promises with no raised minimum wage, medicare for all, secure voting rights, abolition of student debt. No wonder the right wing populists have filled the vacuum with their tripe.

Another ungodly manifestation of Neptune in Pisces is Facebook's rebranding to Meta and the creation of an alternative virtual reality. I think most of our inner thoughts and dreams have more imaginative power than a computer generated interactive space. Should we not make the real world better rather than enticing us into a time-wasting electronic prison?

In our personal lives, we may gain information on previously hidden motives, actions or reasons for why a person disappeared or deceived us in some way. And to the point of victimization - and this is not to let the victimizer off the hook - but we must admit to allowing ourselves to be "played" because it is likely that we knew on some level that the situation was not right yet we went along with it. Why would we let this happen? There are myriad reasons, but in some cases, a bigger need was fulfilled - security or attachment to a belief, inner program.

There is a certain weakness or fantasy with Pisces, a lack of grounding and a desire to escape reality. How has this impulse played out in your personal, professional or political life?

Why are we so eager to belief in the falsehood? Most likely because challenging that illusion might shatter our entire world view. Cognitive dissonance - the big one - that authority figures know what's best and would always be trustworthy - is perhaps one of the gravest issues we are dealing with in the current moment.

The antidote to the circumstances we find ourselves in is in choosing to positively express the archetype in question. Neptune in Pisces is about compassion, faith in a higher power, understanding of the ephemeral nature of life. It is time to craft a different narrative away from fear and toward love and acceptance. It is only consciousness that will enable us to exit the current constructed narrative. Waking up will return us to an earthly paradise that is our divine birthright.

Neptune direct at 20 Pisces on December 2nd
clarification after a time of doubt

Who is an actor and who is telling the truth? Are they a hero or villain?

What is reality and what is fiction? We are living in strange times where the truth has been inverted and the good guys are bad and the bad guys are good. (Again, this will differ based on one's point of view).

But if a more natural law/truth applies, I would consider those who work for humanity rather than against it as a basic starting point to discern veracity.

Disillusionment is the "sin" of Neptune whereby our fantasy bubbles are burst by the sharp edge of reality.

In what ways, large or small, did you allow yourself to fall for a story because it fit with your inner narrative of how you wanted things to be? This could be in terms of a relationship promise, job offer, spiritual or political belief. This is a snap out of it moment!

ARIES - the realization that you have been overly guided by fear and a sense of victimization

TAURUS - trusting that your social media tribe had your back or were on the same page as you

GEMINI - hoping for a promising career break

CANCER - believing someone or something could be your "god"

LEO - your romantic ideals or financial goals shattered

VIRGO - not seeing the "flakiness" in others

LIBRA - belief in miracle health cures

SCORPIO - discovering you are a true romantic that cracks the facade of cool loner

SAGITTARIUS - thinking that you had found your home

CAPRICORN - acknowledging that you didn't pay attention to the full message that was being broadcast from a close associate

AQUARIUS - not being serious enough about your financial situation

PISCES - failing to support or hold yourself to account

For those who are controlling, the Neptune transit is quite difficult because you are meant to let go. And for those who are careless, you will suffer the repercussions of not paying attention. But for context, we experience Neptune direct stations every year in late November and now early December. So for many, this may be an unfolding story of awakening from a dream or nightmare and your best bet is to try to provide a spiritual context to your situation, take responsibility for your blind spots and then counterintuitively allow the universe to guide you forward.

Juno in Cancer trine Sappho in Pisces Dec 2nd
marrying the divine mother within

In times of duress, it is understandable that we might crave some form of nurturance or comfort, especially from a person who is unconditional in their love or appreciation. Of course, rarely are humans this perfect, especially our mothers. But it is the essence of the divine feminine that we are really seeking.

Have we been taught how to self-care? Juno in Cancer reveals the desire for nurturing from a partner while Sappho desires to express oneself through healing and art.

These two archetypes compete for our attention and embrace early in the month, along with the reveals of the Neptune station.

Will we succumb to becoming more infantilized or take on the role of healer? Will we be the victim/child or the adult/parent? Can we help others through making them find a home or community?

These two energies do not have to be at odds with one another. In fact, in all likelihood our newfound understanding of the situation can prompt us to bring more love and caring to the world and to our families. Unconditional love (Cancer) and suffering/selflessness (Pisces) may be necessary at this time to unite different factions of people rather than keep then usefully (to the power structure) at odds with each other.

