Okay, so it has begun. Pluto's entrance into Aquarius has brought to light several disturbing trends. One, that our government lies to us and that our media is complicit. The former role of journalists was to bring truth to light, to fight powerful entities. Instead, they are the real gatekeepers to the powerful, suppressing the truth and tarring the whistleblower.
Recent Twittergate hearings and the outing of a Pentagon leaker show that the powerful would rather destroy the messenger than even look at the message. In these instances, the messages are that Ukraine is losing the war, the U.S. is actively on the ground there and in the case of the Twitter Files, social media companies colluded with government to suppress the truth re: covid policies, vaccine safety and virus origin, Hunter Biden and election fraud.
In other news, classified documents have finally surfaced that President JFK's assassination was orchestrated by the CIA and yet no major news outlet covered it except for now deposed Fox News' Tucker Carlson. When did the roles of liberals and conservatives get reversed? Liberals previously were in favor of government transparency and the so-called conservatives were formerly Deep State allies. Now the Democrats are in bed with the spooks calling for censorship on the grounds that "disinformation" is harmful to our democracy.
Who decides what is true and false? The media gatekeepers who are owned and controlled by metastasizing financial institutions who in turn make money from their controlling shares in pharmaceutical and military corporations.
In the now unravelling psyop that was covid, "Died Suddenly" or of unknown causes are the medical establishment's denial of the perils of experimental injections. All the countries that pushed for strong vaccine uptake are experiencing large numbers of excess deaths after the rollout of the program. mRNA vaccines are being injected into conventional livestock around the country.
Deepfakes - a humorous one being the photo of the pope wearing a large white puffer jacket - and voice alterations of a Leonardo diCaprio U.N. speech are making the rounds. These techniques will become more and more sophisticated over time and it will be hard to distinguish truth from reality.
That is, unless you are deeply connected to your spiritual center. If strong in that alliance, your heart center, you will be able to overlook, dismiss and overcome these at times nonsensical, at other times, dangerous attempts to confuse reality and illusion.
Saturn in Pisces can be revealed in the character downfall of Dalai Lama, Yes, and at some point, Donald Trump has to fall from grace with his remaining acolytes. Those who claim salvation are the least likely to provide it.
This may all be happening to turn us back to Source. A very simple and profound statement as our external reality is a scrim, a Truman show. We must reevaluate our world view and understanding of social, philosophical, cultural and intellectual trends. It seems the smartest people - academics, scientists, thought leaders - are the dumbest of all as they seek to place abstract theory over reality. The modellers for covid infections first and environmental disaster next are all working with abstract mathematical figures and very few of these people have real world or clinical experience. It is time for experts to get their hands dirty and be directly involved in their field of expertise rather than spouting diktats from on high. Same for all of us - get involved tangibly with your work, your food, your garden, your children, your education, the material details of your respective field.
Being grounded in the body and centered in our soul will be the way to overcome the delusion, listlessness, facelessness of the borg. It is a call to be truly human and in touch with one's feeling nature but with an eye to empirical truth (certain agreed upon verifiable facts). Post modernism, post structuralism, moral relativism have taken their toll on disenchanting society and destroying all objective truths. But we know there is such a thing as natural law and the natural response of a healthy human being. Disgust, rage, despair, curiosity and joy are all part of this existence. So is living in the body and not only in the head or on the screen.
Pluto retrograding in Aquarius May 1 - 2nd
first battle
The first shot across the bow of obvious global tyranny may be evident at the beginning of the month due to the first retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius on May 2nd. Could it be the egregious overreach of the World pandemic treaty? Are we looking at WW3? Tensions in the Middle East? (On this point, what is happening in Sudan)? Devaluation of the dollar?
Any of these things are possible and while they may not affect us directly, they are a sign that the global power alliances are shifting. There is a movement away from unipolar hegemony with the U.S. and the petrol dollar at the center of it. Now, with the Brics alliances, we are evolving into a multipolar world with China, Russia, India and Brazil taking their place at the table. War will not save us, the U.S. In fact, it will lead to a quicker demise. Note the path of previous empires - Rome and Great Britain - and their colonial overreach and subsequent collapse.
