While the most profound astrology any year revolves around Pluto stations in April and October, we end up dealing with the fallout or opportunity over the next six months. End of April hosted a Pluto station retro with a beginning solar eclipse in Taurus while in May we may have become despondent over the sad lunar eclipse mid-month. Mercury retro in Gemini has only exacerbated or unearthed old wounds.
Yet, these visitations from the past (or release from the past) serve only to clear the ground for a new life to begin. In the relatively short run, we will see greater manifestation of the changes initiated or released in November of this year.
And while Pluto and Uranus bring us to obvious crossroads, in the background Neptune in Pisces is continuing to confuse, misdirect or inspire. In the current reality, we are bombarded with so much information, yet so little truth. Do any of us really know what is going on in Ukraine, the origins of the pandemic, the nature of the proposed WHO global treaty, the impending climate collapse?
Instead, we are bombarded with the same disheartening partisan issues such as abortion and gun rights with a big side dish of celebrity gossip. While those issues are real and serious, the fact that the party in power seems powerless to change things is in itself an incredulous thought.
But, of course, we live in a Truman show world and Neptune is obfuscating the real destruction of technocratic and militaristic corporatism whereby a handful of companies and organizations dictate the political script.
We are here now to understand the true nature of the game and not be caught up in the matrix any longer. Yes, I believe we have to live in a split screen world in order to communicate with those in the consensus reality. But concurrently, we must awaken to our true powers as divine creators or simply "classic" humans and inhibit the goals of the transhumanist agenda. This is not about sci-fi predictions. The already merger of humans and technology via smartphones (in the hand), transitioning into wearables (on the body) into nanotechnology (inside the body and the brain) is well on its way. How far do we want to go and what will become of our natural selves in the process?
As Neptune turns direct end of month, on a practical note, we will discover previously hidden information or motives. We may gain clarity of a situation or understand there are nuances and bias. The best use of Neptune in Pisces is to craft a different narrative for your life, not from an ego perspective but rather from an alignment with your inner soul mission. While there are those who are attempting to design nightmares for humanity, we must counterbalance by creating beautiful and fiercely loving dreams for our future. We all have work to do and the main job is to maintain our humanity in the face of the madmen who would chose a hybrid reality over a divinely infused one - nature.
Jupiter/Mars conjunction in Aries (started May 30th - June 3rd)
enjoying the pursuit
As the month opens, we are galloping forward with new plans and goals thanks to the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in Aries. This energy is super charged for innovation, initiative, and favoring actions over words.
All of us got some clarity around the desired or necessary changes in our life in April and the acknowledgement that the old life had to end was confirmed during the lunar ending eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio on May 16th. We must cut ties with the past if we want to have a new life.
Thankfully, the above conjunction is just what the goddess ordered as we are bursting with the vitality needed to change course or ignite a new chapter, business, relationship, move or spiritual practice.
Utilize this energy for maximum effect here:
ARIES - re-emerge as a new self/professional identity
TAURUS - detach from fears and addictions
GEMINI - join or create a new social online community
CANCER - restart your career
LEO - open your mind to a bigger world, business overseas
VIRGO - doing a clean sweep of your romantic life
LIBRA - sparking your romantic life
SCORPIO - taking care of your health
SAGITTARIUS - falling in love with your creativity
CAPRICORN - becoming the patriarch/matriarch of the family
AQUARIUS - joining forces with like-minded people
PISCES - a new take on finances and your skills
Mercury direct 27 Taurus June 3rd
reframing your childhood
Just like January's Mercury retro had a reverb effect in repeating issues of the previous Jan-Feb 2021, our current Mercury retro in Gemini/Taurus continues or reintroduces issues/concepts from last May and June's Mercury retrograde period.
With Gemini, we are dealing with issues concerning truth and lies or an inability to make a decision. We may waver in our Gemini house and find ways to rationalize behaviors or encounters even if they do not sit well with our gut.
