Embracing the Paradoxical Beauty of Independence and Community

Last month we broke free of the regressive and painful grip that Pluto and the Venus retrograde wrought on us through December and January. The month of March gives us a taste of where the energy will fire up more powerfully in the late spring.

When all the planets are in direct motion, as they are now until end of April, it is best to try new things, move forward on novel plans, engage in new relationships.

Yet, the relationships may be different than what we have traditionally been accustomed to. Of course, many of us now count our friends as family and that will increase even more as Aquarius becomes the dominant energy, starting March 2023, when Pluto enters the sign of technology, science, humanity.

We've already seen the dark side of technology and the thrust to get us all digitized financially and biologically. Yet, this is not the only archetype of Aquarius. We also famously know of the age of Aquarius, a time of greater acceptance of differences and the forging of equal alliances. But without keeping the freaky in Aquarius, we can fall into Borg mentality, which is basically totalitarianism.

At least for this month, we can explore the more fun, positive aspects of Aquarius - innovation, eccentricity, individuality, brilliance, exotic connections - as Mars and Venus will be travelling through the sign of eclecticism, meeting in a conjunction on March 7th. In the end, Aquarius/Uranus is about breaking free from the pack, destabilizing the institutions that hold us back - government, financial institutions, religion and universities. It is true that we will - and are - encountering much of the bad version of this energy with cancel culture and censorship abounding.

Additionally, when technology is weaponized by the state, as is the case with freezing the bank accounts and donation sites of the trucker's convoy, we realize any of us can be next (or we should be aware of this possibility). Just because your ideology is the flavor of the moment does not guarantee it's ascendency or longevity.

And in the manufactured Aquarian vibe of one world/one love, it could once again be the ruse of a one world government with unelected faceless bureaucrats deciding our fates. Those of us on the left must wake up to the tyranny in our midst. It is not just the far right that is fascist. Anytime we align with government against its citizens, we are potentially on the firing line a little ways down the road.

And we all must become more discerning about the media we consume, particularly when the spokesperson has a vested interest in a particular outcome as has shamefully been the case with doctors who are shills for big pharma and now military experts who own stock in defense companies. Are these people not highly compromised? Find the news source that does not have a financial stake in the game and you will find the real truth.

This will be quite challenging now as reports about the war with Russia will be one-sided only. There is no doubt that Putin is a rapacious and uncontrollable despot, but there is more than meets the eye. We are in for a major re-alignment of world powers, but it is not likely that Russia will be one of them. This is the last gasp of a dying empire, similar to our own hegemonic decline. And while the cries of Ukraine's democracy are tossed about, the main issue is one of resource control and extraction. As always, innocent civilians and soldiers are collateral damage for elitist agendas.

Besides Aquarian vibes, we will also be leading up to a mesmerizing Neptune/Jupiter conjunction in April. The Sun, Mercury , Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces all speak to the ephemeral. Now when we here that word, we usually think dreamy, otherworldly, mysterious. Ephemeral can also mean lacking substance, focus on appearance over reality, fleeting encounters. Bad ephemera are advertising, marketing, PR, entertainment, NFT's (the jury is still out on crypto) with an agenda and propaganda, including major media. What again is truth or what is the appearance of truth? Whose stories can we believe?

It is easy and sometimes preferable to be narcotized by the news, Netflix, video games but zoning out will not build a better world. In fact, the desire to escape increases when the world itself is becoming more and more unbearable. A good dose of courage will be needed to wake some of the sleeping and, thankfully, Aries energy will help to save the day and bring some necessary fight to the proceedings. And no, we do not need to battle in the physical form, but slay the inner demons of disillusionment, despair, weaknesses, hopelessness, helplessness and victim consciousness. Movies, drugs, sex, consumerism will not set us free. Mastery of self will lead to mastery of the immediate environment, if not the larger world, and you may be the one tiny grain of sand that topples the entire edifice.

Venus/Pluto conjunction Mar 3rd
just rewards

After enduring the psychological and emotional distress of the Venus retrograde (stronger because it resurrected memories of all the years since 2011), we will be blessed with a tiny reward either in terms of awareness or actual opportunity. On March 3rd, Venus will once again conjoin Pluto in Capricorn, this time in forward motion, beginning a cycle around values, emotional power and finances.

Where might we receive an incentive or reward due to your willingness or the necessity of walking away from the conventional path:

ARIES - career recognition

TAURUS - prominent business alliances

GEMINI - an amazing sexual connection

CANCER - a strong partnership of equals

LEO - financially rewarding work

VIRGO - a love affair

LIBRA - finding the home that you desire (selling or buying)

SCORPIO - an influential connection

SAGITTARIUS - a financial upgrade

CAPRICORN - greater authority

AQUARIUS - mastery of cultural trends

PISCES - media recognition

Venus/Mars conjunction in Aquarius March 7th
unusual creative or romantic partnerships

When Mars (the planet of sex) and Venus (the planet of love) come together once every few years, we start a new cycle around romance and creativity. This month, the conjunction occurs in the most ambisexual of signs - Aquarius.

Aquarius can speak to unconventional couplings and arrangements that are unique and different. Such connections are rarely boring but stability is generally not their strong suit.

But since this is happening as a precursor to Pluto moving into Aquarius in March of 2023, it is a sign of things to come.

Now, Aquarius does not have to be kinky, in fact, in many cases, the notion of friendship holds greater sway than red hot sex. Alternatively, friends can become lovers, lovers can become friends with freedom and independence being the keys to a rewarding experience.

After 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn, where conventional boundaries and norms have been shattered, we are all called upon to develop relationships in alignment with the times. In urban centers, where many people are transplants for good or ill reasons, one's friends' circle becomes their new family.

