Even though it's the summer season, the Aries initiatory energy will be strong all month long. Not only is Jupiter firing up in the sign of activism and individualism, but likewise Chiron will be retrograding in the same arena on July 18th. We are halfway through the Chiron journey of healing and self-discovery or "rediscovery" and many of the recent events have brought up old trauma or reactivated the wounded healer in us. The active outcry re: the Roe v. Wade decision does set us back but it is concurrent with a renewed vigor for the fight for women's rights and bodily autonomy. Not that there isn't hypocrisy all around regarding what behaviors or mandates we want to have imposed.

Mars is violence and while I believe many of the school shootings are orchestrated - or the result of pharmacological and mental health issues - these tragedies are front and center. There is no need for assault weapons in a civil society unless that society is fighting for its sovereignty. But military grade weapons are a passe form of control as we are now bombarded with radio wave frequencies, electromagnetic and nano particles and very sophisticated forms of propaganda and behavior modification. Guns are a last resort of primitive control. The powers that be would rather they harvest our data and energy than outright kill us.

Yet, however horrific the tragedies of distorted violence are, pent up frustration must be expressed. We all must get in touch with our Mars function because it is the agent through which we accomplish things and or display courage. Action is required to change things, not passive forms of resistance on social media. But one of the main forms of liberation and independence is to remove our fascination and attachment with power and privilege.

The beginning of the month reveals how negatively or unfairly the power elite operate. The Mars square Pluto aspect presents a David and Goliath scenario against a monolithic power. While we may be distracted by culture war issues - and they are important - there is a larger more invisible form of domination and control occurring everyday with our submission to patriarchal ideologies, primarily capitalism and consumption.

The 4th of July weekend will be rife with pro - abortion marches and certainly chaos and disorder may occur. The use or rather misuse of force may be evident to those participating so it is imperative that protesters remain calm in an emotionally volatile situation. In our ordinary lives, we may find our fuses are short and may observe more interpersonal conflict and pushback, particularly by corporate or institutional forces.

How do we use power wisely? Are we motivated by fear or compassion or righteous rage? And even if apparently noble, are we recognizing how political forces seek to divide and conquer? Left and right should unite in the arena of bodily sovereignty and this means the freedom to chose or refuse any type of medical intervention, especially if directed by corporate state institutions. We know the powers that be are corrupt to the core and while it is cartoonishly evident with bought and paid for Republicans, the same is true for democrats. The cognitive dissonance regarding progressive values and freedom is enormous. Equal rights for all include the rights of those who disagree with you, even if racists, sexists or anti-scientism, scientism being the new secular religion. Extreme left and right are simply opposite ends of the same pole of totalitarian fascism and the forcing of one's ideology onto others against their will or preference.

It would behoove us to learn to nurture ourselves and those around us and this includes tolerance of the different shades of humanity. The progressive agenda, if pursued authentically, is a benevolent and expansive one. But it has unfortunately been coopted by corporate forces to usher in a world that actually goes against any notion of humanity and its conscious evolution. So in this time of Aries, try to steer clear of labels and camps because those hinder our individuation and self-actualization, the necessary cornerstones of true independence.

Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn July 1st and 2nd
power struggles of import and impact

As we begin the Independence Day holiday weekend, fireworks may occur in the realm of social, political or personal relationships. Mars has renewed vigor to "fight the power" and seek individual freedom.

Yet, those in power - the elite, the government, military and corporate entities - are not interested in sharing their hegemony. Hence they may come down hard on dissent and or support the power line. The fact that Amazon and CVS will be limiting the sale of the morning after pill in response to the recent unfair ruling of the supreme court shows that the corporate/fascist state is alive and well.

Where might we feel the urgent need to push against authority figures? We may not win but we must make the attempt to speak truth to power here:

ARIES - in your dealings with professional organizations

TAURUS - in the battle for what you believe

GEMINI - deciding whether friendship or sexual intimacy is more important

CANCER - noticing that partners may hold us back, particularly around our career goals

LEO - how can your grand beliefs be integrated into your everyday boring life?

VIRGO - do your children (real or creative) demand more attention than our partner, or vice versa, some ultimatums may be cast

LIBRA - your family of origin is demanding attention that steals time from your significant other

SCORPIO - how to satisfy and not disappoint co-workers and friends, there is competition for your attention

SAGITTARIUS - the desire for creative self-expression or fun bumps up against financial obligations

CAPRICORN - you need some space from family demands 9 particularly a tyrannical parent

AQUARIUS - everyday conversations fail to go as deep as your more conscious self desires

PISCES - there is a competition between time alone and that spent with friends, follow your own path

Chiron retrograde in Aries July 18th
a healing reprieve

As mentioned, we are midway through a 4 year transit of Chiron through Aries. For those in their early 50's, they are experiencing a Chiron return where there is a chance to integrate the original wounding. This wounding is the result of not being seen for who one truly was. Hence, depression and rage are oftentimes the outgrowth of such personal history. Yet, we all have an Aries house of self-determination and Chiron travelling through there will unearth previously suppressed instances of rejection or lack of acknowledgement by significant others, starting with parents.

Since 2018 we have been on the journey of awakening to the power of our anger if expressed healthily. If the original perpetrator is no longer available or refuses a confrontation, one can still release these difficult feelings through movement, exercise, process work, creativity, sex or activism.