This Mercury retrograde period could have brought up stories regarding self worth which likely have their origin in elementary school, the Gemini period in life. We can certainly tell a new story now, particularly in light of the fact that society's values are in flux and (hopefully) transitioning away from materialism and status as symbols of importance.
Assessing the damage of false narratives, we can regroup and relearn what is most important in life which is a solid internal foundation and connection to the creative source. Then all things, material and immaterial. are possible.
What new (or ancient) values have you found yourself embracing that defy the childhood imprint of striving and superficial competence?
ARIES - the knowledge that you are capable of regeneration
TAURUS - just by being you, you are worthy
GEMINI - the realization that there is a solid force powering your life behind the scenes
CANCER - the awareness that you bring value to your group
LEO - the understanding that your are valuable to your professional higher ups
VIRGO - the epiphany that you are connected and can stand in higher truth
LIBRA - the sense of deep intimacy and richness in bonding
SCORPIO - the realization that you desire a solid partner
SAGITTARIUS - understanding the necessity of having a finely tuned body to hold the spiritual downloads
CAPRICORN - the inner knowing of the creative source
AQUARIUS - the realization that home is what you make it
PISCES - you can value your natural intuitiveness and connection to mother nature
Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (May 30th - June 13th)
exact June 11th at 28 degrees)
Some of the above awareness is courtesy of Mercury trining Pluto (communicating with soul). Pluto will unearth some of nature's secrets as well as her pain and trauma. Yet, with a benevolent understanding of struggle, we are able to transmute the difficult emotions into ballast for truth-telling.
In addition to reconfiguring your value system, what other epiphanies may be occurring in this period:
ARIES - you can reclaim your power back from authority figures
TAURUS - you are capable of deep thought and psychological introspection
GEMINI - you're less superficial or casual than you let on
CANCER - as much as you crave relationships, these may extend beyond a significant other and into the field of "the tribe"
LEO - understanding that your work is healing in nature
VIRGO - your journey to the underworld brings back
fertility and creative treasures
LIBRA - while romantic intimacy is important, having a sense of family may be more so
SCORPIO - while you may outwardly desire sexual or romantic conquests, you are more turned out by deep conversation and knowledge
SAGITTARIUS - the optimization of your health is positively linked to financial success
CAPRICORN - the deep acceptance of your co-creative capacity enhances your sense of self
AQUARIUS - while you now value home and hearth, your true home is the universe
PISCES - as you return to valuing your mind and words, you connect to a powerful community
Saturn retro in Aquarius 25 degrees June 4th
individual responsibility vs. technocracy
Since Saturn moved into Aquarius in spring of 2020, the spheres of technology and surveillance have only gotten stronger. Saturn reveals (as Pluto moving later in Aquarius will thunderously show) the strengths and weaknesses of a sign.
Aquarius deals with the future, with groups, collectivist ideology and technology. We need look no further than the ubiquity of social media and it's mixed bag of positive and unfortunately ill effects. And it's even more disheartening to realize that psychologists and engineers have colluded to make the online experience addictive and emotionally toxic.
Saturn also suggests boundaries and this is where we can take some responsibility in what we consume and consider a worthwhile use of our time (another Saturn word).
Alternatively, prior to technology, Aquarius was connected to the idea of universal love, suffrage and a beautiful "separate but equal" world view. That view collides with the notion of a regimented technocratic Borg future of social credit scores determined by an unelected bureaucracy.
Unfortunately many progressives are on board with the ESG goals which while, if authentic, would be admirable. The problem is that these ideas have been hijacked by corporatists looking to make a bigger profit at the expense of democracy and individual freedom.
We are and will have to continue to fight for the right for self-determination and tolerance of differences or we won't have the opportunity to create our own futures.
Where can we observe and/or take responsibility for insuring freedom for all?