And if we extend this outward, all of humanity is our family and this is the most positive expression of the Aquarian one world archetype.

So be open to new types of emotional ties and reveal in the immediacy of them rather than force them into a traditional format.

And we're all on the spectrum of sexuality so this might be a time to explore a new expression of self.

And while with Aquarius we could engage with people solely online (Aquarius being technology) it might be preferable to eventually bring the relationships into 3 dimensional form.

Where could we experience a "shazaam" encounter romantically or creatively?

ARIES - while at a group event

TAURUS - while running your business

GEMINI - while travelling or studying

CANCER - in a financial setting

LEO - with your current partner

VIRGO - while working out

LIBRA - in an artistic or cultural setting

SCORPIO - in your private abode

SAGITTARIUS - in the neighborhood or with peers

CAPRICORN - in nature or when offering your talents

AQUARIUS - you renew yourself

PISCES - in connection with God and the all

Old alliances are dying - they must as they have become corrupted - so be open to forging bonds with those with whom you share a mind or soul connection. Whether for short or long term, the electricity that you encounter will keep the memories lasting for years.

Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces March 13th
dream a little dream

Every year, the sun conjoins Neptune to begin a new chapter around visioning and self-development. Next month, when Jupiter and Neptune link up, we will experience the blossoming of a creative, artistic or spiritual ideal.

Where can you dream big this year? What can you manifest through an open heart and clear mind?

ARIES - an embrace of the collective unconscious

TAURUS - a larger audience

GEMINI - designing a new career

CANCER - connecting to spirit and higher knowledge

LEO - healing through deep intimacy

VIRGO - together with your significant other

LIBRA - a health cure

SCORPIO - your creative masterpiece

SAGITTARIUS - finding your true home

CAPRICORN - discovering your true friends

AQUARIUS - in making bank

PISCES - presenting yourself to the world

Venus and Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus March 20 - 23rd
adjusting your desires to a new world

Challenges come in having our desires met but we can find ways to break the constraints. The Aquarian vibe speaks to a new vision of relationships so therefore we cannot drag the old philosophies or conventional templates forward. If you find yourself digging in your heels, notice if you are operating from old fears and values. If we see the challenges as opportunities, these minor charges will move us forward.

What is the conflict you may encounter between love and desire in a changing world?

ARIES - you may worry that your friends do not like your current partner, but it is more important that you feel strongly about this person, despite them being different from your normal type

TAURUS - the world of work is changing technologically, are you up to the task? Can you move with the times?

GEMINI - are you more concerned with status and acceptance regarding your romantic choices at the expense of the true spiritual bond?

CANCER - what works for you in an intimate setting may not coalesce with your perceived online persona

LEO - new love interests (or those of a partner) may clash with where you thought your life was headed

VIRGO - how can you change your work life without changing your values? You can't, so open up to a new future vision

LIBRA - what may seem like a fun casual connection is at odds with your idea of commitment

SCORPIO - you may be living an alternative lifestyle and realize the old conventions will have to go

SAGITTARIUS - can you bring new friends into your work life mission?

CAPRICORN - you've discovered new professional interests that may eclipse or scare a more conventional partner

AQUARIUS - in order to be yourself, you may need to allow changes to your living environment

PISCES - a new understanding of the larger cosmos requires new language on your part

Once you've figured out the paradigm, you may be ready to end or commit yourself to something new on or around March 29th when Venus conjuncts Saturn.

Sun/Mercury into Aries
return to self

After a long sojourn through the earth and air signs, the fiery season of Aries is a welcome relief. The entrance of the sun into Aries marks the spring equinox which is the official astrological beginning of the year. We generally feel more energized at this time and as we approach May, Jupiter will also expand on this feeling of exhilaration when it moves into Aries as well.

So this is a tiny taste of how we can look forward to an exciting and potentially confrontational summer. (When everyone wants to do their thing, it can get a little messy). This is bad news for authoritarians, good news for the independent minded.

Where can you experience a burst of positivity and courage?

ARIES - in accepting yourself as you are

TAURUS - a curtain lifts on your fears and depression

GEMINI - new social groups excite you

CANCER - work picks up and you feel like winning

LEO - by travelling or connecting with people abroad

VIRGO - in your sex life

LIBRA - by attracting an exciting new partner

SCORPIO - your health improves and you feel there are new options for work

SAGITTARIUS - your creative inspiration returns, a new lover

CAPRICORN - a refreshing of your home

AQUARIUS - meeting new friends

PISCES - motivation to make more money

Any review of history will note that empires rise and others fall. America and the Western concept of nation states is being challenged right now. It is not that those enlightenment ideals were false, but rather powerful oligarchic or royalists forces have never wanted these notions to succeed. And yes, royalists exist even here in the U.S. with the upper classes only permitting so much movement and freedom as long as it did not disrupt their status and wealth accumulation. We do have a chance to bring those original, albeit necessarily updated visions to life, but it will take the aforementioned clarity and courage. We were born for this time, no matter how much we may gripe or cower, so spend these potentially diminishing days of freedom to discover the truth of our reality.

Neptune will be in Pisces until 2026 continuing to confuse, enervate and weaken the minds of the populace while Pluto in Capricorn may force the elites to react desperately to maintain control. The Russian/Ukraine conflict may simply be the power keg that does lead to WW3. Instead of believing it is inevitable and swallowing the official propaganda, educate yourself as to the truth of this global situation. It may be disillusioning to realize that daddy, i.e. authority figures, i.e. politicians, i.e. ministers i.e. doctors have been lying to us all along. But that is a good place to start and build a more congruent picture of the world. It's on all of us so let's get started!