Another Plutonian topic is the advance of AI into all areas of our lives. Do we truly want a cyborg future as the transhumanists salivate over? Or do we wish to grow in human consciousness and alignment with universal forces instead?
For us individually, unless we have planets or angles at the first degree of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio, these topics may have little direct bearing on our lives.We may only be observers in the evolving play.
Yet, we can get a sense of where our lives will be changing dramatically over the next two decades depending on where Pluto will be transiting in our charts.
Where might you have a reckoning or realization regarding shifting power dynamics? How will technology impact your life?
ARIES - in your social media groups, is my tribe changing?
TAURUS - in your professional life, will your job be automated in some way?
GEMINI - in your level of education, what skills may you need to learn to operate in the new world?
CANCER - in your financial life and investments, or partner's money
LEO - regarding the status of your relationships
VIRGO - with changes in the work environment or with your health
LIBRA - with the development of your personal creativity
SCORPIO - in deciding where you want to live
SAGITTARIUS - in discovering how to communicate more effectively or realizing the downsides of censorship
CAPRICORN - discovering you may need to develop new skills or charge differently for your services
AQUARIUS - you may have a chance to gain greater power and visibility, provided you are an authentic version of yourself
PISCES - understanding that there are larger invisible energetic forces, how to defend against evil
This month's awareness will eventually impel you to make choices in the years to come. On a personal level, whatever difficulty may have arisen does not have to be fully addressed again until the fall. So note what form the boogeyman is going to take and spend the summer working through or around the challenges.
Jupiter in Aries inconjunct Neptune in Pisces also May 2nd
energy deflated, enthusiasm swallowed
Jupiter in Aries (May 10, 2022 - May 17, 2023) has helped us initiate new projects or consider a different direction for our lives. You may momentarily be floored or lose energy when the fire energy is drenched by the waters of Neptune/Pisces, which could show up as victimhood. As this is happening on the Pluto station, try not to take things personally or to heart. It just shows that there are bigger cycles and effects at play and these may need to be considered in order to achieve your dreams.
Where might you feel a bit stymied and hence, need to chill out for a moment:
ARIES - you lose steam as old fears overtake you
TAURUS - your personal beliefs about what is possible may run into resistence by your tribe
GEMINI - you have great ideas about your future but feel the obligations of current work, or fear it is not possible
CANCER - you may want to start a project independently but don't always have the belief it will succeed
LEO - you've discovered a new way of seeing the world, yet partners, personal or financial put a damper on these ideas
VIRGO - you are ready to invest in a new area but your partner is uncertain about your choices
LIBRA - you and your partner are enthusiastic about starting fresh but daily obligations seem impossible to overcome
SCORPIO - a new health plan interferes with your sense of self, you are doubtful of your ability to change
SAGITTARIUS - you have some great new ideas for art or a potential new lover but then worry about where you might live to accomplish these things
CAPRICORN - you want to begin a new chapter regarding your family but siblings are not supportive
AQUARIUS - there is energy to begin promoting a new idea but you worry about how to get paid
PISCES - you are excited about developing a new talent but have doubts about your follow thru
Now, compared to the Pluto station, this minor aspect is very short lived and more descriptive of internal doubts rather than actual reality. And while Neptune can correlate with weakness and depression, it can also dissolve the obstacles (the secondary doubts) over time. Disregard the undertow but understand that it represents some long-held identification with victimhood and illusion.
Lunar Eclipse Taurus/Scorpio 14 degrees May 5th
how have your values changed?
As we are wrapping up the journey of the nodes in Taurus/Scorpio (they will change signs in July), we are experiencing the last of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses as well.
Since 2018, we've begun to see things differently and find we no longer hold certain people, things, ideas in such high esteem or importance. We are adapting to a new reality whereby the old material goals may not longer satisfy us, while new possibilities and adventures await us.