Suppressed rage can manifest physically as migraines, strokes, head injuries and brain inflammation. It may not be a coincidence that so many of the issues regarding covid and/or vaccine reactions manifest in inflammation and strokes because most of us have some pain, frustration and despair around our ability to express our true selves. Fear creates conformity .And as current times seem to demand more and submission to the mob (on whatever side), we are going to notice more instances of emotional conflagration.

Yet, despite these awarenesses, the retrograde of Chiron on July 18th will bring a little pause to the constant need for "fixing" oneself. You can take a step back and see how much progress you have made to date in becoming your more authentic self in this area of life:

ARIES - acknowledging that you are angry (can seem silly for the firebrand sign but oftentimes anger manifests as depression or addiction)

TAURUS - realizing you are not a passive individual, you burn deep with passion

GEMINI - allowing yourself to veer from the crowd brings you back to self, doesn't matter what others say or how they perceive you, particularly on social media

CANCER - grasping that your father was very angry and may not have expressed this feeling in healthy ways - under or over emoting might have been his modus operandi

LEO - noting how religion or cultural values of your tribe may have suppressed your natural identity

VIRGO - registering that you have deep anger regarding a romantic relationship, particularly one where you over gave

LIBRA - becoming aware of how damaged your previous partners had been, you may have projected your anger on to them to preserve your "civility"

SCORPIO - you may not correlate health issues, particularly digestive or elimination ones, with repressed rage and control

SAGITTARIUS - reigniting your natural exuberance and sense of adventure, you are willing to take romantic or creative risks again

CAPRICORN - mom did a number on you and your self -esteem was deeply impacted by her criticism and shame

AQUARIUS - the awareness that your shyness or communication problems were the result of feeling misunderstood

PISCES - realizing you submitted to other's concepts of you and this has cost your financially

The Chiron epiphanies can oftentimes be excruciating because you realize how much of yourself your gave away or shut down in order to please the original bully/authority. But as they had coopted your power, you were neutralized and deactivated. Getting in touch with you anger about this repression will unlock a volcano of energy and emotion, the likes of which can be channeled into more productive means, particularly in alighting your personal spark of genius. This is the work of the alchemist and there is no better time than now.

Jupiter retrograde in Aries July 28th
simmering tensions

And while Jupiter is always positive regardless of its forward or retrograde motion, the efforts expended in the last few months may be allowed to slow down for further percolation. As with all of the other energy in Aries, there is a forcefulness and willfulness to the proceedings. Ideally we are looking at righteous actions aimed at freeing oneself and others from restricting circumstances.

Jupiter will turn direct in the fall so take some time to collect your thoughts and observe where your efforts will most bear fruit later in the year here:

ARIES - the reemergence of a new self with new goals

TAURUS - you've slayed a lot of internal dragons, it's okay to coast for awhile

GEMINI - perhaps you've gained some new followers or a new core group, let these relationships develop before starting new ones

CANCER - the new career objectives you've been creating need some time to develop further

LEO - as your new philosophy/world view is evolving, take some time to gestate these different ideals

VIRGO - an intimate partnership has begun, allow for slow progress in its evolution

LIBRA - there is one new person in your life who's quite exciting, don't be scared by the intensity, it will find its equilibrium shortly

SCORPIO - you've embarked on a new lifestyle change, give it time to reap the rewards

SAGITTARIUS - there is an exhilarating opportunity for greater creativity and love, you can take the summer off to contemplate the next step

CAPRICORN - you're looking at home and family life in a new way, perhaps a new residence or relationship with mom is on its way

AQUARIUS - you may be able to communicate the next phase of human evolution better than most, you can relax for the next few months before
getting back at the wheel

PISCES - there are thoughts of new ways to make money, these can be initiated in the fall, for now let them develop

As I have written many times before, we are in the midst of grand historical cycles, ones that includes the resolution of three significant periods in American history.

The U.S. Pluto return, exact December 2022, instigates the need for a new course correction for this country, one that advances the original intent of freedom and liberty for all. Of course, there are forces, one both sides, that would prefer the status quo and are pressing hard with all of their tools - including psychological and biological ones - to keep us locked in division and fear.

If we think that only one side is evil, we are caught in the matrix game. Both sides play and exchange their parts as designated villains while retaining the control of the narrative. We must wake up beyond this devilishly destructive ploy. Additionally, we are reprising the Civil War era where the inequities must be rebalanced. The woke agenda appears to demand more equality but it is still couched in ways that will not disable the original inequality of powered money elites and the rest of us. If we are fighting black and white battles we are being played. Don't punch sideways, punch up at who yields and directs the conflict from afar.

Lastly, in more recent decades, Uranus in Taurus is rewinding us to the 1930's with all of its positive and negative manifestations. Fascism is the obvious one - and remember Nazism was a distorted form of socialism and other isms have also failed miserably. Ecological suicide is no longer localized as it was during the Dust Bowl era, and we must all learn to live on a finite planet.

So in closing, there are actually bigger issues than gun control and Roe v. Wade, however potentially individually life-threatening they are. They disappear in comparison to environmental collapse which will affect all of humanity. So despite the rage these issues engender (and we can still fight) it behooves us to also focus on the biggest threat of all as no planet, no people. The reality is No planet = no guns = no culture wars. Resisting the techno fascist military industrial pharma cabal - i.e. government as usual - is way to save all of life and then we can go back to politicking as usual. That is the freedom worth fighting for on this most important of Independence Day!