None of us know the full truth of what is happening in our world at the present time and it would behoove us to extend compassion to each other and find the true enemy - those controlling the narrative - rather than be mindless puppets in the play of division. It is evident that both parties have a fascist element whatever your politics. It is likely that there have been mistakes or corruption occurring behind the scenes regarding covid. It is possible that there is more than one way to manage the economy, the environment, the monetary system, our children's education.

Divide and conquer is the oldest strategy in the book to keep the elites in power and the peons in disarray and disunity. Understand the common thread binding you with your neighbor rather than seeking another scapegoat that your leader has told you to hate on.

Who's the victim and who's the savior? Perhaps we can be both by integrating the two in these areas of life:

ARIES - discovering the inner mother and caretaker while understanding she is part of the universal whole

TAURUS - realizing that a kind word goes a long way in person and online

GEMINI - understanding you have valuable skills to impart ot the world and your natural ability to see both sides of the story can help ease divides

CANCER - you're the mother incarnate, and like Aries, can serve for a larger divine purpose

LEO - your creative visions can bring people together, especially one important intimate connection

VIRGO - how you treat others, with kindness and compassion may attract a partner in crime or caring

LIBRA - as someone well aware of others' feelings sometimes to your detriment, this time you may apply this sensitivity to a work situation

SCORPIO - if you understand that love is sourced within and is infinite, you can more readily share with others

SAGITTARIUS - your ability to make others feel comforted allows you to find community with many different people

CAPRICORN - your nurturing may be of a more "paternal" nature but you can encourage others to find their voice and compassion

AQUARIUS - you are keenly aware of the suffering of humanity and this can be transformed into a career or charitable endeavor

PISCES - seeing others as divine children can inspire their self-actualization

Sag Solar Eclipse 12 degrees Dec 4th
stand for your truth

Following closely on the heels of the Neptune station direct, we experience a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is the last of a recent series of eclipses on the Gemini/Sag axis of knowledge and information. How do we process words and thoughts and find ways to communicate their higher meaning?

We must let go of old notions of ourselves and world views, to grow up in order to face the current world squarely in the eye.

What childish or ill-formed ideas still determine your behaviors and actions?

Interestingly, this solar eclipse activates the ascendant of the United States birth chart. What older naive version of America must die in order for us to participate in the modern world? How can we hold onto our ideals and approach circumstances with a more nuanced, paradoxical, sophisticated and hopefully spiritually awake manner?

Our Pluto return will occur next December 2022, right after the 2022 midterms so depending on what we chose to face between now and then has great significance over our future as a nation.

Personally, you can now adjust your views to encompass a more wise and complex understanding of your role and place in the world. Sag wants us to speak our higher truths but can be bogged down by ideology - religious, cultural, political. Where have we become to rigid and prejudiced? How do we know we are right? Have we asked enough questions and been willing to look at inconsistencies or have we followed the story hook, line and sinker?

Are we attached to a rigid idea of our team or are we willing to incorporate differences in service to a larger truth? What might that truth be? To distinguish between those who have your best interests in mind, between those who are transparent vs those who are controlling of actions, messages, start listening to your gut instead of your rationalizations.

Who will allow for your freedom? In what way can you be free of fear, of lack, of judgement?

ARIES - embracing an ecumenical view of the world - all are equal and deserving regardless of ideology (including health status)

TAURUS - be willing to see partners as reflections of your self, if you are in integrity, so will they be

GEMINI - allowing others their own point of view, can you find the commonality between you, the essential truths?

CANCER - in finding ways to make your everyday encounters ones of learning and teaching of differences

LEO - using the current moment to ignite a new creative vision

VIRGO - discovering that you can be at home anywhere

LIBRA - realizing you have a way with words that can bring people together rather than divide them

SCORPIO - by finding meaning and value in your ability to transcend your demons

SAGITTARIUS - by stepping into your role as truth teller

CAPRICORN - by eliminating rigid conventional views of hierarchy

AQUARIUS - by communicating in groups and social media the need for unity in the world

PISCES - by making your work bring forth the goal of universality and equality

Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn Dec 11th - 14th
decimation or empowerment of the feminine

Most of hierarchical dynamics place the masculine person in the role of the powerful. This has occurred for millenia and is now expressed through governmental systems, financial institutions, corporations. These are the entities that exercise power (and abuse) in our worlds.

