Last month was an astrologically powerful one with changes that will reverberate in years to come.  While it may be too early to discern what the major storyline will be, we, at the very least, understand we are entering a very different terrain.

Certainly the financial markets are in flux, with a guaranteed downward turn in certain sectors over the coming months.

Most of us are living in the fantasy of the American dream that has actually died in the last 40 years and we are surviving off its zombie carcass.   Prepare for leaner times which will devastate some and allow others to step into their destiny.  This may actually provide an opportunity for personal growth as we focus on developing relationships and skills over accumulating money and consumer goods.

The mainstream media continues to overwhelm us with unnecessary fears and distractions.  The battles over technology and freedom rage, but they are cartoon versions of actual reality.

For instance, while Congress is wresting over the safety of TikTok, they seem to "forget" that all apps and social media companies are spying on us all the time.  The xenophobic outcry is a bit hypocritical.

Yet, the concern over the ubiquity of technology is real. One battlefront includes AI and its potential to overrun society, destroying livelihoods and mentally enslaving others.  A number of futurists, including Elon Musk have sent out a plea to stop AI progress for 6 months to investigate its destructive potential.  Musk may be slightly disingenuous here with his Starlink satellites and Neuralink patents (is he just afraid of losing market share?), but his worries are nevertheless justified.

As we head into late spring when the first Pluto station occurs on May 1st, we will be provided with a snapshot of the challenges ahead.  Aquarius relates to "the people" and so uprisings and populist movements could thrive at this time.  A writer's strike is poised for screenwriters in Hollywood.  Even more importantly, general strikes are continuing to be called in many western European nations, some set for April 23rd, zeroing in on the date of a brand new solar eclipse of independence.

Can we expect the second French or American revolution?  As authoritarianism becomes more rampant around the world, it may not involve jackboots as much as ever-widening technocratic or bureaucratic control.  So yes, there is a movement to decentralize power and pursue more local governance.

This requires us to take on the role of responsible citizen and raise our gaze away from our screens - the source of brainwashing - and engage in actual conversations and physical meetings.

The revolution is one of finding the soul and integrating the egoic shadow.  The seven deadly sins are alive and well in modern times and we can all be manipulated - oftentimes through social media - into unsuitable or destructive behavior if we are still hooked into these portals.

So a long road ahead with the beginning shots being fired end of this month, early May.  Consider your future and that of humanity and take right and courageous action in the face of fraud, corruption and abuse.

In the meantime, we will bathe in the sunlight of Aries and fire and focus on the most life-giving, life-enhancing actions possible.

Mercury and Sun into Taurus
reality check

The month starts off blazing and potentially contentious, but as we ease in the second half of the month, at least in our personal situations, may be more languid and pleasure-seeking thanks to the energy of Taurus.  Taurus is always a stabilizing influence after the turbulence of Aries but as we are in the midst of societal upheaval, the rest may be short-lived and temporary.

Yet, in this brief moment, seek out a more natural and sensible approach to life here:

ARIES - getting real with your finances, slow down

TAURUS  - step into the sunshine and enjoy yourself

GEMINI - spend some time alone to honor your thoughts and feel your feelings

CANCER - enjoying time with your friends

LEO  - realize your work is valuable and appreciated

VIRGO  - consider vacation or education plans

LIBRA - find time to be with your intimate partner

SCORPIO - ease into your relationship a bit deeper

SAGITTARIUS  - focus on eating right and taking care of your body

CAPRICORN - nuzzle with your lover

AQUARIUS  - decorate your home

PISCES - catch up with friends

Mercury retrograde in Taurus
reevaluating what's important

We will have four Mercury retrogrades in 2023, the first of which happened at the beginning of the year.  This second one may be the most profound one of the year as it occurs alongside a solar eclipse and during the first Pluto retrograde station in Aquarius.

As Mercury will retrograde in Taurus, we will also revisit the changes that have been occurring on our Taurus house more or less for 4 1/2 years courtesy of Uranus changing the nature of Taurus.

So as we are 2/3 of the way through the full Uranus in Taurus cycle, this retrograde can be a revisiting of what we have been negotiating internally or externally these past few years.  This is review time and you may notice how changing values affect your response engagement in these areas of life:

ARIES - the retrograde occurs in your 2nd house of money and values and how you see your talents will determine how you express yourself and the work your seek
TAURUS - the retrograde occurs in your 1st house of self and how you perceive yourself will affect your salary requirements and your romantic encounters

GEMINI - the retrograde occurs in the 12th house of your subconscious mind and depending on how you've dealt with old patterns, you can see changes (or not) in your home life and sense of self

