After the tumult of last month's dramatic changes, courtesy of Pluto stationing retrograde and the Solar Eclipse in Taurus, the party doesn't stop. Yet, now, we will be assisted by the fiery energy of Jupiter entering Aries on May 11th.
The Jupiter in Pisces transit, which included the magical Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of inspiration last month, nevertheless, has been somewhat limpid and disorienting. That is because the growth and abundance are happening on the spiritual plane rather than the material one. If we've grown closer to "god" or our divine mission, the Jupiter in Pisces tour has done it's work. If we were left meandering or losing ambition, it was likely doing its job to remove us from our ego constructs.
Jupiter in Aries will fire us up and while we will still revisit Jupiter in Pisces later in the fall, we will be in full blown activation mode once Jupiter permanently installs in Aries in January 2023.
Mercury retro in Gemini 5/10/22
memories of school and childhood
The second Mercury retrograde of the year occurs in the actual sign of communication and learning. This can bring us into contact with old memories of our youth. Gemini represents the sense of self we "cultivated" in childhood and hence, those with a strong Gemini imprint somehow never feel grownup enough, no matter much they've actually achieved. They are distracted by inner stories of weakness and ill-preparedness, this again no matter how studious or skilled the individual is.
So this short retrograde period allows us one last look at our emotional and intellectual education and we can choose to reeducate ourselves and approach life as curious students rather than confused children.
Can we be flexible and learn new methods here? This may only happen once we revisit the original imprint during this short Mercury retro cycle which ends on June 3rd.
For now, let's consider where we feel a bit childish and unformed:
ARIES - in our communication methods
TAURUS - in our sense of self
GEMINI - can't imagine oneself to be a grownup
CANCER - still looking back to the past
LEO - in addressing large crowds or group endeavors
VIRGO - in being the grownup boss
LIBRA - in developing a mature view of the world
SCORPIO - in, believe it or not, how we think of sex
SAGITTARIUS - in how we consider relationship partners
CAPRICORN - in how we manage our health
AQUARIUS - in how we perceive love
PISCES - on where we feel at home
If our memories are positive ones, they can be accessed at any time for emotional reinforcement. If however, those old vestiges of identity are out of date and leave us feeling helpless, they must be faced and recognized as old thoughts and patterns, not current ones. We get to reintegrate the new knowledge and awareness of our true abilities once Mercury turns direct on June 3rd.
Jupiter in Aries 5/11/22
blastoff toward new horizons
Jupiter, the planet of abundance and opportunity moves into the initiatory sign of Aries on May 11th.
This Jupiter cycle will be a boon for all fire signs and those ruled by Jupiter - i.e. Sagittarius and Pisces. Yet, we will all feel very motivated in our Aries house for the next 11 months. (Everything about Aries is fast, including it's alliance with Jupiter). But, don't be fooled - a lot can happen when we are charged up and excited about life!
Selfishness can abound and this can take different forms. What society may decide is selfish may simply be a person not conforming to the status quo. If we are showing courage and aligning with our true selves, Selfish is the way to go.
And lately, courage seems in short supply, whether in the realm of speaking truth to power, battling injustices or dealing with our inner demons and weaknesses. However, we can reclaim our power and "will to be" over the next year and this will aid in destroying the limitations and structures that are no longer viable in our lives and societies.
Venus will have already entered Aries and then Mars at end of month, aligning with Jupiter and amplifying the feeling of immediacy.
We are going to need the energy of Aries to build the world anew (if we as a species are to survive the century). We can engage with the dynamic energy that is bequeathed us as divine beings and get to work creating a new life here:
ARIES - a total rebirth of self
TAURUS - a release from old fears
GEMINI - an entirely new social group
CANCER - pursuing a new career path or business proposition
LEO - taking a literal or figurative trip to better understand the nature of reality
VIRGO - developing deeper and more exciting relationships
LIBRA - attracting a fierce and energetic significant other
SCORPIO - a renewal of health
SAGITTARIUS - a scintillating new romance or creative endeavor
CAPRICORN - finding where you belong
AQUARIUS - organizing an entirely new community
PISCES - unlocking a greater sense of confidence
Let us welcome this blast of life force energy and allow and beginnings of a new more authentic self to emerge!