Yet, there is an underlying natural feminine energy that holds the world together - that of creation, life, birth and constant regeneration - and for free. One of the worst projections our world has accepted is the division of the sexes and that the female sex is the weaker one. This is pure nonsense and perhaps a cover for the inadequacy of men to give birth. Hence the psychological need to dominate nature, women, minorities, all from a inner sense of worthlessness.

In our material world, money also holds great power as a substitute for natural power. So since we live on this plane of existence, we must be aware of the matrix version of Venus/Pluto aspects.

Venus/Pluto can be a big money aspect, or one of betrayal, control or empowerment of the feminine. Depends on in who and where this energy is being expressed. For those interested in making a deal, this may prove a very profitable few days where you may attract the wealth and power you desire. If showing up in an adversary, competitor, boss location, they might be the "winners" in this situation.

Very shortly after this conjunction, Venus will go retrograde in the sign of Capricorn through Jan 29th. So we can revisit and/or redefine our concept of creative power.

If you would like to harness this energy positively, note where it is occurring in your birth chart:

ARIES - in the career/boss house

TAURUS - with foreign investors

GEMINI - in intimate affairs

CANCER - with or for a significant partner

LEO - in health or day job situations

VIRGO - with your children or romantic prospects

LIBRA - in buying or selling a home

SCORPIO - in your community or with a colleague

SAGITTARIUS - this may be a financially lucrative offer

CAPRICORN - you are perceived as valuable and could garner a decent amount of money

AQUARIUS - spiritual power or an benefactor behind the scenes

PISCES - recognition by an important individual in public or social media

Venus retrograde in Capricorn Dec 19th
the corporate carrot

On December 19th, Venus, the planet of love, money, values turns retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, the status quo. Capricorn speaks to consensus reality and hierarchy, the traditional rules of social engagement.

We've all been conditioned in various ways and in the realm of Venus, it is around our value system. In Capricorn there is a tendency to desire status and power.

But this value system is generally steeped in materialism and judgement and is not helpful to making the world a more equitable or hospitable place.

Venus retrograde in the sign of the hierarchy will have us reevaluate what holds worth for us.

In very practical terms, it is about money, aesthetics, societal expectations and consensus reality relationships. It is the classic case of the woman marrying for power and money rather than for love.

We may not feel the need to be as calculating in romance these days, but many of us still crave success and put all our energy into grinding and making it. The metric is still one of ego gratification to "please" the powers that be. Where has this gotten us and has it actually brought us satisfaction and fulfillment?

And if/once we've achieved it, is there something more to life?

Those questions and more will be pondered during the Venus retro in Capricorn sojourn from 12/19 through 1/29/22.

For some, an old relationship/lover/boss may return, offering us another chance to get in bed with them. If they are open to a new way of doing business, this might be a positive development. Another manifestation is the appearance of a "classic" type that you thought you once desired, say the stock broker or socialite.

Likewise, you may be offered a job, usually replete with title and money, that you would have died for years ago, but that no longer fits us as we've grown in self-awareness.

This retrograde is really a test as to whether you have changed as thoroughly as you claim to have.

Lastly, this retrograde mirrors a similar Venus retro in Capricorn at the end of 2013 through beg of 2014 so you may notice a similar conundrum or life decision.

Where is it likely that you will have a brush with the past this holiday season?

ARIES - in reconnecting to a former professional boss or colleague

TAURUS - you may reawaken an old spiritual practice or connection

GEMINI - an ex lover returns

CANCER - you meet someone whom you might have dated in the past but they no longer float your boat

LEO - a previous work situation is on offer again

VIRGO - you revisit a creative project that had been on ice

LIBRA - one more time to reconsider a move

SCORPIO - you meet someone who reminds you of your old schoolmates

SAGITTARIUS - you may be offered a project yet its the type of work you used to do when you were starting out

CAPRICORN - you are approached to lead a team but they expect a rather conventional employee/boss relationship

AQUARIUS - for a moment you lose your nerve and think that you've got to settle down and be conventional

PISCES - an establishment type of woman is interested in promoting your work

If you are operating in integrity, the Venus retrograde could bring you a reward of leadership or money from the appropriate sources. But these people or organizations must walk their talk and prove they are on board with the new paradigm world, not the old.

