March 2023 horoscopes


The month of March will mark the ingresses of two very powerful planets into new signs.  On March 7th, Saturn will move into Pisces for a 2 1/2 year period, while Pluto will barrel into Aquarius on the 23rd for a 20 yea stay. This marks an entry into a new stage of human evolution and societal upheaval.

Saturn in Pisces is a smaller more regular transit, having occurred in recent times in 1993 - 1995 and 1964 - 1967.  If you are older than age 30, you would have experienced this transit before albeit possibly from the vantage point of observer (as a child).  Saturn will reveal the limits of a sign and in Pisces, it will be the lack inherent in current spiritual and religious philosophies as well as disillusionment with celebrities and medical professionals.  All of these groups have certainly earned our disdain or disappointment (Saturn words) in the past few years and it will become evident that they do not have the knowledge or information to assist us in very novel and turbulent times. The focus of New Age entities on "positive thinking" at the expense of integrating the shadow is one such reality that will hit us all in the face.  More traditional religious organizations have already lost integrity and respect, more due to Pluto in Capricorn, deconstruction of the patriarchy.  This era will force us to either seek other healers and gurus or more importantly, seek the wisdom/guru within.

Pluto into Aquarius is a longwave transit that will delve into the dark side of technology, the so-called Black Mirror episodes becoming everyday reality. The egregious overreach of technology and technological authority into our lives -censorship, containment, restrictions, de-platforming, already happening under Saturn in Aquarius 2020 - 2023, will become even more rampant in the years ahead.

The promise of the internet has now turned into the perils of online life. Additionally, biotech, body sensors, MRNA technology will become ubiquitous to our detriment and that of the natural world.  The notion of installing sensors in everything - appliances,  communication devices  and FOOD point to a more circumscribed and poisoned world.    AI is positioned to eliminate many professions.  Geoengineering, weather warfare, DEW and the like may become the poisoned norm.

Another manifestation of Pluto in Aquarius will be the tyranny of group think, already evident since Trump entered office and more strongly imposed during the era of covid.  And if you think only the right wing are fascists, think again.  We see attempts to make climate change the latest boogey man to strip people of rights and livelihood while not addressing the environmental destruction posed by chemical, fossil fuel, big ag, military installations and the aforementioned denied climate engineering.  Where were all the star environmentalists when it came to East Palestine's corporate imposed disaster?

Usually when larger planets like Saturn and especially Pluto enter a sign, there is a small event that will give us a sense of what the transit will embody over the ensuing years.  So pay attention to what shows up mid to end of March as indicators of what we may personally and societally be dealing with over the next 2 years through the next 20 years.

We will clearly be on new terrain in evolving or devolving consciousness and additional impetus will be provided by personal planets moving into Aries and the resolution of interpersonal conflicts that arose end of 2022 due to Mars retro in Gemini.

The future that unelected leaders - bankers, corporate executives, think tanks, the military , the biomedical security state - want to impose on us is a cybernetic one - the integration of biology with technology.  Unfortunately, this will likely entail the destruction of biology, humans and the environment. If you believe you are a creation of god/universal forces rather than a scientific experiment, it's time to wake up and join forces with other human-minded souls.  We do have the natural technology to heal and grow and our courage and heart intelligence will be required to fend off the dystopian world that ungodly forces would like to install.

Venus/Jupiter/Chiron in Aries Mar 1st +2nd
healing anger and resentment

Evolution is rapid when planets are in Aries and this month there can be healing around love, value, abundance and self-esteem.

At the top of the month you may be encouraged to face and overcome feelings of unworthiness here:

ARIES  - your self image

TAURUS - handling addictions

GEMINI - your place in social groups

CANCER - your career aspirations and abilities

LEO - your educational status

VIRGO - your fears of intimacy

LIBRA - power in relationships

SCORPIO - ability to heal

SAGITTARIUS - capacity for true love

CAPRICORN - the sense of ever feeling at home

AQUARIUS - your ability to communicate

PISCES - financial savvy

Saturn into Pisces March 7th
loss of faith

Saturn in Pisces, beginning on March 7th, will bring light the sense that your old life is over, yet a new period has yet to be embraced or understood.

Saturn is always travelling somewhere so there is no need to be terrified of its arrival.  However, it does affect different signs more strongly than others based  on where it is moving.  In this instance, the mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sag - will be more likely affected.  Stop putting your faith in the wrong people, dreams or institutions as they will no longer fulfill you. And, it is likely that you have already succeeded or completed what you needed to do (or, if not, given it the good fight).  