Scorpio relates to our attachments and potential need to control events and people. While Taurus understands that they need or want to change, Scorpio may feel that others are forcing them to do or become something else.
The drama involves what we need in order to feel secure and this has become more evident in the last 2 years.
We may now see how our new philosophical, material or political views will have affected our lives:
ARIES - you may have become more financially independent or no longer need the assistance or approval of others; if still seeking that, you may be disappointed
TAURUS - you are realizing that self-actualization and independence are more important than codependent relationships
GEMINI - you are gaining greater faith in god and hence less worried about health and work matters
CANCER - as you are joining new groups, you may find that old relationships or the type of romantic you used to desire are changing
LEO - you may be chosing a different career path and this may influence where you live
VIRGO - you are seeing the world through a more holistic lens and hence may not be able to identify with old friends and relations who may inadvertently want to hold you back
LIBRA - you are learning how to trust and partner with others and can leave the lone wolf fears behind
SCORPIO - you are attracted to a different kind of partner and you are letting go of the old you in the process
SAGITTARIUS - as you take better care of your health, you notice your mental health may be improving as well
CAPRICORN - you are open to different types of creative expression which may mean you no longer are in sync with the old crowd
AQUARIUS - your home life has dramatically changed and with it your old career goals
PISCES - as your voice and beliefs are evolving, you may feel less attachment to earlier religious or philosophical ideologies
Mercury turning direct in Taurus May 14th
a new sense of worth
What did you learn about yourself these past few weeks when Mercury retrograded in Taurus? More than likely, you have discovered that you have updated your previous views and values to be more in alignment with current times. Since Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, we have been dealing with changes, separations, epiphanies in our Taurus house. Mercury retrograde may simply have brought to light how much you have changed in the past few years.
Hopefully, you have greater regard for your talents and perspectives and may be seeking stability in different forms from the traditional ones of making money, buying objects and hoarding resources or communications.
In an ideal scenario, we would like to see growth here:
ARIES - renewed sense of self esteem
TAURUS - a greater acceptance of self
GEMINI- an ability to handle difficult emotions
CANCER - in your social groups, political leanings
LEO - in your professional life
VIRGO - in your spiritual perspective
LIBRA - in your financial outlook
SCORPIO - in the strength and quality of your relationships -
SAGITTARIUS - in your health endeavors
CAPRICORN - in your creative output, with your children
AQUARIUS - in your home life
PISCES - in your ability to speak plainly and truthfully
Jupiter into Taurus May 17th
overflowing abundance
Our newfound understandings, courtesy of Mercury direct in Taurus, can be implemented and boosted by the presence of Jupiter moving into Taurus for the ensuing year. This is one of Jupiter's best placements when it comes to financial wealth and it may, in a birth chart, signify coming from or marrying into money. This person also has the capacity to amass a great fortune even if born into poverty.
Now, as has been discussed above and in other missives, Taurus values have been undergoing a sea change. So, while Jupiter in Taurus may still speak to attracting money and luxury into one's life, it can also now relate to purchasing or improving land, natural resources and stable commodities. Your wealth may be based on your connection to nature and to real life physical relationships.
Whichever way you roll, you can expect abundance in this area of life:
ARIES - your salary
TAURUS - your confidence in yourself
GEMINI - your ability to slay fears
CANCER - more friends and connections
LEO - career opportunities
VIRGO - education/ knowledge, luck in legal affairs or publishing
LIBRA - financial gains, particularly through investments or partnerships
SCORPIO - your partner is doing better financially
SAGITTARIUS - your health
CAPRICORN- your creative output, a chance at romance
AQUARIUS- the acquiring or decorating of a home
PISCES - an ability to reach people through your writing or speaking
Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius May 18th 0 degrees
clash of titans, earth and air
What has value in these current times or in reality? Pluto in Aquarius will show us the power and limitations of technology. Jupiter in Taurus will reveal the wealth inherent in nature and biology. Of course, the technocrats want to destroy any vestige of natural life as their forays and assaults to our bodies (via pharmaceuticals and vaccines), our environment (through poisons and pesticides), to our food (via gmo's and glysophates), to our climate (via geoengineering and weather modification).