Some will meet their soulmate at this time or connect with a past life relationship such as a sister, artist, friend, lover.

As with every transit, the level of consciousness will determine how this plays out so best to be in alignment with self and spirit to attract the most appropriate manifestation of this retrograde period. In January, we will know we cannot return to the past so my advice, if offered work or the chance for a long-term relationship, is to observe and wait it out until closer to the end of the retro 1/29 to make your final decision. In January, we do blast off into some new terrain and the choices must match the current reality not a former one.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus Dec 24th
repression vs. emerging values

The last of three Saturn/Uranus squares occurs on Dec 24th. (The previous two squares happened on February 17th and June 14th of 2021). This year we have been presented with the choice between continuing with business as usual versus changing with the times. While the compulsion to go backward was very strong this summer, by holiday's end and early January we will know we must move forward.

The conflict between breaking down old barriers (particularly of ostracization) and the embracing on new values (based on earth's grounded reality) can have placed us at odds with the world around us.

It is easy to give into oppression as no one wants to be singled out and ridiculed as non-conformist. But obeisance in this time of governmental and financial overreach is not a good solution to inequality and environmental disaster. We must break free from the predatory capitalist/consumption model and return to more modest goals. And this is across the board. Unlike the Davos crowd saying "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy", it should either be "we'll ALL own nothing" or "we'll all share".

Do not let progressive ideology be hijacked by imperialist motives.

Release yourself from the cage of submission and open up to new opportunities to build the world anew here:

ARIES - rather than looking to others, especially professional organizations or social media to dictate your value, you must determine your worth on your own terms

TAURUS - there is pressure to conform to the abuser model, but you can chose who you are and how you want to approach business, the old guard is no longer viable

GEMINI - perhaps old religious or political ideology has you stuck in a box, but there is an open door through your own inner consciousness

CANCER - partners may object to you operating from the heart, but you will find others you think like you do

LEO - the needs of a conventional relationship should not interfere with you operating in the world in a new way

VIRGO - you can get a lot of pushback from co-workers but seek out a more expansive vision of the world

LIBRA - you may have reached a creative dry spell if you've tried to fit in, but a luscious new intimate encounter may open the wellsprings

SCORPIO - a crazy upbringing does not condemn you to repeat horrible relationships, choose your own path

SAGITTARIUS - don't let small-minded people get in the way of your helping to change the world

CAPRICORN - perhaps conformity seems safe in business, but in fact, individual creativity will bring greater rewards

AQUARIUS - don't let your own inhibitions stop you from creating the world on your own terms, you know what makes you feel at home

PISCES - even if there's some crazy in your lineage, you can develop healthy meaningful relationships with new "siblings"

In our recent history the most important astrological aspect was the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in Jan 2020 and we will be reverberating with the changes of this global paradigm shift for years to come.

December brings some opportunities to get straight with who we really are and what we are willing to do to make the world a more humane and joyful place.

Most of the problems with society result from living out of integrity with one's core values. We see it in political circles where so-called leaders will say or do anything to stay in power. This includes being part of a corrupt system of government and distortion of our democracy. (And, in this analysis, both parties are guilty of fascism, each with a different twist). Fascism occurs when powerful individuals and corporations want to impose their reality onto others and the rule of law or power of the people is abrogated or destroyed.

In our personal lives, where have we allowed fear to dictate our actions? If we are truly living with faith in the universe, why have we allowed secular or criminally corrupt organizations to control the narrative and trajectory of our health and livelihoods?

We are living in perilous yet exciting times and the entire decade of the 2020's will be rife with change and upheaval. It does not all have to be bad, but that will be determined by our willingness to face our personal and political demons and ability to act with impeccability.

Clear out the cobwebs, get right with your conscience, be willing to be wrong, step out of your comfort zone or your political or social identity and find those of like mind in the healthiest sense of the word. Those that believe and act in love, compassion and integrity and who are willing to stand up to real injustice that is hiding behind the curtains of mass hypnosis.

Neptune in Pisces is distorting the picture and making us weak. Do not be unduly influenced in a passive way but seek out proper information and listen to your gut. A minor or even major inconvenience will be worth a lifetime of submission to a psychotic system. America's Pluto return next year will either have us end in infamy or bring us closer to our original intent.