Last month could have been excruciating and emotionally disabling, especially if one has numerous planets in Capricorn. Venus' slow retrograde through the sign of regret, disappointment, failure, collapsing structures touched every degree that Pluto has traversed since 2011. Hence, any loss or failure you encountered over this period could have returned in ghost form. Not only that, you may have also revisited themes and storylines from Dec 2013 - 2014. The reality is different this time, but some of the underlying feelings of despair, shame or frustration could have repeated themselves.

Thankfully, we will never have to go down this road again. Once Pluto touches a planet, it and you are changed forever. With Venus relating to values, we were tested as to whether we had really changed as much as we say we did - and the answer is usually yes. But there can be a temptation to try to go backwards or take on the projections or values of our parents, society and peer group. Certainly, in the last two years, we have been tested as to our "loyalty" to a consensus reality narrative of massive death and obedience. But if one followed orders, they failed the chance to become the master of their own life.

Since 2008, we have experienced the dark side of Capricorn (patriarchy and hierarchy) and we were propelled to withdraw our fascination with faulty symbols of power and authority. By now, we should know that the government is captured by corporations, the parties are barely distinguishable in terms of action (yes, the platforms are ostensibly different but both factions support oligarchy in the end).

If we've realized we can't go back home again, we are free to jump into the future. This will be especially clear after Mercury turns direct on Feb 4th. Who deserves to own power? Who should we trust? Do leaders actually serve their citizens or their global masters?

The Uranus station mid January did not bring action motion excitement, but was important nonetheless as global leaders did an about face around the covid narrative. All of a sudden, omicron isn't so bad and perhaps mandates/masks, etc. may not be so vital. Of course, it is likely there is an economic consideration at play as well the leaking evidence that the vaccines are not as safe or effective as promised. We will know the fuller extent of the damage imposed on populations when Pluto moves into Aquarius next March and it conveniently coincides with the actual end of the trial phase.

As a distraction from civil and economic woes, the sad playbook includes the potential for war. Americans and soldiers everywhere should realize that they are pawns in an oligarch's playbook and when we are able to provide DOD with billions of dollars and yet can't provide free healthcare, it should be clear that our health and well-being are not top priority.

Besides Pluto and Uranus, another energy that we will become more enveloped in is that of Neptune/Pisces. We already have been living through Neptune in Pisces since 2011 and the negative form of the archetype - deception, propaganda, conspiracy, illusion - has become more and more pervasive. We may reap some of the positive aspects now with Jupiter in Pisces for much of this year. (Jupiter will move into Aries in the summer months but for now its stay in Pisces will be emphasized, particularly when the Sun and inner planets will also be travelling thru the sign of the artist, the poet, the guru, the victim).

Jupiter and Pluto will connect in various ways this month and ideally we can find ways to merge our vision with authentic power, not sham power.

For the next several months (until end of April) all the planets will be in forward motion so it is time to initiate new ideas, try new actions and behaviors, develop different stories for your life. It's great for business to get off the ground or start fresh with new projects. So dream big and put some elbow grease behind it and you may benefit enormously from the forward moving energy.

Mercury direct in Capricorn Feb 4th
what's your takeaway from all the retrogrades

Mercury turning direct on the 4th allows us a fresh start to 2022, the actual energetic start of the year. After leaving behind much of the past, emotionally, financially, relationally - what remains to be concretized? What is the kernel of truth regarding what has value and what is worth investing one's time in?

No more illusions, wipe the tears away, get out of bed and set sail into your future. Where can you accept that you are a master of your own life?

ARIES - in defining your career trajectory

TAURUS - in gaining spiritual wisdom

GEMINI - in financial partnerships

CANCER - in working with others

LEO - in living a healthy life

VIRGO - in trusting in your creativity

LIBRA - in being the matriarch/patriarch of the family

SCORPIO - in speaking your truth

SAGITTARIUS - you have a useful and desirable talent

CAPRICORN - in crafting your own image

AQUARIUS - in knowing the future

PISCES- in your ability to understand others

Pluto in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus Feb 14th + 15th
how to use power beneficially to advance your spiritual or earthly agenda (ideally the former).

While for most of us, our experiences of Pluto are heart-wrenching and painful, there are occasional moments where we can receive the positive benefits of this power planet. One such timeline is Feb 14th and 15th when Pluto trines the North Node in Taurus. Two planets in earth signs can truly bring your ideas into manifestation, especially if they are in alignment with the collective changes that must happen for a better world to exist.

By now, most of us are sick of being pushed around and abused by Plutonian types and we should not put our tails between our legs anymore. We deserve to be here as much as anyone and if you are no longer beholden or attached to the notion of material success or conventional accolades, you can make great strides toward creating a different and better world. You have the chance to push your true destiny forward by dealing with these circumstances:

ARIES - find the few people in the new guard who are willing to support your work, they do exist

TAURUS - there are influencers from abroad who are supportive of your identity

GEMINI - your behind the scenes opus can be financially supported

CANCER - there is one person in particular who wants to advance your ideas

LEO - someone in your daily life is interested in bringing your ideas to fruition

VIRGO - a creative person wants to promote your ideas

LIBRA - perhaps a family member will finance your business idea

SCORPIO - an old friend wants to partner with you

SAGITTARIUS - a professional contact is willing to set you up in business

CAPRICORN - you feel ready to leave the herd and back your own creative ideas

AQUARIUS - someone behind the scenes desires to help you with your residential dreams

PISCES - an individual or entity in your social network desires a closer friendship

Mercury back into Aquarius Feb 15th
science mind is an objective and questioning mind

While "trust the science" is actually a propagandist mantra, engaging in actual science is objectively looking at all the data and being open to changing one's mind.