Where will you find the need to become your own guru and counselor:

ARIES - in facing your "karma" and fears

TAURUS - in speaking your truth in groups or online, even if a party of one

GEMINI - at work, this also can indicate the ending of a career or job OR receiving the promotion/title and working extremely hard

CANCER - in your spiritual education

LEO - n financial matters, particularly in business and investing

VIRGO - in your relationship

LIBRA - in healing yourself, your health journey

SCORPIO -  in romantic affairs, what you do really want?

SAGITTARIUS - in deciding where home is, this could involve a move or eventual sale of home

CAPRICORN - in discerning who are your real friends

AQUARIUS - in selling your skills  

PISCES - in defining yourself, probably time for a new chapter

North node at Taurus 5 degrees early in month, presaging lunar eclipse Oct 28, 2023
what has real value?

The transitting north node at any time is pointing us in the direction of growth, even at the expense of letting go of South Node attachments.  Since January 2022, the nodes have been in Taurus/Scorpio, the axis that deals with values and self-worth.  Of course, money and sex come into play as well as how complicated or clean our financial arrangements are.

And, as certain degrees are more highlighted than others, they can be used as predictive tools for future happenings.

The north node will be travelling at 5 degrees Taurus the early part of the month and this degree will be active again in a solar eclipse in Oct.  What does this mean? That potentially decisions you are making now will lead ot new beginnings or changes in the fall in the specific area below:

ARIES - your finances

TAURUS - how you are perceived in the world

GEMINI - your handling subconscious material

CANCER - your future goals

LEO - our ultimate work

VIRGO - writing, teaching, travelling

LIBRA - business dealings

SCORPIO - a serious relationship

SAGITTARIUS - issues with your health

CAPRICORN - in your creative or romantic life

AQUARIUS - in your actual home 

PISCES - your role in your local community

Sun/Neptune in Pisces square Mars in Gemini  March 13th - 17th
also at degree of Jupiter/Neptune conjunction last April
deciphering the confusing message

While the heaviness of the Saturn and Pluto ingresses will overshadow lesser transits, we still do engage with more ephemeral or mystical essences as we are multidimensional beings.

Any Neptune aspect can inspire or confuse but it is a balm against hard "reality".  

Mid-month, the Sun in Pisces connects with Neptune in Pisces (dreamscape) while squaring Mars in Gemini (double-talk or potential superficiality).  The Sun/Neptune conjunction actually highlights last year's magical Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of channeling new creations, only to be second-guessed at by Mars in Gemini.  If you can quiet the chatter (similar to what you were dealing with during the late fall into January) the larger vision can start to form.  Don't let worry get in the way, this is a long term evolution of consciousness.

Where might your bigger dream feel derailed (temporarily)?

ARIES - the peanut gallery/naysayers want to shoot down your big dream of group unity

TAURUS - your fear of money or self-worth may stop you from sharing your vision in larger circles

GEMINI- don't talk yourself out of your brilliant career move

CANCER - it may feel that old judgements and shame prevent you from healing yourself from trauma

LEO - even if your partner questions your idea, it will receive support in the larger world

VIRGO  - someone important worries about your taking a big chance with career - do it anyway

LIBRA - your fear about practical matters gets in the way of expanding your mind or taking a trip/writing a book

SCORPIO - the financial investment in your dream may scare you

SAGITTARIUS - your old family patterns do not have to get in the way of a new relationship

CAPRICORN - don't let daily obligations overrule your big idea, you can adjust to include both

AQUARIUS  - while you'd like support for your project, you can still do it alone

PISCES - the naysayer is your mom, not you so keep going forward with your vision

At the end of the day, your dream is worth holding on to.  The small doubts are most likely the remaining thoughts of childhood limits and so you can be gentle with these worries but realize they are phantoms and move forward anyway.

Sun into Aries Mar 21st/Mercury into Aries Mar 20th/New Moon 0 Aries
radically new beginnings

If publishers were to offer a calendar that reflected the astrological new year, it would begin on March 21st, rather than the Julian calendar date of Jan 1st.

The spring equinox is the actual energetic start of the new year and this year it is accompanied by a New Moon as well.  (I normally do not comment much on monthly new and full moons because generally they do not has as much impact on our lives as the overabundance of writings suggest).  Yes, supercharged New and Full Moons, i.e. eclipses will have radical impacts but it is likely you would not remember what you did or what happened on the new moon, full moon of almost any month outside of that.