ARIES - in our social media feeds
TAURUS - as a leader in your company
GEMINI - in communicating with those of different faiths or political persuasions
CANCER - in your business and financial dealings
LEO - in allowing creative self expression in your relationships
VIRGO - in your workplace
LIBRA - in disseminating your art
SCORPIO - in educating your family and children
to respect all
SAGITTARIUS - in communicating with friends and your local community
CAPRICORN - distilling your skills down to the most important ones
AQUARIUS - in simply stating your truth
PISCES - in detaching from old conditioning
Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini June 14th and Venus in Gemini June 24th
let's get social
As we reel away from the recent doozy of a Mercury retrograde, thanks to Mercury being in the sign of communications and our childhood, we may fail to appreciate the positive aspects of the sign of curiosity and the mind.
As the personal planets move from deterministic Taurus into flighty Gemini, our social lives may improve and we may seek out new friendships and experiences.
The best expression of Gemini is beginner's mind where one is open to consider new options to problems or opportunities. Most Gemini retain a youthful persona and you can count on your Gemini friends to be "in the know" about the latest restaurant, book, news topic or group gossip.
We can all take a respite from the heaviness of the world and enjoy a breezy exchange with our favorite Gemini cohort.
Where might you delight in some light exchanges and new encounters:
ARIES - with friends in your neighborhood
TAURUS - in considering new marketable skills
GEMINI - in being the life of the party
CANCER - in detaching from old fears
LEO - online or at group gatherings
VIRGO - with coworkers or clients
LIBRA - in foreign travel or educational settings
SCORPIO - with your intimate partner
SAGITTARIUS - while dating or meeting new friends
CAPRICORN - at work or at the gym
AQUARIUS - with your children or lover
PISCES - at home with family
Geminis keep us on our toes and it is wonderful to revel in a cavalcade of new information. It will take time to sort it out and in the fall we can focus more on whether the ideas or suggestions have validity or staying power. Enjoy the conversations and the inspirations they spark as you see the world anew!
Neptune retrograde at 25 Pisces June 28th
sharpening the focus
clarity coming into view
At the end of the month, some of the manic merry go round of news stories may slow down. But with an election cycle coming up, probably not totally so.
Yes, we can peer through the chaos and understand the deeper stillness underneath. In order to live in the world right now, I think it is necessary to view life through a split screen of the reality matrix and the larger spiritual backdrop.
There are unfortunately nefarious forces in the science and biotech industries that would like us to simply exist in their non-physical or synthetic worlds and as the decade advances, we will see the battle between unaltered biological humans and synthetic, hybrid or AI become the main focus. Do not be swept away by the promise of a digital life at the expense of your true divine humanity. The body is sacred and is our vehicle for spirit and no alteration or improvement is needed in our human design. It is only freaks and spiritually disabled people who believe we should be upgraded by technology, not understanding that we possess innate magical technology (hardly tapped) to heal ourselves, manifest bodily and creative integrity.
So our development of our creator given intuition and guidance system is crucial in these times and the greater your linkage to spirit the stronger you will be in the war for your physical survival.
For those with the stomach to investigate this proposed dystopian future, I invite you to read the work of Allison McDowell and her website https://wrenchinthegears.com/author/wrenchinthegears/
Where can we connect to a deeper sense of self and the multiverse (not the meta verse)?
ARIES - through meditation and dreams
TAURUS - in sharing your future goals with others
GEMINI - in forgiving father and authority figures
CANCER - through literal or figurative travel
LEO - in deep intimacy
VIRGO - in acceptance of others
LIBRA - in getting in touch with your physical temple - your body
SCORPIO - in communion with your art
SAGITTARIUS - in securing your home
CAPRICORN - in accessing your inspired thoughts
AQUARIUS - in sharing your prodigious skills
PISCES - in taking off the mask and being real
It is not time to be squeamish and keep our heads in the sand. With dramatic changes to earth's ecosystem, those in charge believe they need to divide and conquer the last remaining resources, including human energy. There is enough to go around but this does not fit with a scarcity view, especially when our systems falsely rely on exponential growth. The growth we need now is that of spiritual courage and creative action. Use the freshness and force of Jupiter in Aries to propel us into a more conscious and conscientious world!