CANCER - the retrograde occurs in your 11th house of future goals/social groups and depending on changes within or among your tribe and associations, we could see a different community affiliation and way of addressing old wounds
LEO - the retrograde occurs in the 10th house of professional life/father and if you are approaching work differently, you can also see changes in income and professional connections
VIRGO - the retrograde happens in your 9th house of spiritual life/travel/higher education and if your thinking has undergone a revolution we can also see differences in your personal identity as well as the work you do
LIBRA - the retrograde occurs in your 8th house of sex and business partners and growth or elimination here might ultimately affect your view of the world and the way you handle your fears and addictions
SCORPIO - the retrograde occurs in your 7th house of relationship and changes here could certainly determine your future goals as well as your financial nestegg
SAGITTARIUS - the retrograde occurs in your 6th house of health/lifestyle and by focusing differently in this area you attract different work and partnerships
CAPRICORN - the retrograde occurs in your 5th house of romance/creativity and new ideas/experiences in this realm advance or restrict your political/spiritual views as well as your approach to daily life
AQUARIUS - the retrograde occurs in your 4th house of home and in seeing your mother/children differently or in making a move, you will notice an improvement/devolution in your financial assets as well as your creativity
PISCES - the retrograde occurs in your 3rd house of your mind/community and as your mental state changes, you may also see improvement/devolution in your relationships and home life
This delineation of Mercury retro is much more complex and detailed than I normally present, but every retrograde involves the movement through a particular house and its effect on the houses it rules.  Normally, it is much too complicated to explain unless in a personal reading.  But as our Taurus houses have been very active for some time, I felt it was important to point out how multifaceted even a "small" transit like Mercury retrograde can be.

Solar eclipse and 29 Aries on April 20th
following the desires of your soul

When one delves more deeply into astrology, one notices particular degrees being activated in succession,  One timeline will lead into another and we can understand the unfolding cyclical nature of life.

One degree - 29 Aries will be hot over the next few years.  We will be made aware of it's power initially on the solar eclipse on April 20th where we begin a cycle around independence and initiative. This last degree of the fire starter warrior will ignite powerful drives and the will be to free.  Wherever it is located in the chart, we can expect some excitement and potential drama.

Later in the summertime, mid July, the nodes of karma/dharma will move from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra, setting off this degree. The focus will move away from financial matters and more to relational and even legal ones.  Whatever may be initiated end of this month will see further growth and development after July 17th.

But it doesn't end there.  Neptune (planet of dreams and intuition) will move into Aries in 2026 and arrive at the last degree in 2037. This suggests that a new paradigm dream of the future may begin in the seeds of now. 

So no pressure, but act with courage and integrity when presented with choices end of this month.  Rather than elect the pragmatic option, it is best to select the most expansive and adventurous possibility instead.

It is most important to chose life and the authentic desire nature in order to overcome the inertia of an encroaching cyborg reality.

You will be given the opportunity for fresh beginnings here:

ARIES - a new identity and mission

TAURUS - an ability to erase many fears and phobias

GEMINI - on social media and in groups
CANCER - with your career

LEO - developing your spiritual strength and philosophical voice

VIRGO - in your intimate or business connections

LIBRA  - in establishing a healthy and exciting relationship

SCORPIO - in your work life

SAGITTARIUS- in your creative or love life

CAPRICORN - the creation of a family home

AQUARIUS - in your local environment

PISCES- in your ability to make money

Aries is the sign of courage and initiative.  Even in the face of difficult odds, one must find the strength and confidence to move forward.  Let this fierce eclipse provide the ballast for a new chapter in self-expression and entrepreneurship.

In an increasingly technocratic future, the fate of mankind lies in our retaining and taking full advantage of our humanity.  As divine beings in a human form, let us grow into our true nature and ability to channel universal will in our uniquely destined way.

Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 31st
surprising twists

We have a bit of a showstopper end of month that can go one way or another.  There could be new beginnings based on very difficult emotional situations, dealing with endings and loss.  We may also experience quick separations and/or breakthroughs/meetings at this time.  Once again, the Taurus house is implicated so here is where the action will be taking place:

ARIES - regarding money

TAURUS  - you present or see yourself entirely differently

GEMINI - you awaken from your slumber

CANCER - you are drawn to new people online

LEO - you have a brainstorm around your career, unexpected change initiated by a woman

VIRGO - you have an epiphany about the state of the world

LIBRA  - unexpected changes in your financial investments

SCORPIO - a chance encounter or surprise separation

SAGITTARIUS - a health breakthrough
CAPRICORN - a creative epiphany

AQUARIUS - changes in the home

PISCES - you see things from an entirely new perspective, unexpected insights from a woman

Now what will determine whether these changes will be positive or negative? That is based on your consciousness and ability to alter your perceptions/values to certain events/stimuli that have occurred in your life. Generally speaking, if you have let go of the old patterns/thinking, it is likely that you will see improvements in your circumstances.  If you have failed to heed the call for change/renewal, you may find that holding on to something outdated will make you more miserable, fearful and stuck in decaying circumstances.  When Uranus comes into our life, we must alter our perceptions and values to do homage to the god of change.  WE ordered it, even if we feel it is a surprise, so do justice by making yourself more free in the process.

The end of this month and beginning of May may be somewhat rocky and/or exciting as we approach the first Pluto retrograde station in Aquarius.  This could be a moment where the domestic or international financial situation is set into tumult or we are visited by a scientific breakthrough and/or disaster.  

This is just the beginning so get ready to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. In all cases, retain your humanity and integrity as these will be the countervailing forces against a technocratic coup. Focus on developing inner security regardless of what is happening to your job or bank account. Whatever leaves is no longer part of your journey and what arrives in its place is the road to start travelling on.