This is true for both individuals, professionals and organizations. While tepid, the powers that be are allowing a big more information to enter the media and airwaves. It is probably not altruistic but rather due to the fact the the hidden truth is starting to bleed through.

We all make mistakes and change our minds (even tho in some of the political instances it is simply an expedient or survival move) but we should allow differing viewpoints to be aired.

Where might you be open to changing your mind re: recent events?

ARIES - taking in differing viewpoints on social media

TAURUS - approaching your career from a different perspective

GEMINI - realizing full knowledge is power, especially spiritual knowledge

CANCER - merging with folk different from yourself

LEO - being open to what partners and friends say

VIRGO - looking at your health through a more alternative lens

LIBRA - considering using child or beginner's mind

SCORPIO - finding where true security lies

SAGITTARIUS - being able to listen to friends and peers

CAPRICORN - approaching your money and skill set in a new way

AQUARIUS - allowing yourself to be the "heretic"

PISCES - trusting in your unique vision even (or especially because it diverges from the herd)

Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus Feb 18th
opportunities to manifest your vision

We must take the blessings when they appear. Jupiter in positive aspect to any planet can bring growth, expansion, lucky breaks. On the 18th, the planet of inspiration will sextile Uranus in Taurus (new values) and we may have the chance to bring some ideas into reality. Or, at the very least, feel hopeful about their potential.

Note where this 'lil bit of luck may appear in your life:

ARIES - ideas arising out of meditation or dreams can eventually bring you money

TAURUS - someone in your social network is willing to give you a chance

GEMINI - someone possibly the boss has taken a liking to your current spark of genius

CANCER - an influential spiritual or artistic person may positively interact in your social media feed

LEO - there is a chance that an individual with resources may want to back your latest project

VIRGO - it seems your partner is willing to expand their viewpoint

LIBRA - your health improves and you feel more motivated to join forces with others

SCORPIO - your latest idea finds support from your partner

SAGITTARIUS - positive changes in your home life help your work and health

CAPRICORN - you've found the words to attract your romantic partner

AQUARIUS - your newly developed personal skills make home life easier

PISCES - you inspire those close to you or in your community

Jupiter in Pisces inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn Feb 23rd
"the man" wants to quash your dreams

That wonderful idea, however, can still be suppressed by the powers that be - the boss, your parents, your partner. Hold that idea preciously even if in the moment it seems like those in power don't want you to succeed. How do you get around the conventional narrative? Basically but just waiting it out. The opposition will eventually crumble.

ARIES - hold the faith that no matter the response from authorities, your idea is a great one

TAURUS - keep speaking your truth and eventually the right people will find you

GEMINI - your vision is the right one even if your lover or partner are scared for you

CANCER - eventually you will change people's minds, let them work through their own reservations

LEO - financial situations will improve for your partner and life will settle down

VIRGO - there are people who believe in you, one in particular, even if friends and family are circumspect

LIBRA - those healthy adjustments will make a difference to your family and close friends

SCORPIO - retain that vision or newfound epiphany, others will eventually come on board

SAGITTARIUS - your improved home life will ultimately affect your bottom line and profile

CAPRICORN - those new ideas will eventually infiltrate and bring you renewed respect

AQUARIUS - you are developing talents (or improving your self worth) and this will eventually help you in the future and world at large

PISCES - even if people think you're too airy fairy, they will eventually come around

We are fast approaching the last chapter of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle of deconstruction of the patriarchy, completing in 2024. More people are awake to the tyrannical behavior of corporations and governments that represent the Capricorn archetype. We don't have to fight it directly, just continue to remove our enthrallment with power and status. The world will no longer abide by such dog eat dog mentalities and the power of love will overthrow the power of fear. The work that we must do is step into our authenticity and live with integrity and purpose. Our self worth is not determined by anyone else, no matter the current dystopian reality where the most psychopathic rule.

And the narrative regarding the death of democracy as propounded by neoliberal commentators is a distraction from the real coup d'etat - that of the oligarchic control of the planet in which citizens desires and rights are obliterated by unelected individuals and bureaucrats who only support greater inequality and tyranny of the rich. We must stop fighting amongst ourselves and realize that our neighbor of different political, religious, cultural or medical status is still more like ourselves than the super rich and predatory.

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces can obfuscate the truth with false narratives and repressions of truth. But this can only happen so long and only because we believe we are victims and deserve less, all the voices of the subconscious mind. It's time to awaken the inner warrior and he/she/they knows much of the storyline is false and that happiness and fulfillment come from connection, right work and right relationship with the earth. The rest is a sad and empty substitute. Listen to the heart and you will find the answer.