That being said, when aspects overlap, in this instance the equinox world axis degree along with a veritable new moon, the energy is amplified and in this instance, it's all systems go in whatever area of life is most greatly impacted.

Where will you be given a burst of energy to initiate new projects:

ARIES - your self-presentation

TAURUS - your clearing of old patterns, particularly related to family karma

GEMINI - your social engagement, online presence

CANCER - your professional life, ability to take charge

LEO  - brainstorming new ideas

VIRGO - business endeavors

LIBRA  - a new chapter re: relationships

SCORPIO- renewal of your health

SAGITTARIUS - activation of your creativity

CAPRICORN - creating the home your desire

AQUARIUS - speaking your mind  

PISCES - making money, potentially with a new skill

Pluto into Aquarius March 24th
technological tyranny

While this transit will be evolving - and our understanding of it - over the next 20 years, we will most likely get a taste of its impact once it enters the sign on March 24th.  What could this be?  A cyber attack, an EMP, nuclear war, medical malfeasance?  In all cases, these could be set ups for more technocratic control via surveillance, censorship, travel restrictions, CBDC's etc.

And because this is a transpersonal transit, unless it is touching your chart directly at this time, it will be experienced as a general witness, rather than a direct personal event. (Those will planets or points at 0 degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio OR Aquarius, however - could see massive shifts in their lives).

The overarching theme is one of technology ruling our lives, possibly in ways that are abusive and harmful.  Additionally, if you do not think like the dominant group, you may be rejected - or worse, i. lose your job, travel privileges, etc.

Yes, this is potentially dark but we have incarnated now to potentially fight the biggest battle of our lives - the battle for our individual human souls.

Where will you see or experience the biggest effects of this transit?

ARIES  - in your online communities, politics and censorship

TAURUS - in your work practices, technology forcing you to work differently

GEMINI - in your travel or communication options 

CANCER - in your intimate relationships, money/investments

LEO - in how  technology takes over your relationships

VIRGO  - in your work life, may affect your job 

LIBRA - in how you express yourself creatively, romantically, does technology help or hurt

SCORPIO - in where you feel at home or where you feel like an alien

SAGITTARIUS - in how you communicate, in your community

CAPRICORN - with your money or salary

AQUARIUS - with how you are perceived, are you ideas accepted?  

PISCES - in your deepest fears/misgivings of science fiction made treal

Mars into Cancer March 26th
active nurturance

While again less powerful than Saturn or Pluto, Mars' ingress into Cancer is a welcome relief after 6 months in confusion-riddled Gemini.  The Mars retrograde in Gemini did have us unwittingly looking back to childhood and our perceptions of relationships, family history, reality.  But it could have been annoying as old stories, resentments, feuds were resurrected.

Mars had turned direct in January and will now finally exit Gemini and enter Cancer where the focus will be on giving and receiving nurturance. Any of the "human" signs will be necessary allies against the technocratic "army" and those who are motivated to be caretakers will be necessary in terms of healing and emotional sustenance.

Over the next few months, there will be a strong impetus to take care of others here:

ARIES - at home with your family

TAURUS - in your community, with your siblings

GEMINI - managing your money

CANCER - focus on self development

LEO - inner work

VIRGO - in social circles

LIBRA - at work

SCORPIO - in spiritual groups

SAGITTARIUS - with your intimate partner

CAPRICORN - your significant relationship

AQUARIUS - your co-workers  

PISCES - your children

We will have to look to the more personal human signs - Aries through Scorpio - to offer "protection" against the Aquarian transhumanist agenda.  The societally focused sign of Sag can give us perspective and a different vision while Capricorn can provide leadership.

If you still don't think anything is about to change, let's check in again in April when the first "missile" will have been launched in the fight for an unadulterated humanity.

There are seismic shifts up ahead and we will all be called upon to show integrity in our own unique ways.  Disentangle from old attachments and fantasies and look clear-eyed at what is at stake if we remain on the current "blind leading the blind" course.

You incarnated at this time to either serve in the elevation of mankind or fall prey to weakness and ego-based desires.  Your clarity and strength are necessary in the battle as we end one world paradigm of externalized power and abuse and build another one where the shadow has been finally integrated and healed.