Lunar Eclipse Taurus/Scorpio May 16th at 25 degrees
release of old values
Last month we encountered a new solar eclipse in Taurus on 4/30 that pointed us toward a new chapter in our lives. Throughout the last four years of Uranus in Taurus, our values and old ideals have changed and we have broken free into a new paradigm.
The lunar eclipse on May 16th may reveal where we might be stuck in old patterns or having difficulty letting go of the past.
Invariably, we cannot go backward and this was probably made abundantly clear last month with more indications on Oct of this year.
Where might we still be mourning the idea of the old life?
ARIES - the challenge of determining one's own self worth, regardless of relationship status
TAURUS - letting go of the idea that one must have a significant other to be happy (or the type of person you believed would make you happy
GEMINI - releasing stubbornness to new strategies for life and health
CANCER - sensing that there might be more security and satisfaction in serving the world rather than one romantic or controlling partner, friendships might be more fulfilling in the long run
LEO - sensing that growing into maturity is healthier than remaining a child or stuck in the past
VIRGO - you find it healthier (altho sad) to determine your own version of world events rather than listening to friends and family's views as they have diverged
LIBRA - even if you have trust issues and have been burned, intimacy can heal your soul
SCORPIO- focusing on the other brings you joy, if not the loss of control
SAGITTARIUS - it's better to focus on the world in front of you rather than the hinterlands of spiritual escapism
CAPRICORN - greater intimacy and creativity is a welcome relief from always seeking outside professional validation, albeit unfamiliar
AQUARIUS - energy put into the home is surprisingly more satisfying than focus on your career, whether you've made it or not
PISCES - it's more important to focus on your own inner development than worry about the world's propaganda
Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn May 27th
dancing with the devil
And the vibrant energy is not without its challenges and will not go unchecked. Venus precedes Mars moving into Aries and the feisty feminist gets her comeuppance or deterrence from establishment Pluto in Capricorn. The powers that be do not like individuality and freedom so it is likely they will want to clamp down on ambitious undertakings.
Don't be impeded, even if stopped. The pressure for conformity is very high these days and those in power still hold sway. You can eventually work your way around the obstacle but it's good to know where you are going to encounter pushback and get prepared for the long-term battle.
ARIES - you are David and the establishment is Goliath
TAURUS - there's a desire for a spiritual breakthrough which may upend the religious ideals of your family
GEMINI - can you dive into new friendships/alliances without upsetting your status quo partner
CANCER - you'd like a new career but your significant other is worried about losing financial ground
LEO - you're possibly ready for a solo project, but it is likely there are still some group obligations to complete
VIRGO - you may desire more freedom in your relationship but it threatens the status quo partner
LIBRA - your significant other wants some space but it doesn't fit with your traditional values
SCORPIO - there is a thirst for new work but what will your friends say?
SAGITTARIUS - you're possibly ready for a new solo project, but it is likely there are still some financial obligations to abide by
how can you start a new project if it doesn't comport with corporate demands
CAPRICORN - you are looking for a change of scenery but you may stop yourself because it may seem irresponsible
AQUARIUS - even if you have great ideas, you may censor yourself because of past hierarchical judgement
PISCES - you'd like to take a different career direction but what will your established clients and peer group think?
So after some challenges and difficulties in the course of the current year, the presence of fire in the sky provides the impetus to go boldly into your desired future. We will all still have to deal with the ongoing abuses of power and challenges to hegemony, but we may be more bold and courageous in our words and actions. As the old world falls away, we need the powerful energy of the aligned will to make things anew.