It is time to see these for what they are - assaults on natural life and the natural world. It is known that many vacinologists and scientists are atheists. Many technology gurus believe in and welcome the singularity - the complete merger of biology with technology.
If you have children or want them in the future, you must consider and fight to prevent this overreach into the natural integrity of our bodies and evolutionary development.
While Jupiter in Taurus will be a short one year transit, let us gather and relish what mother earth has generously offered us freely and unadulterated and eschew technological upgrades to our perfectly functioning biology. You'll find the conflict may occur here:
ARIES - you notice your opinion may be at odds with the group
TAURUS - you may have a different idea about your role in a company than the management
GEMINI - personal intuitions may be denied by so-called experts
CANCER - your idea of the future may not mesh with that of your partner, unfortunately finances may also be involved and they hold the key
LEO - you may want to venture in a new career path but everyone including partner is opposed
VIRGO - you'd love a chance to travel but are tied down by work
LIBRA - you may want more sexual adventure but the responsibilities of home and family may intrude
SCORPIO - your partner needs some space but they are held tightly to home and family obligations
SAGITTARIUS - you'd love to change your work schedule but may feel guilty or pressured by peers to continue as is, also fear of automation
CAPRICORN - there is a desire for personal expression but you've got to pay the bills
AQUARIUS - the needs of home may interfere your need for personal transformation
PISCES - your intuition is high but the matrix wants to clamp down on your individual viewpoint
Mars enters Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius May 21st
the individual vs. the borg collective
As mentioned above, Pluto is a transpersonal energy and so if it is not directly impacting a planet or personal point, we may be observers of societal change, rather than participants or "victims". Yet, on a smaller scale, we oftentimes experience the positive/negative energy of raw power or abuse.
On the 21st, Mars in Leo (personal pride, expression) will run up against larger technocratic forces (Pluto in Aquarius). This is our own little lesson on where we may be having issues with our personal desires and how they align with overarching impersonal trends:
ARIES - you have an idea for a project but fear that it will not be accepted by your peers or on social media
TAURUS - how you'd actually like to live your life is affected by the pressures of your boss or job in light of new developments
GEMINI - you have a personal view of a situation which may not be on the same page as political or cultural groups support
CANCER - you may want to explore a new skill or way of making money but it does not fit with your financial future (which is changing as we speak)
LEO - you're getting angry at how impersonal the world has begun in its rejection of new ideas
VIRGO - you may be afraid to speak up about your worries or fears as you may be rejected by coworkers
LIBRA - there's a lot of drama in the news but you'd rather focus on your personal transformation
SCORPIO - changes in your home life may prevent you from being selfish in your career pursuits
SAGITTARIUS - you have some new ideas but are afraid of being shunned by your friends who seem to be too politically correct
CAPRICORN - you may want to invest your money differently but it goes against the current status quo
AQUARIUS - your partner may be a bit pushy and doesn't realize how big a change you are going through
PISCES - you are surrounded by narcissists who don't seem to understand that the world is changing dramatically
It's a dynamic time to be alive and an important one. Class, religious or political divisions will pale in relation to the largest fissure of all - the path of our collective futures. What does progress entail? Does more technology mean more progress or more enslavement? It all boils down to who is in charge.
Many people failed the test of covid and succumbed to the now verifiably false narrative. More of these psychological operations (unrestricted warfare by our own military) will be coming down the pike in the guise of climate restrictions, financial directives, limits to travel and assembly. If you don't want to live in a cubicle eating fake food and mating via test tubes, you must awaken to the tyranny at hand. We won't need quarantine facilities if our minds are behind bars and screens. In this time of Taurus and springtime, commune with nature and her magnificent abundance. Stay grounded in your body which is the material conduit to center and hold the divine here on earth. No one and nothing should get in the way of the connection or we lose the plotline and our humanity.
So let us access our heart centers to show the way and support those who believe in the inherent dignity of man over the vision of a technocratized commodified whole.